
Year 4518 Azeroth

It’s been 12 years after Ashura’ birth. It was his 12th birthday. These 12 years he had a carefree life but for others it was not the same. The bonding with dragon egg was postponed after the awakening of Ashura. None of them were able to cope with the greedy nature of Ashura for gold, diamonds and precious objects so they wouldn’t dare to go ahead and let another dragon roam in the palace. After consulting Oshena it was decided that Ashura will be allowed to bond with the dragon egg after he gains control over his dragon blood.

During these 12 years the one most troubled was the minister of finance. He lost count of how many times Ashura raided the treasury. At last King had to setup a barrier so that Ashura won’t be able to enter the treasury room. Ashura’s progress as a mage was too slow, no matter how many instructors tried. They were puzzled as Ashura was the child of Supreme one but still he was at amateur realm. Although after they tested his mana capability they were astonished to find that his mana capacity was that of King Realm level but his usage of spells was lacking. Later Lord Yzmes through divine revelation told Oshena that everyone has to be patient, all of this was happening because of his dragon blood. The nature of greed and laziness were completely manifested in Ashura. If it was a normal dragon blood then it would not have affected that much but as it was the blood of God of Dragons himself Ashura was not able to dominate the blood and was being dominated. All they could do was wait for Ashura to get a bit matured.

Ashura turned completely into a bully for the common people and Nobles. It was to a point that his mother had to accompany him whenever he left the palace or he was not allowed to go outside by himself. He had become a supreme thief in Demon continent. Anything he liked he will either steal or terrorize the other person to hand it over to him. Naturally King and queen compensated after that. During these 12 years his eldest brother has reached Intermediate peak level as mage and his eldest sister reached intermediate beginner level. Soon they would be leaving for Saint Rolins academy in central continent for studies. Prince Pluton was already in his 2nd year where as Princess Ashena will be joining this year. As prince and princess they were taught everything that they needed to learn. After 3 years Ashura will also join them in the academy.


The birthday celebration was organised and everyone had good time. After the celebration as Queen, head maid Vanessa and Ashura’s personal maid Karena were leading Ashura to his room, he suddenly clutched his head and started howling with pain. Queen caught him before he fell. Karena ran to inform king and Ashura’s grandparents. Queen laid Ashura on his bed and asked the knights to bring the healer and Priestess Oshena. Everyone gathered around Ashura’ bed and could see that he was in deep pain through the facial expression he was making. Healer tried everything but nothing seems to work. Soon Oshena arrived in front of King and Queen and after greeting them said to the king.

Oshena-“your majesty, you need not worry about anything. Lord Yzmes had already told that his true capabilities will manifest on his 12th birthday. So we just need to wait.”

As soon as she finished saying Ashura woke up with a howling roar. He looked at everyone and scratched his head and said

Ashura-“sorry everyone for the trouble I brought upon everyone.” After the seal on his memories and knowledge was broken he came to realise the mistakes and trouble he caused and he felt guilty towards everyone.

Serrin-“its okay Ashura. We just took it as mischief. But is everything alright with you?”

Ashura-“Mother I am perfectly fine and I am now able to control my powers and the dragon blood flowing in my body.”

Everyone sighed of relief to know that all the trouble has ended. Ashura hugged his mother and said

“I love you mother”

Serrin-“I love you too my little baby”

King Drazon came forward and gave Ashura the dragon egg and asked him to bond with it. Ashura bit his finger and a drop of golden blood fell on the egg. The egg shined and soon cracks started appearing and after the egg was completely cracked a small black fluffy jumped and landed on th shoulders of Ashura.


“What the hell.. Is it a dragon or a cat” is what everyone had in their mind. The dragon gave a cute purr and snuggled inside Ashura’s robe. Everyone took leave after that. Only Ashura and his personal maid Karena were left and soon Ashura told her to leave and rest for the night. As she left, Ashura closed the door and sat crossed leg and started meditating.

Ashura-“Supreme Father Thank you for giving me this blissful life.”

There was no response from the Supreme one but Ashura knew that Supreme one was looking after him. As he had been cultivation subconsciously the rate of absorption of Etheric energy was just 10%. While cultivating he divided the Etheric energy into three parts. 25% of Etheric energy was being converted as mana for the mana core, another 25% was used to convert etheric energy into spiritual energy for spiritual cultivation where as the rest half he used to refine his body and use for qi cultivation. The reason for spiritual cultivation was physical body does not last forever. When our physical body fail, our energy will leave our body. It may be recycled into a new body through reincarnation. But advantage of cultivating spiritual energy is to have a spiritual body so even if the body dies the soul continues to live and his main focus was to refine his body with etheric energy to the point that each cell in his body would be converted to Etheric Cell. In short he was turning his Supreme body into Etheric body. If he was able to convert his boy into Etheric body completely then he will be able to heal from any kind of physical damage. He will become a true immortal. He divided his consciousness into 5 parts. One part was for qi cultivation, 2nd part was for mana cultivation, 3rd part was for magic studies, 4th part was for spiritual energy cultivation and last part of his consciousness was dedicated to search for qi techniques combat and defence. He cultivated for some time and then decided to sleep. After the hectic day he needed rest. The baby dragon lay on his chest as he fell asleep.

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