《One man army in a marvel universe》The farm job


"Thank you so much for all your work, we couldn't have done it whitout you." The man was shaking my hand with great enthusiasm. He had a happy look on his face, his eyes were sparkling as if he was an anime character.

"No problem, it was a interesting, enlightening experience. I'm happy and honoured in having work with such fine innovator." I made sure to return a firm and solid hand shake, ignoring the fact that his hand was shallowing mine, as I made sure to keep a polite smile on at all times.

During the mutual congratulation going around the room. I made sure too tour the place shaking and thanking everyone present. At least every persons, who also had participated in one way or another during the project. As I finally manage to make my escape, I quietly left the building. Secure in my pocket was a document, with all the details for the offshore account to my name. It had all the info I would need in accessing it later when I became an adult in society eyes.

"Sigh, It kind of sucks that I'm already losing at least half the amout right off the bat. But hey, a promise is a promise, no matter if it was emotinal blackmail. Even if Naomi, was completely in her right in demanding it." This was good, five days before the end of this gig. I had found the Madrox farm, during so I had keep a close watch on them. I hope this would be the last big hurdle, of this tiering summer trip.

I hailed a cab, after giving instruction toward my next destination. I sat back and slightly relax my body, but I keep my eyes wide open, checking the mirrors seeing if I could spot anything that indicated someone following me. Was I paranoid, yes a little, but honestly with all the shady things I was doing, I figure it was the smart thing to do just in case.

I thought back on the footage of the videos, I was retreaving them nightly, from the Madrox farm. On the footage was James Madrox and his father working on the farm, with a twist, James was using his power in doing the farm chores as his father was supervise him. James father seem to be coaching his son in the use of his powers as well.

I could also see the effect that the special suit ,James was wearing in order to limit or control his powers. From what I could see James powers seem also to be unstable in this universe, any hard impact, could cause a doubling, in James or any of his copies, or were they clones? I wasn't sure about that part yet. But the suit seem to allow James some form of soft or light interaction with his surrounding. His father had also been tinkering with the suit, my guest was that it was still a prototype.

One of the problem I vaguely remember about this ability, I think still existed in this reality. Beside the instability of it multiplication in producing copies. My true concern, was the possible diverging personality, this power could cause in the copies. If what I could recollect from my memory, if the copies were seperated long enough from rejoining the main body would they have a different personality from the main core.

The second question being, if they did then how long before they began too form their own personality? As for proof if this was even an issue, it was still inconclusive, I simply didn't know enough on this aspect yet. Since James father, made sure his son reabsorbed his copies before turning in for the night.


Arriving at my destination, I thank the driver after paying him. I walk to my first base, leaving my backpack near the door. I when to the kitchen, grabing myself something too eat. Looking in the fridge, I took out some leftover lasagna I made earlier this week. As I was waiting for my meal to heat up in the microwave, I contemplated various scheme in getting inside the farm undetected.

"I doubt, just walking up the front door, will go over well. I need them to stay in a close enough proximity for the first discharge of gas. I can't risk my last tube on a single wide burst. I need to keep some just in case things take longer. Damn, I really underestimated the complexity of field operation." I grumble, as I took out my lasagna from the microwave.

I turn on the TV, sitting down fliping channels. I stop when I saw the news, on it was a report that caught my attention.

"Now, let go on are special story, with Rick Wisemen."

"Thank you Cindy. I'm here with are local hero Fire knight." The reporter, was a handsome fellow, wavy brown hair, clean shave face, sparkling green eyes. No doubt he had a nice big list of female fan base, with his happy go lucky attitude.

As for the hero beside him, he had what looked like a medieval knight armour. I figure that was probably more of an aesthetic theme to go with his name. Since I could spot some mechanical enhancement of the Exoskeleton kind on his suit, nothing anything near iron man level. It was also painted with a flame designee, my guest it was to stick with the whole fire theme thing.

"Thank you Rick, and thank you Los Almos for your support, also are brave police force who are a true honnor in collaborating with the ongoing efforts against crime." The knigh nodded his helm head, I couldn't see his face nore his eyes, hell his voice was also change no doubt by tech of some kind.

"On behalf of the citizen and no doubt are very own brave police force, we thank you, for your valiate effort in insuring the safety of all citizen. Now tell me, is it true that you and your team of Mighty heros, stop Doctor Gearbox from another of his dastardly schemes?"

I sat and listen too the story, apparently this bad guy called Doc Gearbox. Yeah I know, stupid name, well anyways he cause some chaos, all so he could steal some money from a bank vault. Personally I found the whole thing really over the top, but one thing stuck with me on this story. It was one part that gearwatchamacallit had done to cause said chaos, that stuck in my head. He had sent a bomb to all local police station as a distraction, it had failed spectacularly in it execution, but it did gander my attention.

The package idea, if I could transfer some of my sleeping gas from my last tube, into a small gas bomb. If the familly was gather all around for it when they open it, I could put them all to sleep. And I would have enough inside for at least two, maybe even three round for each famille members. Of course I would need to insure their close proximity for this to work.

"Okay what would a package like box take in gathering all the family, birthday...no that not a good idea first off, I got no idea on the date. And I ain't waiting a whole year too find out. Okay maybe somekind of prize? Yeah that could work....or maybe something for the mother? Damn it, I got no choice but see if I can hack into their network, hopefully their will be something their I can use."


Making my way to my laptop I fire it up, days agos when I found them, I manage to hack inside there home network. Saddly their wasn't a easy way in finding stuff out, it wasn't like they were posting stuff about their life, or had an online journal on their day to day. So It was harder in figuring things out from just their home network.

As I was going through everything once more, I notice their shoping list, certain item were on almost on every shoping list. Different dates but alway present, I was also happy to find it inside their computer. So after two hours of comparing their groceries shoping list. I found something that they purchase in a large amount. Air scent sprayer, that you plug inside the electric socket around the house.

"What if I created some custom scent spray, then sent them over, claiming that they were all part of a new promotion in the area. It wouldn't take too much, of the sleep liquide. Just enough to spray a localize area. Yes this could work! I can easily get my hands on all the pieces Il need."

I quickly got a pencil and paper, writting down everything I needed. Once done, I got up to check the house to see what I had on hands, turn out I would only need a few things. With a skip in my step I went out too get the final pieces of my plan.


"I bet dad or mom, could've done it in half the time, maybe even less." I sigh, as I looking down on my make shift workbench, several scent spray with a small quantity of sleep liquide mix inside, rested on the bench. It had taken me a week and some days of tinkering in getting all the bugs out, for this scheme of mine.

Still my mood lifted in knowing that at the very least, I was now seeing the final stretch from this gruelling adventure. I had long ago, ahh borrowed yes let stick with that, some of the company gift box, to send to the Madrox home.

"Okay, hopefully this will go smoothly." I carefully pack away the scent spray in the company box. Checking my tube I was down more then half the content inside of the tube. Hopefully this would be enough for what I needed to do in this final risky part.

Making sure I had everything pack, I made my way out carrying the package, after using the public transport. I arrive at a shop, this place sended out delivery every day. Sneaking around the back, I lockpick my way inside, staying low I found the room were they place all their outgoing delivery. Placing the package among them all, I snuck away without being seen.

Making my way back to base, I relax until night fall. Then I drove my way back to the farm, parking far away, I hid the car. Taking out some camping gear, I pitch my tent for the night. I figure the package would arrive within the week. I wanted to be close so I could better monitor them for this part of the plan.

During this week, I had installed some upgrades on the camera, that was filming their house. I had installed, a long distance microphone, so that I could hear them speaking. I only went at night to set up the upgrades, I either added them on the spot or carried the equipment back to my camp and fix it up there.

Finally the day arrived, on the fifth day a truck turn up delivering my package. I was sure cause I had installed a tracker that alerted me, once it was in range. Listening on their conversation, they seem all happy in getting some free samples of air freshener. Of course the father was a bit confuse on when they had agreed on the promotion. But the wife veto his confusion for the chance at a few scent she had wanted too try.

I was even more happy to see on my laptop, that all the scent freshener were now operational. Of course all of them would only release the hidden sleeping gas, once I entered a code. Until that time it they would work just like normal air freshener. Unfortunately the signal would only work at a certain distance, so I would need to approach the farm before activating all of them.

I rested as best I could, I pack up most of my camping gear so that I could leave faster once I was done. Once the time on my watch hit one AM, I made my way toward the farm hopefully one last time.

Crouching down at my usual spot, I open my laptop, checking one last time the audio. "Okay, it seem everyone is in dream land. All of then in their rooms, so all close to at least one spray. Here we go." I enter the code and set my watch, I waited for a good ten minutes. I then activated the virus I had set up for their security system and put on my gas mask. I made my way to the entrance, opening all the doors without any worries.

Opening the front door with the lock picking kit, I enter the house, making my way to the parents bedroom first. I found both knock out, in a deep sleep. I sprayed them both once in the face, leaving their bed room. I walk down the hall toward my target room James Madrox, opening the door slowly I found him a sleep in his bed. One spray to the face, just to make sure he wont feel this next part.

Opening a bag I had with me, I took out several syringe and a black box cooler. Enough for a dozens of samples, hopefully this would be enough, for all the many experiment I needed too preform in order to both get this power and tweak it to my needs. This was a one time thing, cause after this the family might move in a panick after they wake up.

I was sure James was going to feel a little light headed tomorrow, but he would be fine. All I was really doing was stealing his blood, okay it was allot, but it not like I could just ask for it without coming off as creepy as hell. Then again I was stealing it, in a very creepy stalker way right now.

Placing the final vial inside the cooler box, I had completed one of my objectives tonight. Checking my watch, I still had two hours before they came back from dreamland. Fortunately I still had enough in my tube for one last round on the family.

During my week of surveillance I had narrowed down five possible places, were James father could be stashing his research on the suit and hopefully his son mutation. Whatever I could get my hands on would no doubt help me on my way in figuring out of grafting this mutation onto myself later. I also had a hope of perhaps adding the Hyde formulas into the mix. Having a stronger body would no doubt come in handy.

After striking out on the two first places I looked, I found all his researchs in the basement. He had notes, even various prototype suits for James at different stage of his growth. He had a close loop network for his computer, which was why I didn't find it on the home network. I wasn't hard getting in, I took out some hard disk so that I could copies all of his data. I would have to check it later, as I was waiting for the download to complete.

I went around and took pictures of all the suits, I even took pictures of each pages of the note book. Also photograph all the books he was using as a reference for his research. Was what I doing wrong, absolutely, this was something that my whole family wouldn't be proud of. But did I have a choice, yes I did. My choices was to do almost anything that I could, in the goal of safe guarding my family. If I had to make morally questionable choices in order to gain the power to do so, then that was my burden to carry.

I did have limits, I refuse in giving up my humanity completely in my pursuit of power. Since I figure if I lost it, on my way in gaining power, then all I was doing was becoming the very thing I was trying to fight against, under the guile of protecting my family. Hence why I had tried so hard to figure a way were I left as little collateral damage on my path.

After I had taken everything I wanted from the research lab in the basement. I check the download progress, it look like it would take another hour or so. I figure I might as well as check the rest of the house just in case I miss something. I found nothing of interest in the rest of the house. So checking my watch, I decided to makes a trip outside.

Looking around the farm, I also found nothing of note. Checking the time I saw I was coming close to the time of having to respraying the family. I went back inside and sprayed all of them, then I check the basement again. It was still loading, so I figured I should start removing the equipment outside. I didn't carry it with me I ran too the car placing what I had on me inside.

I drove to the farm, got out and move the equipment in the car. Then I took out a brief case and a letter, going back in the house. I place both the brief case and the letter on the dining table, the case had money and the letter was half threat half misleading info. Finally the download was complete, popping out the disk and putting it away. I then went room by room, in order to removing all the air freshener I had tinkered with. So that I could replacing them with regular ones, taking one last look around I smiled, I had done it.

"Now, all that's left is to stash all the loot and go home. Man, I hope Naomi hasn't tip them off. Or else I'm so grounded when I get back." I turn and made my way to the car. Once I got back to base I would have to erase any sign of my presence and destroy everything I couldn't bring home.

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