《One man army in a marvel universe》Do I know you?


A new day, means a bunch of new challenge. Like the one were I have too remain lowkey, thanks to my firsts heist from a few nights ago. I got a huge bounty put on my head, luckily all every one has to go on at the momemt, is the alias that the dark web gave me. Which makes tracking me down that much harder, still if I keep making big moves. Il no doubt attract the attention, of someone who will have the ability in tracking me down. So for now, I wait for the dust to settles, as they say.

That in essence is a problem for future Braden, for now I'm busy with this sip from my vanilla banana milkshake in my hand. I look up, at the building of the company that I'm meeting in a couple of minutes. Accutech, this is the company that I felt were giving me the best deal. I still find it odd that my parents refuse anything from Stark Industries and all the others offers. I mean sure I did agree with them on a certain level, but the reality is I need this chunk of cash in my secrets accounts.

Besides in my future plans, the more money I have the easier certain things will be for me. On one side, it frustrates me that I have to give away some of my advance knowledge on programming. But on the other, the dark web and other web system have already begun in decoding my work. So its now only a matter of time, before what I have too offer will no longer affords me such a big pay check.

For the million of times, I curse the fact that I wasn't some computer wizard but only a very high level adept. That all translate into me being a master on programming, but never having that little extra that was in every grandmaster in programming. I check the time on my watch, good I should arrive a little earlier then ask.

As I walk to the entrence, a luxuriouse car park right in front of the building. The driver got out, he walk toward the back of the car, opening the cars passenger door. As he bowed his head, another man in a expensive suit came out. He was on his phone taking in a animated but frustrated tone, he barley acknowledge his driver, he hurried inside all the while, his voice keep getting louder and angrier.

I blink my eyes, that man reminded me of someone. As I pause a few second sipping on my straw, digging in my memory for the man in question. "Meh, if I don't recall, its probably because he's not that important."

I nodded my head and put this sense of déjà vu behind me. Walking in the lobby, I found the place very nice, still it was kind of white neutral vibe. But hey, what was I expecting inside the lobby of a company. A frowed was on my face, since the rich dude from earlier, was at the reception desk. For some reason he was yelling at the poor cute blond at the desk. Calling her stupid and demanding to be let in.

Now I'm no saint, but I don't like bullies. The same could be said from my past life and this one, I'm not even sure why for my past life, I just get a strong aversion towards bullying. As for my current life, well I was in the top of my class, in either grads or social ranking, so too speak. Being in that spot, I felt it was my duty not to stand on the side, an allow other in my group to dump on others. So everyone around me knew of my strong adversion on bullying, so being on the top I use it in order to stop the abuse.


I approach both the bullies and victims, most of the time I manage to broker peace between both sides. Sadly on a few occasion more drastic action had too be taken. I did my damnedest in creating a healthy environment for all students, bullies and victims a like. Now I'm sure many had question on my methods of not only reaching out toward the victims, but the bullies as well. It was my opinion that as young as we were, there was still time for them in changing thing for the better.

This attitude I had toward both sides, had some amazing results. I think I manage to save some old friendships, creating some new ones as well. Kids who were once bullies or were bullied, step up and continued in my message of coexistence. Yeah all that was nice, but most just follow me cause of fear, fear of Naomi, but I swear, some of them I think might be in it cause they fell hard for her, much to my amusement and Naomi frustration. All the hooligans we're afraid of her, hell a few times some big groups would form up, just to gather together and attack her, only to end up, all on the ground beaten and bruise.

Having two parents, who are monsters in human form, teaching her all kinds of way in destroying other human, all in the name of martial arts practice. I shudder every time that I think about my own experience at their hands. On the bright side, I have reluctantly gain some measure of hand to hand combats.

As I came out of my reminisce, the rich man was now full out yelling at the poor receptionist. I was more confuse on the fact, that security seem only to stand their and do nothing. I mean, what the hell? Wasn't this man screwing around in their employer territory. I was almost out of milkshake, and frankly if this went on I would also be late for the meeting. So I figure il see if I couldn't resolve things, or get the ass hat to shut up.

I approach the man from the back an tap him on his shoulder. "Excuse me sir. Your in my way."

The man spun around a little confuse and surprise, his brown eyes searching for the speaker. He staired down at me once he came to realize that it was a teen, who tap him on his shoulder.

"The hell, are you doing kid, get the fuck out! Don't You know who I am? Go play somewhere else." The man said as he rudely dismiss me. He ran one hand throught his dark brown hair. As he calm down a little from his interrupted tirade.

"Oy, old man. I already said, that you we're in my way. Beside from where I'm standing, your the one not welcome here." I didn't waver, in my experience with bullies, most will crumble as soon as someone step up and confronts them. Saddly he seem like the other kind, the one were they only get more fired up in anger, toward any who would stand in their way.

He was just about to turn away from me as I spoke. He stop and turning his head toward me with a stump expression. He seem genuinely surprise that I was still there. He frown in disgust and frustration. "Pist off, punk. You have five seconds to run the fuck away you little shit. Go to a fucking arcade for all I care. But you better be far from my sight."


"No." My voice rang in the lobby, it acted like a lightning strike for everyone else, beside me and the rich bully.

"No? Are you a retard or something, I will squish you like a bug, if you don't pist off." His face started getting a little red once more, his eyes filled up with a cruel light.

For my part I stood straighten my spine as I stared him in the eyes. "You are disrupting me from my goal, along side everyone else here. They may remain silent out of fear, of who ever the hell you are. I personally don't give a crap who you are. All I see is a sad, angry little baby, who is having a fricking temper tantrum. What the matter, are you hungry, did someone forget too feed you your bottle. Or maybe, you need help with the shit that's in your diaper."

In the corner of my eye I saw a security guard jaw drop open, the surprise and fear on his face. Had me wonder who the hell was the guy I was insulting. Silence filled the lobby, the man in question had a face flush red, he was humiliated. Not by my words, no it was the fact that a young teen was standing up too him in public.

He went very still, then he looked at me in rage. "Whats? Your, name!" His voice crack in anger.

I cock my head to the side, and gave him a grin. "Braden Parker."

He took a step so that are faces were nose to nose. "I'll remember this, you'll come to regret this one day." He then promptly turn on his heels, silently storming out.

After a few moments I frown, the feeling that I had done somthing really stupid was there. Plus the déjà vu about that persone was still in the back of my mind, it like I knew him but I didn't. Well forget it, I turn to the desk and snap my fingers a few time. All in order to attract the attention of the blond with a dumbfound frozen look, she was frozen in fear as she witness what had just transpires in the lobby.

I walk to the elevator under the silent starring amazement of everyone in the lobby. No one came up and told me who I had just pist off. So I figure that it wasn't a big deal. Trowing this little incident at the very back of my mind. I focus back on the meeting about the project, that I was going to have with the other programmers.

Finally arriving on the floor for the meeting, once the doors open I was met with a young men in his 20's I think. He had dark hair, chocolate colour eyes, along darker skin tone. He had a strange expression on his face, like if he wanted too say something but didn't know how too.

Could this be related from what happen down stairs, well its true that this was his building. So I imagine he was feeling conflicted on me stepping in that mess.

"Look if this about what happen downstaires, just let it go. I've never like bullys, so if that asshole ever tries too make any trouble for you, just dismiss me. I wouldn't want my action too drag you down along with me." I also gave him a big smile.

He seem like he was struggling with something, but eventually he just took a breath and presented himself as mr Macailer. The personal assistant of mr Klause Haas the head of R&D. Basically what they wanted was for me and a few notable programmer, for us too design and if possible create a brand new code for a firewall.

This firewall would be use by the company and all other associated company. Their had been word of a few hackers that could bypass their recent security. Of course one of the hackers had been me, but I wasn't here because of that. No I had shown off, a few months agos there had been a online competition in submitting a better program then the one on the web page. The winner would win a cash prize, and be invited to the company, so that they could present their work.

All this was s'oppose too be a publicity stunt by Stark, in showing off his genius. I of course check it out, I found that I could win the prize without drawing too much attention. Since all I had to do was improve it just a little bit, not showing to much of my hinden hand.

Unfortunately I had greatly under estimated the ego that was Tony Stark, on the phone I had mention that I didn't want too much fanfare about the whole thing. But Tony being the vindictive Jerk he was, decided not only was it going to go all over the news, he was going to present me as the CPU kid. Hence the my life went boum, it took a while for it to come back to normal.

Yes I did get the cash prize, but I was force too go on national TV, sit down in a chair. And watch Tony Fricking Stark, for an hour parading around in presenting awesome after mind blowing tech. All so that by the time it was my turn, my accomplishment seem so very small compaire to him. Mind you, this was the Tony before he became Ironman, so yeah from my vague past memory I seem to recall him being an ass before and after the suit.

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