《Cursed by a goddess...》Chapter 6: Suddenly !


Glad people been following and I got 1000 average views oo. It a lot more then what I thought I get lol. Also added more rules to the Char Table, like Ranks and soon money be shown.


“Well why hasn’t Kuro died yet? He should have been easy prey for the monsters in the demon continent.“ The goddess sat in her area of the heavens and frowned some. “ Since I am the human’s goddess and they rule the world. I get to have a greater level of control then the rest of them. I need him to die soon so I can grab a new hero for this world. Well with the curse I set on him and left him to revive as the weakest things in that continent, it only a matter of time.” she giggled to herself and brushed her blond hair back. She looked like the essence of a goddess, bright blond hair, deep blue eyes, lithe figure but ample ass and breast barely contained in her dress. Her dress looked like a roman-ish wrapped around her firmly. She made a gestures making window pop up in front of her.

Kuro Samuel bonesSamael Lvl 0/1Skeleton of Origins Rank E lvl 1Class : none Lvl: none

“Wait, What the Hell Happened!?” her eyes widened at the screen and then narrowed some. ”He was a normal Skeleton before and now he ranked up as a monster. That should be be happening he a hero so should only get classes, which I denied him. With no trainers anywhere near him should made it impossible for him to lvl up.” She grumbled out loud to herself,” Well there nothing he can do, only undead live there and few rarely travel there. Therefore, he stuck there until he’s destroyed by something. I wish that area was in my territory, but since it filled with death, it falls under my sister’s domain. Maybe I’ll ask her to look and tell me if I offer her something for looking. She seems pretty upset I killed her champion last time thought.” She shrugged some.” It not my fault she was trying to corrupt my church teachings by using her power and looks. Only the beautiful and powerful I have chosen may rule my lands, which why I had the demi-humans and elf enslaved or ran out. My chosen ones of my faith can live a nice easy life and polish their looks more to please me and worship me.” She nodded some.”That whole all people are equal not going to work, this my world and I say what it right and wrong!” she sneered some and then sighed deeply “oh no good getting worked up, She gone now and cannot do anything.”

”Well I just look around at my collection and see how they are doing so far.” She then looked at a wall, On it showed all her currently young male heroes: ranging from 11-14 all of them cute looking.”Ah that helps some, soon have a complete set of 12 heroes, then all I need to do get them some achievements and let them ascend so they can be mine forever” she giggled and smiles to herself.” After all I cheated some and had them summoned here praise me” she smiled and chuckled softly,” and what father does not know will not be a problem, as he has his down issues to deal with and never looked at my little project.”


-----Samuel’s POV-----

I opened my eyes as I felt something coming near me. Looking around the mausoleum, I did not see anything not even a rat since I cleared them out. I shrugged some and closed my eyes again, thinking what to do now and what I needed to do to get stronger. As I sat there a the feeling returned , as if someone standing in front of me. My eyes snapped open again and looked, standing front of me seem to be some short of shadow. “What the hells?” I stared at the shadow harder when a window popped over it.

Name: ????Shade Rank D lvl 25

“Hello there?” I asked out loud and narrowed my eyes. While I talked to it, I could feel it presence. i drew out my new dagger and watched the share carefully.

“Well hello there now” ???? Spoke in a high pitched voice,” You must be newly evolved, I did not think there was any intelligent undead in this area. Who are you?”

“I was Kuro Samael Bones, Now just called Samael, after I resurrected here a few days ago. Who are you?” I looked at the shade some.

“Really now?, That is Interesting; normally it takes a while for an undead to get enough intelligence and wisdom to get an ego. Most undead just react based on their instincts. Oh I’m Sophie I’m a shade now although I used to be a priestesses.“ The shade looked like a semi transparent form of a young woman with flowing hair drifting behind her as she smiled at me. “You said resurrected didn’t you?” her eyes widened some “does that mean you from another world too?”

Spoiler: Shade

“Yes I did “ nods a bit slowly “ It seem however, I messed up Kohena's plans and she turned me to a undead instead of a hero and even when far as to curse me. She also sealed a lot of the heroes’ system from me.” I said with a deep sigh and stood up carefully.”Well there nothing I can do about it thought, I did unlock monster evolution now. So I ranked up from a normal skeleton to Skeleton of Origins, so not I’m lvl 1 and can even learn magic.” I smiled some as she floated along near me.”

“Oh , sorry to say but she the one that had me killed. She had one of her high priest poison me after I started to try to reform their system. Sadly, it did not take, and they hid my body so no one knows where it is now. Right after I did I meet with my own goddess Nox.”

“I am hoping for a way out of being Kohena hero or somehow jump ship to Nox's. She gave me her blessing and allowed me to evolve “ I said to her, “She also told me once I get to a temple I can pry and learn some things if I had questions.”

Sophie smiled and nods some “Well she might be the goddess of death but she fair to everyone, and she not happy how her sister ruining things by having the other races enslaved or killed.”


“That does seem a bit too much, is there a reason why she having them killed?” I ask as I walked to here I saw my first skeleton and looked around some slowly as I talked.

“I think she thought the beastmen, dwarfs, gnomes and the rest of the demi-humans. So she had them removed from her perfect little world.” Sophie said and sighed.

“Well how about the elves, they surely if they exist, pretty good looking right?” I asked her and looked at her.

She just smiled “oh there are elves, I was one when I was alive you know” Sophie laughed as I stopped moving and rubbed my head even if I did not have any hair. “But elves are prideful and would not bow to her demands they only worship her instead of their living god, the mother tree. So she now has then as slaves or they are hidden deep in the forest on the west boarder of the human kingdom. The only reason they not all caught is the forest has some strong monsters that guard the boarder.”

“Ah well that good at lest, if I can get off this continent. I could go there maybe to learn more or even fine some allies.” I thought and tilted my head some. “However I get the feeling undead are not really popular with the other races huh?” I looked over at Sophie.

“You are right in that, elves are even worst about it. It is the belief they see the undead as unholy against their teaching of life’s cycle. So they more likely to end you then help.” Sophie nodded her head as she talked. “However even if they not be helpful the forest boarder could be an good place to earn some exp if you avoid the elves. However, first you have to get stronger so you will not die outside this graveyard. Its got a fairly strong barrier around it, likely to keep high ranked monster out ages back so they not disturb the dead. However now that hundreds of years gone by it weakening some allowed the undead here to come in to being.” She smiled at me some “ well this is luck for you are you can train up more and maybe find some items like that dagger you got there.” She looked at it “that pretty nice item for your level, most human adventurers would be jealous.”

“Well I got 2 reasons: first how a shade different then a ghost? And 2: what did you mean sounds like you going to follow me?” I looked at her as she nodded her head.

“Well I do not meet fellow other worlders very often and looked like you can use some help. As for being a shade, it is like being a ghost: only those magical items, weapons, spell can or certain metals can hurt me. I can also limited interact with the physical world as well. However strong sunlight does hurt some and makes it harder to stay in this realm. Also if I help you maybe I can help other people along the way and save some of the slaves.”

I nod a bit “sure I can use the company and someone that knows how magic works might help me learn it faster. I not quite got a hold how it all works really. Knowing there some back up in case something happens a big help.”

Sophie smiles some, “Well not sure how much I can help, I can only use basic spells and I cannot use my priestess spells. They more likely to hurt us then help, although I know a few safe buffs that should be ok. But I know a lot and can help you when needed till we are closer together level wise.”

Do you want to make a party with Sophie? Y/NDue to level differences higher lvl companion will gain no EXP.

“Sure,” I said out loud as her name popped over her head and turned green,” Well tell me somethings about magic and how does it work? I will try it out as i go since I’m a more hands on type of learner” I grinned some and humming deeply. Sophie floated next to me as I looked around some before walking to the largest building I could find. “Well I found a minor dungeon before, maybe there another one in here?”

“Well maybe never really looked around here before up close” Sophie shrugged as I walked around the large crypt until I found the door leading in. The doors looked in good shape made of a dull grey metal.

“Well what this, you think there be rust or something at least.” I looked at the door intently for a while until a window popped up.

Reinforced Oak wood door with Steel Bands

I saw a small plaque on the door, as I looked at it, noticed I could not read it at all. “Well I will need help learning how to read, as I cannot read this at all.” I sighed deeply.

Sophie laughed some “Well it does take some getting used to. Start with this and then. ”She slowly explained how the letters looked and I nodded my head as I worked on it until I could read it.

‘This door leads to the Knightwells Family Crypt: grave robbers beware enter and you shall die.’

I read it slowly after a few tries,”Well that sound all cheery huh; maybe I should try a few undead out here before we go in. What you think Sophie?” I turned and looked at her.

“Well that should be ok, as I can help with a few basic spells and how they work. “She smiled at me some. “Never hurts to be careful at the start.”

I nodded some and started to look around for the roaming undead with Sophie followed behind her as the sky darkened. Sophie glowed brighter as the lights faded while my eyes burned stronger. “Well a hunting we shall go~” I sang some and chuckled deeply….

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