《Sanctuary Within Entropy》Chapter 2


The single-armed God held his stump while his teeth gritted against one another. He began glaring at Zenith. He didn't dare utter a word; it was correct that his day was not getting better ever since meeting this odd soul.

The cycle of reincarnation without him as a lynchpin was quivering back and forth. His face suddenly paled more so as he glanced around, then spoke. "You damned fool...without my godhood to keep this place stable, it will fall apart!!"

Zenith's expression became more sever after hearing his words. If this were true, then things would be entirely catastrophic, but he couldn't help even if he wanted to. After all, that copy of his didn't respond to him. It just stood still glancing at the starry sky arm it had cut off whilst lost in thought.

Suddenly cracks began to form in the dark void above as several powerful auras started to seep out as if they were trying to force themselves in. the one-armed Buddhist looked happy. "Heh!!.. wait till the others come here. You finished mortal!"

No doubt those cracks were of other Gods trying to see what was going on. As the cracks grew more expansive, the dark figure of Zeniths copy rushed towards him, grabbed his soul then suddenly engulfed the arm of the God it had cut off with a mysterious red aura before throwing it up towards the cracks that were enlarging.

It would then dash over to the edge of the marble platform with zeniths soul in hand and shoot downwards like a bullet. "MY Godhood!!" the God uttered with surprise as he looked at his arm shot upwards, the arm hovered after reaching a certain height still engulfed in that red aura.

it seemed the dark figure holding Zenith was in a rush to head downwards as if it knew something he didn't. "When did this thing have a mind and will of its own?" Zenith was deeply confused about why it acted like so. It happened after that God had separated them both.

In the sky, one of the cracks suddenly grew larger before a figure stepped in. This God's appearance was unique in he was covered with tree roots and flowers as well as had large antlers on his head, at the tip of each antler a galaxy swirled. Past the plants and tree roots his starry sky skin visible with a greenish tint of life.

This God of life looked around with confusion to investigate what was going on he then suddenly raised his hand causing the cycle of reincarnation to stabilise with little effort he would then glance down towards the wounded God below.

Then surprise on his face, both his eyes opening to reveal green galaxy swirls within. "Yamazen what's going on, how are you so injured?....was it you that invoked transgression?"

He got no response but could see the pleading look on the wounded gods face as he seemed to ignore him and look somewhere else. The life god followed where Yamazen was glancing at then noticed the starry sky arm covered with a red aura.

As more cracks began to grow larger, more gods were about to step through. The life god in the meanwhile with his attention focused on the arm uttered "is that?..." yet before he could speak the arm suddenly cracked.


Reality began to suddenly grow sluggish while in the meanwhile the life god's eyes widened with intensity. He immediately understood what was happening; he suddenly made a grasping motion towards the wounded God Yamazen. Not a moment later, the starry sky arm emitted a heavy red light before it collapsed in on itself then exploded.

This explosion of one's Godhood was not typical in any way; the copy of Zenith clearly understood that gods were arriving and had timed this as if predicting it as a way to buy time.

The explosion pulsed out with a black light of void whilst expanding in all direction as the cycle of reincarnation began to collapse from the raw strength. The life god, of course, had quickly taken Yamazen away before retreating into the crack this explosion was not something he nor the others could stop it would heavily wound even them if they were careless.

As this pulse of energy expanded causing the cycle to collapse quicker and shatter, souls were drawn into that void and tossed around into ceasement of existence or transported through the cracks all over the expanse of reality it seemed that there was no way to kill a soul as if it were some law ingrained within everything.

With the cycle collapsing above and below, it didn't seem like much time was left. The dark figure holding Zeniths soul seemed to be in more of a rush than ever as it flew downwards faster. It seemed to know the gods would arrive, and it didn't want them causing trouble, so by detonating the Godhood of the wounded God, it would solve this issue.

"What did you do!?" Zenith was stunned as he focused above seeing the cycle collapse with the whirlpool swirl and distort as well as being sucked into that black void. The point of the explosion appeared like a black hole expanding but also drawing in everything it could.

Souls below started to feel the tug of it and weren't falling but being sucked up towards it. Zenith genuinely stunned by what was happening. He suddenly glanced downwards to see what looked like an endless ocean of blue light the soft glow it gave was one of the most moving experiences he had ever seen before.

Although above him, the cycle of reincarnation seemed to be collapsing, he felt oddly calm as he glanced at this ocean as if knowing once he reached it, then things would be fine.

The cycle above was about to collapse completely, space cracking broader and larger with distortions of reality forming as well.

Suddenly a massive voice boomed out. However, this voice wasn't nearly as strong as one that called out the word Transgression; it still held great power with the way it spoke.


Zenith didn't get to see what happened afterwards as the word was called out as the cloaked copy of him quickly entered the third eye on the forehead of his soul. On his face the markings soon vanished as if it were never there, he then neared the ocean by the remnant strength of his dark copy before he plunged into the sea.

After he entered, he felt calm and relaxed as if nothing and no creature could touch him or hurt him; he felt warm and safe. He suddenly curled up in a fetal position. His eyes closing bit by bit.


The blue light of the ocean seemed to be getting dimmer and dimmer with his eyes closing until he completely closed them and falling into a deep sleep.

If one looked outside of the cycle of reincarnation and throughout every void expanse and their starry skies, they would see cracks forming with souls pouring out.

Their eyes were now wide awake no longer was the cycle keeping them asleep. Though their memories, more or less, were wiped away, and because of that, they were considered lost souls.

With these souls lost and seemingly empty, the instinct to want to possess a body and be reborn was all that remained there. They began to cause trouble around every starry sky.

The gods that had never shown themselves since time immemorial began to clean this mess as best as they could without making themselves known.

Meanwhile, the nearly broken cycle of reincarnation began to mend and revert itself after the voice boomed out, the life God had returned and beside him hovering was the heavily wounded former God Yamazen who looked quite pitiful and afraid.

"Yamazen what happened? Just what did you do?" the life good asked Yamazen with curiosity, this had never happened before. The cycle of reincarnation had always been moving vigorously but not only had it stopped today but also almost collapsed.

"It wasn't me!!!" Yamazen felt wronged and gritted his teeth yet again. He was quite mad and afraid right now. His Godhood was lost. He was no different than a mortal now.

Suddenly a slight crack appeared not too far from them before a swirl of energy appeared before forming into a robed figure with his hands by his side within the robe. He glanced around curiously. This God was the very same that Zenith had met first.

"Oh, wow!!. Seems like you went ahead and fucked up Yamama. Whoever it was, really did a number on you" This God looked at Yamazen and tried his best not to show mockery or laughter. He more or less knew who caused this.

"You bastard!! You are the cause of this, Ryullum!!!. That soul has ties with you!!. You did this to harm me!!" Yamazen seemed on the brink of insanity as he pointed his remaining hand's index finger towards Ryullum the robed God.

"That's enough..." The life god uttered with a sigh before waving his hand. Greenlight engulfed Yamazen and began to heal and vitalise him, a second later he looked just like a normal Buddhist no longer aged or improper except he no longer held his Godhood. Still, the hatred in his eyes towards Ryullum was intense.

"Ryullum who was the one that caused this mess? What ties do you both have? You know the consequences for tinkering and giving free passes in the cycle correct? Are you not afraid of breaking the supreme laws?" the life God gave his own opinion he was clearly on the side of Yamazen.

"Oh, great supreme laws that govern all instances of creation, existence, expanses, cosmos. if I have purposely in malicious contempt caused the cycle of reincarnation harm and issues to arise for my so-called agenda, please strike me down!"

Ryullum opened his hands and waited, both Yamazen and the life god were stunned and quickly backed off. For a god, This was no joke to let the supreme laws judge their actions. If one provoked such supreme laws casually and were found guilty, this isn't a case of losing ones Godhood. They would die with no trace left.

Though the longer they waited, the longer they realised Ryullum was, in-fact right and unharmed with nothing happening. He seemed confident in his innocence and not involved in this with his plan or malicious intent. Ryullum suddenly spoke to the life god.

"Achaz is this enough to prove my innocence? I truly do have ties to the individual who caused this, but that is of my own volition, with no ill intentions, in the end, the fallen one beside you is the cause of this mess his arrogance and ignorance had nearly caused the entire cycle to shatter."

Ryullum continued "He invoked the supreme law of Transgression and lost his Godhood. He is quite lucky to be alive though look how pitiful he is like a little rabbit. Lets put ugly thing out of his misery; what do you say haha?"

Yamazen's eyes quivered with deep fear. He and Ryullum had clashed heads many times in the past and built deep enmity, but right now he was no longer a god and frankly wouldn't be able to fight back, thankfully the life god Achaz was on his side.

"Yamazen has been punished enough. The fact that breaking the supreme law didn't kill him is enough to show his punishment is over. That aside tell me what you know right now about the one who caused these events."

"Ordering me now?" Ryullum spoke curiously. Achaz, of course, didn't back down "So what if I am?" To which Ryullum then responded with a calm tone "Why don't you make me?"

"Ryullum...are you sure you want to fight me?" Thorns began to appear all over the antlers and roots of Achaz's body. These thorns seemed sharp enough that they pierced into space somewhat. The flowers started to wilt as if death had touched them. He was preparing for a fight.

"Are you threatening me little deer? Have you forgotten just who....I.....am." When he had spoken those final three words, his body began to emit a profound, intense aura.

The normal-looking robe around him began to change looking unimaginably unholy and demonic his right hand appearing out of the robe to his side as it began to form into something more akin to a sinister claw that caused space around it to crack and ripple.

Their two auras were clashing and visibly causing the cycle of reincarnation to quiver again, with two gods at each other's throat willing to fight it would no doubt cause it to collapse again.

"Enough...." the void shook, the very voice that restored the cycle of reincarnation had spoken again except this was a more calm tone and as quiet as it was it shook the three of them to their very core, with no hesitation they reverted to their regular appearances.

"Great Elder Pathos..." the three called in unison as they looked into the void, kneeling respectfully towards the voice and then not uttering another word.

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