《Marvel Wild Fiction》I am IronMan


Jay ran away not because Iron Man or the police but because there also SHIELD agent coming and he can, with his super hearing that, there is also agent Coulson.

One of SHIELD best agents and Nick Fury's right-hand man for many important missions, including gathering important figure for the Avenger initiative.

The plan that Nick Fury, director of SHIELD started since the he meet Carol Danvers in 1995.

While it wouldn't be that bad of an idea to join the Avenger, but there many drawback to it, one of which is freedom.

The events follow age of Ultron; the Sokovia Accords was brought out and divide the Avenger into fighting each other. If possible Jay would want to stay out of it.

So he chooses to avoid a meeting with SHIELD, at least for the time being.

The morning after the Obadiah Stane incident, Tony Stark is going to give a press meeting addressing the issues. Jay and Charlotte is eating breakfast and discussing about the news coverage.

Tony Stark standing on podium starts speaking.

"There's been speculation that I was involved in the events that occurred on the freeway and the rooftop..."

He is interrupted by one of the reporter, Christine Everheart, one of Stark many one night stands.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, but do you honestly expect us to believe that there was a bodyguard in a suit that conveniently appeared?"

"Well, it is one thing to question the official story, and another thing entirely to make wild accusations, or insinuate that I'm a superhero."

"I never said that you're a superhero, rather what is your relationship with the 'Phantom' that has been fighting criminal in New York recently? There was some security footage that shown he saving miss Potts and solving the giant robot"


At the mention of the guy from last night, Tony gets a little annoyed.

"Is that what he called? That sounds so cheesy does he also own an opera or something? And my relationship to him? A passerby, even without him my suit could have easily deal with the situation"

Coulson behind the stage tried gesturing to Tony to stick the script that he has given, but his action was in vain, Tony continues.

"The truth is... "

Tony took a look at the crowd, at his assistant / love interest, Pepper, his friend Rhode, before saying a line that will forever change history and unknowingly kick start a new era.

"... I am Iron Man"

The crowd went dead silence before erupting. Tony just walks down the stage without a care for them, walking past a helpless Coulson.

Jay who just watches the live broad cast began to prepare for the next step.

That night, Tony Stark mansion.

Tony who just got back from having dinner with Pepper call out to his A.I butler.


A cold mechanic replied back.

"Welcome home, sir"

This is when he notices a figure standing in his living room, and as if on cue the figure began to talk.

““I am Iron Man" you think you're the only superhero in the world? Mr. Stark you become a part of a bigger universe, you just don’t know it yet”

“Who the hell are you?”

At his questioning the figure began to walk out, revealing a tall black man with an eye patch dress in full dark leather clothing.

“Nick Fury, director of SHIELD, I’m here to talk about the Avenger initiative”

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