《Sanctuary Within Entropy》Chapter 10.


A fair distance away from the Rock-fist Tribe, several black-robed figures were standing still in an almost in a stand-offish manner. In front of them a 20-meter distance away, the Priestess and her two knights were looking at back them.

The two knights emitted a killing intent as if those in front of them were their greatest enemies. The Priestess looked indifferent. "Has your master taken an interest in this child?" She said with a calm tone.

The robed figure at the front replied straight after she finished speaking. "Our Patriarch will be taking this child in today, anyone who gets in our way will be killed with no mercy," This man said with no hesitation. He was exceptionally loyal and not afraid of the three in front.

"Is that right? What if I want this kid?" A voice drifted from a distance, in the air moving a large boulder downwards with wings floated down, atop it a man with a grey beard as long as a half-meter wearing eastern themed cultivation attire, he looked as if he were several hundred years of age. Still, the presence he gave off was one of mystery.

"Anchor lord? What are you doing here? This is quite far from your territory." The Priestess suddenly spoke up, she wasn't at all frightened by the robed figures words and more so ignored him, she was, of course, a little surprised at this mans appearance.

"I would be a fool to ignore such this. I need a successor and what better choice then this fine talent. You both though, are mistaken if you think he is leaving with either side today" As he spoke, he began to pick his right ear with his right hands pinky finger not showing any worry.

There was an odd silence after the Anchor Lord had spoken. Yet as this silence lasted a few more seconds, another voice drifted over seemingly from all around. "Wow, wow! why is the tension here so heavy haha!"

A mist had formed as an individual with half the face of a boy, and the other that of a girl, more so strange he had two dots on both cheeks made his way out. In his hands, a green snake curled as he was petting it. This odd youth wore what noble children in a medieval era might choose, obviously liking fashion. Even going as far as to use makeup as well.

A disgusted look appeared on the Anchor lords face "Little cretin you are biting off more then you can chew by showing up here, why don't you go crawl back to whichever hole you dare show up from."

The youth looked at the anchor lord with a broad smile and laughed. "Ah, big brother Zuzi Why so mean to me? Aren't you still mad about that time I tricked you? hehe"

The anchor lords face began to twist and contort as a savage aura was building up around him. He truly felt great hatred towards this individual no doubt it was because of personal circumstances.

The snake in the youth's arms suddenly raised its head and looked towards the anchor lord, its head tilting to one side as its mouth opened into a wide smile with rows of sharp teeth, it also began to show the same ferocity.


The atmosphere had once again become quite tense with the four sides facing off but now was not the time to fight because more sides were appearing.

"May the God of Eyes bless you all" a tender feminine voice drifted across the wind. A circular gate had formed out of nothingness, opening up in the form of an ethereal eye. A lady stepped out, covered from head to toe in fabric with patterns across it.

The fabric covering her face was relatively thin. One could barely make out that although she was no doubt a peerless beauty, her eyes were closed. The fabric covering her face had an eye symbol across it that emitted a soft blue glow.

The figure beside her, had his arms crossed almost in a mummy position, chains across his body except for his legs. His head covered by a large leather mask with a similar eye across it.

The looks of the other four sides suddenly became serious even the cheeky youth stopped smiling and showed an annoyed yet cautious expression. They all carefully looked towards this girl and the individual with her.

"Your cult sure has some guts to show up in this place, are you not worried everyone here and in hiding will attack you in one fell swoop?" another voice had spoken, a man making his way out from the nearby forest.

Behind his back were two large swords sheathed with what looked like runic talismans etched upon them. This man had long black hair in a ponytail to his upper back. He wore a circlet and armour that didn't appear to fancy, but when he had spoken up, the others looked just as serious as when the previous two had appeared.

The lady's lips under the thin fabric curled into a gentle smile. "Dear Emissary, we only wish to spread our teachings in peace. We can only protect ourselves from those who want to harm us. This child is a blessing from the God of eyes for us. We humbly ask you all not to fight with the Church of Vision for him."

All sides didn't take what the women said seriously no doubt she had spoken these words for formalities sake she would be an idiot if she thought this would work.

"We won't be leaving without this child today. Our master has given us orders. Alive or if need be dead." one of the shadowy robed figures spoke.

The youth suddenly laughed and replied. "Come on now I need him dead too, the body of one blessed by the heavens is the perfect nourishment for my little Snakey here" the youth softly gave his snake another soft pat on the head.

"You dare treat my future successor as nourishment for your pet? I should behead you were you stand." The anchor lord yelled out in anger. No doubt pissed off with this matter.

"Our mountain of light will be able to raise this child down the proper path so he will become a future Emperor of light to bring hope and peace to these troubled times, I truly hope you all can not make things difficult for us" the Priestess replied with a solemn tone knowing things were difficult.


"Mountain of light? I apologize dear elder sister, but your teachings are heresy I still hope you can see the truth with your eyes or at least let me show you the truth with the church of vision. Only we can help this child bring a beneficial future to everyone within this realm, we have seen it!"

the lady spoke revealing that the Priestess was in truth her elder sister, no doubt a complicated history between the two. "That won't be happening. You need to return. This region is under my care" The so-called emissary spoke up.

His words, of course, had made no real difference to the situation every force here had incredibly powerful backing; otherwise, why would they dare openly show themselves here.

They all began to bicker back and forth without worrying too much about those hidden around who weren't as powerful but possibly either hoping for a good show or something else.

As time passed on the anchor lord grew a little impatient and suddenly spoke. "Bah...This is a waste of time...Why am I wasting my breath with you all..." He spoke up before suddenly giving his rock a palm hit. It began to quiver and ripple like water as an odd stone club was raised out of it.

The club seemed carved out of a giant boulder itself, but it gave off an incredibly ancient feel. "Now your talking haha!" The youth also looked a bit excited, his pet snake suddenly moving off his arms and going behind him as it began to grow, its body morphing to look more so like an abomination as spikes and various appendages started to protrude from its body.

All the forces here began to prepare and take up arms no doubt there was one way to settle things, the strongest would get the child. Those from the Mountain of light appeared a bit solemn "If we fight have you not considered those innocents that may lose their lives in this conflict?"

The shadowy figure scoffed then laughed as he replied. "Then go save as many as you can, they should feel honoured to perish by our hands" seeing it a different way.

"--Dear sister, I do indeed agree why don't we join forces. To help minimize it all--" the veiled lady replied with a telepathic method to the Priestess who seemed a little sickened by the thought of teaming up, but honestly she didn't want innocents to perish.

"She is right. You all want to cause damage to my region. I ask that we fight it out somewhere else" The man with the two swords behind his back replied. More so then the lives he was worried about the damage to the terrain.

"Screw that!! So someone can steal my prize?!! We fight here!" the youth with the half male and female face spoke and was about to initiate an attack, but as they bickered a squeaky mechanical sound was heard in the distance.

They all suddenly stopped and turned to look at what was coming from the shadows of the forest, a young boy wrapped in bandages using his hands to move the wheels of a wheelchair with some effort towards the group.

"Ow... That hurt more than I thought" the boy began to talk to himself as he made his way closer and closer, all the forces were stunned by this boys appearance they could tell he had no power or anything it was just so weird.

"Hello!" the boy uttered, it was Zenith who had made his way here using his methods while Nelel was running back. "Could I ask you all to please leave? I have something good going on here. I don't want any trouble" he spoke gently.

"What the fuck?" the youth with the large snake looked oddly at Zenith his face a bit contorted with disgust as this strange scene was playing out. "A little kid cripple wants to tell me what to do? "

Though he wasn't a peak expert for no reason he didn't act rashly how strange was it that a cripple suddenly asked them to leave and not cause trouble to a group of experts, he knew why they were here, and where they were.

"Interesting." The Priestess looked curiously at Zenith with a thoughtful look as if she had discovered something new and shiny. "Who are you?" the man with the two swords asked, his eyes narrowing as he glanced at Zenith.

"Well, the one, you guys, are after is my half brother. It would be pretty good for him to be taken in by one of you guys. Except for you and you." Zenith pointed towards the shadowy figure as well as the youth then spoke "You guys should probably leave. Especially you. Looking at you is making me feel sick." Zenith spoke also taunting the youth.

"-He was not foretold to be in this meeting? Strange...-" The veiled women looked oddly at Zenith as well. It seemed she had some prophetic abilities most likely due to her backing. Her eyes behind the veil opened to reveal they were like mirrors that reflected everything in front. She looked at Zenith and began to utilize an ability to peer into him.

Yet as she did, Zenith suddenly turned to her and whispered in a hushed tone. "You're quite daring arent you." The tone of his voice soft on the outside, yet to the veiled lady it sounded as heavy as existence.

Everything behind Zenith suddenly darkened, as a pair of bloodshot eyes stared dead set on the veiled lady as if it was peering back at her. The energy-intense. Though it seemed only she could see this.

"AHHH!!" she screamed and fell to her knees as blood began to run down her eyes and nose no doubt a massive backlash. The figure beside her glanced at her then suddenly glanced heavily at Zenith. The leather mask opening as a largemouth formed with an eye the size of a fist inside. It roared as the chains loosened then dashed towards Zenith with blinding speed.

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