
Ashura’s p.o.v.

I woke up with two pairs of curious eyes watching me. Those pair of eyes belonged to my eldest brother Pluton and eldest sister Ashena. They look like humans except for the purple eyes, two black horns and a small red diamond on their forehead. The diamond and horns are the characteristic of being a demon. I give out a cry cause of hunger and my mother picks me up. She is like a fairy but with horns. Another thing I knew from my vast knowledge was only the Demon royalty has purple eyes where as the normal demons have red eyes and no diamond on their forehead. As I am being fed I notice my father coming into the room. He looks at me and mother and smiles. He is huge and muscular. He is around 6 feet 8 inch tall with muscular body. He has a wand with a big diamond on its head part tied to his waist. After being fed I should look for the cultivation manual as decided before but first time being around a family I just want to be carefree so I have decided to do something but I will require the help of Supreme Father.

This world consists of mana and qi but everyone cultivates only mana. What is the difference between mana and qi? Both have same elements. Mana is soft by nature where as qi is violent that is why while cultivating qi one should control qi or it can destroy the meridians and organs. They are both energy. That brings me to another question if they both are energy then where do they originate from. What is the source of mana and qi? As I dwell deeper into this thought I came to realize that both the energy originate from universe. I know my answer lies in the source of universe. There are millions and millions of universe and they are made up of dark matter and dark energy. Dark energy is just a part not whole of the universe so what is the source. If everything is made up of energy then how do they follow the order what is it that makes them follow their respective laws. The universe is a complete ordered system. As I think harder something clicks in my mind and a word comes up ‘Cosmos’. What is cosmos? The cosmos is universe considered as a system with an order and pattern. Cosmos is the law and order. Now I know the answer to my basic question, the source of mana and qi. These both energies are a branch of energy of the cosmos that is the cosmic energy. Cosmic energy is the life force that is existent everywhere. It is present in the cosmos, between the galaxies, the molecules and in the space. It is essential to maintain the order of life. What if I cultivate in cosmic energy. No it’s not the answer I am looking for. If there is order which is represented by cosmos then there is disorder that represents chaos. So comic energy and chaos energy are opposite energies. Yes I got it... the answer to my every question “Etheric Energy”, the source of every energy in the universe. Ha ha ha ha. Now I need to find the cultivation technique for Etheric energy. But before I could go through the knowledge I was interrupted by a voice in my mind


“ Son I am amazed to see that you can use my knowledge to such extent. You found out the source of all energy. As a gift I give you Cosmic devourer art technique which will help you cultivate in Etheric energy”

Ashura-“Supreme Father thank you for providing me with such an amazing technique. I wanted to contact you for one more reason. There is something I need your help with”

Supreme One-“Son I have already granted your wishes but since you have made me happy and also as you are my only son I will help you. So tell me what help do you require?”

Ashura-“Supreme Father as u know I was an orphan in my previous life where as you have provided me with such a loving and caring family in this life. I want to cherish these moments. I want to live and be like a child and grow up normally. But with the knowledge and previous memories I am unable to do so. Can you please help me with blocking out my memories and the knowledge? I want to live a carefree childhood. “

Supreme one-“okay I will seal your memories and the knowledge and the seal will automatically break on your 12th birthday. But subconsciously you will always cultivate in Etheric energy using Cosmic devourer art. Now boy I will see you on your 12th birthday.”


Supreme one*Oh boy. This will be a bit troublesome for the demon clan. He is just like a small baby now. I wonder what will happen once he grows up and is influenced by the dragon blood in his body. It should be fun. *

The supreme one thought of this and vanished from Ashura’s mind after sealing all the knowledge and his memories.

Serrin Lenach p.o.v.

I was very worried after giving birth to my third child. After giving birth I was tired but still I noticed the worrisome face of head maid and other maids. Is my baby alright was the first thought that came to mind. The head maid Vanessa laid the baby next to me went to call for my husband. As I looked at my baby he had the appearance of an angel. He had black hair and a chubby body. My baby didn’t cry nor did he open his eyes. As I saw my husband I could not control myself and started crying. While he is trying to sooth me down commander zerus who is a saint knight and commander of our kingdom came to our room and asked my husband to look outside. My husband and everyone followed him to the balcony, being tired I lay there on my bed weeping for my baby. Soon I heard the sound of lightning like of which I have never heard before in my entire life. As soon as the booming sound of thunder ended my baby who was silent till now gave a loud cry. Everyone was shocked by it but somewhere deep down inside I felt happy hearing the voice of my child and approached him to hug. But before I could hug my baby he was covered in golden cocoon. But the cocoon soon cracked and I saw my baby trying to move his hands. I was surprised and happy. My baby has still not opened his eyes that only mean that he is blind but no matter what he is my baby and I will look after him his whole life. I picked up my baby and started to caress him. I laid him next to me and was caressing him when he held my finger. I was smiling when everyone approached us and that was when I saw him opening his eyes. His eyes were blue unlike the purple eyes we had. As he opened his eyes completely his eyes started to shine and a loud thundering boom was heard from outside. The palace shook badly. Everyone was holding onto their ears due to the loud booming noise when something unbelievable happened. His eyes and hair completely changed. His eyes turned golden in colour and his hair turned silvery green. I was happy beyond words. It seems gods have blessed my baby. He was crying so I fed him and after that he fell asleep. I was very happy. Tears of joy could be seen in everyone’s eyes.


As I lay there a knight followed by Oshena the priestess of Dragon God’s temple came in. My husband had a conversation with her. She approached me and asked if she could take a look at my baby. I allowed and she took my baby in her hand and I could see a light flowing from her to my baby. Soon I could see a shocked expression on Oshena’s face. She gave me back my baby and told us that our baby is protected by some barrier so she is not able to know anything and we will have to wait for his awakening. I was disappointed with that news. I wanted to know more about my baby. I knew my baby was special. As I looked at my husband he had a shocked expression and I could see guards and knights surrounding everyone to protect. As I looked in front of them I saw a grey mist forming. The grey mist soon turned into Lord Yzmes, god of dragons. Everyone was kneeling and greeting him. He asked us to relax and stand up. I stood watching as he approached my baby and said

“Drazon you and your family has been blessed to have the child of the Supreme one. Although born from Serrin he has the essence and blessing of the supreme one. He is destined to rule over everything. He will lead your demon clan to glory and peace. And as per the duty I have been assigned I will be the guardian of this child. None of us Gods are worthy to bless this child however i will bestow upon him My blood. He will be a demon with the blood of dragon God flowing inside him. He will have the ruthlessness of a demon and pride of a dragon. He will be unmatchable in the whole world.”

Soon I saw a drop of golden blood coming out of Lord Yzmes chest and entering my baby’s forehead. My baby was again covered in the golden mist and when it disappeared he had a red slit in his golden eyes. Lord Yzmes was smiling and then he took out a black egg out of nowhere and presented to my husband. He said that it was the egg of dragon of chaos and that dragon will be the mount of my baby and his companion. Everyone was very happy and as lord Yzmes disappeared he said

“Raise him with love and care and name him Ashura because this is what The Supreme One desires”

As we heard the name we voiced out my baby’s name in unison. Everyone celebrated his birth. I laid him on his crib next to our bed. It was at midnight that me and my husband woke up hearing the cries of my baby. He must be hungry so I ran to his side, picked him up and fed him. My husband was smiling at me. He was very happy. After all the changes my baby had he was looking more angelic. He was trying to speak. We started laughing. I put him back on his crib and me and my husband were playing with him. Soon his eyes closed and he fell asleep so we also decided to sleep. Today at noon my other two lovely kids Pluton and Ashena were looking at their baby brother. Ashena was looking at me with pleading eyes so that I allow her to pick up the baby but I refused. She was too young to hold the baby. Soon young ashura started crying so I lift him and started feeding hm. My husband also came back after his morning visit to the Royal Hall. After being fed there was some change in little ashura. It felt like he was in deep thought. He lay there motionless. I got worried. I called him many times but there was no response. As I was about to cry his eyes blinked and he looked at me with curious eyes. He tried raising his hand to touch my face. So I brought my face near to his hand. He was trying to hold my horns with his tiny and chubby hands . He is just like Pluton as a baby. I started playing with my son. Soon Pluton and Ashena joined me and they started tickling little ashura and he was giggling. All my worries are now gone. All I know is my baby ashura is special.

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