《Cultivators are extinct!》Chapter 17: Small Tech


Carlo and Elizabeth was currently hiding in a relatively hidden boiler room where they were relatively safe from Lucas.

As for Lucas, he actually lost the two because they weren't using psychic energy so he can't sense them.

"Goddamn idiot, now I lost them... Well at least I have something new to report. Elizabeth Rielle may not be a normal human as we thought she was."

Chuckling, Lucas continues his hunt.

"Okay Carlo calm yourself. I'll be gentle I promise."

"No it's okay. I can take a little more pain than usual. It's not my first ride after all."

"Okay, I might go a little rougher then."

Carlo starts to grunt as Elizabeth goes a little bit rougher on him.

While many would think this an indecent situation, they are not doing anything sexual.

Carlo is currently lying on the cold hard metal floor while Elizabeth is besides him on a sitting position.

Elizabeth is currently holding her two hands atop Carlo's chest.

She's infusing her pure energy onto his body slowly transforming the pure energy in his body.

Once I get to transform all the pure energy in his body, his body will be a source of powerful energy that he can slowly convert to energy useable for meta humans.

Elizabeth was worried at first on what would happen once she fixed him but realized that she's practically cleaning Carlo's system using her own energy, all the while slowly transforming all the excess pure energy into nuclear energy.

Elizabeth actually thought of clearing the nuclear energy but if she did that, Carlo would effectively become a cultivator and she couldn't allow him to suffer such a fate.

He would be hard stuck in the lower realms because unlike Elizabeth who had monstrous talent when it came to cultivation, Carlo basically had none but his talent with being a meta human is exceptional so she decided to make it so that he would return to being a meta human.

What Elizabeth is doing right now is practically enhancing his ability to absorb energy giving him an easier time becoming stronger in the future.

And considering the amount of energy I'm converting.. He might jump back to his old state faster than before.

"Elizabeth, what are you doing? I feel like there's so much energy flowing through me."

"Not flowing but just being converted. You told me that your body is a mess of energy right?"

Carlo nods.

"It really is. The blocking was horrendous to the point that the new energy was slowly pushing out your old energy."

"Is that bad?"

"Well it is bad for you because you can't absorb that form of energy but I'm slowly converting the new energy into energy you can use. And be thankful, I'm also cleaning your system and once it's fully cleaned your talent will soar even higher."

Carlo's eyes glitter.

Suddenly Elizabeth remembers Peter who had deep and peaceful eyes that only rippled when he saw something he liked...

If he was here... We could escape... Stupid lord ranks. Why is there even such a large gap between ranks.



"If you succeed on... Well fixing me. I'll return all the files okay? I won't hesitate to return them and I'll do everything to repay you."

Elizabeth sees Carlo's sincere face and can't help but chuckle. He reminds her a lot of William.

Someone who has a lot to prove.

"I'll take you up on that offer then."


Elizabeth continues on carefully changing the energy inside Carlo's body.

Carlo starts to sweat as his body is slowly adjusting to the elevated strength.

Within a few minutes of conversion, Carlo who was originally a mob rank meta human, was starting to reach high squad rank meta human.

At this rate, Carlo might reach beast rank within a few more minutes.


The sound of a door being exploded into dust resounds a few hallways near Elizabeth and Carlo.

The two immediately hear it.

"Elizabeth, we need to move. He's quite near. We need to be careful or else, he'll catch us."

The two stands up but Carlo's body is slightly weakened due to the energy in him being more chaotic than usual.

Elizabeth supports him and the two starts to walk away, deeper into the lab.

They're aware that they're reaching a dead end but they have no other choice.

"Carlo, you're starting to reach beast rank and you might even return to mid beast rank once we're done. Do you still have a whatever you did earlier when you knocked that guy away?"

Carlo shakes his head.

"No it's a one time use tech. It comes from my father's protective shield amulet."

Carlo shows Elizabeth a metal amulet hidden beneath his extravagant clothes.

The amulet looks busted because of suddenly releasing a powerful burst of energy.

While walking, the two hears doors being destroyed and busted open.

The sound of destruction gets closer and closer as the two suddenly hear a horrid singsong voice.

"Come out, come out wherever you are~"

The two continue walking, doing their best to be quiet and quick.


Carlo whispers.

Elizabeth whispers back.


"I might be able to save us but you need to fix me fast."

At this point, Elizabeth is willing to do anything just to get away from the potential pervert maniac slash lord rank.

Elizabeth immediately nods and quickens her pace.

Eventually the two reaches a hidden spot at the end of the boiler room. It's the last room and quite possibly the last room Lucas will check.

Elizabeth immediately gets to work and resumes restoring Carlo's body.

Carlo resists the weakness overwhelming him as his energy is slowly getting more and more purified.

Just a few more!

In the process of converting Carlo's energy, he started to circulate his own energy in his body creating a powerful vacuum in which pushed out the energy he didn't need and sucked in the energy he needed.

Elizabeth gives a sigh of relief as she realizes that Carlo was taking care of himself properly.

It's almost do-



Elizabeth and Carlo could hear Lucas just a few feet away from them.

Elizabeth starts to weigh her options and she grips her hands.

"Carlo, you're almost done. The remaining energy can be resolved by your constant circulation. Finish yourself, I'll delay the pervert as long as I can."

Carlo's body was already weakened before but now that his at the climax of his fixing, he can barely speak. He tries to reach Elizabeth but she already was too far away for him to reach.

Hmmmm... this is the last room right? So if I just go into that corner, I'll see those pests.

Before Lucas could go to that corner, Elizabeth exits it with eyes filled with determination.

Lucas smiles.

"So... have you come to bargain for your freedom?"

Elizabeth doesn't smile nor react, only walking steadily towards Lucas.

Once she reaches Lucas, they stare at each other with intensity. Lucas at first does nothing while Elizabeth is delaying everything she's doing by a few more seconds.


"No... I've come to fight!"

Lucas' eyes widen then he suddenly laughs while holding his stomach.

"Really?! You?! A normal human?!"


Lucas' laughter stops as Elizabeth suddenly punches his face with all of her strength.

Her fist lands on Lucas' face but he doesn't budge and Elizabeth's hand start to throb with pain.

She pulls away preparing to fight.

He didn't react... He didn't notice that I'm no longer a normal human?

"So... What was that supposed to be? I barely felt anything!"

Lucas shouts and stomps his foot on the ground, creating a powerful indent on the floor.

Elizabeth is pushed back from the force.

What strength! Peter never showed strength like this... He was so much more calm and peaceful.

For Elizabeth, Lucas was akin to a raging earthquake while Peter was the quiet and calm sea.

"Now that's true power! You are just an ant..."

Smiling, Lucas approaches Elizabeth.

Elizabeth doesn't flinch but she doesn't stupidly antagonize Lucas.

"And as a worthless ant! Kneel and grovel and I might just let you live."

Elizabeth knows that one flick of a finger and she's dead so instead of antagonizing him, she tries another way.

"So you didn't notice?"

Lucas raises his eyebrow, urging Elizabeth to continue.

"My strength changed. I am no longer the same as I was before!"

Lucas smiles.

"A god does not know the difference between a slave and a king."

Pretending to be despondent, Elizabeth speaks in a solemn and defeated tone.

"So... I can't hurt you?"

"Of course!"

Elizabeth pretends to be affected and this just stirs Lucas.

"Hmph! Still your strength is worthless. Not a single blow, nay! Not even two or three blows will harm me. You are truly a weakling but thankfully you are beautiful so you're not completely worthless."

Elizabeth resists the rising anger in her stomach but continues to act despondent.

"Three blows?"

Lucas smile becomes malevolent as he suddenly moves with great speed and grabs Elizabeth by the neck.


He slams her on the wall causing the wall to form cracks and Elizabeth to spew out blood.

Thankfully, Elizabeth's body is stronger than normal, or else she would've surely died or suffer a lot of injuries.


Lucas screams at Elizabeth's face just before letting her go.

Elizabeth falls to the ground kneeling. She coughs heavily while gasping for air.

Lucas spits on the ground.

"So, where is it?!"

Lucas demands and Elizabeth's knows that it's do or die at this point. If her next attack doesn't harm or even make Lucas flinch, chances are, she'll die a painful and humiliating death.

Elizabeth stands up takes a stance.

3 blows

Quickly, Elizabeth used her mortal charge of 10x and hits Lucas... In the groin.

Lucas' face was confident that even if he was hit in the groin, he would not be affected.

Elizabeth has a punching force of 1,100 kilograms and right now, she multiplied it.

11,000 kilograms worth of force is going straightly towards Lucas' groin.

Please work! Even if it's only 1/10th of his power, it must affect him!

Lucas as he said would not move when Elizabeth would attack and he didn't.

Elizabeth's blow connects.


Suddenly Elizabeth hears a crunching sound as her fist connects with Lucas' groin.

Elizabeth looks up and looks at Lucas' face.

Lucas looks absolutely confident then slowly he starts to sweat. Then his face slowly changes into one of pain. Then his eyes roll back as he goes pale.

Without stopping, Elizabeth charges her 2 last 6x mortal charges into her fists.



Elizabeth does two other blows to Lucas' manhood or lack of thereof.


After Elizabeth's three blows, Lucas screams bloody murder as he then grips his lower body in absolute pain.

Okay time! Quicker Carlo!

Elizabeth prepares herself but eventually Lucas does manage to recover.

He stands slightly out of breath.

"Tha-.... That... Was painful... You were... Right... You're no longer the same...."

Lucas speaks while out breath and he tries to recover his earlier bravado but his pale face and sweaty demeanour isn't doing much to change that.

"You... Bitch... I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!"

Lucas suddenly moves with powerful force towards Elizabeth.

Elizabeth sees it but knows she can't do anything to stop him.

So she only hopes for a miracle.


Without closing her eyes, Elizabeth sees a silver metal gauntlet catch Lucas' fist.

"What the?"

Looking to her left, Elizabeth sees a silver colored core suit. It suddenly pulls the fist of Lucas and it uses its free hand to deliver a powerful blow towards Lucas.


The sound of thick metal hitting Lucas' face was so strong that Elizabeth thinks it'll indent into his face.

Lucas suddenly flies fast as his body was knocked back by the core suit's punch.

His body goes through the concrete walls and momentarily disappear.

Once Lucas was temporarily gone, Elizabeth makes some space with the core suit.

The metal mask of the core suit opens up, showing Carlo's smiling face.

"Elizabeth it worked!"

Elizabeth smiles, happy for her new acquaintance... Or maybe a new friend

"How did you get that here?!"

Elizabeth asks, obviously amazed by the state of the art core suit.

"It was always with me." Carlo says proud. "I guess the power was always in me! I just needed to believe!"

Carlo starts making old culture references as Elizabeth admires the superweapon Carlo is using.

"No I'm kidding. I never said we failed in finishing the suit, it just damaged me."

"Then why wasn't news of its success was televised?"

"The suit was only tailored to me so no one can use it so it was hidden from the public eye but when we built this-"

He gestures to the suit.

"- It was too powerful for a normal meta human. If anything less than a mid beast rank uses it, all of their energy would get sucked up and they'd die. Core suits use the energy of the core and user itself, making for a stronger individual."

"That doesn't really answer my question."

Carlo laughs.

"It's made out of nanotechnology. The core we found provided so much energy that could theoretically power the nanobots for a very very long time."

Once Elizabeth understood how Carlo brought the suit, she asks a relatively more important question.

"How strong are you right now then?"

Elizabeth looks worried while being cautious from Lucas'.

"With the suit's boost, I'm currently peak beast rank. I'm weaker than a lord by a few thousands but the abilities of the core suit will hopefully close the gap."

Suddenly the facility shakes.


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