《Practically, I am weak because "I AM A WEED!" [Author Disappeared. ]》Chapter 11: Origin of A Guardian [Part 2]


Chapter 11: Origin of A Guardian [Part 2]

Because of the fearsome roars, even the undeads and those that hide behind the wall of the kingdom startled as they start to lose their fighting spirit and become weak.

Asmodios’s soldiers also affected by the road and lost their fighting spirit hence retreats without realizing. This was the first time since the war that has lasted for thousand years that the pureblood felt afraid, the man had become their nightmare forever to haunt them. One after another, the soldiers back away from the fight was being dominated by the humans.

[Just what the heck happens here… I was too busy focusing on the war, figuring out things that happen till I forgot to comment. Ara ara, even though I can’t see his face this warrior has a majestic air that’s even more profound than Van’s. Who is this mysterious man?]

“Even at night, the humans ignoring the difference in strength in the pureblood, they continue to advances due to their new profound strength.”

For only seven days, the results of the purebloods surrendering slowly become visible and traitors of the purebloods start showing their true appearance making the Asmodios kingdom deteriorates even faster.

The humans relentlessly fought against the purebloods without giving the chance for them to breath in the air. Their effort paid off because the humans soon enough were able to penetrate into the kingdom. They began an indiscriminate slaughter; they killed soldiers, villagers, vampires and the innocents children without even giving a second thought. Their goal was to leave nothing behind as they were worried of hero appearing on the pureblood side similar to what had happened to the humans.

Within all the ruckus that happen at the outside, the Asmodios’s top officials; ministers and the nobles are hiding inside their labyrinth with few wizards.


[Ahh, such a coward, I pity the soldiers since they had sacrificed their life for nothing.]

Suddenly, a gorgeous woman with totally albino appearance starts to instruct the wizard to create a magic-like circle at the center of the cramped room. The albino woman, her hair, and skin were the fairest of them all; her silky smooth hair was around her waist. Her eyes displayed a sense of pride and confident however there was a hint of nervousness as well as sadness.

Despite the war has been going on for thousands of years she is one of the few that has survived this long. The duration of the war has slowly penetrated her, changing her forever. She has seen bloodshed of her people, she had seen her children died as they put themselves at risk to protect the kingdom, she has seen it all throughout this thousand year of the war.

It has made her wary and tired of all the chaos and destruction, all she desire is peace for the kingdom, peace for her people and for tranquility to be restored.

Meanwhile, the queen and others officials are hiding inside the labyrinth, the first king of Asmodios, Rosenberg Grim Asmodios, was desperately delaying for the time. Even when everything was looking bleak he never gave up the hope that he had in his wife. He believes that she is their only hope to survive this disaster that happens to the kingdom. Even if it is one of Millenium chances, he would gamble his life for it to happen.

All he knows is that he had to protect this kingdom that he had built, with his sweat and blood, he has survived this long due to the sacrifice of his people. He must not waste this chance or else he would have committed a terrible sin and dishonor himself.


And then, he appeared… the commander that makes his kingdom taste these bitter experiences.

All of his feelings overwhelmed him once he saw this man, this man standing so proudly and indifferent as if all the slaughtering did not affect him. He looks as if the slaughter of Rosenberg’s people meant nothing. To Rosenberg, this man should never have existed, this man should no longer live another day.

Behind the white helmet that covered his whole face, the man’s eyes lit for a short moment. Within a sec, he dashed forward and leaped in the air.

ザシュ, *zashu* *slash*


Inside the palace, both the man and the king sword clashed with each other.

For once, the man actually spoke.「If not for you people to have agitated the human, you will not have suffered.」He speak with confidence without faltering as he exchanges slash with the king.

The king glares him with full of vengeance and hatred, he replies without stopping the offense.

「Don't think that you have won. You have yet known of the world.」

As he exchanged slash, he finally found and opening on the man’s back. He dashed while grips his sword tightly as he provokes the man.

「You brat who has only lived for few years, what do you actually know of this world. Ha, your knowledge will only amount to my pinky.」

「Is that so, then I will give my condolence for you will no longer keep that knowledge that you are so proud of since… You will have to die now.」

ササン *sasan *slash slash*

Just the moment the slashing sound was heard, the man has put his sword next to his rear.

The king fell down and was on his knee, there was a silence that appeared momentarily and then the king slowly falls down on the floor with his head apart from his body.

His eyes still showed his feeling before death; hatred, envy, regret and disbelief.

[Ah, that was so tense that I almost forgot to breathe in air. Luckily I’m a weed, hehe.]

The man in white armor gives a signal by pointing his forefinger to the sky, his soldier was given a direct order find the secret path to the labyrinth, while he goes somewhere else.

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