《Sanctuary Within Entropy》Prologue Part 1/2


When God awoke only he existed, when he breathed in, the void of nothingness was drawn in. He then spoke a voice, ancient even during the start of creation. That voice echoed throughout the empty expanse. "Let there be light." Void to chaos than chaos to creation, an orderless universe a stirring pot of creation that took billions of years to settle down.

Us humans had started as ignorant and arrogant creatures. We had our own problem's. We immediately had to live tireless lives to survive day by day. Every such day was a new challenge, fending against predators and even against ourselves, we slowly adjusted and evolved, but war and bloodshed followed wherever we settled on earth.

We hated each other for many thing's. Ideology's, racial differences jealousy, Greed, many reasons. Whilst this went on, we also tried to search for life out there in the stars. Hm, if I recall in those ancient records 2051 that year was a turning point for humanity, it was when we found life or should I say life found us.

We lit a campfire in a dark forest we were careless thinking we would find friends but what we discovered was this forest was full of predators and hunters. In our ignorance, we started our apocalypse. The earth never stood a chance.

They sent just one creature at the threshold of what would be the Demigod realm, with a wave of his hand, that creature caused armies to crumble, mountains fold, oceans shake. Humanity which had previously been fighting amongst itself for so long because of the worst of reasons had quickly banded together to fight against a common foe.

I could say it would have been a beautiful moment of brotherhood for humanity, But the reality isn't all that kind. Barely lasting a day, cleaned up like ants against a tsunami we had just one route for a way out.

Serve or die our choice more or less, at least at that time. Slowly but surely we were sold as slaves, used as cannon fodder, entertainment, our species was garbage but there are things our so-called masters underestimated.

Humanity's ambition and spirit. We kept silent, suffered in the dark, grudge rising, hatred building up. We learnt a lot and made our so-called masters happy in the meantime.

One human in a suitable position than four humans in a suitable position. Like a weed growing silently unnoticed beneath the mighty tree, sapping the nutrient's bit by bit.

Seen as garbage over the many year's by the mighty races of the universe, we knew we needed to adapt or accept our fate, so adapt we did. You see human's had thought we were lucky and might be the only form of life out there, but reality again had slapped us.

We discovered not only are their limits to what technology can do alone but that there is a form of energy known by many names such as the breath of God, Najaargien, The soul of the universe, but the most accepted and publicly used term is Aether. An element our solar system lacked so much of that humanity had missed an essential page of evolution.

You see Aether is what we used to refer to as dark energy or dark matter. It's what makes up the rest of the universe, but it also does so much more there are varieties of it. The milky-way being at the centre of a nearly Aether devoid zone it is considered rare for life to form to our extent.


Our bodies adapted generation to generation as we were sold as slaves and taken away from our mother star. Aether strengthens the soul it feeds it, and because we were born with our souls more or less starved of this substance, we couldn't form what real dominator's of the universe could, the Soul Core.

Our knowledge had been twisted and turned, non-believer's of God and believer's of God all being stunned when they found out an ant-sized soul core was more than enough to allow someone to use force to destroy all of earth's forces and take it over.

Such a thing, of course, is quite rare among species. We had only just barely adapted while other creature's had million's of years to ingrain this into their bloodline.

But we persevere as a species we grew powerful and more robust a hundred years, a thousand years, 50 thousand years of blood sweat and tears. Many humans reached upwards and climbed. Those that struggled and never gave up were true humanity, not like the individuals who gave up to their fates as slaves.

We discovered harsh truths and learnt of the levels of power out there. The mortal realm, Perpetual Realm, Demigod Realm, God Realm, Celestial Realm, Ecliptic Realm, Supreme Divinity realm.

Humanity had been defeated by a low-class race's leader who hadn't even become a demigod. It took us 50,000 or so years filled with hardship and suffering for several of us to reach the God realm. Those ancient one's of the past who had first reached the God realm knew alliances were vital.

We established connections, made friends and gained enough standing that when we came to settle our debt, those ally's of ours would assist us if others wanted to stop us from exacting revenge.

We wiped out the home planet of the race that enslaved us. The first God realm warrior of humanity needed but a simple punch fueled by hatred to kill that demigod and crack that planet with one blow, a world no more massive than mars had shattered into fragments.

Our crusade lasted decades, seeking many of that race's members and worlds as we could and brought them as close to extinction as possible. Something us humans never had a problem doing back on earth.

Humanity had needed only tens of thousands of years to overcome its former masters. We had barely become a middle-class race. But such speed had scared the higher races as well as impressed them. Many knew that if humanity were to be forced into a corner, we would hold a grudge and bring destruction to those who pushed us.

Though this scene is not new, conflict and war in the grand universe are commonplace. In the end, we are a drop in a never-ending ocean. Humanity had been thrown into chaos, and we had survived. We showed as many as we could our talent for destruction.

We thrived, we made friends, we made enemies, we traded, we stole, we destroyed, pillaged, we then went back to turn against each other, Empires rising and falling. Cults were worshipping alien species and powerful humans.

In the end, humanity had become just like its brethren in the starry sky we adapted and evolved to become just like them joining them as predators and hunters.


Technology having limits was, of course, should it be used with Aether, many more things were possible. Those machines we thought impossible to achieve were now possible. Still, considering the existence of a soul core, those machines would never be able to surpass nature at least not without much progress.

If you had a Soul core, you were treated well and would indeed become a noble of whatever human territory or Alien territory you were in. If you had no Soul core, your life was worth less than a breath of Aether.

With the gateway of the universe at our fingertips, humanity's laws mattered little. Strength was the only rule one needed to follow.

History has a strange way of repeating itself. Our universe yes, our entire universe had vanished almost as if it were thrown into a wormhole large enough to accommodate it only to reappear and placed beside three others just as significant. Inbetwetween, all four at the centre was a simple stone temple.

We then heard a voice. No, should I say we heard him? No doubt the creature's in the other universes as well? He told us "The lone survivor of four cosmos shall be granted a wish. Should an Eon pass with no winner, your existences shall cease. Those who perish shall cease."

We all were confused. What did this mean? A being able to place four universes together and a temple at the centre granting a wish? Was this God? But only one survivor? This meant that out of every creature in all four universes, only 1 out of four should survive.

In the end, all creature's are the same, hatred, greed, envy, fear. It's not a human trait alone, our cosmic brother's and sisters are as guilty as us, with such emotions too. Only one should survive; we all knew it didn't mean one universe; it meant one creature out of all four Universes. If we didn't want to fight, we couldn't say the same for the other three.

At the very least we could destroy the other three then fight amongst ourselves, we weren't sure why that thought had been golden to us the possibility of honour for our universe was most likely the case.

Not even time for negotiations we flooded forward, some for honour, some for the thrill of battle, some to protect their home even though meaningless in the meantime, others for the chance at gaining a wish.




This battle lasts so long and doesn't end. My lips dry just thinking about it. My eyes shut to try to forget it. My heart stops as I can't help but start remembering the friends I made than lost on the battlefield; the enemies I encountered forced to fight or die.

We lost so many….no not just us! Everyone did. Millions of years—Galaxies are crumbling people dying everywhere, famine, hatred, Insanity—darker feelings seeping out of every creature. What Greed? What jealous? In the end, only one person shall enjoy it all, and even they shall be alone.

Some years we grew so tired we just defended the cosmic border while the others fought.

Some years we allied with another universe and attacked to keep the balance of power.

This war had caused many to go mentally deranged. I almost lost myself a few times, but I persevered. I loved I lost love. My hands feel cold and weak, no matter what I do to try and warm them. They called me the Quasar Divinity, An apex existence of our universe. Talented? Genius? What does any of that matter anymore?

I'm no different than a scared child right now. Not sure if I could live. I don't care about that stupid temple or wish anymore. Race, belief. Jealousy, hatred. The ugliest bug in the universe became a brother in arms to me. We had to fight together to live while also knowing a day would come where we would have to fight each other should we live that far.

We ate together, talked to each other. Many races that had hated each other were now friends and comrades in arms then turned to kill each other when they realise that friendship would be useless as things went on. The closer they grow as brethren, the harder it would become later on.

Such a beautiful thing to see all these different people so close to each other it made this cold heart of mine warm-up then grow colder when I realise it was pointless. I had been saved by an enemy I had almost killed in the past for a tressure. He had taken a blow for me that could shred a Galaxy cluster. Why did he do it?. I don't get it. Why did he laugh and look at me, pitifully? Did he feel sorry for me? Hm...

I remember those last years of war. I went to the void and watched what couldn't be called a cosmos anymore, let alone four. All tangled together in disordered chaos a blanket of destruction that Eon was almost up. The order of existence had been torn asunder by emotions and a stone temple.

I made friends. I made brothers and lovers. And I lost them all as well. The harshest moments give the most significant rewards; a wish from God is worth the lives of four Universes; this fact is a piece of knowledge in itself that is a curse.

I don't know what time is anymore there is no longer any light, only the echoing voices of the dead and pure darkness. My friends are all dead. My clan is dead. I can't sense any more lives of those weaker creatures. But I see the last remaining shred of light only the most powerful live they lurk and fight.

Though that wretched temple in the middle. The cause of it all. I'll wait. Yes, I'll wait as long as I need to. I want to see what wish the winner will make I want to ask them if it's worth the cost.

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