《Sanctuary Within Entropy》Chapter 5


While the creature staggered backwards, a figure leapt out from the bush and made a mad dash towards it. Lyon and Miana were stunned as they saw the man who had come out. They were wondering if this was an expert of sorts.

Arnon's expression was severe naturally a behemoth was a creature he would avoid but having gotten the drop on it, it made things much easier for him. Arnon held the remaining spear in hand, the beast finally composed itself and glanced at Arnon dashing towards it, clearly irritated.

As Arnon approached closer at least two meters away, the Behemoth suddenly spun, its massive tail swinging toward's Arnon like a heavy club, though having expected this Arnon analysed the speed of the Behemoths tail as well as how high off the ground it was.

The Behemoth had thought that if its tail would not hit Arnon, then he would jump, and it would retaliate at that time. Still, contrary to its expectations Arnon ducked, using his momentum and leg strength to slide across the dirt under the tail, narrowly avoiding a collision that would leave even him hurt.

Then he thrust his spear right into the creature's abdomen several times with what seemed like a Penta thrust in quick succession.

"Incredible...this Individual is very skilled." Even while injured, Lyon couldn't help but utter. Miana continued to heal Lyon, but her eyes were locked onto Arnon's figure somewhat mesmerised by his actions.

The Behemoth roared in pain, but this was something it should have controlled as the time it had dropped its guard to roar out, Arnon had already sidestepped around the creature and jumped up in its blind spot.

The Behemoth quickly turned to try and catch Arnon, but by the time it had spotted him a heavy aura converged around Arnon his thoughts in his mind "Id rather avoid using this so I can train my combat skills, but a quick end is better."

The Behemoth raised its Freehand to cover its head whilst preparing to swing its tail again. Still, This heavy Aura and Arnon's strength surrounding, his face contorted to look more like a devil.

At the same time, he roared in a low voice " Earth splitter!" the spear inched closer to the hand of the creature that covered its face it seemed to distort the air, making one look a little dizzy by glancing at the tip of it.

The spear pierced forward and in a single moment the upper half of the Behemoths body had been disintegrated blown away by the force of this Thrust, the ground behind it pierced and split open causing a minor quake around the immediate area.

"Impossible... Such strength" Lyon was surprised. He had only seen two individuals with that level of attack power; one was the Region lord the other was an elder from a sect that had helped quell an evil cult.

Miana's eyes were glowing with amazement as well as fascination. "Sir Lyon, do you know who that man is?" she spoke. "Not at all. Most likely, a passerby. I have heard these mountains are inhabited by several tribes, most likely a high ranking member or a leader. To think they hid their strength so well, I will need to report this to your father."


Afterwords Lyon relaxed, that was his most potent attack right off the bat it took quite a bit of his energy and would leave his body sore for days. He turned to look towards the two who had been watching and made his way over.

Lyons brows furrowed as he prepared himself, but he spoke. "Thank you for saving us, friend. I am Head Knight Lyon of the Arlenzia household. You will be rewarded greatly for your assistance, may I know your name?" he spoke with respect and in a kind tone.

Arnon pondered to himself, looking at Lyon before glancing at Miana. Arnon would be lying if he said that he had seen a more beautiful girl in his life; he remained quiet for several moments. "I.....uhh..."

Miana looked at Arnon and noticed his gaze was focused on her while he stuttered, her cheeks reddened, and she glanced away clearly a little shy herself which had never happened before.

"Arnon of the Rock-Fist tribe. Next in line to become chief," he wasn't sure what else to say as he scratched the back of his head. Lyon nodded and ignored the shy situation from earlier.

Lyon continued "A future chief of a tribe? No doubt sir has quite some strength to be able to fell a behemoth so easily you have my admiration and respect, a shame my men weren't so lucky as even I was injured. could I trouble great sir Arnon for a favour?"

Arnon was a little confused, he had just helped them because he had thought they were Tribesmen, but then realised they were from the area below whom the tribes rarely ever interacted.

They were usually left alone mainly because these areas were dangerous and having to clear and build required not just manpower but a large amount of worth. In the end, there were no natural resources here that would attract anyone to waste that effort.

"Favor?" Arnon asked as he was curious. Lyon nodded and then continued to speak. "As you can see, we are not in a great situation right now. Could I trouble you to escort us back to our base camp? I am not able to defend the two young ladies of my house in this state it would be greatly appreciated."

Arnon was a little sceptical he didn't know these people much; he remained silent as he was thinking. Their riches and rewards meant crap all to him gold was worthless and materials to make their weapons came from creatures of the forest or ancient remains from the past that more akin to fossil's which were durable and made for weapons such as his spear.

"Well, I'm sort of-" Arnon's sentence was cut short as Miana having healed the bloody stump and sealed it off with her magic stood up and bowed. "Please, Sir Arnon, Please help us. at the very least I do not want Sir Lyon or my little sister to face situations like this anymore..."

She quickly bowed towards Arnon, Lyon was stunned "M...miss Miana." He was confused. "Sister!" Sanaya came rushing over with tears in her eyes as she hugged her sister from the side while burying her head against her then looking at Arnon side-eyed, she had seen the events from before.


"Hmmm" Arnon was a little stuck right now. the ones below hadn't ever caused his tribe trouble there was no real hostility, and getting to know them might be interesting. "It would not be manly of me to refuse a pretty lady like you, so il accept, it shouldn't be trouble to leave for a bit."

After hearing the word calling her a pretty lady Miana's cheeks again reddened she wasn't sure why she was suddenly feeling shy as this had never happened before it was as if her defences around him had crumbled. "T..thank you, Sir Arnon."

Arnon would have never expected that this was the day he would meet his future wife, the events they shared the time they spent with one another and the hardship they both had to face to get married to one another was a story in itself.


Opening his eyes after reminiscing about the days he spent with Miana. Arnon's gaze looked more tender as he glanced up at the darkening sky. they had left before the sun had even come up or more so kicked out, and now the sky was nearing night again.

As there were no real creatures that would pose a threat due to the patrols and hunters wanting to keep the road safe Arnon had a lot of time to think about things.

Arnon was hurting when the sun had risen as it was something he and miana always saw together, and after the sun was planning to set, he was more emotional. Because he was a cultivator, he didn't need to rest or sleep for extended periods. The creature he had with him more so as it was something he raised when it was a baby, which meant they had a deep connection.

"My son Jagartha. how is he?" Arnon spoke with worry while facing forward knowing the person who was the mysterious old lady would hear him. she was elderly even when he was growing up and had to beg her and promise her items to help.

"Your son is fine, as his mother is not here Milk of Green plain cow works just as well," The women spoke soundly whilst sitting next to the fur cradle beside the quiet Zenith.

"Tell me, is he truly a demon?" Arnon finally responded, knowing the little girl who was Jagartha's descendant and future witch doctor of the tribe just like Jagartha was still sound asleep.

"Demon? There are many event's that happen during birth. Purple Aura from the West as an example or Sword aura splitting the clouds. Your sons birth is a bit strange, but you and your wife are human, how could he be a demon? Are you a demon? kekeke" Jagartha couldn't help but cackle in a hushed tone.

Arnon's brows twitched a bit, this old lady always picked on him when he was young, but she was no doubt the most knowledgeable and helpful in the tribe. "The tribe elders, I don't know how to handle their questions. If my son is like this, I fear they will want me to remarry and produce a proper child. We are still caught in old ways."

Jagartha responded calmly. "Old ways have kept us healthy, and together for many many years, they are not wrong with their methods but is it a curse for this son of yours to not inherit your position as chief? "

Arnon's brows relaxed, he knew jagartha had some unique ability that could read fate to a slight degree which was a magical ability that was incredibly rare even in the outside world. "What do you mean?"

Jagartha turned to face Zenith whos eyes opened slightly and turned to look towards Jargartha looking at her as deeply as she was looking at him. "when I try to peek into his fate I feel as if I am in front of a stone wall that extends infinitely in all directions. as his future cant peeked at, this most likely means, he decides his fate."

Arnon's seemed thoughtful, unsure what to make of Jagartha's words "Has this ever happened before?" He asked Jagartha, who responded. "A few times some live normal live's others die young and a few become great individuals." she had spoken that final sentence with some hesitation.

"Hopefully the Former or latter" Arnon replied while Jagartha spoke soon after "You should know your child will not be accepted by the tribe, although we care for our clansmen, superstition runs in our blood. Your child will to them be an ominous figure, punishment from the heavens for marrying outside of the tribes and not a future clan head."

Arnon grunted with annoyance "I will see who dares talk about my child in front of me." a protective look on his face. "Boy you need to think smarter. in the end the clan is what matter's your father and the clan elders require a descendant to continue the bloodline there was also the agreement of marriage we had with the Beast-Sword tribe" Jagartha reminded him.

"I know..." He seemed a little annoyed and took a sigh. "But how could I abandon my child I won't do it!" He seemed stern in his words and decision.

"Abandon? kekeke... No, not abandon. Leave him with me. I will find ways to cure this ailment of his and raise him. Once his mother heals and returns, he will have stronger backing, though he still needs a women's presence like all children. there is one matter though."

Arnon knew what she meant he continued her words "What do I tell my father and the elders, there will also be rumours in the tribe" Arnon felt worried he didn't want to deal with this heartache. "You tell the truth!. What do you have to fear?"

Jagartha continued "Do we Rock-Fist tribesmen need to lie? Your son was born with an illness. Let them call him what they please as long as you visit him occasionally and let him feel the love of his father and then the affection of his real mother he will at least grow normally until this affliction is gone."

Arnon gave a serious glance ahead as he replied "You are right. I won't give up on him; there is always a way to tackle a situation. This Obstacle is my sons first in a line of many.

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