《Practically, I am weak because "I AM A WEED!" [Author Disappeared. ]》Chapter 12: Origin of A Guardian [Part 3]


Chapter 12: Origin of A Guardian [Part 3]

It was then a bell ringing throughout the kingdom.

ごーん!*gong* *doong* *dong* *gwoong*

From the sky, a light pierces through from the thick cloud and then petrified all the humans that were present on the battlefield. The queen, Yulia Light, and the others survivor hurriedly climb to the top of the castle hall, then prostrate themselves to the direction of the light.

Then a melancholy voice was heard clear and loud before the divine being descended down to the earth in a holiness robe.

[Gahh, a bishoujo, she is too bright for me! I can’t even describe her beauty.]

『Skill Announcement: Blind Resistance level 5 Become level 6』

『Skill Announcement: Blind Resistance level 6 Become level 7』

[Even without the narrator to speak, I know who this is. ]

“The goddess, Ruvia Light has descended to the earth by the wish of the queen, Yulia Light that summons her using the corpse of her people and her beloved one. Even if it was to make her heart go numb and for her emotion to be lost forever. She just wanted to save her husband’s precious kingdom, she willing to sacrifice everything for it.”

With solemn domineering tone, the goddess speaks with her heavenly voice that enchanted every soul that heard it.

「Humans. Are you not tired of this senseless fighting and chaos?」

The humans were still petrified but they were able to hear her perfectly.

[Ahhh, even her voice. I feel like crying, what a sad day to be female. Oh, am I a female ever since I became a weed? There is no boob or any **** at the weed body part so maybe I am genderless. Fufufu.]

Just then, Rass noticed one odd thing that's missing from the battlefield.

[Why are there only soldiers and other races, where is the full armored man and the other generals. I remember seeing them in few part of the scene. The last time I saw the full armored man was after he killed the king. ]




[Gah! Could it be they have left the soldiers while they return to their kingdom… HOW RUDE! This is war you damn it! THAT’S NOT HOW YOU DO A WAR!! You have to finish this whole war thing before you return to your kingdom with glory!!]

Rass cursed many times before focusing back to the story.

“Only Heaven know how much pain the queen feels right now but she still not shed even a drop tear from her eyes, and even displaying an emotionless expression.”


After the narrator speaks, the goddess gave two options to the humans and the soldier that left on the battlefield.

「Either to retreat to your kingdom or surrender. I know that it was in your nature to fight against others but you have overdone it. Have your ancestor forgot to remind you that one will taste the divine wrath for exterminating whole races? 」

From afar, few shadows can be seen hiding behind the trees while spectating the whole ordeal. If it was others, they wouldn’t notice it but Rass has spotted the shadows with her “Observe Level 3” and “Enhanced Vision Level 5”, she can see things easily compared to others though she could only see the shadows for now.

「So, there was no one here that has the intention to retreat or surrender. Very well then.

Sky hear your lord, Earth obey my word, from this moment until the end of the world itself, HUMAN WILL NEVER GAIN THE PEACEFULNESS THAT THEY WANT! THEY SHALL RECEIVE THE PUNISHMENT FROM THE HEAVEN! 」



Phew, that scared me.

Right this is just a vision, I’m not actually there.]

From various place volcano erupted, a tsunami hit, earthquakes tear apart the earth and separated the land into the continents that existed now. At the Asmodios kingdom, everyone except those purebloods that stayed inside the palace.

For an unknown reason, surrounding all the pureblood was a holy shield protecting them from the disaster. While the human soldier and their companion all experienced the disastrous effect of the Goddess’s power.

On that day, it wasn’t just the purebloods that lost their people. The human themselves suffered many losses and the war ended with no winners just survivors. The overdue peace finally came at a huge exchange with billion of souls being lost.

The goddess then gets closer to the queen. She stares the queen with mixed of emotion for a short period before closing her eyes and did not open it for a while. When she open them instead of mixed emotion there was an only pure conviction.

「This war is over, even though the lost souls will not return; let peace be restored under my command. If anyone wants to go against my command then let this be an example of what might happen.」

Her voice resonances throughout the palace with the effect of calming the people.

「We are thankful for the goddess...」

「 My name shall be known by the mortal as Ruvia Light. You do not need to know my real name, do not depend on me. I as the goddess shall not disturb the mortal world, but if there was anything that destroys the world balance, I shall be ruthless to them.」


When the people heard her name, they all had a disbelief and shocked emotions placed on their face especially the queen, Yulia Light. Despite her effort to keep an emotionless expression, her eyes could no longer lie about her true feelings. As her eyes start to become teary as she began to stutter.

「A-are you that Ruvia Light? Was it yo--」

「Yes, I am the only Ruvia Light in the mortal world. As you might have guessed, you carry my blood, the Light Bloodline, inside of you. A child born out a vampire and a demon, what are the chances? I did not foresee this to happen and I didn’t think that the vampires and draculas would get so hot headed that they would think themselves as pureblood.」

The queen face lowered down in shame since this was a problem that was mainly caused by her. Without her being conceived they would not call themselves the pureblood nor would they be so proud and arrogant till it actually destroyed their whole kingdom. After calling themselves pureblood for so long they got delusional thinking they are the strongest, thinking they are supreme.

Now, not only the humans have learned something, even the whole Asmodios folks has learned that there was something even more powerful than they are. While the king and queen may be wise and know better, if their people are delusional then this would still lead to their end.

The goddess at first want to mock the queen so that she realize her wrongdoing, however, seeing that her descendant shown a guilty expression, she rejected the idea.

「Hmph, the Pureblood title doesn’t mean anything to us but if you people want to continue to be called as the Pureblood, I shall test you and see if you truly deserve such a title.」

「What kind of test… We shall meet your expectation.」

「Billions of life were lost in this battle not only that, even the world itself has changed completely. The magnitude of this is something that can be ignored and this is all because of your people’s arrogant. 」

「W-we understand...」

[In my mind, I was swearing. ISNT IT ****ING YOU RUVIA, THAT GIVE THE PUNISHMENT?! Well, I wouldn’t hold back from swearing in my mind, even if that person is a goddess. It’s not out of envy for her beauty, I’m not lying. ]

With her leaf-hand, Rass making the **** gesture to the goddess face. Meanwhile, the goddess with a proud and domineering attitude said to the Asmodios's survivor.

「If you were able to collect even one of the 7 Path of Divine's treasure that is either hidden in anywhere from the deepest seabeds to the highest sky, within the light of the soul or the darkness of night, from the coldest of frozen mountains to the fiery volcano, it may even be located in the core of this motherland, Gaia, I will officially give the title Pureblood to you.」

[No! NOO, this is a mistake, why are you showing me this. This is just triggering flags from right to left, even the death flag.]

Rass starts rolling side-way, banging her head and shook her whole body vigorously in panic, she could feel her blood pressure rising and she could explode at any time.

「Those thing are fine but I have yet to punish you people for your big mistake.」

「We… accepts any punishment.」

「Then, Hear me the sky, Obey me the earth, from here on, Yulia Light will receive the title Guardian for the contribution that she has done for her kingdom and will be imprisoned in the Asmodios for eternity even after death! Only when a descendent find all of the 7 Path of Divines will she be able to die. 」


Sob… I pity her… and pity me...]

『Origin of A Guardian acquired.』

At long last, the scene faded away and Rass return to the empty blank space.

I acquired something similar to 『Origin of Race』 which I have no clue about it..... This is going to end well for me, is it? Just when I busy speaking with my mind, a familiar silhouette of a woman was seen.

“Hello there… it’s been hundred years since I last saw someone here.”






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