《Practically, I am weak because "I AM A WEED!" [Author Disappeared. ]》Chapter 15: Origin of a Guardian [Part 5]


Chapter 15: Origin of a Guardian [Part 5]

The gentle wind blows softly as I look at the sky while lying on the comfortable grass bed. Mysteriously, a game-like window appeared in front of me out of nowhere with alarming words following with a few huge exclamation marks.


{Aye}, as I was warned of the danger, “I-shouldn’t-be-here” was something that I could only think quietly in my head since {I'M ALREADY INSIDE THE DEN OF DANGER! }

Somehow, I can even see it, the non-existence death flags that’s surrounding my situation. It’s frustrating of how much I want to cry right now but I can’t. Jokes aside I wonder, why, this kind of things keeps happen to me. Have I ever annoy you in some way, God? It must be or else, why would odd thing always happens in my life.

First, I was reborn into a weed. Few days after settled in as a weed, I was miserably chased off by the scary wolf, then I met a dying dracula, help saves his kingdom and got tricked into being his kingdom’s guardian. Now I’m stuck inside this test… God! Why are you being so cruel to me!

Anyway, this time the Gods are getting overboard by pranking me, I don't even dare to think I have any chance of getting out of the dungeon alive.

I’m a goddamn weed for god's sake, I’m so… weak!

{Oh, did I just say dungeon? Yeah, I am inside a dungeon though it is odd to see clear sky inside a dungeon isn’t it?} Well, according to a few hours ago discussion by the two guardians, I am indeed inside a dungeon. {Ha. Haha.} Slowly, as I remembered why I am here right now, I gradually feel three black lines appeared and twitching next to my head. I wasn’t given any time to ready myself because of Yulia said Sulvian and Van have broken a law or something like that so, I was thrown into a den of the life reaper without noticed anything.

{...Ha, Haha... I knew it.}


Approximately 3 hours ago------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rass was still blabbering nonsense from the rants she blew to Yulia, the first guardian. Yulia, on the other hand, thoughtlessly sit properly in a straight and upright kneeling position with ghastly pale complexion making her seem like a ghost more than ever, for a second, it create an illusion where Rass is as huge as mountain while Yulia seems smaller than a rat. Rass’s ?Rage?finally stopped functioning when Mourn abruptly appeared in the middle of the two. The woman with silky dark blue hair hidden under the pointy-hat bows before glaring at Rass with an obvious threatening aura made Rass back down a few step.

Despite being intimidated, Rass stares the two big

?Shoen no hogo-sha sama.?

=First Guardian

Just a few words said by Mourn as a greet was able to change Yulia personality from meek to serious. Yulia politely requests Rass to wait patiently while she discussed something with Mourn. That moment after she has calm down and able to think rationally, Rass finally realized a significant thing that she couldn’t have done in her entire life.

“Burst out in anger to a superior.”

After all, she was also once someone who worked under someone else and had experienced the frustrating moment with the higher-ups, client and her employer. But, similar to any common people, she endured everything in her heart and mind alone. After becoming a weed with mind-talking ability, she had unknowingly changed her personality overall into bold and hot tempered.


Her previous calm and collected past-self have become hot-headed and short-tempered since coming into this world. If her parent sees her besides the fact that she is a weed, they wouldn’t even recognize her.

It is true of how they say the mind is uncontrollable.

Even though it’s a bad thing, Rass was thinking quietly to herself, “Fufufu, hahaha, the ability to express anger is extremely convenient. IT’S DEFINITELY CONVENIENT!” … and thus, currently, she is having a mental breakdown.

Mourn a cough dryly twice to gain Rass attention. Embarrassed by the fact that she has done something that was undeniably odd in front of the two important people of the Asmodios Kingdom, Rass apologized.

Mourn decided to forgive her manner and forward to introduce herself as the third guardian [Dai-sen no hogo-sha]. Taking a short moment to appraise the new candidate of the next guardian with her two dim yellow cold eyes, Mourn retreated herself to behind Yulia. Feeling out of the place, Rass asked about the second guardian considering the first and the third are here.

As for the second guardian, both Yulia and Mourn has no way to trace that person whereabout. Besides that, Rass find it weird for Mourn who is also a guardian, to not be asked to volunteer to rebuild the kingdom. Then, Yulia formally explains that every guardian has a different task and some task are not even related to the kingdom.

And, as for Mourn, her task ended a long time ago, as for what it was, she kept it as a concealed secret. On the other hand, Yulia’s task was to protect the base of the kingdom, as long as she still exists, the kingdom’s revival will always be possible. The base of the kingdom is no other than the dungeon hidden in the basement of this tower, with it, one will be able to restore the kingdom to its original condition. The second guardian also has ended their task, so that person left the kingdom since a long time ago.

Thinking that it was enough of the chit-chat, Mourn hinted Yulia that she have something important to be discussed. Hence, leaving Rass alone at the center of the dark space of the room, Yulia discussed with Mourn regarding the group of people that visit the dungeon earlier.

Yulia massaged her creased forehead and said with a stern voice.

?Since they have broken a law, we can’t give kindness anymore.?

?Pity for her, she will have to confront everything without knowing anything.?

They peek a glance at Rass who was mindlessly stared at the blank space and sighed.

?It is unfortunate for her to be tested while the kingdom is in its dire state, but law is still law, one must obey or bad thing going to happen.?

?I understand, therefore, we will just explain the dungeon to her before sending her st---?

Mourn speech abruptly stopped when Rass suddenly appeared between her and Yulia.

{How long will you chat here? I am bored, extremely bored. Gimme something to do will you?}

Yulia exchanged glance with Mourn. Mourn was annoyed by Rass impolite manner but nodded nevertheless to Yulia as a sign of an agreement. Yulia focused on her hand that started to make something out of nothing in the middle of the air. Mourn squinted her eyes and complained about Rass to Yulia.

?Is this really the candidate for the new guardian? Her manner is rank-E, her appearance rank-D, her power? I doubt she even has any. Is there no one else that the kingdom would send as the new guardian? ?


?Mourn, stop it. It’s rude to judge people over… outer appearances. ?

--------------------- Three black lines twitching next to Rass’s head as she busy thinking inside her mind quietly without letting anyone hear her but herself -----------------------------

{Oi, even I know that I don't look promising, but it was your stupid prince that force me to accept the guardian title.} Haa… These people are real nuisances. If I were an OP character, they would never treat me like this…

{Wuuwu...I want to cry so much to vent my sadness…}. If only I had mouth and eyes, everything will be fine for me already.

After a short while, I’ve finished with the cursing inside my mind, I realized that Yulia has been staring at me with sympathetic eyes.

?Here Rass, please do not bother us anymore. There still something that I need to discuss with Mourn here.?

Yulia handed me a mist like a ball which seems to be alive. Because I was bored and curious, I ignored the fact that I was treated badly and accept the ball nonetheless. Then, I stare at her but she said nothing more and continues her conversation with Mourn. {Hmph, am I a kid or what? Playing with a ball...} I trotted my way to the center of the blank space with the mist ball on my leafy-hands. Now, the ball is in front of me, what should I do with it?


Meanwhile, Rass contemplating on the mist ball, Yulia and Mourn discussed the kingdom welfare. Slowly appeared out of nowhere, on Mourn’s right shoulder, a water-like bird sat on her shoulder docilely.

?The Miare birds have given the report based on their surveillance to me. Apparently, the prince has decided to gather volunteers from many other kingdoms, including the Human Kingdom. Meanwhile, the queen’s Ivory faction and the queen Dowager Manora have working on the survivor ?

?Is that so, but it’s unusual to see the kingdom done something in such a drastic measure. In one day, the prince requested for a huge sum of the black gemstones, also few other things. The human was invited into the dungeon, the Asmodios Noble lower themselves to even ask for help from lowly creature… Mourn, I doubt that the new candidate is as unreliable and simple as you thought.?

Being convinced by Yulia, Mourn reluctant to accept the fact that Rass is the latest candidate for guardian chosen by the entire kingdom.

?Albeit, I’m not fond of her but I’m also not in the position to oppose the kingdom’s choice. But at the same time, I must test her ability before we bid her a goodbye.?

Yulia smile wryly seeing her loyal servant reluctant to let Rass enter the den of danger. In spite of her attitude, manner toward Rass, she cares deeply for Rass’s safety. Mourn has always loved cute things and in her dim yellow eyes, Rass is equal to a plushy toy. No one else than Yulia know what in Mourn’s mind, even the body owner herself didn’t realize this, that actually, Mourn couldn’t bear it to see the cute and feeble grass to be harmed in any way.

Which is why, she keep denying the fact that Rass was acknowledged by the kingdom folks, nobles and also the strongest warrior of Asmodios. Refused to believe the obvious, Mourn walks slowly toward Rass that constantly poking the mist ball non-stop as if venting her dissatisfaction over something. Mourn gathers her mana and a metal case appeared within her left hand. She squinted both her eyes feeling irritated, in a split second, she took a dark and deathly-look scythe from the metal case as it form itself like a machine with ??? *cocks* *clack* sounded within the blank space. She pointed it toward behind Rass’s leafy-head part.

?Rass, I, The Third Guardian of Asmodios, Challenge you into a duel!?

Rass peek a glance to her back, she says black-thingy pointed toward her with threatening aura. She sighed softly in her mind, immediately reply Mourn and makes the third guardian blanked.

{I rejected your challenge. No offense.}

Rass continues to poke the mist ball, but this time she curled her leafy-hand as to imitate a fist and then punch into the mist ball with all her strength. Meanwhile, Yulia was worried about Mourn that “blanked out from an honest rejection from Rass”, she keeps calling Mourn back to sanity, unfortunately, was replied by a lifeless sigh.

It was for the best, Yulia thinks to herself. Mourn that was reluctant to let go of Rass, she shall not delay the time to sent Rass into the dungeon by herself.

Without even needing Mourn to test Rass physically, the mist ball has been doing the entire job since the moment Rass hold onto it. Similarly to an appraisal stone, the ball examines the holder inner strength but only Yulia able to know its content. Yulia politely asked Rass to return the mist ball to her and check the content with an expressionless face that makes people hard to read her mind.

Yulia nodded slightly and stares Rass with passionate eyes.

?Rass, you do know the reason why you were sent here, right??

Rass tilts her head and pondering the meaning behind the question. She answers the question honestly despite the confusion she had with the addition of a question.

{I originally don’t know anything and even enraged when I was thrown into an odd place by the crown prince. Only after knowing the history of the kingdom that I vaguely guess the reason why I was sent into here. But, why did you even ask? Don’t you already know the answer?}

Yulia chuckled a bit before replied with a mischievous smile.

?It was only to confirm the doubt that I had. So now, since I have the answer to my question, I presumed that you are willing to comply with their will.?


Obviously, Rass couldn’t understand what Yulia actually means behind her words, but the first guardian ignored everything that’s beyond a shadow of a doubt and melancholy voiced out with a pain and unwilling expression on her face, the impression of the people who have entered the Guardian Assessment’s Room.

? The path is harsh and will take ages. Unless one is devoted entirely to their purpose of living, to leave for the world would be an impossible thing to do. Regardless of what they desired in their heart, even the most nobles desired will not succeed the devoted one. The sorrow that I had, couldn’t be compared to anyone when I saw not a successor return from the room to the world.?

She held back her tears in choked as she finally explained the situation to Rass while trying her best to keep her composure as the first guardian.



Exactly as Yulia explained, Rass understood that she is not in a position to reject the guardian test as she was chosen under the eyes of the whole kingdom. At first, she was irked but as soon as she heard about the dungeon great details, instantaneously, she was interested.

?No one knows what is his foreground and background but he proclaimed himself as Eth The Creator. Purely for his entertainment, he made the dungeon in Asmodios together with the other great dungeon in the other kingdom and the other continent far east. ?

As she explained how she used her ability past her limits and ended up into an almost transparent being. Because it is her first time ever to use her ability in such a place like a dungeon, she couldn’t control her power and the dungeon was gifted with many tough and ferocious beast warrior. Though she was tortured by the intense pain right to her soul, she felt that the dungeon worth more than what she goes through.

The dungeon time difference with the real world is 2 months to 1 day. To manage the wild dungeon filled with savage beasts, she applied few restriction and rules to the beast. By showing her power as the rightful guardian of the dungeon, naturally, the barbaric beings obeys. Additionally, she also set a few things to the dungeon and makes the dungeon as a place for living for the beasts.

Seeing that Rass was very interested in the dungeon, she continues to speak.

?Mourn, although it wasn’t that obvious, she is an undead.?

Hearing such a thing, Rass jolt in surprise.

Of course, she is. No one could expect that a cool beauty such as Mourn is actually an undead. Rass has watched many horror movies, explored the websites about the myth being and read many books including the manga. But the world she currently in right now wasn’t the same as she expected it to be.

Rass only nodded lightly and have Yulia to continue her speech.

?As an undead she must obey her master until the master is dead. As long as I am alive, even if Mourn was to die, she will automatically resurrect herself a day after her death and continues her duty to protect the dungeon alone.

But after I die, she will still live in this world but her lifespan is the same as a butterfly. She could only last for a few days and then, she will just stay somewhere at the underworld until someone summons her into the real world.?

Rass nodded few times absent-mindedly, thinking of how bored must Mourn felt during the time she guards the dungeon. Yulia caught Rass mindlessly in thought and then gripped both her leafy hands softly. Yulia stares Rass with both her eyes redden and wet, looking pitiful to Rass, she said feeling guilty to have wronged the feeble-looking a plant type monster.

?Even though I am upset by the situation, I could do nothing but watch over you. Rass, because the crown prince has broken a law that I have set for Mourn, although it is unfair, I have to remind them that a law wasn’t to be broken by anyone… so I will have to punish you.?

{huh… oh okay… huh?!W-wai---}

Rass was listening to Yulia absent-minded and agreed unaware of the real situation. Then, she realized that she has agreed to something risky to her life. In a hurried, she wants to take back her words but was hindered by Yulia that purposely chants as loud and clear as possible. Rass keep shouting inside her mind to halt Yulia but was ignored.

?By the will of Goddess Ruvia, a guardian will be evaluated by the All-Known Dungeon of. Chosen by the kingdom and the nobles, Rass of the Qantrum, One of the Eight great forest. Destined is her fate to be chosen. Blessed by the Goddess Empurelia, the candidate shall now enter the judgment gates of a guardian.?

[ØlþÿgIn Ûr?eœnL!]

The moment that the incoherent word was said by Yulia, a bright light appeared beneath Rass. In the instant, without able to react, Rass was engulfed inside it.

Even though she felt guilty about sending Rass into the dungeon, she was convinced that Rass will survive through the hardship. Plus, she “had to” send her before Mourn awakens from her dreamland. Abruptly, Yulia jolted in shocked, she realized that she didn’t tell one more particularly important thing to Rass because she was in hurry to send her in the dungeon…

“The test stay none the same for each time the candidate failed as that was the real test.”

It was a quote was carved at the upper part of the dungeon’s door.The dungeon is also known as the room of qualification for testing the guardian’s candidate.

Those that enter the dungeon as a candidate of a guardian, must be told of this thing frequently a month before entering the gate of judgment. But, in Rass case, not only that she doesn’t even being told anything before meeting the first guardian since she has not stayed in the kingdom more than a week. She also wasn’t told anything about what she supposed to do at the dungeon.

Yulia immediately clasped both her hand tightly, praying that Rass was granted wisdom and bless from the goddesses. She prayed that Rass will be unusually sensible and realized her purpose there inside the dungeon.


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