《Cultivators are extinct!》Chapter 21: An Electrifying Situation
Within her comfortable bathroom, our beautiful female cultivator is currently surrounded by herb infused waters.
Elizabeth enjoys the fresh pure energy seeping into her pores.
As always, the waters become clear as Elizabeth drained the power of the herbs in a few minutes.
Elizabeth is slightly disappointed because she can't even enjoy her herb baths because her body absorbs the energy way too fast.
She stands up and starts to dry herself.
She recalls her meeting with Sheena a day ago.
Poor kid.
Elizabeth sighed, and decided to help the failing agency. It wasn't just a whim and she didn't change her mind either.
Despite the world being a cruel and hard place, it was just Elizabeth's nature to be kind.
I just hope it doesn't bite me in the future.
Once dried, Elizabeth starts to dress up wearing home clothing because she doesn't have any business today except drafting up a new system for the St. Davion hero agency.
... Or else... They'll really run out of clients.
In her living room, Elizabeth dries her hair using a towel while looking for her tv remote.
Her clothes are a simple pair of shorts that are so short that if one looked at a specific angle, they would see her underwear. Her top is a white tank top that shoes her beautiful figure and voluptuous tops.
Right now inside her home, Elizabeth is truly a sight to behild. Her black hair, flawless skin and sexy figure is the source of many people's admirations.
These were the taughts of a person who's currently peeking through Elizabeth's home.
Such... a beautiful goddess...
Elizabeth was unaware of the peeper but suddenly felt uncomfortable.
Is someone staring at me?
Elizabeth subconsciously prepares for a dangerous situation but after a while, the uncomfortable feeling disappears.
She goes nears the windows and carefully looks outside.
After not seeing anything or anyone, she closes the curtains and locks the windows.
Elizabeth takes a look at her clock.
8:30 pm
Weird... shouldn't the patrols be in this area?
Elizabeth takes a careful look again at the outside of her window.
Elizabeth notices something out of place.
The lights are out.
All the streetlights are off which isn't supposed to happen because those are powered by miniaturized fusion cells.
How can they be off?
She didn't forget to close her curtains but she can't shake off the feeling that something is coming.
Worried and slightly nervous, Elizabeth immediately goes back to her room.
She starts rummaging throughout her supplies and collects the energy dense briefcase.
While it is still giving her a very large amount of energy, it's no longer enough for her.
It's just a liability for her unless she opens it but due to recent events, Elizabeth has developed a small amount of fear towards unknown objects.
If she opens it, she might suddenly die. But she also can't just leave it lying around anywhere.
"Need to hide this then."
Elizabeth takes a clear look at her significantly cleaner room.
She no longer has large pinup boards in her room.
Since she became a Cultivator, Elizabeth focused on gaining more natural energy thus forgoing the other plans.
Elizabeth then locks the door and closes the window curtains to make sure that no one sees her.
She quiets down and turns off every thing that's making noise in her room.
Elizabeth closes her eyes and her senses amp up as she slowly increases the range of her 5 senses.
When she realizes that the house is clear, she clicks a hidden button under the bed.
The bed slowly moves upward, revealing a metal box that's made out of thick and dense materials.
Courtesy of my unbelievably rich and talented brother.
Elizabeth carefully puts the briefcase in the safebox, then slowly closes it once more.
"Okay, let's go check outside. The patrol might be in danger."
Elizabeth goes to her precious stash of items and recovers her old stuff.
"It doesn't hurt for me to use them and I can always cover my body and face."
Elizabeth wears all her slightly obsolete gear but since she's already stronger than most of the abilities her items can give her, she only wears them to hide her appearance.
She locks her house and exits through the back, where there isn't a clear area for her to be seen.
Once outside, Elizabeth starts to stalk her district's street all the while following the usual path of the patrol.
After a few minutes of continuous trudging through the dark, Elizabeth notices something weird.
The patrol is missing and these lights are....
Elizabeth goes to kneel down and check the lights for their energy sources.
She takes out her badge and uses it to sign in through the streetlight's emergency system, allowing her entry.
She then opens the streetlight's fusion cell container and picks it up.
Elizabeth's hand smokes for a second and she drops it quickly.
"It's hot so that means it just lost power recently but... This thing is meant to last for years..."
Elizabeth suddenly hears a footstep behind her.
Turning around with caution, Elizabeth sees an empty street.
Huh no one...
Elizabeth returns the fusion cell and closes the streetlight.
Once secure, she starts to walk and go towards another patrol route.
It was at this moment that Elizabeth suddenly hears a cry of pain.
Without any hesitation, Elizabeth runs with her superhuman speed and bolts towards the noise.
Turning towards a corner, Elizabeth sees an unconscious person on the ground wearing a police uniform.
In front of the police uniform is a medium height man with a lanky build.
Elizabeth wrinkles her nose a little at the person not because of the unconscious cop but because the man is...
A pervert!
Elizabeth takes a stance.
"Sir! Step away from the police officer."
Elizabeth does standard procedure and prepares to arrest the man.
The man doesn't react and Elizabeth increases her strength and is ready to use her 10x mortal charges if this pervert is more than it seems.
The man slowly turns around, revealing a young and beautiful looking man.
A calm voice comes from the naked man and Elizabeth suddenly loses her seriousness.
Elizabeth's edge lightly dulls but she realizes that only one being has ever called her anything remotely close to "immortal".
The man's yellow colored eyes sparkle as he fully turns around.
Sparky suddenly runs towards Elizabeth with his naked body.
Elizabeth scrunches her face and notices Sparky's body.
It's dirty and stinks.
"No! Get away!"
Sparky stops with a heartbroken expression.
He falls to his knees.
"I knew it! I knew it was stupid to trust anyone."
Elizabeth's jaw hangs low as he stares at the pathetic appearance of this man.
What happened to cultivators being dignified beings?!
"Stand up you pervert!"
Sparky forgets his position and stands up and starts acting with a dignified attitude once more.
"Forgive me for my attitude, it seems I lost my-"
"It's too late for that!"
Sparky's dignified appearance is worthless in contrast to his dirty appearance, pathetic state and nakedness.
Rubbing her forehead, Elizabeth says.
"Sparky, let's go. Follow me."
Sparky nods as he follows Elizabeth.
"Wait before I go."
Elizabeth goes towards the unconscious police man and checks if he's alive.
A pulse! He's a regular here and it would be a shame if died. He's alive... just unconscious... wait! If he's unconscious that means!
Elizabeth looks for the police man's badge.
She finds it inside his coat and notice that at the center of the badge is a flashing white color.
Oh no!
In mercury city, police men and women are cherished as enforcers of the law as long as they don't abuse them. Especially considering that not many people want to become a police officer since there is the hero profession. So to protect these police officers, they are given the choice to undergo an operation that allows them to connect their badges to their body. The badge is connected to all the hero agencies in the city.
Elizabeth herself didn't connect herself to the badge because of privacy reasons.
If a situation happens where a police officer is harmed or incapacitated while at work, the badge alarms the nearest hero agency. At this point the badge is supposed to have a red color, meaning that the agency hasn't seen the alarm yet. Once the agency has a white color, it means they've intercepted the warning.
Good! That means there's no one incomi-
While thinking to herself, Elizabeth sees the badge's light turn blue.
A blue light on a badge means that a hero has intercepted the call and is incoming.
When the badge turned blue, Elizabeth immediately stands up and goes towards Sparky.
"We need to go now!"
Sparky raises his eyebrows in confusion. Elizabeth doesn't use her strength just in case she hurts him.
Elizabeth's eyes suddenly widen as she hears the sound of flight.
"Stop villains!"
The ground shakes and the two cultivators are almost knocked off their feet.
Wait that voice... It's familiar.
Elizabeth curses in her mind.
I just came from a dangerous situation a few days ago! Can't I get some slack!
Elizabeth brings up a device from her pack and she covers her face and immediately slaps it on Sparky's face.
She whispers to him.
"Follow my lead."
Turning around with their masks covering their faces, Elizabeth speaks.
Not so far from the St. Davion hero agency, the Black Eagle hero agency building is neatly settled between another house and lot subdivision and a lot of commercial areas.
It is the perfect area for an upcoming hero agency that wants to build its reputation but also keep enough distance from the big agencies to avoid trouble.
Usually it is unethical for an agency to settle down so near another agency but the current owner of the Black Eagle is someone who doesn't care about such ethics.
And currently inside the luxurious office of the Black Eagle, a bulky and bald man is screaming at another person.
"What do you mean you didn't destroy that bottom barrel agency!?"
The man who was being screamed at was a hero named Flashfist.
He appears to look pitiful as his new boss and supervisor is screaming at him.
His mask is currently off revealing a face that doesn't seem to take care of himself.
That goddamn bitch! If only....
He remembers the humiliation he got from Elizabeth.
The condition of Black Eagle taking him in was to damage St. Davion to the point it shuts down to remove competition.
But because of Elizabeth, Jason couldn't harm the agency except the destroyed door.
Jason grips his fists digging his nails in his palm.
Jason's entrance fee to the agency was supposed to be the destruction of St. Davion but now that he wasn't able to finish his part of the deal, he's not supposed to be here.
Luckily for him, Jason managed to convince his contact to let him in under the promise of untapped potential.
"Are you listening?!"
Jason is jolted as his boss slams the table in front of him leaving an indent on the table.
"Yes sir!"
"Now that you understand, I want to you destro-"
The boss suddenly stops as the door behind them opens.
The two looks behind them and Jason stiffens.
"Hello gentlemen. It's nice to see you two on such a wonderful evening."
The man was young, probably in his mid twenties. He had white hair and small eyes with a perpetual smile on his face. But no one in their right mind would look at that smile and think it was real.
This person was the hero called Dark Star.
The agency's top hero!
The Black Eagle agency is a starting agency and no one would give it any attention if not for the presence of one person.
This person was non other than Dark Star himself.
A lord rank hero with a super power. Such an individual would be working in middle class agencies not a small one like Black Eagle, so no one understands why this person is staying here.
"Gentlemen, you haven't noticed but the police safety is alarming. Someone has been hurt."
The boss' face goes pale as he sees the alarm and he hasn't answered it yet.
"I'll immediately send someo-"
The boss goes to click the alarm but Dark Star stops his hand with his own.
"Dark star?"
"No... I think I'll be the one to answer this."
The boss is suddenly confused as to why Dark Star wants the job. It's nothing more than annoying job.
But he has always been someone who always looked for amusing situations, so the boss allows him.
Dark Star goes to leave and Jason could finally feel his lungs come back online.
What is that guy?
Surprisingly enough, the boss calms down as well and Jason can't help but praise Dark Star.
"Sir what about the St. Davion hero agency?"
The boss thinks for a moment and his eyes fall on a piece of paper in his desk.
Smiling, the boss takes it and puts it in front of the table so that Jason could see it.
Written on the paper is "God Slayer Battle Tower"
"Sir what do you mean?!"
Jason was baffled because the Battle Tower is an annual event that the God Slayer organization organizes and what connection does it have with the St. Davion agency.
"It's hard to destroy the agency now since you're no longer a member and i'm sure their few heroes will do anything to prevent it from getting destroyed."
Jason nods.
"We can destroy their organization in a way which won't endanger us."
The boss smiles but Jason is still dumbfounded.
"We just need to cripple all of their heroes so that the agency is forced to close."
Jason suddenly smiles when he fully understands the cruelty of his boss.
He remembers Elizabeth's defiant appearance. Dominating such a beautiful and fierce woman would be so satisfying.
Just you wait.
Within the Prometheus district, the two cultivators who were in a pickle were currently staring at the man in front of them.
They both saw a very muscular man wearing a golden suit with installed lights.
Wait... That's! Golden boy!
Elizabeth seems stunned at the appearance of the hero she just met.
"Gallant hero! Please don't attack."
Golden boy stares at the unconscious guard and looks at Elizabeth and the naked Sparky.
His face crunches as he becomes disgusted by the current situation.
Elizabeth's face pales as she realizes what the hero is currently thinking.
"No it's not what you think!"
Golden Boy waves his hand.
"Don't explain yourself you perverts! Your type is not welcome here!"
Elizabeth curses herself as a hero thinks of her as a villain and worse of all, a pervert.
Golden boy suddenly charges.
Elizabeth's mind goes quick as she estimates how powerful Golden boy is.
According to the hero reports, Golden Boy was a starter beast rank and was able to fly due to his suit's abilities.
But after seeing his current speed, Elizabeth concluded that Golden Boy might be low beast rank.
That meant he was at least 20% the strength of a lord rank.
Elizabeth prepared to brace herself but Golden boy was too fast for her and she sees him appear in front of her to grab her.
No! It can't end like this!
Powerless to resist, Elizabeth tries to move even if just a little.
But her enemy is too fast and too strong for her.
Elizabeth sees the hand approach her with speed that is at least triple of hers.
Suddenly out of nowhere, Golden Boy's advance was stopped.
Golden Boy's hand was stopped in front of Elizabeth.
Another hand was gripping his wrist with very little effort.
"My immortal, is this waterbug annoying you?"
Sparky calmly asked Elizabeth with an extremely respectful tone.
Golden Boy tried to retreat and even started using his tech to bolster his power but he couldn't escape.
The ground was starting to quake from Golden Boy's force but still, Golden Boy could not move.
Thankfully, the foundations of Mercury city is tough or wide spread damage would be everywhere.
Elizabeth notices that Golden Boy is actually having a hard time while Sparky is mostly unaffected.
Adopting the demeanour of the many arrogant brats she met in her past life, Elizabeth speaks with finesse and class, also a lot of hidden arrogance.
"Yes. Blow him away for me. Don't kill him though, he might be of use later."
Now, Elizabeth is just praying that Sparky's strength isn't just a fluke or else this would be extremely embarrassing.
Sparky nods and he looks towards Golden Boy who's face was now filled with fear.
"Disappear you roach."
With a flick of his wrist, Golden Boy is sent flying thousands of meters up the air.
Lord rank! Sparky is at lord rank level cultivation!
Elizabeth uses her pure energy to peer into Sparky's core. Inside Sparky, she sees a dirty and unrefined core. Compared to Elizabeth's pure white core, Sparky's core is utter garbage.
But his core is different. Right now it has dozens of cracks on the core itself as it is being buffeted by the many energies swirling around it.
The cracks aren't signs of destruction but forging and tempering!
This phenomenon means only thing.
Sparky is already at the stage of core tempering.
Sparky turns around "Immortal, the nuisance is gone now."
Elizabeth stares at him dumbfoundedly.
Ummm, I've got a bodyguard now?
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