《Cultivators are extinct!》Chapter 16: Mobs and common beasts follow Lords
Thousands of meters above the sky, a man who is currently levitating is angrily releasing powerful bursts of psychic energy everywhere.
He then slams his hand, shattering the clouds all around him.
"Ughhhh, such a stupid job. Division leader just had to lump this cleaning job to me. Damn that stupid limp dicked Peter... Now what was that stupid company's name again? I don't have to destroy it, I just have to fetch that idiot Karthun? What was his name again? Whatever"
Lucas, a powerful lord rank is currently en route to Gate to the Future.
Smiling, Lucas thinks.
'I wonder... I might see someone interesting.'
"No! I will not indulge in such scandalous acts!"
Elizabeth can't help but speak rashly because even though she is used to men and women asking her out, she has never had a person such as Carlo ask her out.
For a moment, Elizabeth forgot about her own decency and started thinking about the many powerful and amazing items Carlo could gift her.
Then she sees her heartbroken brother William who was supposed to give her his brand new weapons...
NO! I will not betray my brother!
"Then I cannot give the file back to you then. You have no proof and this place doesn't have proof either."
Elizabeth frowned.
"You destroyed their camera system then?"
Carlo nods.
"I told you, we can just share and I wouldn't even ask anything from you."
"And I told you, a hero does not steal."
"But I'm not a hero." Carlo smiles at Elizabeth's constant reminder of a hero's responsibility.
"Well you bette-"
Before Elizabeth could finish berating Simmons, they both hear a powerful crash behind them.
They both look back, and immediately see someone standing up from the debris caused by their landing.
A small man.
The person Elizabeth sees is small in stature but the power he is currently releasing dwarfs anything Elizabeth has ever seen in her whole life.
Purple lightning arcs from the person's black clothing as his psychic energy manifests as pure power.
The man stretches for a second, ignoring Elizabeth and Carlo knowing full well that his power overshadows them.
This arrogant and self absobed meta human is non other than Lucas.
Shit... This person... I can't beat him... No matter what... Don't tell me... He's after me...
After stretching, Lucas looks towards the unconscious Karthen, ignoring the two people in front of him.
He walks past the two and ignores them once more despite their height difference.
Lucas stoops down and checks the unconscious Karthen.
"Oh... he's unconscious"
Elizabeth and Carlo are frozen in place but they both manage to turn around facing Lucas.
Lucas is still stooping down without putting any guard up, confident that none of their attacks will harm him.
And he's right, even if Elizabeth multiplied her strength by 100, she'd only be capable of damaging Lucas once with the same level of strength he has. And if Elizabeth actually did multiply her strength by that much, her whole body would explode into bits and pieces of gore.
Lucas then retrieves the files that Karthen dropped when Elizabeth and Carlo knocked him out.
Elizabeth sees what was happening and tries to move her mouth but fails.
When she can't speak, she tries to move her arms.
She succeeds and she manages to weakly raise her arm.
Suddenly her arm is grabbed by a whispering Carlo Simmons.
Elizabeth looks towards her unfortunate companion and notices how much he is sweating.
Carlo whispers to Elizabeth.
He shakes his head.
Elizabeth closes her eyes and focuses on the moment.
If I move... I die... but if I don't move then these people's life work will be gone... Carlo's files are surely lacking compared to the ones stolen...
Elizabeth suddenly tries one more time but eventually stops.
Carlo calms down once he realizes Elizabeth gave up on trying.
The two of them suddenly got cold sweat as Lucas called for them.
Lucas stands up while holding the unconscious Karthen on his shoulder.
"So you two knocked out Karthen?"
Of course the two are too frozen to answer.
"Are you guards?"
He shakes his head immediately after asking that question.
"No, your clothes are too flashy and those leg augments aren't cheap either. And you...."
Lucas suddenly goes quiet when he sees Elizabeth.
"... too beautiful."
Lucas shakes his head and gives the two of them the most perfect smile he can give.
Unlike Peter who is bone-chillingly handsome and Carlo who is extremely appealing, Lucas has below-average looks and lacks any of the appeal the former two has. Not only that, he smells disgusting and after a cursory look over his body, Elizabeth notices that his shoes are caked with some solid unknown stuff.
He doesn't bathe?
"May I inquire the name of such a beautiful lady such a yourself?"
Lucas goes near in front of Elizabeth smiling.
Elizabeth calms down but can't help but look down on Lucas due to the large height difference.
Lucas doesn't seem to notice as he looks up and stares at Elizabeth's eyes.
Lucas adds a little bit of force because he noticed that she wasn't answering.
Lucas smiles.
"Such a beautiful name.... Almost as beautiful as you..."
Elizabeth feels her hairs stand up straight as she tries her best not to run from Lucas.
Elizabeth right now has half the mind to try and blow Lucas away with her charged up 10x mortal charge.
"Th-thank you!..."
Now that Lucas managed to fluster Elizabeth, he then takes notice of Carlo.
His face suddenly becomes brighter.
"Wait... Aren't you Carlo Simmons?"
Carlo freezes and so does Elizabeth.
"Wait... such a high profile person... so that means..."
Lucas looks at Elizabeth.
"You're Elizabeth Rielle!"
Lucas suddenly claps his hand laughing.
"I didn't think that such a beauty was the infamous Elizabeth Rielle! The Rielle family's biggest disappointment!"
Elizabeth frowns but tries not to show too much displeasure because she's still aware of how powerful Lucas is.
"And you!"
He takes a moment to gander at Carlo, taking everything in.
"So that's why an ugly and weak person can buy such expensive augments... You're Carlo Simmons! The cripple!"
Elizabeth frowns a little at that comment. Carlo isn't ugly by a long mile but the word cripple takes her attention and she looks at Carlo's reaction.
For the first time since they met, Elizabeth sees Carlo's face go dark.
"Don't think I don't know rich boy. I studied both your profile and fortunately for me, you have more information compared to little sweet Elizabeth over here."
Lucas goes near Carlo and playfully taps his face all the while condescendingly chuckling.
Carlo is obviously livid but knows he can't say anything.
While Lucas hasn't done anything dangerous, Elizabeth and Carlo can feel that Lucas would kill both of them the moment he got mad.
"Two worthless outcasts huh? It seems I found something interesting today." Lucas lets Karthen fall down on the ground to watch the two.
"So you must be wondering how I know right?"
Carlo nods.
"Well you see, you can't know that. But I'll tell you this..."
Lucas goes near Carlo face to face and he stares at his face full of confidence and disdain.
"How did it feel being on top of the world? Only to fall down?"
Carlo's face is now grave and Elizabeth can see his hand shake with anger.
Lucas then chuckles.
"Well... let's see how much money your dad invested in you once you failed him." Lucas then pulls his fist and quickly punches Carlo in the face.
Lucas is suddenly knocked back into a wall by an extremely powerful force as Carlo's body somehow released a powerful shockwave.
"Elizabeth! Run!"
Carlo grabs Elizabeth and they both immediately run away from Lucas.
When Elizabeth and Carlo ran for their lives, Lucas did not immediately pursue because he was currently lying down on a bunch of concrete debris that he was blasted through. And he was also thinking.
That... was the force of a lord rank... So is the cripple a lord rank? No... If he was, he wouldn't have been so afraid... Welp, now I can have my fun.
Lucas slowly stands up and stretches. He looks at Karthen and pulls out a syringe from a well protected case in his suit.
He injects Karthen with the liquid.
A second later Karthen's eyes immediately open wide.
He goes to attack Lucas with his fist but Lucas catches it effortlessly.
"Agent Luca-"
Before Karthen could regret his action, Lucas breaks the hand of Karthen.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Karthen curls up in pain as his broken wrist is turned around.
"That's for attacking me. Now get out of here, before division leader starts to scold me again."
Karthen chokes and grits his pain away as he stands up, receiving the files from Lucas with his okay hand.
"Wh-What about you sir?"
Lucas smiles.
"I'll be back. I just want to have some fun."
"Affirmative sir."
Karthen still replies respectfully and once Lucas turns around, he walks the opposite direction, cradling his broken wrist.
'That bastard! Just you see... Once I rise up the ranks, I'll get you back.'
Once Karthen is gone, Lucas smiles and starts to move.
He could easily catch up to the running duo with his superhuman speed but for now, he'll keep walking.
There's no joy in hunting quickly after all.
Elizabeth and Carlo is currently running quickly, ignoring the roars of evobeasts far away from them, in full knowledge that a beast is currently chasing them.
Think! Think!
How will I get out of here with Carlo?
Carlo was weaker than Elizabeth but his body augments allowed him to keep up.
Eventually they manage to reach a relatively far away part of the building.
Carlo opens a door which leads to a large boiler room and the both of them hides in between a lot of mechanical pipes.
Once the two manage to finally have a relatively decent hiding spot, they bunker down.
"Carlo, we just need to hold out until the facility is removed from lockdown. They'll have to send heroes or a powerful task force but it won't be immediately noticed because the situation isn't too dangerous for the outsiders but if we can only find a way to inform the outside that a dangerous meta human is here, they'll send heroes quickly."
"I know but we'll need to go to the communications office which if I recall correctly is located near the facility's front area. Going there means having to face that lunatic."
Once the two managed to calm down a little, Elizabeth notices that Carlo was a little bit shaken up.
"Carlo... I know it's not my place to ask but what happened?"
Elizabeth said this in the most polite way she can without any sign of forcing Carlo.
Carlo sighs and looks at Elizabeth in a way that doesn't fit the flirty rich kid she met at the building this earlier morning.
"Well... it was never publicized but as you know full well that all information no matter how well kept will eventually be found out by others."
Elizabeth nods bitterly, remembering the time her father found out their mother died. It was the most painful time for them and him. Elizabeth likes to think that her true father died when their mother died, leaving only the bitter and hateful husk that he is right now.
"It happened 5 years ago. As you know, I am the current only heir of the Simmons family. My father Simon Simmons was a very influential and powerful man but despite that he never set expectations on me and loved me so much that he was willing to give everything to raise me up."
Elizabeth feels a painful pang in her heart as she hears a different variant of the rich parent story.
I guess not all rich families are bad.
"But I wasn't satisfied to just live under my father's vast riches so I strived to achieve. At the age of 7 I was already showing signs of inheriting my father's great talent of inventing so I was enrolled in the University of Creation stationed in the Tinker District."
Elizabeth's eyes widen as she hears about the University of Creation. It is undoubtedly the most famous and most prestigious school when it comes to aspiring inventors. That's where William is enrolled and only the best can go there.
Carlo smiles at Elizabeth's reaction and continues.
"Well I excelled and made my father proud. I showed talent which surpassed my father and instead of getting jealous, my father showered me with praise and taught me even more. When I got arrogant, instead of letting me become a horrible person, he disciplined me and showed me how to live a noble and dignified life."
Carlo sighs, remembering his father but he continues.
"At the age of 10, my meta human capabilities easily showed itself and I quickly started training and strengthening myself. As everyone knows, the earlier the manifestation of powers usually mean great talent and it was the truth for me as well. With all the resources my father poured into me, I easily reached squad rank at the age of 12 then beast rank at the age of 14. By the age of 16, I was already a mid beast rank."
Elizabeth's jaw was hanging low because that is an extremely amazing achievement. Elizabeth is currently 24 years old and William is 18. It took William with a lot of resources poured into him to reach low beast rank at the age of 18 while Carlo managed to reach mid beast rank at the age of 16, that's how talented Carlo is.
"What happened?"
Carlo looks at Elizabeth frowning.
"An accident happened. At the age of 18, I was in the process of creating my own core suit."
At this point, Elizabeth was both enthralled and depressed by Carlo's story.
"It was supposed to be the most powerful suit created by the Simmons. You see, my father helped me in the creation process. It was created from rare metal turned into alloys. The tech we used was state of the art. We even used items we found from ancient ruins."
Carlo nods and answers Elizabeth's question.
"Yes, I'm getting to it my sweet sweet angel."
Elizabeth rolls her eyes.
"I thought I was a goddess? Now I'm an angel."
Carlo smiles.
"Well because at first you were unreachable so I called you a goddess, now that my prayers are answered I realized you're an angel."
Elizabeth smiles at Carlo's flirting but ultimately ignores it.
"Well at that ruin, our organization's exploration force found a very powerful energy source."
"The energy stones?"
Carlo nods.
"Yes but it was different. It's more apt to call it an energy core because of its shape."
Huh? Energy Core? You mean a beast energy core?
Elizabeth intently listens.
"It was an extremely huge core that could produce 100 gigajoules per second."
"Sorry what? I don't understand the sciences behind that."
Carlo chuckles.
"Well in lay man terms, a high end phone takes around approximately 18,000 joules to be fully charged. So that core could potentially charge 5555555.6 phones in one second."
Elizabeth stares at Carlo with amazement.
"That energy core must be extremely powerful."
"Yes it was, we haven't found a core of similar power to it but I digress, during the creation of the core suit, the core somehow reacted to the suit and to me... because it... somehow knew I was the supposed owner of it."
"Wait... your dad was okay with you owning quite possibly the most powerful core suit in the whole city?"
Carlo smiles and nods.
"Anyway... the core was too powerful and it released a powerful burst of energy shocking me, permanently damaging my system. Because of the shock, my system couldn't absorb energy..."
Carlo looks sad remembering the accident but he continues.
"And my body started to look energy quickly but due to help from my family's connections and my father's efforts, I was able to slow it down while they look for a cure. So for 4 years, I've been leaking energy non-stop and the doctors say that once I lose all my energy I might become... a normal human..."
Carlo sighs.
"This is why I went here. Maybe with the information this company has, I could maybe fix myself but... after taking a cursory look earlier there was nothing that could help me but I took it anyway for my father's company..."
Carlo suddenly starts to tear up a little.
"Because... you know... even though I'm a freaking failure... my dad never forsook me..."
Carlo wipes his eyes.
"... So I want to help him even if I can only help him a little bit, I'd be happy."
Elizabeth starts to tear up as well and she gives Carlo a hug.
The two starts to quietly hug at first, remembering their amazing parents then Carlo starts to laugh.
He then jokes.
"So about that date?"
"No, that is still scandalous for you."
Pulling away, Elizabeth smiles.
For a moment, Elizabeth remembers something. A meta human's power and body is heavily similar to a cultivator's body.
What if... the reason why Carlo's body can't absorb this world's energy is because his body is a chaotic mess of both pure and nuclear energy.
"Carlo you said that your system was blocked right?"
Carlo nods.
"Can you give me your hands?"
Carlo chuckles but hands Elizbeth his hands.
"At least take me to dinner first."
Elizabeth chuckles but adds.
"Shush, I'm checking something."
I was right! His body is a mix of extremely powerful pure energy that's slowly cleansing his body of nuclear energy. It's a chaotic mess! If his body was cleaned at an earlier rate, he could've returned to glory faster but he and his father slowed down the process because nobody knows how to deal with it. But I can!
"Carlo what if I told you I can fix you?"
Carlo's eyes light up.
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