《Cultivators are extinct!》Chapter 22: An Ally


Inside her house and away from the dangers of perverts and blinding heroes, Elizabeth is currently staring at her friend/benefactor/teacher?

Wait, I forgot to add pervert to that list.

Elizabeth stares at the young...

Wait is he young? He might be a thousand years old for all I know.

Elizabeth stares at Sparky and takes note of his features.

Oddly handsome but has a slightly feminine appearance, Sparky looks to be reverent and awe-inspiring in nature.

Elizabeth notices some clear parts of his appearance that will definitely make him stand out.

Elizabeth suddenly realizes something.

I've been dealing with handsome men for the past months!

Elizabeth rubs her forehead, obviously frustrated.

Sparky raises an eyebrow worried.

Now that, Elizabeth got that out of the way, she does her ranking again.

Peter is rough looking and looks like a cold prince but absolutely handsome and Carlo is an appealing, clean shaven and outstanding individual while... While Sparky is a PRETTY BOY!

Elizabeth can't help but stare at this sentient lightning bolt.

"Ummm immortal?"

Elizabeth snaps out of her staring and looks at Sparky with clear eyes.

"How are the current clothes fitting you Sparky?"

Despite his childish name, Sparky took pride in his name and is not at all fazed by it.

"It is very comfortable!"

Sparky gives Elizabeth a bright smile.

Well at least his old clothes got some use.

Elizabeth frowns, remembering the one who used to wear those clothes.

Sparky seems a little bit unnerved once Elizabeth frowns.

"My immortal... Are you okay?"

Elizabeth nods still focused.

"I just remembered someone unpleasant."

Sparky's eyebrows furrow and immediately kneels with one leg in front of Elizabeth.

"Who is this someone!? I will immediately slay him and correct the unjustice served upon you."

Elizabeth isn't surprised. In her other life, she encountered many cultivators like him whom both grovelled and curried favor from their superiors.

But sparky must know that I am far inferior to him... Why is he acting this way? Maybe he's feeling gratitude?

Whether gratitude or a malicious intent, Elizabeth keeps caution towards the superbly powerful cultivator.

After all, she's seen many cultivators that have betrayed others.

"No ignore it, it has been a long time. He is of no importance."

Elizabeth says this with a tinge of annoyance and a lot of eastern dialect.

Apparently, Elizabeth doesn't notice that when she's angry, her way of speaking reverts to her past life's way of speaking.

Sparky nods and stands up.

Elizabeth turns around to retire to her room but reminds Sparky of something.

"For now, rest on the and clear your impure energy."

Sparky raises an eyebrow.

"Immortal my energy is already at the peak of pureness."

Elizabeth freezes and turns around.


Elizabeth peers through Sparky's core again and notices that it's full of impurities.

Once she made sure that Sparky's core is dirty, she zooms back and stares at the proud looking sentient lightning bolt, who currently has a pretty boy's body.

She's so beautiful...

Currently, Sparky was staring at his immortal. She was awe-inspiring and beautiful.

He didn't think this way before but ever since he gained a new body, he can't help but react to things differently.


His heart beats faster when he stares at his immortal.

"Are you serious?"

Elizabeth looks dumbfounded after Sparky proudly announces the beautiful state of his core.

"Yes my immortal!"

Since Sparky just gained a new body, he didn't know how to read the appearance of humans and didn't know that Elizabeth had a very shocked and baffled look.

Elizabeth shakes her head.

"You know what, it's already late. We should sleep. We can talk about this tomorrow morning, when I don't have to deal with my sleepiness."

Elizabeth goes to stand and starts to walk towards her room but she stops when she notices something.



"Yes Immortal?!"

Elizabeth was currently standing in front of her room's doorway and Sparky was just right behind her.

Sparky tilts his head as he sees his immortal sigh.

No Elizabeth, be patient. This sentient lightning bolt is the reason you're here right now.

Elizabeth stares at the pretty boy who's wearing the clothes of her ex-boyfriend.

It fits him way better compared to that asshole.

"Sparky, I plan on sleeping."

Sparky nods, still not aware of my meaning.

"It means, I need some privacy and you will not be with me in this room."

Suddenly, Sparky's enthusiasm dives down rock bottom.

He frowns and he shows Elizabeth a face that befits a puppy moreso than a human being.

Elizabeth flinched.

He's so adorable!

Sparky notices the chang and he continues on his depressed appearance.

When he thought that he would break Elizabeth's resolve.

"Think again, Sparky."

Elizabeth smiles with grim resolve.

I've already dealt with two super hot men this past month! Your childish cuteness cannot defeat the likes of Oliver and Carlo!

"Go sleep on the couch"

Elizabeth says this with a tinge of finality as Sparky gives up and dropps his head down.

He turns around and starts to walk.

He turns around pitifully, just to check if Elizabeth changed her mind.

When he sees that she's not even batting an eye, he surrenders to his fate and he goes to the couch.

When Sparky is finally lying down and under the blanket, albeit staring at Elizabeth with puppy eyes, Elizabeth gives a nod of approval and goes back to her room.

The sound of locks engaging is heard by Sparky as Elizabeth locks her room.

Sighing, Sparky laments to himself.

Why doesn't immortal want to be with me? If we were to sleep together, we would be able to share energy and leap up to loftier heights. She'd be able purify my energy and I'd be able to increase her own.

The confused Sparky was thinking these thoughts as he went to do his business.

Elizabeth was on her bed and slept, entering a meditative sleep, so that she could enter her past life once more.

"Elizabeth! Wake up!"

Elizabeth immediately opens her eyes and stares at the face of a familiar friend.


Elizabeth sits down and starts to stretch.

Felicia started to prepare as well, while waiting for her friend to prepare.

Elizabeth's state of mind immediately adjusts to her past life.

Fortunately, she's been here many of times and have managed to understand her past self's personality.


They were similar in two regards. They both valued justice a lot.

Standing up, Elizabeth uses her tempered core to clean herself and her clothes.

Yes, in her current past life, Elizabeth is a peak Core Tempering cultivator with the purest core in the world itself, only matched by Master Bai's purest core.

If i recall, today will be the day Master Bai will teach me and Felicia the special types of cultivator realms.

Hmm I should a-

"What are you doing! You slowpoke!"

Felicia uses her peak core tempering and forcefully drags Elizabeth while running.

"Hurry up! You remember the last time we were late!?"

Elizabeth shudders in fear as she remembers the time they were thrown into a cage with dozens of low level spirit beasts just because they were late.

Spirit beasts were non humanoid beast creatures that developed somehow gained a small form of cultivation thus making them stronger than any normal animal.

Fearful of any punishment, Elizabeth let herself be dragged along by Felicia.


Elizabeth rubs her head as she feels the soreness of being hit on the top of the head with an energy infused bamboo stick.

Besides her, Felicia is doing the same.

Master Bai was walking around while tapping his hand with a bamboo stick.

"What did I say?"

Elizabeth and Felicia repeat his words.

"It is an important lesson. Do not be late no matter what."

"It is an important lesson. Do not be late no matter what."

"What should you say then?!"

The two kneel and immediately bow.

"We apologize."

"We apologize."

Bai stares at the two repentant children and sighs.

"Now that you two get it! Raise your heads!"



The two of them sit up straight and prepare for their lesson.

"As I said before, after Physique Tempering, you will eventually need to tackle Core Tempering. Every Realm has a standard peak state but with enough luck, skill and even money, one can achieve a more powerful variant of the normal state... Or if one is not careful, they might even create a weaker variant of the original state."

The two nods, listening carefully.

"The Physique Tempering is the easiest of all the realms and thus have no other variants. But at Core Tempering-"

Bai notices Elizabeth raise her hand and calls her.

"Yes Elizabeth? Do you have a question."

Felicia let this be because for the past few months, they've been training, Elizabeth was the type to ask questions over and over.

"Is it truly impossible to create a variant for the Physique Tempering?"

Bai smiles and chuckles.

"Of course you'd ask that. You keep breaking records after records. I wouldn't be surprised you'd want to ask that but it's already too late, you're already at Core Tempering."

"Please humor me?"

Bai raises an eyebrow but he nods.

"Under common and even under very rare circumstances, it is almost impossible for a variant of Physique Tempering. Even I just have a pure Physique Tempering, the best of the standard."

Elizabeth nods and frowns but perks up when her master continues.

"But! According to basic theory, it should be completely possible."

Elizabeth's eyes sparkle while Felicia seems slightly uninterested. She wants to know more about how to create a Core Tempering Variant.

"Our core is a very complex mechanism that allows us to control and use the natural energies in the world. It's our conduit to the mysterious and mystical. Because of this, the core follows a 'standard' way on how to manifest it's abilities but under special circumstances, the mechanism of how the core performs and acts can be changed for the better or... For the worst."

Elizabeth nods, understanding the basics.

"Why is it hard to create a Physique Tempering Variant then?"

"While we already develop a core during Physique Tempering, most of our energy goes to the body thus making it nigh impossible to make the core influence it but on the offchance that the body can be changed on how it deals with energy... It might be completely possible to create a new Variant."

Elizabeth's eyes suddenly sparkle as she found a way to maybe increase her strength.

"But for now, I think it's impossible."

Master Bai shrugs.

"For now, let me teach tou about Core Tempering Variance and my goal for you two..."

The time Elizabeth spends in her past life goes by quickly as she absorbs all the knowledge she can.

While her past life was playing she had one thought.

I need a Physique Tempering variant that would help with my energy gathering!

The sounds of slightly mutated birds chirping flutter in the air as Elizabeth opens her eyes.

She sits up and stretches.

Immediately, she spreads her senses to reach the whole house.

Her eyes widen and she immediately stand up.

She goes to her door and opens it by removing all the locks.

Once out she looks around with quick emergency.

Sparky is gone! Before Elizabeth could call the police station to file a missing person report, she hears a voice.


Elizabeth looks around and hears Sparky from the guest bathroom.

Turning around, she sees an almost bare-naked Sparky drying himself off with a towel. He also goes to cover his hands with another towel.

Sighing in relief, Elizabeth asked herself in her thoughts.

Why didn't I sense him. I can sense him perfectly now.

"Where did you go?"

Sparky looks confused as he stares at Elizabeth.

"I took a bath in your house's bathroom."

Elizabeth raises her eyebrow.

"Why couldn't I sense you then?"

Sparky shrugs.

"I don't know my immortal but I was here in the bathroom the whole morning, trying to understand yout technology."

Elizabeth sighs and says.

"Okay okay, i'll start on our breakfast. Come."

Elizabeth checks the time and her eyes widen.


"I'm late!!!"

Elizabeth runs to her room to prepare.

Sparky stares at his immortal with confusion.

Why is immortal late?

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