《Practically, I am weak because "I AM A WEED!" [Author Disappeared. ]》Chapter 13: Origin of A Guardian [Part 4]


Chapter 13: Origin of A Guardian [Part 4]

It took me few minutes to accept the fact that someone whom “SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD CAN TALK TO ME?!”

Yap, I am shocked! Very shocked! Incredible shocked!

Why wouldn't I be shocked seeing a ghost even though the ghost is very beautiful, so beautiful that my past self should hide quietly inside... Whatever! It's not like my past self is pathetic. Though I am right now... *sniffled* sob...

Anyway, at this current moment, I am speaking my mind with Yulia-sama.

As for why I have to apply -sama to her name is; she is way older than I am [300 thousand years +++, you think?? If that wasn’t old enough, I don’t know what would it be.] and she is also the very first guardian of Asmodios.

I got a nickname for her right here, “Ancestor”, hehe.

Hm? I-It’s not rude! It suits her well! She is old, way older than my own great grandmother in my past life. It’s totally not rude.

Uhuh, even though she is way older, her appearance stays youthful just like in the history vision that I watch earlier.

Oddly, her body is almost transparent, white from head to toes. I shall classify her as an A-class beautiful divine being. If not for the reason that I had 『Blind Resistance』level 7, I wouldn’t be able to withstand the shining effect that she has close up.

After calming down and chatting with her, I found out that I am still not an official guardian of the Asmodios even though I went through the vow that was witnessed by the entire kingdom folks. There was still other requirements that must be met before I can truly be an official guardian.

Besides the guardian talk, I got to know her personally while conversing with her using my mind.

Apparently, after hundreds thousand years staying inside the tower alone has made her has an unstabilized emotional state. Sometimes she will talk about the sad thing in a joking tone and be reminiscing about the happy thing in either angry or sad tone. Her isolation in the in this tower had almost broken her, however, her loneliness has definitely affected her. Which make me fear of the consequences if I don’t meet anyone after that day I born in this world as a weed.

Oh well, those things are in past, ha-ha-ha...

Jokes aside, I noticed that she would become gloomy whenever she talked about guardians.

(-_-'') Yeah, I feel her.

A Guardian is nothing except more work loading up. I only accepted the title of Guardian because of Van, The Traitor, said that I would not have to do anything except sharing my power. Gr… just thinking about it makes me angry.


---Currently at the underground---

While climbing down the stairs, 「Achoo!」 Van suddenly sneezes, making everyone jolt in surprise.

「Did you catch a cold, Van-sama?」

With Simon's question, everyone stares at Van with worry. The kingdom's strongest warrior catching a cold in the middle of summer is nothing but a bad omen. Especially during such a vulnerable time for the kingdom, this can only be seen as a sign of disaster. Van rubs his nose and replies with a nonchalant face.

「Don't worry, this isn't a cold, but someone cursing at me.」

「Is that so?」

The moment they know that he doesn't catch a cold, everyone sigh in relief.

The purebloods’ sixth sense is especially keen, to the point that they are able to detect something as small as someone holding a grudge against them. They are simpletons so they didn’t think much and ignore most things because it’s easier for them in the short run.

If worst was to come, they would just use their fist to talk. You would imagine purebloods to be smart, cunning and fight with their words however the actual race are the complete opposite. Simpleton, the most appropriate word to describe them with.

As they walked, they soon reach the tower of the dungeon that has two huge stone doors with one angelic holy wing on the right side, one devilish dark wing on the left side.

「We have arrived.」

---Back to Rass---

It seems that I have misunderstood something while watching the history previously.

Yulia-sama never died, not even once in the past three hundred thousand years of confinement. She was condemned by the goddess Ruvia to be imprisoned in the kingdom forever until a descendant could find all 7 path treasures. Or else she will not die since that was included in the punishment…

However, that still doesn’t explain why she has an almost transparent body and why she was confined inside this tower.

Turns out, Yulia-sama was the one to operate the whole tower with her power. The reason I was able to see the vision of the history was because she wanted me to see it, which surprised me in a pleasant way.

Out of curiosity, I ask if it was one of the guardian’s abilities, and she replies in her sweet melodic voice.

「It is.」

BANZAI!!! OH YEAH! NOW! I’m interested in becoming a guardian, if it grants me power then it will be worth the responsibility of a guardian.

Thank goodness there was something good that I can obtain from being a guardian, if not...

The stupid his highness the crown prince and the strongest warrior of Asmodios will suffer from tasting my wrath.

---In front of the dungeon entrance---


Both Van and Prince Sulvian sneezed simultaneously in front of the entrance. The three humans look at the two with worry. Yet again, Simon asked about their condition.


「Are you sure you didn't catch a cold?」

Van and Prince Sulvian exchange glance before answering in a playful tone. They know who was it that cursing them and able to guess why that person is cursing.

「We are fine, haha. I'm sure that there was someone cursing us out of angry.」

「Perhaps it was the UNION.」

「If you say so, we don't have problem with it.」

Since it was nothing serious, the group continues to search for the entry to open the dungeon’s gate.

---Back to Rass---

Yulia-sama has abused her own limits each time a guardian candidate comes to the kingdom to give guidance.

For 300 thousand years, she continuously shows the same history using the guardian ability to those that enter the "Room of The Lost" which is the dark space that I was forced to enter because of the top-notch idiots [Van and Sulvian].

Though it wasn’t anything important, I must say that I intend to stop being polite as I won’t add -sama or Prince to the duo of idiocy until they give me at least ten of the “it make sense” reasons for not telling me why they sent me here without explaining anything.

Back to the main point, Yulia-sama current physical state is due to the fact that she has met countless candidates but not one of them able to become the true guardian that able to manage the kingdom until its glory day. Using the guardian ability past the limits would torment the user to pain beyond compare.

To reduce the pain she suffered when pushing her limits, she had sacrificed her physical body which turned her into the state at the current.

There is also the so-called test that involves her to use her own soul power to control the dimension of the test room. If anything strange that defies the law of the world happens inside the test room, her soul would get affected but she will never die. She would only suffer the incomparable pain that torment her days and nights without stop until it subsides.

If I as the Nth guardian candidate fail to successfully become a guardian, Yulia-sama might have to be invisible for the rest of her life and fall into oblivion. Which I pity her and could relate to her feeling.After becoming a weed, I’ve unconsciously forgotten about my family back on ‘Earth’ and they might also have forgotten my existence.

Forgetting about others is one thing, but being forgotten is a feeling that couldn’t be compared with anything.

Despite saying such thing, I thought secretly to myself that it's fine to forget and to be forgotten. If anyone from my past world knows my current state, I don’t know how to explain it to them. I don’t even remember my name… I don’t even remember my name.

I slap myself to wake up, not that it hurt at all since my hand is a leaf but that is aside, even if I try my hardest, I don’t even know what have happened to me and how things happen. So, I will leave it for now.

Suddenly, after I was busy thinking about myself, Yulia-sama chant something incoherently.

A bright light spread out from the center of her hands to everywhere inside the dark space.

『Skill Announcement: Blind Resistance has reached Level 8 』

The blinding light stays only for a short period and then a grim color door appeared out of nowhere in front of her.

「Rass, the Asmodios’s Guardian Candidate, will you or will you not accept the test to become rightful Guardian of Asmodios?」

Eh? W-what?

This is so sudden! What is up with you people, is it a habit to do something weird to other people without explaining anything just yet?!

「Is it a rejection?」

No… but, if I accept the test that I know nothing of, I will lose and your effort will be wasted totally.

Depending on the situation, I might still lose since I am not as strong like your kin said I am. Therefore, it wouldn’t hurt it if you explain things in detail on what I have to do and what is inside the test room.

「Rass, even if the heaven itself was to send punishment on me when you really did fail the test, I wouldn’t mind. Even if it was another thousand years or million years later, I will still wait for the rightful guardian.」

Such positive mind is good for you… BUT IT'S BAD FOR ME!! 『Rage Activated.』



WHAT IS YOUR PEOPLE PROBLEM?!! If you like to feel pain and like to hurt others because you guys have an internal problem of sadomasochism, do it on each other of your own and DO NOT INVOLVE OTHERS THAT HAS NO RELATION TO YOU, WOULD YOU PLEASE?!!

『Skill Announcement: Intimidate has reached level 6』

『Skill Announcement: Intimidate has reached level 7』

『Skill Announcement: Intimidate has reached level 8』

The day went longer for Rass and Yulia Light that tremendously shocked seeing someone actually went mad at her.

Meanwhile, the group of five men at the underground was greeted by a sexy woman wearing witch-like outfit.

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