《Sanctuary Within Entropy》Chapter 3


"Great Elder Pathos" the three of them had spoken in respect while kneeling towards the source of the voice., The individual known as Pathos soon began to talk. "Achaz take Yamazen with you to planet Sacred-Star to retrain himself. If fate is on his side, he will regain his godhood."

Achaz looked up, then bowed his head again and spoke "Yes great elder" Yamazen looked relieved and excited as he also uttered, "Thank you, great elder!!!"

After a moment, Achaz and Yamazen stood up. Achaz made a downward motion with his finger causing a split in space as it opened up almost like a doorway. He and yamazen both stepped through with the entrance in space closing right after them.

"Ryullum is there anything you would like to tell me?" Pathos spoke out a bit softer now. Ryullum remained quiet for a moment. "nothing that warrants your attention, Great Elder."

After his response, a figure stepped out of the void and stood a meter in front of him. This figure strangely could not be seen as if reality was warping around them, seemingly a part of it. The voice of Pathos spoke again. It seemed they were this figure. "You have remnant traces of masters aura around you, how curious..." The voice of Pathos was now more female.

Pathos made their way over and stood directly in front of Ryullum who quivered a little with nervousness. The figure of Pathos stretched their left hand, which began to form into something more human. Pale but flawless like white jade and tender fingers.

This hand Stretched out and touched Ryullum's right cheek. "How I miss our dear master..." Pathos's voice seemed a little heartbroken. "dear younger brother, you wouldn't want to upset me now, would you?"

Ryullum didn't dare face her regardless of what Pathos said and her hand on his cheek. "Great Elder Pathos need not worry. I cleaned remnants Of masters trace." his final sentence also seemed a little heartbroken in tone.

"Won't you call me big sister you like did when we were little when Master was still around? Although we have ascended, we are still family." As it had been revealed that she was, in fact, Ryullums elder sister, he still did not dare do as she said in this regard.

"This lowly god would not dare speak to Great elder in such a manner" He seemed deadset on not doing as she said seemingly holding feelings back, something on his mind.

"Yuyu you are still upset over events that happened eon's ago? Master wanted to cause disorder even after his holiness the Sovereign God stripped away his Great elder title and made him a Sanctified entity. Even though his position was equal to you and Achaz and Yamazen, he still decided to continue with his plan."

Pathos continued to speak "His choice lead him on the opposite path of order that we strive for to keep balance. His holiness's decision was the correct one. This was our Master's path. Such tasks to change the way the Supreme laws work are above even his holiness and would only bring chaos to us."

Ryullum remained calm and didn't react or show any change. "Thank you great elder Pathos reminding me of that traitor's actions... I truly wish I was the one that ambushed him while he was to busy focusing on his task."

Pathos hand suddenly moved her hand off Ryullum's cheek although he didn't directly offend her the wording was more or less stating that he was stabbed in the back and preoccupied otherwise how would he die so easily. She seemed a little hurt as she moved her hand back into that warped void then uttered in her usual cold voice.


"Sanctified God Ryullum, go and help the others clean up the souls that escaped the cycle, Bring them back. In the end, you have ties to this mess. although the supreme laws haven't punished you, I will still report this to his holiness and let him deal with you" her little brother's words angered her

"Of course, Great elder. This lowly one shall leave to assist and wait for his Holiness sovereigns decision" He stood up and bowed again before stepping back into an opening in the void that had appeared behind him.

"That kid...."She sounded annoyed but didn't waste any more time on it. However, her figure that showed reality-warping moved a bit as she was somewhat visible in that warping, she turned her head to glance down, her vision effortlessly piercing towards that ocean.

She suddenly spoke to herself "After one is reborn there is no way to see where they went. With so many universes and the size of the expanse as well the supreme laws, it is practically impossible to find out where this odd individual went."

She pondered softly, as Yamazen was a mortal she was able to read his mind and memories before with ease but reversing time was against the supreme laws within the cycle of reincarnation and even outside it let alone against someone reborn. However, strong Gods were they still had to follow specific rules.

"Why can I not see what Yamazen saw within that souls mind? I will have to ask him later, right now there is too much to repair, his holiness will no doubt be upset over this. I will have to see who will take over Yamazens role as lynchpin" she sighed before the warping void faded away.

Although the cycle of reincarnation was restored, right now the vortex-like whirlpool was still forming and recovering. It would take a while for it to go back to the way it was, which would then require a God to be there to act as Lynchpin.

As all the gods were busy with bringing back the souls and even their roles to handle, Zenith felt his soul moving oddly in this darkness. He felt weird as everything around him was pulsing back and forth like a heartbeat.

He saw a small huddled silhouette below that he was moving towards, but his mind was foggy right now he felt sleepy. Regardless he was still drawn to that silhouette until he was right beside it, his soul began to siphon within bit by bit slowly.

"Is this my new body?" he was not an idiot. He understood the events right now. Being able to retain memories after reincarnation was no doubt incredibly rare more so experiencing the entire cycle.

The process of absorption by his new body and soul was now complete; he couldn't open his eyes and felt incredibly weak and limited. He finally had a new body. Though strangely the markings from the cycle began to activate.

He suddenly felt strange. His body began to feel intense pain. It felt as if this body wasn't enough for him right now as if he were going to burst, despite his mind being an apex of a universe he was screaming in his mind from the pain and began to move his body that felt like it was burning violently.

He soon heard pained muffled sounds from beyond this darkness outside, but he knew this darkness which was no doubt his mother's womb. He then heard other panicked voices from outside.


Ignoring them for the moment, Zenith was thinking to himself. "My body!!!...why does it hurt so damn much....why are these markings active!!! Are you trying to kill us?" His thoughts directed towards the dark copy of himself, which was no doubt seated within the stone temple.

As painful as things were. This pain brought an odd sense of relaxation. As time went by he felt that the situation was to Temper his body for his soul.

"Is this a method to adapt my body to the strength of my soul? We will both die if you continue!" He thought again, clearly angry by what was going on, but nothing changed.

As this went on for half an hour, it took every ounce of mental strength he had to keep himself awake and focused. When the time reached the hour mark, he was about to fall unconscious as he was too physically and mentally burdened. He was after all a newborn it was a miracle he could last this long, but his body began to move and pull towards a direction.

In the darkness, a bit of light shone. Zenith knew it was time to be born. He wiggled his little body to make sure he wasn't tied by the cord and strangled but also wanted to make this as easy as possible.

Ten minutes, 20 minutes, 50 minutes, an hour!. Zeniths new fragile body had been pushed and gently pulled out bit by bit until he was entirely out, held by a pair of wrinkly hands. His eyes shut tightly as the light was too strong.

He still felt great pain as if significantly burnt. If one looked at the body of this child, they would think the baby was burnt alive would it not be for the odd markings and silent moving of the baby that didn't even cry.

Zenith tried to adjust himself as best as he could while he listened, even though he could not understand the language one bit. The voices in the background that Zenith could hear were still unclear, yet he tried his best to piece together the emotions in them.

The one closest to him sounded with great surprise and mysteriousness.

Another more feminine one like a young girl sounded afraid.

One voice of a man not too far was speaking in a stutter and even crying. There was a trace of relief and joy but also worry.

He heard another that sounded exhausted but held a strict feminine quality sounded sad and worried but also happy yet deeply exhausted.

He was continuing to try and think to himself and regain his thoughts, but he heard a door open followed by the sound of footsteps. He soon heard anger and shouting from the man previously fearful and worried.

Then a screaming that was a witch-like and accusatory from an older woman in the distance. A man's voice not too far from her began to yell as well, seemingly angered by something. Zenith wished he could understand what was going on as he had no clue.

If one's birth and the language barrier did not limit them, they would hear quite clearly the conversation that went on within this room. A woman past the prime of her middle ages wearing a red outfit that seemed oriental with a western theme, her hair shoulder-length, her face scowling as she pointed towards the baby that no doubt looked demonic.

"Y...you have given birth to such a sinful thing. Look at this creature, is it even human?!! I always said that you, my daughter, have made the wrong choice by marrying this stupid mountain man and in return, the gods have punished me for being so weak and giving in."

The women seemed enraged but also crying as she spoke more. "This grandchild, no this demon now shares blood with my family...urk.." The women in red attire made a near vomiting motion, though another beside her in maid attire stepped forward to comfort and rubbed her back."

The maid spoke, "Head consort, please try not to anger yourself. It isn't good for your health." The maid uttered before the consort began to cry and yell at her. "What do you know! How would you feel if your grandchild was a demon creature, look at it!" She cried out louder and then suddenly ran out of the room.

"You damned.....How dare you both accuse my child of being a demon have you no sympathy and respect for life!!! How could a demon be born to my dear wife and me? Do we look like demons to you people!!? is your daughter a lady that gives birth to demons!!?"

The man who looked rough and robust with what looked like a mix of fur and armour held his ground. He glared daggers at the women that left and the older man that came with her who remained.

"You want to bare your fangs at me after bringing this monstrosity of a grandchild to my household?" This man looked noble and was no doubt someone important. His attire was just as unique as the women in red who was, in fact, his wife and the father of the women who had given birth, meaning he was the grandfather of Zeniths new body.

He wore a robe that was also unique with pieces of armour adorned with detailed carvings and images no doubt expensive, though this didn't add nicely to the image and words he spoke.

"you take your filthy demon son out of my estate. Go back to your wood and stone huts on the mountain. I have been patient long enough and dealt with everything I could. All I asked for is a normal healthy grandson, and in return, I got this....this thing!!!"

"Father....please." The exhausted women who looked pale and haggard had worked up the strength to speak after listening long enough. But her father continued.

"You daughter of mine. I will deal with you later. Let the heavens judge me as fair for I still consider you a daughter of sorts and also giving a chance of life for this thing and its father to leave my estate intact!."

"No word of these events will be allowed to spread. I won't let my family's name torn apart and tarnished because of this, or heads will roll, and mountains will burn, am I clear?" he glared threateningly at the three who weren't his family including Zeniths father."

The old lady that held Zenith was ignoring everything as she noticed the markings on his face suddenly vanish slowly. "hmmm" she was lost in her thoughts, completely ignoring the yelling and cries around her.

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