《Cursed by a goddess...》Chapter 7: Undead Party~


Sorry for the delay was out a day for a head cold and had to finish our MC possible evolution tree ^^

adding this to the char table also. but basic jobs lvl up to 15 , advance up to 10 and rare/epic classes can only be lvl up to 5.

----Samael POV-----

I had Sophie float up till she could stop some of the lower end undead types. Once we could see where a lot of the undead gathered up, I started to walk to them. The undead nearby totally ignored me as I walked past some of the stronger ones until I found a weak looking cluster that had some roaming patrols. They seemed to be roaming around a small mausoleum, although larger than the one I woke up in, guarding it. Once I got close enough I started to look at the windows that popped up.

Skeleton lvl 2

Skeleton lvl 4

Then as I peeked in to the mausoleum, I saw

Skeleton Guard lvl 7

Undead Noble lvl 10 Elite

“Well the ones outside seem to be within my range but the ones inside seem pretty strong. What do you think Sophie?”

“Well you are not wrong, basic Skeletons go up to lvl 15 before they stop leveling up until they evolve. They can evolve anyone once they meet the requirements, for instance if an undead raise from a warriors corpse. Once it gained enough exp, it would be granted an option to change to a Undead Warrior or similar job. A dead assassin could become a rouge or an assassin undead and etc, down the line.” Sophie told me as she floated around slowly.

“Hmm I see “I nodded my head some slowly,” so they like classes for human huh?”

“Yes and No” Sophie answered back,” monster races gain stats and racial skills as that grow stronger, but they really do not learn ‘new’ skills. It can just improve its current learned skills; also, it can learn how it can use new the features of their race. Like if a serpent evolved in to a basilisk, it would know how to use its deadly gaze. An undead that evolved from a skeleton to undead warrior would remember how to use the weapons and armors it used in its life. It would gain more strength and hp, but it would not gain more warrior skills.” Sophie talked as she followed me to an area I descried make a good base for attacking the patrols.


“So might be good for me to sooner or later learn a class? Although seems I need to find a teacher to Class book since the system not letting me pick a class automatically.” I sighed and made sure my knife was fully repair before a picked up a rock and threw it hard at a new by Skeleton.

“Hmm might be a good idea but I would first max out the currently race, as mastering one can lead to more options or grant bonuses some times. Also it not like you got a lot of choices at the moment.” Sophie said as she watched the area for and other patrols as I engaged the one I pulled with the rock. The skeleton was a perfect looking version of me, almost, besides the light blue flames instead of my own red ones. It attacks where pretty simple thought, all it did rank it claw like hands at me.

“Classes like Warrior or mage can unlock skills you never had or can learn. Like Magi learn a spells beyond basic cantrips. While a warrior can learn martial arts, ki skills, etc. They also learn how to wear armor effectively.” Sophie,” I myself am a rank E monster as a shade, evolved from a ghost over the years. My prior class as a priestess not effective as a undead myself because any of my heal spells I use would harm me more. Now if I get strong enough I could become a wraith or even gain a body as an undead priestess.” On the other hand, I could go banshee and maybe become a Nazgul later in time. As a Shade all, I can do currently touch things as I attack or lift up some light objects.”

“I see” I ducked under the skeletons arms and moved to the side. I then thrust out my dagger, shattering some of it ribs before taking a step back. I dodged again and things time hacked at one of its arms doing less damage. I thought to myself and then kicked it legs out from under it. As it hit the ground I jumped up and landed on it skull, which cause my legs to fracture more, however his skull shattered causing it to stop moving, while a large -20 critical strike.

Skeleton lvl 2 was Defeated Gained 40 EXP

“That seems a bit too easy.” I sighed out deeply.

“Well normal skeletons are pretty weak and not to smart, you are likely something different since you are a ‘hero’” said Sophie, “So what race are you?”


“Oh me, I’m something called ‘Skeleton of Origins’, it also gives me a hp and mp boost” I told her as my legs reform till I stood up and looked over the skeleton I defeated. I bent down and looked over the broken skeleton until I pick up a few items.

Skeleton BoneDescriptionQualityRankAlchemy regentPoorE

Skeleton Teeth x 3DescriptionQualityRankAlchemy regentPoorE

Monster coreDescriptionQualityRanktraded for gold or can be used in alchemy or enchantmentPoorE

“Skeleton of Origins? I never heard of that one before. Maybe it a enhanced version because of your hero status?” Sophie’s head tilted some, “Well that’s in your favor at least, improved you odds of surviving out here. Outsize of the graveyard the monster lvls are a lot higher, so better to stay in and lvl up a bit. “

“Ya I thought as much, I did take a small look around. Seems I got to a little way to go” I shrugs and stood back up, my boned creaking loudly.” I wish I could give these bones already, tired of feeling as if someone beat me with a bat or would that a bo staff here? “I waited a little before moving, looking for the next target. I spotted one after a little walk and looked it over.

Skeleton Lvl 4

“Ok Sophie, if I need help be ready” I looked at her as she nodded, before I stepped up behind the skeleton and slashed at the back of the neck. As it staggered and kicked at the back of its knees, forcing it down. I started to straddle it and down the dagger down again. The skeleton’s hands raked along my legs, causing flakes of bone to come off easily. I saw a -10 pop up as I slammed the dagger down on the back of it skull again, doing more damage.

I could see Sophie watching as I kept hitting the base of the spine rapidly and hard enough to cause my fingers to ache some. I saw another -10 flash by as the skeletons nails dug deeper in to my leg bones.”Damn it, go down already!” I growled as the dark mist formed around the dagger and I swung down, a loud crack echoed as the head suddenly fell off. A soft Ding heard while the dark mist faded, I felt a bit drained for the moment and sat back.”I wish I could drain HP from them, sadly being undead that does not seem to be a option.” I sighed some.

“What was that mist and how did you cut its head off so easily?” Sophie floated over and asked me.

“As for the mist not sure, I think it shows off when my rage builds up or before I use it. As for the skull not sure, I think it might have been my skill fury slash activating. It has low odds to dismember or decapitate something.”I told her,” is there a way to shows skills or stats to others?”

“Well normally need a item to share, but as an hero you can share it with party members. Just say or think show what you want to share.”Sophie told me and watched me.

“Ah ok, Show Sophie Skill: Fury Slash” I said out loud.

Name:Description:RankEXPFury SlashA one hand sword skill,does a extra 10% +1% per lvl to damage. 1% + .1% per lvl chance to remove a targeted extremity (head, legs, arms, etc.)Basic 115%prerequest:Rage Stat

As she looked at it, I slowly picked up 2 more bones and 3 more teeth for my collection. “Well once day maybe I use or sell these items for alchemy, since I gathering a lot of them. Should make pretty penny I hope to get started.” I then checked the rest of my skills spotting a new one.

Name:Description:RankEXPDagger Mastery+5% to Damage and 1% + .1% to Critical per lvl.>Basic 15%

“Huh, I got dagger mastery now” I said and rubbed my chin some. ”Seems Heroic Growth working out for me at least. It might helped, that before I died I was decent as using weapons.”

“Really that is good; you could learn to be an rouge or something later.” Sophie told me, “Also a weapon that an mage can use in a offhand when using a wand. Also as you use things you used to you learn them faster than newer things, like magic; it might take you a while since no magic in our world. I can teach you some simple spells at least.”

I nodded to her and started to move off in search of my next target. Sophie floated along behind me and teaching me a few more things. It was going to be a long day of hunting…

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