《Sanctuary Within Entropy》Chapter 1


Zenith first experienced sharp pain all around his body as he willed his body to self-destruct. Glancing at the God in front of him one last time than seeing just white in his vision, followed by a fade to black.

He felt he hadn't moved an inch or more so his soul hadn't moved an inch. As if stuck in place. A few moments later, Zenith's soul was suddenly tugged upon downwards as if drawn into the darkness below him. Feeling this strange force pull him down more and more, he soon noticed a swirl almost like a whirlpool of white and blue light.

The whirlpool seemed odd at first glance, and As one grew closer, they would notice it was a whirlpool made entirely of souls. The light it gave off also let Zenith examine his state a bit better; his appearance was no different from those of other souls all seemingly equal and reflecting their past images before death.

Strangely enough, paying more attention to detail, he would discover that every soul he laid eyes on whether it was in the whirlpool's swirl or below and even those beside him that appeared out of nothingness as he had. They all began falling towards the vortex-like vortex. All of the soul's eyes were closed as if they were in a deep sleep.

"Why is it that I am awake while the souls of others are asleep?" Zenith was a little curious as he tried to piece together the events. "It couldn't have been God, could it?" He seemed lost in thought. Indeed there were rules to follow after all if he retained all his knowledge before his death that would be quite unfair for others.

More so considering he now had the memories of Four cosmos worth of creatures ranging from the weakest to those Apex beings who stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

"That leaves only the wish made? Or is my soul a bit special?" Zenith had no answer for this at the moment. Regardless there were no negatives he could see, at least not immediately where this would be an issue. Right now, he had a wholly memorable experience in the cycle of reincarnation. It was quite a stunning sight.

As he grew closer and closer to the whirlpools lower portion, he realised just how large it was. Enormous wouldn't be enough to do it justice. Zenith knew if he was caught in that whirlpool who knew just how long it would take to get to the bottom it was that massive in scale.

"If I get caught in that flow, I will go insane from waiting for my next life. What can I do to skip it?" Zenith Tried hard to think of something and even try various methods regarding soul movement that he knew, but the most he could do is move his soul to a slight degree.

"Damnit...will I be stuck here for decades?" he seemed a little unsatisfied. As his attention was focused on the whirlpool, he noticed two souls below suddenly grow closer to each other before bumping followed by a repulsive force seemingly blowing them apart as if they were positive and negative charges.

"That's it!" he seemed delighted, he quickly glanced around before spotting a soul near him. Looking closer This was the soul of an older man who looked withered yet dignified. Up close one could see he was dressed in royal robes and a heavily adorned crown.

Zenith wasted no time making his way over to the man before they both collided together. That repulsive force was strong as Zenith's soul fluctuated slightly. His soul had been pushed away by the repulsive force towards the centre of the whirlpool, but he was not quite there yet.


"A few more should do the trick" Zenith thought. He repeated this method a few times, causing small white flashes to be seen from a distance. After having done this a dozen or so times in total, he was satisfied, but he also knew there would be some time before falling in completely.

"perfect," he muttered to himself before realising something. As he looked down, he suddenly noticed at the centre, there was a big white circular platform hovering within the whirlpool with what appeared to be a figure seated. "it can't be is that..."

Zenith was stunned because the individual who appeared sitting on that throne looked like that God fellow he had seen before except this one seemed to look different wearing what appeared to be Buddhist attire. Their skin was almost identical with minor differences in the starry sky.

Zenith seemingly grew closer and closer in free fall towards the platform and was looking more solemn. This God looking individual was growing larger and larger until Zenith suddenly fell on what was an excellent glowing marble platform, his soul-shaking a little from the impact but not hurt.

Zenith remained still and didn't move, he waited a few minutes yet nothing seemed to happen that giant Buddhist God who was as tall as a skyscraper was not moving at all as if he hadn't noticed anything.

"Is he asleep?" Zenith thought to himself. Still, a not a moment later, a voice called out causing everything to shake even the whirlpool to tremble a little.

A voice broke the odd silence, booming out loudly. "Is who asleep...." after this voice spoke, Zenith found his soul lift by some strange force and move over towards the seated Buddhist. On closer inspection, his body was littered with prayer beads. Each one was amazingly a planet this guy was greedy in Zenith's opinion.

"You dare!?" The God uttered with annoyance, thinking of Zeniths thoughts of greed towards him with contempt. His right eye-opened to glance at the soul of Zenith hovering in front of him. The eye that opened was similar to other God that Zenith had met, except the colour of this galaxy like pupil was different.

"Well Hello," Zenith spoke in a respectful tone he would be lying if he said he wasn't sceptical regarding his fate. after hearing Zenith's reply, the Seated Buddhist like God looked carefully at him "A soul that's memories the cycle couldn't wash away completely, how rare."

That powerful voice echoed again throughout the cycle of reincarnation. "Are you a Monk or Buddhist or maybe you are Tathagata?" Zenith was quite a bit curious and couldn't control himself from asking he wasn't terrified but fascinated. He had been through a bit too much to worry right now.

"Tathagata?.." the God asked before his other eye-opened, glancing at Zenith carefully for a moment as if reading his mind, his form began to change to look like the image zenith had of Tathagata. "Tathagata I like this" the God uttered with approval.

"This God seems a little more simple-minded than the other." Zenith couldn't help but think but realised his mistake." the circle of reincarnation shook again. "HMPH!!" that mighty snort caused existence in this void to quiver.

"Since you have given me something interesting, I will let this insolence go just once. Though it seems you had met one of the others before. Who was it that lets you be so arrogant before me?"

The figure in the form of Tathagata spoke, Zenith's heart would be beating quickly, but right now, he didn't have one. He just remembered the image of the other God, which caused the God in front of him to feel disdain as his brows quivered with annoyance immediately.


"It's him!!.... Wait. Of course, it's him!!. It's always him!!!." Feeling significant irritation. "To think you have ties to that one. No doubt your past must be quite interesting to attract his attention. I will personally see what you have been through and wash it away. For you, this will be your great honour."

Zenith felt a bit irritated but remained calm. It seemed, in the end, his memories would be wiped. He wasn't sure whether he wanted to forget the past, but as long as those graves remained forever, they would always be in existence.

The third eye on this God's forehead suddenly snapped open. This eye's pupil was a giant whirlpool mixed with white and black as if representing the cycle of reincarnation. "Let me see your past and wipe it clean" the God's voice spoke in a dignified manner as if he felt he were invincible.

As he peeked into Zenith's mind, Zeniths soul suddenly trembled violently. His cheeks formed those markings from his previous meeting with the other God. The mark on his forehead that represented the third eye also appeared, it opened, but only a bright assortment of light appeared within. This light reflected the void expanse that contained the Grave planet and the stone temple.

This God didn't stop at all. He was too interested when seeing this planet. He drew closer but felt his vision suddenly pulled towards the stone temple, drawing closer he peered inside than he noticed the figure seated on the throne features covered by darkness.

"You dare sit on a throne before this great God? I will erase you first!" he spoke with contempt willing the power of what seemed like a karmic wave towards the seated figure as if to remove what he thought was a memory of a seated figure on a throne out of existence.

But at that moment a booming voice resounded out. This voice was different than either of the two God's Zenith had heard. This voice was infinitely more powerful it echoed throughout every single void expanse and every single instance and section of creation.


A simple yet powerful word, and as this word was called out and echoed, it seemed only those matchless individuals who were the strongest within all reality like those of God could hear. Every single being that called themself God whether they managed their tasks or free time had all suddenly quivered with fright and glanced up to peer into the endless void with deep fear at the sound of this word and voice.

This heavy thundering voice of an all-powerful being resounded out. To a God, there were particular fears that they had, the worst one yet also the hardest one to break was a wish bound with all of Eternity and existence.

This rule or more, so a supreme wish granted by any God to someone after sacrificing an immense amount of wealth and sometimes even their Godhood and lives.

The payoff would be that if any God or creature tried to break or tamper with this wish, the offender would be heavily punished by all of existence and creation. Thankfully there were rules in place for particular desires not to be granted due to balance in the great expanse of creation. Immortality or invulnerability was not allowed at all, but working hard to improve one's body or life force is seen as balance.

The karmic wave the God had sent had been wiped away into nonexistence by a mysterious force. The will of this God had been forced out of Zenith's mind followed by a lightning bolt of multicoloured light shot down piercing past the cycle of reincarnation as if it were nothing more then a piece of paper. It then struck the God seated on the throne who was still in shock over what happened.

"ARGHH!" he roared out his voice quivering and this pain-filled shout had begun shaking the cycle of reincarnation to the point of it nearly collapsing.

As things died down if one looked at the foot of the throne, they would see a middle-aged bald man who almost looked charred by fire with smoke emanating from him.

He appeared to have ordinary prayer beads around his body coupled with a tattered Buddhist robe he looked no different than a beggar playing a monk.

He also seemed to appear almost like a bag of bones would it not be the human skin with fragments of what seemed to be a starry sky falling off him like peeled skin that shattered into glowing ash to nothingness.

His right hand was of course seemingly intact still appearing to be godlike in appearance reflecting the starry sky. "YOU.....WHO ARE YOU!??" he looked at Zenith with fear and intense anger as blood ran down the side of his lips. No doubt whatever had just happened had nearly killed him. "My Godhood was nearly completely wiped away. You dare trick me!!!"

Zenith was stunned by this God he really couldn't understand why there was a difference between the other one and him. They both seemed worlds apart in intelligence. Zenith hadn't tricked him at all, but he had been accused of doing such a thing. Feeling Wronged, Zenith suddenly spoke as if on reflex.

"Incredible. You are truly different compared to the other God. I had thought there was nothing left to see for me before reincarnating, but your stupidity leaves me corrected."

Zenith realised he had spoken out a bit too harshly and was about to speak again, but that old injured God seemed too insane due to his words. He roared as he reached over with his remaining starry sky covered hand whilst shouting "You will NEVER! Reincarnate!!. I will lock you away for all Eternity!"

Zenith looked irritated as he watched that hand approach him. He wanted to get away but still found himself held still. Still, that third eye on his forehead was open, and if one looked inside and within the temple, they would discover the figure seated was missing.

Not a moment later did the hand of God suddenly stop dead still. Zenith was stunned wondering what had happened but couldn't see, but the God was petrified because holding that arm of his was the dark covered figure previously seated on the throne, he couldn't budge his arm one bit.

He called out with caution, "you aren't just a memory!!? What are you!!?" but in reply, he got silence before a cruel wisp of red energy appeared on that figures face forming an ominous grin.

The figure then held his palm like a blade, as energy gathered and formed a spinning saw that spiralled like a galaxy in fast forward before slashing towards the God's arm.

"ARGH!" another pain-filled roar echoed outward the figure had managed to severe the arm at the elbow where the starry sky skin met with normal skin with ease. It had then begun to shrink down until it was the size of an average arm in size yet Godlike in appearance as if identical to the one at the pedestal with slight differences.

"NO!!! " his squeal of pain and terror, almost like a pig being slaughtered. Zenith also watched as the starry sky covered arm rapidly shrunk back to normal, he noticed that terrible copy of his and looked quite surprised by its sudden appearance. He couldn't help but pity this so-called God and then speak in a hushed tone "your day just keeps getting worse."

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