《Sanctuary Within Entropy》Prologue 2/2


A flash of light suddenly flickered in the distant dark ruins of the battlefield of Four cosmos, bursting with power before shooting over with unmatched speed.

That flash of light approached the stone temple in a near-instant; it had soon appeared directly inside the temple. The light shortly died out revealing a figure appearing humanoid with a semi scaled face and curved dragon horns or what remained of them, no doubt this being was an apex existence in any of the four universes the aura exuding off him. However calm this aura seemed to be it was enough to twist space to a light degree subconsciously.

As this figure had arrived, although the strength it had was no doubt matchless, if one looked closer, they would see the countless scars and wounds and even a horn of his had been snapped during previous battles. The individual's face was haggard exhausted their eyes seemingly dazed or more so soulless.

"There is no more life, everything in this existence, but I have passed on. My enemies my friends my family, the trees the birds in the sky the ants in the earth the fish in the oceans the breath of life has ceased not even death remains for there is no more death. Only emptiness and tragic reminiscence with screams of the past".

The creature spoke out, the voice strong yet lacking life. For an existence like this to feel heavy emotions to this point no doubt they had experienced plenty. After he had spoken, he then began to approach the pedestal, yet as a few steps had were taken forward, an invisible wall seemed to block his path.

"Huh?..." he was surprised. He wasn't sure what was going on. He was about to speak, but that strange voice had spoken before him. "There remains Two."

Hearing the voice, the draconic humanoid was stunned his brows furrowed. "Remains two?….. Could it be I…" he then turned around only to see several dozen meters behind him a cloaked individual stood silently watching him.

"That child from many years ago you have grown well. The fuel you have used to reach this point was no doubt something many crave, but in the end, there is nothing left." the cloaked figure uttered.

The draconic humanoid glanced carefully at this individual. First, a trace of surprise followed by fear, confusion, clarity, hatred as his eyes turned bloodshot, then remembering the situation of the universe, this hatred towards this individual subsided.

"Quasar Divinity Zenith. That day you gave me this damn fuel. The anger I feel for you has saved me and allowed me to live from battle to battle working my way up, craving the day when I would find you, I was sad as I heard rumours of you dying in battle after you had never shown up again, to think you would take up hiding like a rodent".

"Zarn'iak if I right? What Divinity title have you chosen?" Zenith asked with curiosity temporarily ignoring the statement made to him. "Title?...does it matter anymore? I'm just me. I am just Zarn'iak. Titles mean nothing anymore. You know neither do names. Nothing matters, only Entropy will remain and us as well as this fucking temple."

Zenith looked carefully at the man in front of him, thoughtful for a moment. "Me hiding? Not at all. I'm just curious. I wanted to ask you well more so whoever made it this far something. I agree regarding the temple. But you know, I am quite curious as to What wish were you hoping to make?"


Zarn'iak began to think for several moments lost in thought somewhat unsure if Zenith was planning to fight with him over it or not. "The wish I wanted to make no longer matters. Those who perish cannot return. What's the point in making a wish? If I want unparalleled strength, it means nothing. If I wish for fortune or fame, It also means nothing. There is nothing. Nothing I want".

Zenith began to think curiously. "Why not wish for life to prosper again?" he suddenly asked. Zarn'iak thought for a few moments than chuckled silently. "There would no doubt come a day where they would encounter what we have; the suffering is more than enough why bother."

"Did you know I encountered the Chrono Divinity Jian from the third universe? Several thousand years ago sitting on a rock just looking straight into the void. At the time, I still had some hope. I asked him to fight me and get it over with. do you know what he did?" Zarn'iak spoke with a trace of surprise, fear and laughter.

Zenith remained silent as he didn't reply, Zarn'iak took this as an opportunity to continue. "He looked at me….shook his head and wished me luck then ignited his soul core. This man whom I had heard legends about, A man who had lived for millions of years, who struggled above hundreds of billions of creature's to reach that strength had ended his own life without care?"

He didn't stop speaking "A creature I wasn't confident I could beat he took his's own life with no hesitation? Why? I don't get What what was the point?...no what is the point!!! Do you know why he did it Zenith!?"

Zenith remained silent; he was thinking. He had been afraid for all the years he had waited here that he would slip up and extend his divine-will out to examine what was happening outside to meet the reality with the horror of destruction that occurred.

Still, even now, he was scared to do so, afraid to experience that endless darkness and ruin. What exactly was going on if Supreme Divinities were finding things pointless and killing themselves despite there being a chance to make a wish from God, he found his choice to begin with correct in hiding.

"I don't…" before Zenith could continue Zarn'iak's face twisted as he roared in anger, causing space to quiver. "LIAR!! You do know…..this isn't a blessing. This wish is a damn curse for whoever makes it."

Zarn'iak continued his tirade "The lives of Four universes, even the most bloodthirsty of beings would feel tired and regretful the thoughts and emotions from remembering such bloodshed is enough to cause mental derangement. He had taken his own life because he knew it was pointless. He chose the correct way out. He wasn't mentally deranged he was experiencing truth in clarity."

Zenith's expression and demeanour hadn't changed after all he was a supreme divinity at the apex as well. "You are right…." Zenith had replied. Zarn'iak scoffed softly. "I am also right to call you a coward. You hid and remained to wait and continue waiting to try to justify your actions wanting to ask what wish the real victor would make."

"You had also already reached the same conclusion. The torment and suffering the killing was too much for you. Choosing the cowards way out but still wanting to sate your curiosity, I spent many years looking for you to kill you but could never find you." Zarn'iak had spoken again.


"Those rumours I knew were lies there isn't anyone in any of those universes who could kill you. The strongest of all Four is also the biggest coward. Hahaha!" Zarn'iak seemed to have gone somewhat insane as he held his head and laughed in a crazed manner.

Zenith looked at him; he had now begun to feel uncomfortable. "You are right. I am a coward. In the past, being a coward would matter. Still, it doesn't matter anymore, what's wrong with choosing to sate my curiosity or not wanting to experience those horrors before making my exit".

Zarn'iak who had crumbled to the floor holding his head as he tried to regain some clarity remained silent. "Tell me…..great Qusar Divinity" he spoke with some sarcasm. "What wish would you make if it was you".

Zenith looked straight at the arm with the closed hand on the pedestal in the centre of the temple, his eyes visible just as soulless as Zarn'iak's he then turned to glance outside the temple, his eyes and his divine sense could extend a universe length and more.

Yet as his Divine sense extended out for the first time in so long what he found was destruction, ruins, corpses, cold nothingness, not one planet intact, not one star shining. Corpses of the weak, corpses of the strong, his eyes gained some clarity from this realisation.

"I would hope every single life that suffered and passed away in this senseless tragedy Will never be a thing of the past if there is life after us. So that someday someone will know we existed" his voice calm. Zarn'iak was surprised by Zenith's answer. His eyes widened for a moment as he thought. "That….is indeed a good wish. Heh, you know what I think I can move on now without regret while also getting my revenge on you…"

Zenith's brows furrowed and he turned around quickly to look at Zarn'iak. Watching Zarn'iak standing up with his face no longer holding that trace of insanity but more so exhaustion and relief as well as excellent clarity. "I still want revenge for what you did but also honestly I wasn't sure what wish I was to make. This is great. I will kill two birds with one stone. An easy way out?... Make your exit? Sorry, there is none of that for you. Zenith This will be your responsibility now" Zarn'iak spoke.

Zenith was stunned he finally understood what he intended to do "Stop, wait!!" he called out, but his words had fallen on death ear's a fear closed in upon him. Zarn'iak stabbed into his own heart and gripped his very Soul Core and crushed it in a straight forward manner. Blood seeped out of the corner of his lips, his ear's, his eyes. He began to fall forward, but a figure flashed over and caught him.

Zenith had caught Zarn'iak's falling body. His face against Zenith's Right shoulder. Gazing blankly at the empty void behind them. "I...was so scared….. but... I'm so happy….Revenge and responsibility...Its...All your's now….That wish…..Of yours...Keep your...Word." Zarn'iak uttered.

Zenith began to panic a little he was afraid right now he felt pity for Zarn'iak "Stupid fool....." this was a fear from the Soul. A latent fear forged from these events engraved into the Core of his existence. Fear of being the only individual left from the smallest of creatures to the strongest.

Zarn'iak gave a forced smile as blood ran down his lips. "Even...you feel fear….interesting….. "Mom….dad….little Weiwei….. I'll fin….ally...get...to…...see…you..ag....ain" his voice began to break and stutter as well as die down bit by bit until the light in his eyes was lost, the same fate as every other creature within the four universes. Only silence remained.

Zenith held the body of the one who had spent much of his life wanting to kill him only the revenge they sought was not a battle but rather who would be quicker to steal the easy cowards way out Zenith had lost. An odd emptiness welled up inside him.

The fear vanished, and realisation moved in, dizziness, his eyes closed than opened somewhat. He laid the corpse of zarn'iak onto his back on the floor. Looking into the dead soulless eyes, he saw the suffering, the hatred, the regret, the anxiety, the fear, and finally the excitement of relief in the end.

"I hope wherever you are in your next life you find peace with your loved ones" his voice spoke out. His face apparent, middle-aged yet wrinkled like an elderly individual, enduring scars of battle he could quickly heal with his level of power. Still, he cared not to there was no point keeping up appearances it went beyond the honour of a scar obtained through battle this was the thought of just not caring about one's body anymore.

Reaching his hands up, he closed the eyes of the corpse and stood up as he sighed, he was tired, but unfortunately, revenge had been taken. Zarn'iak had taken his own life and had punished Zenith by letting him feel that sense of ultimate loneliness the denial of death and the burden of responsibility.

"Make your wish…." the voice of the individual none other then God through the temple it was arrogant and powerful. Zenith's head was spinning at this point, he glanced at the pedestal and watched the clenched hand open to reveal a floating marble pulsing with soft white light, in the centre a spiralling wisp of colours.

He looked at it; the object was five meters away. He began to walk towards it, step by step. He then began to feel heavy. This was the consequence of his actions the burden of responsibility. This was an internal demon, a mental derangement that he had no one but himself to blame. Walking closer and closer, inner voices in his head speaking to him telling him the wishes of the deceased he had heard in his life.

I want to bring back my parents.

I want to be the most powerful.

I want untold riches and fame.

I want to bring back my lover.

I want this bloodshed to end.

I want revenge on him.

I want revenge on her.

I want to live on.

The voices were acting as a burden of the dead, putting pressure on him more and more. By the time he had reached two feet away from the pedestal, he fallen to his knees and began to hurl. He vomited blood and bile. His eyes sickly. A supreme divinity a being who had strived forward working his way up to the pinnacle of power in the universe.

Powerful enough that he could destroy galaxies with a slash of a sword who could decide the fate of many billions of lives, was now unable to control his stomach and his body.

"Stop...leave me alone…...go away…. I'm sorry….forgive me…..AHHH!!!" He screamed and curled up as his body was shaking frightened like a baby he looked no different than a beggar. He shut his eyes. The voices grew louder and louder. His soul core began to tremble the energy spiralling out of control at this point if this continued then all of this would lead to his death, leaving no one to make a wish—no doubt this would be the greatest tragedy in all of creation.

"Scared I.....I'm scared...s….save me…..someone please help me….." he cried out begging for anyone. He had been praised countlessly as a genius of humanity. A once in a lifetime genius of a clan. A master of many millions of powerful individuals. A terror no one dared to threaten or cross even in all the Four universes he was the most powerful, yet now he was curled up like a traumatised child.

His soul core was cracking bit by bit nearing the point of collapse slowly, but indeed his end was near. This wasn't even an escape; this would be a regret. "Sorry…" he uttered not sure who he was directing the apology towards but feeling it was necessary to apologise.

At this point, he was right at death's door nearing the end. Yet a voice sounded above others. Not too loud, not too strong, "keep….your...word" that sentence. He stopped shaking and thought about it. "Keep my word…." he saw Zarn'iak snickering at him in his mind, shaking his head before vanishing.

When that voice of the past spoke in his mind, he began to remember. The friends he had made the enemies he had made, the one's he had lost. The enemies he had killed. The lovers he had, the children he had. He began to see not just his own but those of others. The lives of others. The positives and negatives, the fantastic moments in their lives and the wars as well as bloodshed that occurred within all four universes.

"No…..not just me!…..not just humanity!...not just those creatures of my universe…. I won't let anyone be forgotten...not even them!!…. I won't let this defeat us…..this, not my wish…..this is our wish!!….this is what we deserve….." he reached up and clenched onto the pedestal, his fingers pressing with enough force to cause the pedestal to crack slightly. This stone that a Supreme Divinity was not able to damage had cracked with a hard, determined grasp.

A step had been taken and fortified past the door past the supreme divinity. A new level of power had been reached. The Soul Core of his that had cracked previously had suddenly melted and pulsed out like a tsunami fusing with Zenith's body causing his aura to skyrocket enormously. But he cared not for that as his focus was on what was in front of him.

"My wish….." he uttered as he reached over and grasped that small light floating above that hand.

"Every single life lost in this battle for this stupid wish, from the smallest of creatures to the most powerful of entities, The orphans of war to the fighters who dream, they will never be forgotten For as long as existence stands and even when the candles of creation cannot light up the void any longer.

Their memories shall burn through any obstacle that dares threaten to let them fade. Their memory will be a bastion. A Sanctuary Beyond Entropy!!.

"Permitted…" the voice of God replied not soon after. A burst of light pulsed from Zenith's hand which gripped that light, extending outwards with a speed that surpassed even beyond that of light. In a near-instant everything had now been bathed in white light.

Not a second later that felt like hours to Zenith. He found himself standing on a planet. His head was facing upwards. He only saw an endless void of nothingness. There was the saying that when you stare into the abyss, the abyss gazes back, but for Zenith if the abyss dared gaze back at him, he would indeed rip its eyes out.

He glanced down slowly and looked in front of him, the sight that Zenith was seeing had caused his legs to feel weak as he soon fell to his knees, for as far as his eye could see.

For as far as his new more powerful senses could extend, this planet that was as large as all four universes combined. A unique creation of existence that was one of its kind. Grassy plains filled with flowers and more so Graves. All nameless graves but also known in a sense. A planet expanding four cosmos dedicated to the memories of all creatures that perished in the war for the wish.

Zenith looked in front of him to see he was right in front of a nameless grave. The space between graves a meter separated on all sides. He placed his hand onto its surface, and immediately images began to appear in his mind like a movie.

A child seemingly non-human, living happily from the moment he was born, and as he grew up, living a joy-filled life with his family. When this boy hit ten years of age, things had taken a twisted turn for the worst. The war between Four universes reached his home planet, the stars cracked and vanished. Nearby planets crushed into dust, the sky began to turn red and then the clouds disappeared.

Then an image of the child as his legs shook then fell to his knees beside his little sister half-crushed, she was missing her right arm and had her lower half of what remained all bloody. "I...I'm scared, big brother…." She spoke in a weak, fear-filled voice. The boy replied quickly "d...dont close your eyes...it will be fine... I'll save you... I'll... I'll find mom...and dad...t...they will help!!" the boy called out to his sister as he held her.

She had her lower half crushed by the corpse of a being the size of a mountain which was missing a head, a pinnacle existence slain. The damage the battle and its corpse had caused to his home and surroundings were immense.

His own body was bruised and battered a miracle to have lived. He gazed around trying to find his parents, but he glanced over to the direction of his family's home only to see a large piece of rubble had crushed it, he knew his parents were dead as they were inside their home before this. Tears began to well up more so in the boy's now bloodshot eyes he wanted to cry out in pain but looked at his sister in his arms.

"I...i'll save….save you...I promise!!" he uttered in a stutter of confusion and fear. "Big....brother...Weiwei...is….tired….. I'm going to….close...my e...eyes for a little…" his sister's eyes began to lose their innocent lustre.

"Don't close your eyes….please don't …. don't leave me alone….please…" the boy begged his sister again and again…." goodnight….big brother….Weiwei is going to....sleep for a while…" the girl soon lost the light in her eyes and shut them slowly. The boy as it turned out was a young Zarn'iak he had remained silent as his sister Weiwei passed on. His own eyes were losing their innocence as he looked up into the sky to see a mass of energy glancing down towards the corpse of the slain creature.

The spiralling mass of energy no different than a miniature Quasar with the centre instead of a singularity, Zenith could be seen hovering, somewhat wounded and haggard. He glanced towards the young Zarn'iak before shaking his head then vanishing from sight.

"YOU!!!!!.....AHHHH!!!" bloody tears ran down his face as he held his face and screamed up towards the figure in the sky that vanished. The pure hatred enough to cause insanity. More images were flashing by in Zeniths mind more and more moments of Zarn'iaks life, from when he was found alive by slave traders to when he was sold as a slave then taken in as a soldier in a war. He was growing stronger and stronger. Killing his way up. The dark face of anger and hatred towards existence and everything.

He wasn't a genius he wasn't talented, but Zarn'iak was dead set for revenge against the one who had caused this pain of his. But even the strongest of fires changes with the wind. Seeing bloodshed around, he saw children like himself. He saw some who lived on and some that took their own lives. He saved as many as he could, but he also concluded that saving was pointless in the end he had discovered things regarding the temple and the wish.

Outside of Zenith's mind, the resonation with this grave, bloody tears mixed with real tears ran down Zenith's face his eyes rolling back into his head, his mouth opening a sorrowful roar escaping out. With these memories, he felt the emotions Zarn'iak was subjected to.

The grave began to light up and tremble it seemed almost as if it were also roaring out. It was then that more and more graves began to light up in the same way until the entire planet shaking as it was like a bright glowing star that the void couldn't darken one bit.

Memories of every single creature. Their feelings and thoughts were flooding into Zenith's mind. Hunger, survival, fear, sadness, anger, anxiety, loneliness, depression. Yet rage and hatred, sorrow and regret were growing and mixing. His roar was growing louder, his body emitting an immense pressure. The void was beginning to collapse and crack. Existence itself was shaking.

If one looked close they could see past those cracks were other universes other existences. In a distant expanse of space, a figure who was more so formless in an assortment of coloured lights wearing what appeared to be an open robe of sorts was standing. This figure in the unknown void had his right hand opened with what seemed to be a miniature universe forming together slowly.

"Hmm?....interesting." he closed his hand, the universe he held blinking out of existence, then he vanished from where he was a moment ago. The shattering and collapsing void suddenly stopped as the energy relaxed And subsided by an unknown force.

A moment later, the figure from the void figure appeared in the air of the grave planet several meters away from where Zenith was. The body of This figure began to condense more and more like a humanoid was as if they reflected the starry sky, adorned still in that robe. Their facial features not visible other than their closed three eyes, one being on their forehead. The third eye on their forehead was an odd addition. Their long hair was growing then floating in the air as if in water, at the tips of their hair, small swirls were formed from space as if the hair tips were sharp enough to pierce space and time.

This figure glanced around and examined the situation for a moment. "This is that old bastard's handy work? That old guy wants to make my life hard even after passing on what a damn mess." He glanced down towards where Zenith stood. His own eyes except the third then opened in surprise. He had no pupils but instead both held swirling masses of energy resembling galaxies.

Where Zenith was, there was no longer a human-like figure instead what appeared instead was a more so contorted unstable mass of swirling black and red energy trying to stabilise itself back to something resembling humanoid. This mass then began Raising his hands to look at them in confusion fingertips like a flickering flame. He looked around and saw the graves, a sense of familiarity and comfort surged into this mass of energy.

"That hatred is enough to melt and shatter the void. You just entered a new realm then skipped an entire realm to reach a new one whoa! That's quite unreal!" speaking in an almost serious manner. The robed figure's eyes were now focusing on the graves around. Those eyes began emitting a faint pulse of green light as if scanning what had occurred.

Zenith in that form of unstable energy soon tilted his head somewhat to the right. The clarity was missing from his mind. He turned to look up at the odd robed figure in the sky but remained silent.

This robed figure shook his head as he landed onto the grassy ground. It seemed he had looked to see into the past to inspect what had happened. "You poor creature. A victim in all this, no wonder you were able to advance after just entering the Epoch realm it's more than only a fair trade you didn't even wish for power and still managed to advance two realms ahead.

"What….am. Who am I? Who are you?" Zenith asked with some confusion. The being looked at Zenith and chuckled softly. "You are at the boundary of Entropy to negentropy a loop of back and forth taking a step forward and back at the same time. What an annoying thing. You seem at the peak of that realm Nothingness to fullness, nearly skipping three realms, that old guy made such a thing for me to clean up. if I didn't make it in time, you would have shaken a few starry skies and their cosmos to nothingness the others would get involved and would have laughed at me."

The figure sighed in annoyance before looking at Zenith. "Your name is Zenith, right? As for me well, eh." As Zenith heard his name spoken, he felt familiar with it, but then the next words were spoken by this odd being these words caused his body to react by instinct born of memories and hatred.

"I'm God..." not soon after this individual known as God had spoken his identity did Zenith's eyes change, masses of white had suddenly turned bloodshot with veins and a pure blackhole like pupil staring dead set at God.

"God....." Zenith had spoken that name soon after. His voice hoarse, holding a powerful presence that began to cause cracks in space as well as reality to shake again.

"Why don't you....disappear..." Zenith uttered then he raised his right hand a mass of black and red energy and extended it towards God. This was not a simple grab; this was a motion to crush, Annihilate and send one into oblivion regardless of how rigid or inflexible the object was. When one's will and hatred was strong enough, they would do anything.

God looked at zeniths hand in surprise. The hand made of a mass of energy seemed to grow larger and larger causing the void to quiver much more and shatter quicker, this caused many universes near this fabric of time and space on the other side to shake and quiver.

"hey, there come on. You're making a mess again. Why do you have so much hatred towards me? I didn't do anything? It wasn't my fault blame the guy who came before me. Alright now stop" Having spoken in disappointment, he watched the hand of Zenith's that dwarfed him grasp forward to crush him not slowing down in the lightest but getting stronger and more dangerous.

"I said...Stop…." covered by the hand god's voice sounded out throughout eternity seemingly making every creature subconsciously shiver, Zenith's hand was suddenly ripped apart and swallowed by what appeared like an odd crack in space-time, in front of God.

"God…….….!!" the memories of every single creature that had perished because of the temple and wish surged in zeniths mind, the hatred the anger the emotions wanting to live wanting to survive.

His cheeks and skin began to crack, and beneath those cracks on his facing one could closely see a starry sky. "ARGHHHH!!" Zenith suddenly roared like a creature of pure hatred towards God. The void was cracking more and more becoming much more unstable in the distance one could see a large crack nearing a universe; this would surely devastate it.

Looking at this sight, God shook his head, the eye on his forehead suddenly opened up, this eye was odd in the sense that it strangely had patterns, with webs and small bunches of cluster masses. This third eye of God enveloped creation and destruction, everything that existed was within the boundary and gaze of this eye under his control. Time seemed to freeze for everything within existence. Zenith was no exception as he suddenly stopped moving, frozen in time.

With light no longer moving flashes and masses of strange and odd scenes like a twisted dimension were all around as the rule of time had been forced to stop.

"What a shitty old man. Who knows what he was trying to do with this wish bullcrap except for causing trouble for whoever took over" God grumbled before sighing.

"Though. This is genuinely unexpected. A simple thing of method coupled with the right circumstances of emotions and the right wish followed by the right key trigger by the graves." God pondered.

"This is to perfect even for that old bastard, is there more meaning to it all? What was he trying to accomplish? Though This Zenith is too crazy right now if I let him be it will give me a headache having to talk to him like this."

"There is also the chance of existence being tampered with by him not to mention collateral damage. He is about to break into that realm without having stabilised his foundation. Coupled with those rampant emotions and hatred towards God, killing him would leave a tough crack, in reality, to fix if I can even fix that is without help which would, in turn, cause more trouble. Hmm, what to do."

God seemed to be thinking about something, looking at Zenith, even this being couldn't help but feel dumbfounded as things were so smooth before all these events.

"If I were in your shoes I would feel the same way. Someone called God had caused your suffering and now someone proclaiming themself as God is right in front of you no doubt you would want to strangle him regardless if he is the greatest creator or even the fiercest devil. Even if God is stronger than you, the powerful emotions you feel right now makes fear non-existent, leaving only the instinct to kill your enemy."

God folded his arms whilst thinking for a moment. As he glanced around, he suddenly had an epiphany. "That's right….this is his final source of strength, the remnant of his power is in his flesh that hand he left behind for some reason." God suddenly opened his hands, extending it in front of him.

He began to cup them together as existence or more, so reality began to become enveloped within his palms, leaving only his figure in this nothingness, opening his palm the planet-spanning Four universes seemed like a little pebble.

He made a grasping motion to his side a ripple in space appeared as the hand on the pedestal that had vanished after the wish before, suddenly reappeared. He placed it forward onto his palm as it began to shrink to the size of that pebble planet. He then made another grasping motion. That marble wisp of coloured light now a little weaker than before also appeared.

"Take responsibility" God mumbled in annoyance to the wisp of coloured light, the light began to quiver and wanted to escape but was caught with ease and placed onto his hand with the other two objects.

God suddenly cupped that hand, holding the three with his other and began to rub them together. His hands began to shake for a few moments as multicoloured light escaped through the sides of his fingers. This latest for several minutes until things died down.

"Done!" he removed the top hand and reality began to expand again until he was back on the planet with time and space still frozen.. his third eye soon closed as time and space returned to normal as if nothing had changed.

In front of him, Zenith was standing as he was before that odd transformation had occurred except that now on his forehead as well as running down his cheeks from below his eyes were glowing marks of red and black that had appeared but were beginning to subside until they vanished altogether.

His closed eyes opened, and he looked in front of him. It seemed he was aware of everything that had happened. He remained silent and looked at God. of course, after what had happened, he had the feeling that this God in front of him was not the God that had caused this situation.

Even if he wanted to be mad, he felt unable to as if all rage was being sapped from him and transferred somewhere else. Turning, he noticed a glowing orange sphere leave his body and move towards the temple. With his eyes, he was able to see that in the place of the pedestal was a throne seemingly made of the starry sky. Seated on it was a cloaked figure similar to how Zenith was dressed except its facial features were not visible.

That sphere of energy entered the cloaked figure and vanished. "Is that." Zenith suddenly spoke. God looked at Zenith for a moment and cut him off with a reply.

"The hatred you hold is not just your own but an amalgamation of Four universes worth and even then it's not normal for that amount to appear. The conditions to temper such strong emotions are too rare. I don't think it has happened before."

God then continued to speak "The best way for me to put it is that now and again, a universe will have someone who has hatred and anger turns them into a sharpened steel sword amongst wooden practice swords allowing them to grow stronger because of it like that Zarn'iak kid. This hatred of theirs usually occurs every few Eons or so. It is enough to reach an apex, But…."

God glanced strangely at Zenith. For a moment, Zenith glanced back at God. Zenith understood what God meant and decided to speak his thoughts.

"Four universes. The events tempered every single creature or more so the vast majority of creatures I doubt Zarn'iak was the only one with such hatred I'm sure many were killed off in battle or by each other after all every creature were more or less the same blades capable of matching each other."

Zenith continued to speak "Having to live where you could die in the next second, that instinct and desperate will to live and fight to survive puts you constantly on edge. All because of a wish or the will to survive, to get revenge. Turning them all into sharpened steel blades by force, the wooden swords were killed off earlier on leaving only the steel ones" Zenith then remained silent.

"More or less, that is correct. All of that anger and hatred pushed you nearly three realms with such uncontrolled power it would be too destructive. Few could match you and fewer who could defeat you. if a universe of wooden blades gives birth to a steel blade then what happens when a universe of steel blades gives birth to a new type."

Zenith looked stunned. He had felt how strong the power he had was. It was frightening to the point where he couldn't control himself, and he didn't want it, but thoughts and clarity in that while like that were hard to form. "To think beings that powerful exist besides you. as for that new weapon or talent or whatever, it matters not you or those beings you can match or surpass it can defeat it."

As he spoke, he looked towards the temple and quivered with a bit of fright. While Zenith looked at the temple, God said "Defeat it, yes but if you or more so that thing were to reach that breakthrough than I would have to get serious which would be annoying but also having to explain it to those other guys. Better I take action than the others stepping into my territory. Besides what's done is done. In the end, this is your reward."

Zenith looked at God weirdly, creation was indeed unique, and things were beyond his control. The way God spoke had made Zenith think that there was more to just a single God. Regardless he was incredibly tired right now mentally and physically. "The wish I made….can I change it? Can you bring them all back?"

Zenith looked hopeful as he looked at God, but the being remained silent. "Unfortunately the one who caused this mess was as strong as I. Actually, at that time he might have been stronger, the best I could do is place every creature from those universes back into the cycle of reincarnation from that banishment of existence, I still need to follow the rules made though."

After God spoke, Zenith relaxed and sighed. He glanced around looking at the graves. It felt peaceful and sometimes eerie enough to drive one to fear or insanity. He suddenly closed his eyes and relaxed. "That wish remains," Zenith spoke to which God looked strangely at him. His eyes began to shut as he no longer needed him to act.

God suddenly looked at Zenith then said "Your mind seems quite set on what you are about to do. You are very interesting. I bet that old guy before me would be jumping up and down in anger, knowing he missed out on such a thing."

"You don't even want to ask questions or get answers from God about anything? Very odd and very very rare he-he. Yes, you know what, this is good, a bit more liveliness in this dull existence is needed. I'm happy it happened within my boundary." God laughed

God then suddenly happily clapped his hands, seemingly bit eager while watching Zenith. Zenith harshly looked at God. "God or whoever you are, once I leave here, don't ever come back. Here is where the dead rest."

As Zenith spoke, he seemed to feel a vast burden leave his shoulders, with this small talk with God he understood reincarnation did exist now for them and that there were other universes out there.

"What a troublesome life I have lived." keeping these thoughts to himself he would then will his soul core to implode in on itself, he no longer felt the need to live this life,

God continued to look at Zenith. He felt a bit of respect for him for choosing this path. He watched Zenith's figure emit a bright controlled light of self-destruction before turning into glowing ash that scattered with the wind of the planet.

"Four universes and not one survivor. Zenith ay, you will surely be in for a surprise during your second round once you see that things are more connected than you are used to. Leaving out those details will be fun to see the result of I wonder if you will reincarnate into my territory again. "

It's good that can't see much more than a glimpse of your future more than an hour or so ahead and even that time is lessening as there is no way for me to stop that thing from growing stronger. It will eventually reach that realm. Then I won't be able to see the future for you or it anymore. Thankfully it is sealed and won't act out without external stimuli."

God began to float into the sky as he intended to head off, he turned one more time to look at all the graves that littered the planet. "maybe I should tell that idiot at the wheel to not peer into his Soul to judge him. Provoking that thing will leave a mess."

God remained silent for a few moments before he softly shook his head "Never mind whatever he does to piss that thing off is well earnt He-he." he then vanished from sight, leaving only this desolate planetary graveyard behind in this silent empty expanse.

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