《Practically, I am weak because "I AM A WEED!" [Author Disappeared. ]》Short Notice for My Reader


I'm terribly sorry for the sudden short notice. There are few things that I must explain to the readers.

1st. Even though I am a Malay, I will soon enter a Chinese high school as a form 6th student. So I have been busy for the few days, with doing part time bakery[at home], preparing for school, also practicing using Manga Studio 5 [also for my income].

2nd is for people that haven't read my profile biodata. I am a noob at writing.

I used to hate writing. Even though this story is not my first one that is a crap, I honestly am terrible at writing story. Ignores my grammar, I am even worst at making a story. I always write essay off the main topic, write stories that only I can understand, such is my habits and experiences. Now, at chapter 15, even though I have a clear idea of what the chapter going to be about, I am stuck at describing the situation, characters gesture, dialogue, so I decided to improvise my writing style from~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 1.

3rd as well as the last thing to be mention to the reader.

I will now set a definite date to release a chapter. > One chapter every two weeks.< I'm sorry for everything if I ever disappoint you in any way, I tried to do more than I could now but time wouldn't let me. If only I could steal the Doraemon's time machine and return to when I was a kid then force myself to focus on writing... Anyhow, I am more than glad enough that there were readers and follower for my story. I don't hope for anything but to have the reader read my story. Thank you TT^TT please do wait for me...

It won't be long...

Oh, the last few things to say, those who have read the whole story, please start reading from chapter 1. Only chapter 1 for now, if I have done editing the chapter 2, I will post another notice :P sorry~

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