
Year 4507 Azeroth

It has precisely been one year after the birth of baby Ashura. Everyone in Erendale Palace was preparing for the birthday celebration and awakening ceremony. Everyone including priestess Oshena and ministers of royal court were invited. A grand feast was prepared for everyone. Everyone wished and blessed baby Ashura. The feast lasted from morning till evening. After the feast ended everyone parted from the palace. Only few people remained in the royal court and those were King and Queen, Priestess Oshena, baby Ashura’s paternal and maternal grandparents and his eldest brother and eldest sister. Priestess Oshena led them to the ceremonial chamber where awakening was going to take place.

During this one year everyone led a carefree life. Everything was peaceful. Pluton and Ashena used to spend the whole day with their mother accompanying baby Ashura. Everyone didn’t fail to notice that Baby ashura liked to sleep very much. During this whole year he would just cry eat and sleep. As the time for awakening drew near everyone got anxious. The Awakening process was a bit painful so everyone was prepared for it. The ceremonial chamber was an open room with a pool at its centre. In the middle of the pool was an altar on which the lights from stars and moon fell. Priestess Oshena asked Queen Serrin to place baby Ashura on the altar. After laying Ashura on the altar she came back and then everyone stood in a circle surrounding the pool.

The moon light fell on baby Ashura’s naked body. Soon he started floating in midair and the intensity of moon light increased by tenfold. Little by little everyone saw a small crack on baby Ashura’s forehead. Everyone was shocked because this process was very painful and most of the children undergoing awakening would cry out loud and faint but baby Ashura was floating and his face showed no pain. Just as everyone looked at priestess Oshena, Ashura was once again covered in golden mist. No one was able to see what was going on inside the mist. After sometime the intensity of the light decreased and the golden mist started to dissipate. Everyone was dumbfounded with what they saw next. Unlike everyone he had a golden colour diamond on his forehead and there were no horns. What shocked them most was the pair of black wings on the back of Ashura. The jet black wings folded open and Ashura gave out a loud roar. That was a dragons roar that they heard. After the roar the diamond on his forehead shone brightly and his wings retracted back in to his body. His body came floating down on the altar. He was now around 3 feet tall. A trait of demon clan when they go under the awakening ceremony their height also increases. As he looked around he saw everyone’s shocked face. He laughed and came running to his mother and hugged her.


As everyone was overcoming their shocked feelings Lord Yzmes arrived besides them. Everyone kneeled in front of him except for Ashura. He stared at Lord Yzmes with curious eyes. Lord Yzmes came near Ashura and said

“Happy Birthday little one”

Ashura gave a smile and to everyone shocked gazed went forward and hugged Lord Yzmes. The Queen Serrin worried ran up to him and caught Ashura and made him kneel.

Lord Yzmes-“Serrin there is no need for that. He is the child of the Supreme One. “

Lord Yzmes came in front of Ashura bent on one knee and opened his hand and said

“Little one don’t you think what you took from me you should return it back.”

It was now that everyone noticed a gold pendant in the hand of Ashura. He was clutching and trying to hide it. The king and queen both were embarrassed. Ashura with an unwilling face gave back the pendant. Everyone was shocked and were still thinking why would Ashura do that.

Lord Yzmes looked at everyone and with an embarrassed face said

“Ashura has dragon blood flowing inside him. He has ruthlessness and ferocity of a demon, pride of a dragon and also........ Greed and lazy nature of a dragon. He will not be able to control his greed for gold, jewels or precious objects till he matures so you all will have to be extra careful of that.”

Everyone was speechless. They didn’t know if they should get angry on Lord Yzmes for what trouble he brought upon everyone by giving his blood to Ashura. Lord Yzmes ignoring everyone’s cursing gaze asked them to follow the ceremonial Awakening procedure and ignore him. Head maid Vanessa helped Ashura dress up in a white robe and led him to another chamber. Priestess Oshena, Lord Yzmes and everyone was already there. Priestess Oshena led Ashura near a crystal and asked him to place his hand on it. As Ashura placed his hand on the crystal the colour of crystal started changing and soon turned to gold. Everyone was flabbergast by that, gold colour represented mana affinity with every elements.


Lord Yzmes-“As expected from the child of The Supreme One. He has affinity towards all the elements. He will become a fine sovereign in future.” After saying that Lord Yzmes vanished from there as though in a hurry. Everyone felt suspicious by that and as the ceremonial awakening was completed everyone returned to their rooms. The next day there was huge clamour in the palace cause the crystal in the ceremonial awakening chamber was missing. No one knew who did it except a couple of individuals. It was now those individuals understand for why Lord Yzmes ran in a hurry. He was afraid of any disaster that will fall on him cause of the blood he gave to Ashura. There was nothing that can be done now.

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