《Sanctuary Within Entropy》Chapter 4


From a distance, one could see a strange looking caravan more so suited for earth's medieval era, of course, this caravan was odd in the sense that it also had large bone spikes protruding around it, possibly for protection against creatures that might attack.

At the front holding the reins, was Zenith's father, looking incredibly gloomy as he was leading the caravan forward via said reins. A massive creature that looked like a mix between a lizard and a horse was the pulling force at the front.

The caravan had now left the estate nearly a day ago. Turning his head to peek inside, he saw his child laid within a fur cradle, beside him, the older women keeping an eye on the newborn, not too far from her. The young girl was asleep.

"To think I as village chief would be unable to bring back my wife or protect my newborn son's honour," the man thought to himself, as things turned out, his wife was not with him. He wanted to stay longer to wait for her to recover but was kicked out and threatened with force if he remained.

His wife, of course, seemed to be quite ill after giving birth to Zenith. Even though her son was born, she was unable even to hold him once and only managed to speak a few words. At the very least she would receive good care over at her family's estate.

He closed his eyes for a moment. He could feel the soft breeze rifled through his messy silvery hair while his rough beard kept the current at bay he seemed lost in thought as he and the others within were heading back to his village.

"God's tell me where did I ever go wrong? Who did I ever wrong in this life to be punished like this. Is my son truly a demon? Is this the rule of the heavens to keep us mountain folk separated from those with noble blood? I never once mistreated my love Miana" The man sighed to himself, Miana of course, was his dear wife and Zenith's mother in this life.

He began to reminisce back to that day he had met her. "That day was not one I would expect that I Arnon, future Chief of the Rock-Fist tribe would fall in love with a female of the outside and a noble at that." his eyes seemingly shut again as his memories drifted to an easier more fun time.


A wild hog sniffing around the earth's soil was foraging, looking for food, though wild hog was more of an understatement as this thing looked as large as a lion with tasks that shined like tempered steel, the forest it was looking for food in was full of life and the sounds that came with it.

"Hrnk hrnk..." The creature made grumbling sounds whilst looking for food. It suddenly went quiet before it raised its head and looked to its side, its dark eyes looking into the darkness covered by dense forest life.

Suddenly a large spear flew out, making a massive sound. It pierced through the side of this large hog like creature penetrating 2/5ths of the length of the spear, showing just how great the strength behind its throw was.

"WREGHH!!" a mix between a scream and a hog in pain caused birds to fly in fright from its painful squeal. A young man stepped out of the darkness this individual looked like a younger Arnon but only by four or five years. His beard more so a stuble at this point.


"Still alive? damn, that's annoying. " Arnon held another spear and scratched his cheek with his fingers while glancing at the sizeable boar-like creature that now looked at him with a deathly gaze.

The creature seemed to go berserk as it charged at him with adrenaline rushing through its body, seemingly ignoring the wound. Arnon's brows furrowed he dodged once, and after doing so, the large boar began to try again and again.

Arnon showed his proficiency using the smallest of movements to avoid any hits, this would also tire the boar out, but he knew it wasn't enough, so he had another trick. He suddenly stood still.

The boar kicked the dirt with its hind feet before charging again towards Arnon. It began to reach closer, six meters, five, then three then one until it reached Arnon.

Arnon suddenly jumped up with quite a feat of strength managing to jump as high as 3 meters to grip a tree branch while the boar smashed into the tree he stood in front, causing it to quiver a little before the creature fell stunned and dazed.

The bark of the tree was serrated and had flown off showing the strength of the creature and more so its tusks. Arnon wasted no time as he let go and used the momentum of the fall to ignite his power with the remaining spear, he used both hands before ploughing the spear directly into the back of the creature's neck right into its spine.

For an average human, this would be incredibly difficult, but Arnon's strength seemed more incredible than the average adult human. "Easy kill," he spoke with pride while twisting the spear to make sure it was indeed dead. The creature dropped flat on its belly, Arnon removing both spears and glancing at his kill.

"Now to bring it-.." his voice cut off as he heard a scream in the distance of a women in distress. Arnon blinked he knew the only women around these parts were his clan, and he would never let anything harm a clansman. He gritted his teeth and rushed towards the source.

His figure blowing past the trees at superhuman speeds it seemed if he wanted to, based on his speed alone he could have outmatched the boar and killed it quicker.

After reaching nearby, he found a spot to see what was going on. He was a little surprised. "is that?" he spoke two words then remained quiet, he saw a caravan that was well crafted tumbled onto its side with its right wheel broken off and a large dent on the visible side, it had been ramed by something large and robust.

Around there were the bodies of several armoured men with limbs missing or even bitten in half. Against the carriage were two girls, one older and with a firm look on her face, but if one looked closely, they would see she had traces of fear. Her previously pristine white dress now covered with blood and dirt from the battle.

She was hugging a girl who appeared younger than her by a few years and was crying with fright as she cuddled up against her. They looked almost identical with long blonde hair no doubt sisters.

Where the fight was happening, on one could see an older middle-aged man no doubt a knight, the armour he wore dented, his face bloody as he was panting hard.


His right hand wielding a sword that was crackling with electricity while his left hand was giving off a soft yellow and green glow while he had it pressed onto his left torso to heal a wound.

"Lady Miana, Lady Sanaya, you both need to get away from here as fast as you can and hide, your father will send reinforcements once you don't return to the camp."

"What....about you Lyon?" Miana asked with worry. "Lyon, the wounded knight, sighed as he glanced at what was in front of him" I'm a level to low to face a four-Tusk Behemoth I can try and by time...." he suddenly glanced at the enormous creature in front of him.

The creature covered in grey fur mixed with moss, its arms massive in size as it was hunched over. Its head seemed similar to a mammoth, but its eyes were not visible. On the left and right side of its mouth were two tusks each that were no doubt durable, the tips sharp like knives but now covered with the blood of those it had killed.

Under one of its enormous arms a knight it had crushed, the creature opened its mouth and emitted an almost petrifying high pitched sound that seemed like laughter. one wouldn't expect a sound like this to come from an animal as large as this Behemoth.

"You cursed thing..." Lyon seemed irritated he knew some details about the Behemoth and how, although it wasn't the smartest it liked to mock its prey and take its time killing them to show it was a ruler.

A creature like this couldn't cultivate an Aetheric core to improve its body unless it was a level higher, though this didn't mean the Behemoth wasn't bestowed by nature.

Its physical strength was still incredibly high; this would be a counter-balance for survival against other creatures. The Behemoth suddenly lunged forward toward Lyon with enormous force, its movement shaking the ground.

"Damn." Lyon uttered if he moved the two girls would be in its path, he decided to go head-on and clenched his teeth before speaking "Barricade of Earth."

He spoke whilst removing the hand he had on his wound that had yet to heal. The glow of yellow and green suddenly turned more so grey and brownish as he pressed his hands against the ground in front of him.

The ground began to shake as a wall made of earth with a width of a meter yet length of 10 meters raised from the ground that rippled like water. In less than a second, the wall formed. The Behemoth though didn't stop at all and in fact, rushed forward before slamming against the wall.

This wall of the earth began to crumble bit by bit as the Behemoth started to rip it apart, it raised one of its hands back and suddenly punched through the wall managing to reach Lyon's left arm.

Lyon grimaced in pain as he was feeling his arm crushed by the Behemoths grip. He raised his right hand and roared out "Radiant Slash!" The crackling of lightning on his weapon became a resplendent light that shined brightly and cut towards the creatures arm.

A pained shriek sounded as the creature pulled its arm back with great force while also grabbing Lyons arm, ripping it right off him as he crumbled to the ground "Rarrgh!!" he roared in pain and fell to his knees, loosening his grip on his sword to clutch his stump to try and lessen the bleeding.

The creature backed away and threw Lyons arm to the side as it looked at its claw-like hand there was a deep half that cut an inch in, it had never faced pain like this before.

It suddenly looked up to the sky, its eyes becoming visible as its mouth opened to reveal human-like teeth. It suddenly roared with great anger that almost made the land around quiver. This Behemoth was mad.

"Sir Lyon!" Miana rushed over after leaving her little sister, she made her way over to Lyon and raised her hands to heal his wound. "Lady Miana you need to escape do not worry about me!" Lyon uttered, but Miana shook her head. "You are like a second father to me. I won't abandon you."

She then looked towards Sanaya and shouted out. "Sister go find a place to hide!" Sanaya, of course, was quivering. Fear made people dumb; she didn't know what to do and instead went over to the other side of the toppled caravan.

Miana looked bitter at her sister's actions. She couldn't blame her for not thinking straight. Heavy footsteps began to sound out as a looming shadow appeared over Lyon and Miana, the Behemoth blocked out the sun as its breathes emitted steam, its beady eyes visible and bloodshot with anger.

It raised the claw hand that was not wounded, preparing to end them both in one move. "Father...Mother, please forgive this stupid daughter of yours." Miana didn't give up as she continued healing Lyon's injury.

Right as the creature was about to bring its arm down, in the distance hidden at the trees Arnon entering a throwing stance. His muscles began to compress slightly then began to quiver and bulge as the armour and fur he had tightly fitted began to crack and distort due to the bulging of his muscles.

He placed his right foot back and kept his left in front, both feet planted firmly in the ground that began to crack. The spear in his right hand sliding back along with his right hand.

He gritted his teeth as he was focusing all his strength while preparing the spear, which had its tip directly pointed at the Behemoth. A moment later, he released the spear with a throw that broke the sound barrier and caused the bush around him to shake and some shrubs to even be torn off by the shockwave.

The Behemoth suddenly quivered with fright as it felt something was wrong; it quickly turned and raised its wounded arm towards the sound it had heard. To try and block by instinct, though this action was indeed a mistake on its side.

A sleek shadow pierced forward, not only piercing the Behemoth's hand but completely blowing it off with clean momentum. Striking forward and passing by one of its tusks then snapping it clean off before the shadow shot past and embedded itself onto a tree that soon cracked and began to tumble over.

The Behemoth roared in great pain as it staggered backwards with its stump of an arm bleeding profusely.

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