《One man army in a marvel universe》The price we pay
"Urg....this must be what hell feels like." I heard a snort beside me, my head was on my desk as I moan in complaint. Rolling my head sideway I narrowed my eye to the one sitting accross from me.
"Please, its your own damn fault. I did say, that it was a stupid idea from the very beginning." Naomi scoff at my misery she had a infuriating smirk plaster on her face. Since nothing in are little agreement said anything about it being canceled, if my parents learned of my little precarious field trip.
"How was I supposed too know, that the company would call my house. As soon as I step inside, I was met by both burning grinning demons, I've never seen my parents so damn furious. Now I'm practically a prisoner in my own home. Lets not forget the force exhaustive lessons at your parents dojo. I have hardly any time or energy to myself any more, when will this torture end!" I knock my head on my desk, it attracted a few other teens attention who looked at me in amusement. A few had disgusted or jealouse sparks in their eyes. They were angry that I could speak to the class beauty so freely.
Naomi just giggled quietly at my side, no doubt this was all highly amusing for her. A few months had gone by from my trip in Los Almos, my parents had grounded me for a year. This means more chores and less pay, also an exclusive physical exhaustive torture...I mean training, curtesy of Naomi parents at their dojo.
The look of saddistic glee on her father face, when my parents had decide to rope them in my punishment, his expression was still giving me nightmare even now. This time I had been smart enough not to invite any retribution from Naomi, no one was aware that she had covered for me, well no one else but her mother. That sweet smile of hers as she wispered in my ear that she knew, was much scarier then her husband saddistic demonic grin, as he presented me his no hold bar physical training.
Luckily I had manage in storing everything I needed for my experiments, before even setting one foot at home. The same couldn't be said for any progress in my research, with my time even more stretch thin. I hadn't even had a chances in going over my loot, beside a quick look over on my finding. I had no choice but too ride out this wave of wrath from my parents, anything I had on my persone had been confiscated as soon as I had step inside of home. I was so happy that all I had been carrying to incriminate me was the Accutech paper work.
As I sat moping at my desk I was barley paying any attention in class, even if the teacher were to ask me something. I could easily answer the question, this was a blessing in disguise, since school ironically had turn into my only place of solace. Despite the principal new found, antagonistic attitude towards me. Between being constantly interrogated by my parents, or force to work out until I drop dead from fatigue at the dojo, the principal attitude was the least of my worries.
So far I had refuse to elaborate on the more delicate details in my time over in Los Almos, I had reluctanly shared some things, like the detail on the deal with Accutech. Which was why my punishment was so long standing, my parents were very angry at the kind of agreement I had with them. But there were even more so on the fact that I remain silent on what else I had been up too.
On a more positive note, my street cred had never been higher, some students had a look of complete worship toward me. I had trick everyone in a position of authority, would've gotten away with it too, if only Accutech hadden called my home in inviting me on a event, that was sponsor by Tony Stark, in promoting young brilliant minds. Honestly I was more worried that I might be somehow on S.H.I.E.L.D radar now.
"So did your mom pick your clothes yet?" Naomi whispered with a hint of a snicker in her voice.
I groan in response, which had her loose her remaining self control, disrupting the class with her uncontrollable fit of laughter. The teacher gave me a look as he sighed in exasperation, not like I had done anything. He was probably just annoyed that I was the cause of so many disruption, he proceeded in calming the class down.
He then gave Naomi another 'final' warning of keeping it down, she promise like the other ten times before, that yes this was the last time. All the while her shoulders were shaking, with a clear snort and giggles in her voice. She keep giving me a side glance, snorting as she giggled in the memory of my dark past. Thing my mother had all been to happily shared with her.
My mother being, the vindictive, cruel, undisputed ruler of are home. Had decide that yes I would appear at the event with Tony Stark, all the while knowing full well. How I hated, these kind of event, In the past I had gone too some of my parents events, when I was little, and I had hated every damn second of it all.
Not only was she forcing me in going, she was also picking my clothes that I would be force in wearing. At first, other might not see this as such a bad thing. Sadly they weren't tormented by my parents horrendous fashion sense. At a young age, I had finally manage to convince my mother in allowing me to choose my own clothes.
Not only were my parents fashion sense a crime in it self, but my mother always manage to pick all the itches ones she could fine. My father sense of fashion was barely better, in term It went in the opposite direction of my mothers sense. Where she was of the philosophy, colour and even more colour plus itches material. My father was, the more pale colour and tighter fitting the better, also anythings that made you look terminally ill, was a winner in his book.
Hence for years I had to flex my average but acceptable sense of fashion, for the good of the whole family public image. I dreaded the abomination they would force me to wear in public, this would be a major social humiliation on behalf of my parents. In many ways, this was much more cruel then being house arrest for a whole year. If I could, I would've much prefer taking on a extension on my baning of libberty, then having to wear their top picks.
They had offered me a way out, in lightening the humiliation in avoiding this social execution. All it would take, was for me to divulge everything I had done in Los Almos. Since that was something I couldn't do, then social ridicule here I come. Of course this decision had troubled my parents, I spotted the look they had exchange. My refusal had disturb them greatly, my best guest is they were worried about something weird, like me trying out drugs or alcohol.
It had taken alot for me to convince them other wise, but I think they weren't completely convince. Since they had me submit myself to a bunch of weird, invasive tests from them. At the time I had a few suspicion on their real motivation, once they required me testing on a weird helmet apparatus as they question me. Later that night when I snuck downstairs, I learn that it was a home made mind reading helm. Fortunately it wasn't working properly it was still a prototype that they had hastily built.
That discovery had me sweating bullets, it was a good thing that in the notes was a methods of rendering the devise inconclusive. All I had to do, was the next time they question me, was too sing a song in my head while I answer their questions. I know it sound silly, but hey this was assemble in a matter of days before I had walk trough the front door, thank god it had plenty of tweaks and bugs to work out.
It seem that once they learn of my little deal, instead of chassing me accross the country. They build this very devise to find out what I had been up too. In a way I was very flattered by their over the top motivation in learning what I had been up too. But then I was once more reminded, that this was a fricking marvel univers, it was something that only two genius level scientists parents would no doubt do, in order to pry out all the secrets, their own tight lip kid that refuse in spilling out willingly.
But more importantly was the horrifying discovery, of what my little trip in New Mexico had cost me. Without my nightly interference in moving a few numbers around in their calculation. They were now terrifyingly close to figuring out the final formulas for the spider soldier super serum. Which meant time was running out, In my panic, I choose to grasp at a terrible idea, of using this conflict with my parents as way to delay their research.
I felt like shit, not for having thought about this idea, but for having put it into play. The hardest thing about it all, was seeing it at work. I was using my parents pain and suffering in order to slow them down in completing their work. I hated doing it, but it was the only way I had found in delaying just a little more the inevitable end of their research. The guilt and self disgust I had was weighting heavily on me, I just couldn't tell them anything, no matter how much it hurts, I knew that loosing them would be worse. If this was the price in having them by my and Peter side, then so be it. I just prayed my sanity would hold on.
Mary was narrowing her choices of cloths for her stupidly stubborn son Braden. She truly loved him, but recently her and Richard had notice some worrying signs about him. He had a nasty habit of taking on things a kid shouldn't have on his shoulders. Of all the people around them it was Ben and May, that had pointed it out one night when they had been over at dinner.
At first she and Richard denied the very idea, that their elders child was protecting them of a variety of dangers. Only too come home and observe the facts for themselves. Richard had taken it the hardest, that their little boy who was only twelve, had some how taken this burden all by himself. This was one of the reasons why even if they were a little suspicious on his true motives for that trip, they allowed it, hoping to give him a little time for himself.
The plan had been of coming up with a plan in fixing this, before it got worse. But then her and Richard had that brilliant insight on the formula, one thing lead to another and then that phone call came. That she had to admit, was a true wake up call for both of them. She felt a warm hand on her shoulder squeezing it in a comfortable feeling, all the way down to her core. Turning she smiled at the love of her life.
"Look what I got. Think he'll talk?" Richard showed what had to be the most depressive shirt ever, as he gave a warm smile to Mary.
She smiled but it didn't last long. "Rich, do you think we are taking this to far?"
"Mary, we talk about this. He's hidding things from us. That call was an alarm bell for us. The fact that he even refuse to open up about what else went down over in New Mexico. What of the things he hasn't said about the other stuff he did, it worries me alot. Hell we even offered to cancel are terrible fashion punishment. Yet he still refuse to spill." A sad look in Richard eyes as he went over the memory of his and Mary yelling all manner of accusation at Braden. The worse was through it all, Braden never once yield back, he only calmly answered some things but never elaborated on other.
"Rich, I was so furious at him, I don't think I've ever been so angry and afraid at the same time. Its been months, and yet he takes it all in, almost likes he thinks that he deserve it. To be honest my anger has already cooled off long ago. But the fear is still there, I think that we have to change the way we approach this situation, we need help. We aren't getting any closer as to the why's? I feel that his reasons weren't evil, I keep getting this odd gut feeling thats its somehow for are protection. But he refuse too talk! Hell he's not even trying to defend himself." She looked up as her face was filled up with tears, her face was a exhibit of fear and hurt.
Richard coverd her in a hug, they both held on tight to each other. Kissing the top of her head, he caress her back while wispering soothing loving words in her ear.
"Okay, I know some one, he's really good, I'll set up a meating. It going to be okay. Maybe he will have better luck in cracking him out of his shell then us."
All that Mary could do, was nod her head as she cried silent tears in her husband warm embrace.
(The day had come, the dreaded day.) I grimace as I watch my reflection in the mirror. I looked ridiculous, here I was in the waiting dress room as a clown going to a funeral for clowns. To describe it, is too propagate the existence of this monstrosity of a suit. My eyes hurt just looking at the macabre depressing rainbow colour vest and pants. My neck and arms itches so much that it was taking all my self control from ripping this silly things apart. I could barely move my arms or legs, my posture almost haunch, as the thight cloths suffocated any extra room for breathing. It felt like someone had tied my appendage, on sticks in order to keep them straight, preventing my need of bending them.
I heard the door open behind me, as I turn around I found a slack jaw Tony Stark. I froze like a deer in front of head lights. He froze like if his mind suddenly melted, ever so slowly he took out a device form his suit pocket. Before I could shake myself from my stone stillness, I heard a distinct. Click. A grin form on Tony face, mischief was blazing in his eyes.
"First time I've seen a clown funeral director slash corps, I just had to document it." Tony then abruptly close the door. I swear I could hear him laughing as he ran away. The laughter didn't get lower for a few moment, in fact it almost seem to intensified.
Finally snapping out of it. I scream internally as I knew that in no time, that the picture Tony took, will no doubt be all over the world by the end of the week.
"I WILL BURN THAT PICTURE NO MATTER WHAT, IT CAN NOT REMAIN IN EXISTENCE!" I shouted, I swear at that moment I could hear Tony let out another evil loud laught.
A few moment after Tony and Braden first meeting.
"Cancel my plans for project cherry bomb." Tony said into his cell phone, a massive mischievous grin on his face.
"Are you sure? Sir, you did spend a considerable amount of time in setting that up."
"Oh please, don't give me that tone. I figure you would be happy that my plan of emasculating all those young men, is now cancelled." He still was snikering as the image of what he had just witness, it was now forever in his mind. As he was masterfully manipulating another phone in sending and texting a multitude of things.
"I'm happy that you decided to stop the plan sir, but at the same time, I worry on what your plotting now." The voice said on the other side of the phone.
"If you must know, I just found something so much better." As Tony started to describe his incounter with a certain candidate.
"My apologize sir, but it seem miss Potts wish to speak with you. Should I connect the line?"
"Pepper? Sure, put her trought Jarvis." The image of the boy coming in his mind made him start chuckling once more. When he arrive he was gloomy on having too be here but now, his mood was much improve.
"Please Tony don't do it!" Pepper yield in the receiver on the other side of the line.
Tony chuckle in good humour at the worry he heard in her pleas, he always had a certain saddistic glee in messing with his incredibly attractive red headed personal assistant. He never showed it, but he alway had a huge respect and a certain unhealthy protective urge when it came to her. At first he'd tried in seducing her like all the other before.
The result surprise and pleased him in a twisted way, she masterfully refuse all of his advancements. She remain steadfast in her candour and loyalty to him as a person, not the billionaire, genius or playboy, but him Tony Stark the man. It had change his view of her, over the years she had become the person he relied on the most. She was his most important anchor, not that he would ever admit it. Not that he was ashamed to say, that she was among the three peoples he would actually consider listening too, the others being James Rhodes and Obadiah Stane.
"Relax, I'm no longer doing that." He couldn't see it, but a soft warm light in his eyes brighten when he was speaking with her. Somehow just hearing her voice usually had this effect on him.
"Oh thank god....wait what are you plotting mister? Don't do anything...I..I'll be their in five don't do anything before I get there!" A chill went down Pepper spine, she worried that Tony was about to do another of his massively stupid media uproar, and as always she would have to clean it up, again.
"To late!" Joy and pride in his voice as he knew that this would no doubt make her smile. "You should be getting it right now."
Pepper look at the image on the screen of her phone, one of Tony innovation. This was still just a prototype, he had tinker on it one lazy afternoon, cause he found to bothersome in carring both his phone and a camera. Her face light up as she laugh, giggling she tried in reining in her mood. "Tony, who is this?" The amusement was clear in her voice.
"Oh just one of the canditdate." His voice was full of dark glee, in the knowledge that he made her laugh.
After taking another look at the picture. "Who did you send it too?" She suddenly knew were the sense of dread, she had before was coming from.
"Well, everyone." Tony said, after he started chuckling.
"Oh dear me." Pepper, staired off into space, wondering how much the lawsuit would cost them.
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