《One man army in a marvel universe》Behind close doors
I had finally finish packing everything from the safe into the bags that I had brought. Next was the long tedious part of carrying them all upstair into the car. Saddly I was only strong enough for one bag at a time. Another oversight on my part, not having plan a proper way of caring all this stuff.
There wasn't even a frinking dolly that I could use. So the slow and long way it was, after the fifth trip I started too wonder if leaving a few things would be okay. "Who I'm I kidding, If I leave anything, everyone will ask the right questions. But by taking everything, they'll ask the wrong ones for quite some time. I just hope that once they figure it out, Il be in a more powerful position when they come knocking at my door."
I finally finish, looking at the time, it was now three twenty AM in the morning. Now after a short rest it was time to go trough the house one last time, so that I could do my best too erase any trace that I've might have left behind.
It was a little past four AM now but I was finally finish, everyone in the house would be asleep for a few more hours. Hopefully this would give me the time, I needed in hiding away everything that I couldn't bring with me right now. "It a damn shame, using a bank would be way to dangerous, even if it would make everything so much easier. Too bad that practically everything I have is going to get real hot real some."
I got in the car, as the garage door open. I tried thinking about anything I might have over looked, shaking my head, there were plenty that I left, still nothing to directly point any fingers to me, I turn on the ignition. The motor roar awake, I then slowly back out and drove toward the parking lots.
Once inside, I once again tranfered everything into the gambler car. Closing the trunk, I figure that I had done enough, I would head home and sleep, relax for a few days until my meeting with the company. I would hide most of the stuff later, for now I desperately needed sleep and some muscles oiment.
S.H.I.E.L.D HQ, inside Director Fury office. At three PM.
Nick Fury was having a hectic day, he was once more sitting in his office desk chair after another, heated debate with the high council. Time and time again, he barely manage to convince them not to declare open war on the brotherhood. Eric rebellious ranting didn't sit well with them, most of them were on the side of a firm show of force. He knew that at this moment they couldn't take on Eric and his damn massive amounts of powerful mutants on his side.
The Xmen we're the biggest deterrent right now, but if the council crank up the already tense pressure. Then the world would be plunged into a war they weren't prepare for. And the bonus in all this, was that the council not only saw the brotherhood as a threat but the Xmen as well. The only semi ally they had in this mest, but Fury knew that even Charles had a breaking point. So far he had manage in holding off the council actions, by having them apply their influence in programs like the super soldier serum and new tech, all in a effort to prepare for the incoming conflict.
A knock on his door had him frown in displeasure, everyone knew that after a council meeting. He ask for at least fifth-teen minutes of isolation, unless it was something consider code red or worse black. Keeping his feet on his desk he sip his drink, calling out in a cool calm voice. "Come in." A subtle tone of annoyance in his voice, for who ever was on the other side, a silent warning that this better be important.
The door open and agent Coulson walk in, his ever lasting small warm smile on his face. Many had greatly underested the man, his smile hid many secrets. Fury was alway happy in having such a stellar right hand man by his side.
"Sir, sorry to disturb you, on your break but something came up." Coulson walk in the office to stand before Fury carring some files in his arm.
"I figure, how bad, tell me everything." Fury, close his eye for a moment in preparation of hearing the worse scenario he could imagine. If he prep for the worse, but got something less, then he was always in a better stats of mind, in coming up with a response.
"Could be very bad or not too bad, the sandman, he stoled everything in one of the kingpin prive stash house."
Fury froze for a moment he was about to take another sip. He continued his motion, taking a larger sip then he previously was going too. "What specifically did this motherfuck take, and how did you figure it him? Also what was so urgent that warrant a visit now?"
Coulson with his Mona Lisa smile keep the same expression as he revealed the three items in questions. "He got his hands on the vita ray chamber blueprint. As for how we figuring it was him, it was only once are IT team tore apart the dark web, they found bread crumb that only he could leave, nearly invisible ones."
"God damn it, are we still playing follow the leader with him? As for the vita ray chamber Its not too bad, even if he manage to build it. Just the power he need will have us finding him in no time. What are the others things on the list?"
"He somehow got an actual vial of Dr Calvin Zabo, Mr Hyde serum." Coulson said with a little worry tone in his voice, both men knew the danger of that serum.
Fury breath in a little faster, in surprise he suddenly had a sinking feeling about the last item. "Please tell me there wasn't a ledger with it as well."
For the first time some cold sweat slowly slid down from Coulson head could be seen.
"Motherfucker!" Fury rage, he got up from his seat, slaming his drink on his desk."Do we still have no idea who this bastard is?" Fury grinded his teeth in a terrible mood, this slippery motherfucker. Had been dancing around their IT department for years, hell it was only two years ago that they even became aware of him.
The most humilating thing was, the fact that it was sandman himself who directly contacted them, it had put him on their radar ever since. He had the nasty ability of sliping out of their reach. Just like if he was putting everyone to sleep, and by the time you realize that he'd been their, it was like you just woke up from a dream. Hence the nick name sandman.
Coulson shook his head, this had been a sore point for all of shield. Every time sandman pop up everyone was scrambling to find him. The man was a ghost, what set him apart was that he didn't even leave a signature. What he did leave was, new and improve coding that had every IT expert drolling at the amazing skills this asshole had.
Fury calm down from his initial out burst, this cat and mouse game with sandman had been a thorn in his side for quite some time. "Did..., did they fine anything?" A faint hope In his eye as he lock eyes with Coulson, but from his agent expression. He already knew the answer before he spoke.
"Nothing definitive, but what we know, is for some reason we can't figure out. He didn't hired anyone, he when at it alone. The whole thing seem amateurish, in many ways. Despise that, we found nothing, even kingpin guys didn't fine anything."
Fury pause, taking in everything. "Tell me everything we figure so far about the heist." He sat back in his chair, motioning for Coulson to sit, this could take a while.
Coulson nodded, he sat down taking a moment to place a few files on Fury's desk.
Getting up from his desk, Fury filled his own glass and poured another drink. Making his way back placing the drink by Coulson, who gave a nod in thanks. Sitting back in his chair taking a sip he lifted his chin in a silent command to begin.
"First off, the name we pick seem to fit him well. We still aren't sure about him, but we figure its either a power or some highly sophisticated sleeping gas he is using, if its a gas it one we don't have."
Fury frown on that, this didn't sound good. A gas that they had never seem before, that means he made it himself. Not a good sign at all.
"The lab has tried and failed in figuring anything about it, nothing of it was left by the time we got there. He went to extreme lents in not killing or harming anyone inside the house, in fact eveyone said that they simply black out, only to suddenly waking up a little daze and confuse."
The frown on Fury just got deeper, not only did this guy have a home made sleeping gas it was potent too.
"Alot of different thing of any values was taken, drugs, money, jewels, weapons and the special items. Up to that part, everything else seem to have been well plan out."
Fury cock his eyebrow. "What do you mean until that part?"
Coulson keep his calming expression, but his eyes held a confuse element in them. "In a word, the safe cracking jobs were, odd. Upstairs you have a bed room safe that was intact, open up without a problem then close even lock. But the down stair safe, it seem he went medieval on it. The team isn't sure if he did this to mess around, but his methods does raise a few concerns."
"What concerns?"
Coulson sigh, as he look up and gave one of his classic easygoing smiles. "He also seem to have a home made powerful freezing methods, like a ray or possible a power."
A groan from Fury and a few mumble curses, he looked up in exasperation. Grinding his teeth, he spited out. "What else?"
"Despise his messy destruction on the safe door, he got in without leaving anything for us. Hell he even seem to have the leisure in cleaning the place up and taking the trash with him when he left. So over the job, he left traces of a professional and a amateur. The investigating teams can't make heads or tails of it. Things point all over the place, the worse is we could have had a witness. But the sandman somehow manage to hit him in a blind spot before he could even see anything of note."
Laying back in his chair, Fury ask a few more questions, Coulson answer the best he could, all the while adding his own observation and theory in the mix.
"So what do we do director Fury."
"Nothing, we've been chasing this ghost for a while, let Kingpin shake things up, who knows he just might figure something out. Keep a close eye on this, if Kingpin does find him, move in. Sandman is way to talented to be left alone, if we can recruit him, well it would be a nice feather in are cap."
Coulson nodded getting up, he thank Fury for his time, he politely close the door. Fury look at the door, taking another sip, he hope that he wasn't making a mistake by letting Fisk loose. But if this sandman was half as skilled as he figure, nothing too drastic should happen. His only problem now, was figuring how the hell, the ledger got into Fisk hands. Dr Zabo had rage when his ledger was stollen by shield, so how did that ledger get out of the hands of shield in the first place.
Fury look at a picture on his desk. His expression soften, looking at his mentor. "How would you solve this mess? Director Carter."
New Mexico, base/house number one, Braden Parker.
I strech my arms up in pain, the oiment I had place was working but It would still take a few day for any pain and damage to heal. Getting out of bed I zombie walk to the kitchen, I notice the time. A little after one in the afternoon, my stomach grumbled. Opening the fridge I spoted the leftover cold pizza from the heist yesterday.
"Cold pizza? Nah, better warm me up something else." Grabing a few things, I made myself a western omelet. I could always eat the pizza for super later.
Once I had eating and clean the dishes, it alway amaze me that habits we're interesthing. For years I had taken care of Peter, an now I was us to picking after myself. I knew at some point I would need to encourage my adorable little bros in following my example. And not are parents, saddly being too genius didn't insure one cleaning ability. I assume my part in enabling my parents, by picking up after them.
The thing I really wanted to do was go over my loot from last night, but first I turn my lap top and check out the news. Yeah this house had no tv, my best guest was that it had also become another casualty in paying off or geting more money from the owner of this home.
I check out various dark web sites, not bothering in keeping myself to invisible. This lab top I was planing in ditching it eventually, coming home with a lab top wouldn't be a smart move. Better buy one once I get home.
Surfing the web I found a bounty for a name that I hadden encourage over the years. One billion for Sandman the hacker, any info past on too Kingpin. Capture alive five billion Sandman the hacker, brought to the Kingpin.
"Wow, what? How did they figure it was me? Or at least Sandman. Shit this means my programming window is crumbling faster then I thought. Crap soon Il have to give up on the dark web for quite some time." Feeling moody I keep checking what the rest of the underground world had to say. I can honestly say I was impress, despite the bounty a few had posted job for the Sandman.
But I had a sneeking suspicion that most were only bait in luring me out. Even shield offered a bounty, but to me it seem more like a job hunting message. A few big and small players came out with various invite or threat to my alter ego. The Sandman wasn't something I wanted, but with my skills I could see why the name stuck around, plus I had remain silent all this time. So this was their default name for me on the dark web.
"You know what. I'm gona take it slow for a few days. Yeah I still have all summer, beside I now have only three thing on my list left. Now lets check out that ledger." I got up, and search the bag with the vial and ledger. Taking both, once in the kitchen I put the case with the vial in the freezer. Next I went in the living room, making myself comfortable on a couch for a long read.
The content of the ledger was fascinating, inside was a almost step by step process in the making of the Hyde serum. As well as all kinds of data the the good doctor had recorded. This serum was impressive on it physical aspect, especially concentrated on strength and endurance.
Sadly it gave alot to desire on a few things, the first being its speed. Bigger muscled did provide endurance, stamina and strength. It even gave it user a better regeneration, but that was also limited to open wound, or inner organs. If you got your arm chop off, it wouldn't regrow, the wound would just close and heal.
As for its weaknesses, there were many in my opinion but the inventor apparently didn't see them or was so enamour with this formula he refuse to fix its limits. For one the down grade of ones intelligence, for Dr Calvin it wasn't a big problem. Well in big part for him he was a certified genius, so his lower intelligence only meant an above average intelligence. As for the common person, this would mean they would have the intelligence of a five year old.
Yeah that was a big downer in my book, the next one was speed. Yeah, this serum made you big and strong, but it also made you slow and cumbersome. An agile fighter could run around the bigger target, taking precise strike at you. If you weren't careful the possibility of overwhelming the limited healing factor was possible.
The next one was that you had to take the serum every time you got into a fight, so there was a short transformation period. This was a big weak point in my opinion. Also I had a theory that this serum might have some unforeseen impact on the user brain, forming a kind of addiction. Imagine going from a weak nobody to a hulking muscles monsters. The allure would attract many, hell even it own creator was lured by it easy power.
I also found the lack of any projection power limiting, this was a serum focus on a boost strictly for a strong body. But in the formula I was studying, their also didn't seem to be any room for building anything more on top of it. This serum had some good ideas, but I personally found it narrow in its application. Still it would be a good foundation for study, along the Erskine serum from Steve Rogers blood. Plus my parents work on the spider serum, I would have a total of three different serum too study.
"Is it just me, or does this serum look more and more like some kind of drug? Hum, I do recall that Dr Calvin was a huge fan of the Dr Jerkily and Hyde story. Wait, did he really base this off on a fictional book. Damn, another example of a genius affecting the world, with his natural talent. Well at least I have a nearly complete blue print of the formula." I close the ledger, looking outside I was surprise that it was now dark out, I also notice my hunger.
Well damn looks like I was really into my reading, I got up for some food. My mood was much better, I grin in anticipation of my next big move. I was just crossing my fingers, that what I was looking for was going to be their.
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