《Clockwork powers? Sure! Wait, why am i on a fantasy world?》Chapter 11- political shit


The clothes had been finished and delivered to each of them.

Mitch unbuckled his pants and removed his large robe, the new suit didn't have the wide sleeves of the robe but he was still able to put it on as he had previously asked for a little modification.

The whole underside of the left sleeve hadn't been stitched close instead a line of buttons had been sown from the end of the wrist to the armpit.

Mitch was putting on his pants just as a young maid walked.

Maid- hello im here to hel.. yeeee.

She gave a loud shriek before turning around and walking towards the door.

Maid - im incredibly sorry i didn't mean to disrespect you hero, i was told to help you with your preparations for the upcoming event, im incredibly sorry with what has occurred.

She almost whispered those words and stared at the ground gripping her hands together all the while remaining turned away from him

Mitch - its okay, accidents happen. By the way why would i need help getting dressed?

Maid - the heroes are considered high class people and are to be helped at all times and apparently not all know of our worlds customs being that beliefs, culture or even dressing codes, so we are to help them through it all.

Her voice had turned back to normal as she spoke showing that she had started to calm down already.

Mitch - don't worry i know how to dress myself, i'm not *that* clueless.

mitch walked towards the maid all the while buttoning his left sleeve and rolling it up to the bracelet.

He noticed something odd about the maid as she slightly turned to the side.

Mitch - Wait, are those elf ears?

mitch danced and jumped inside his mind celebrating the new discovery while keeping a straight face on the outside, or as good a straight face he could keep at such a moment.

Maid - My ears? Oh, that! I'm the granddaughter of a superbia.

Mitch - A what now?

The maids face seemed to be filled with joy at his question.

Maid - the superbia is one of the demon race, we boast longevity and great combat arts.

Mitch - apparently they're also full of themselves, no offence but you really sound strange ease up with the self boasting.


Maid - sorry i guess it slipped, but yeah superbia are called the pride demons.

Mitch - wait you're not an elf?

Maid - A what now?

Mitch - nevermind. You said pride demons what other demons are there?

Maid - well it depends, there are a lot of demons, it's a broad classification for the intelligent races that surge from the flood, not all can be reasoned with as well as others but some will decide to form peaceful bonds sometimes, anyway you should get going it's not a good idea to keep the noble families waiting.

She guided him through the castle grounds into the main building by the front of the gates, it was the same building they had met the king in and the one they had been summoned on.

It was a double story building with the first level serving as the baal room and the second as the throne room and other royal affairs and of course the basement with the dank room where they had been summoned in.

He was lead through the back where a small door seemed to have been carved into the stone exterior, it took him into a small room by the side of the stairs leading upwards into a balcony overlooking the party.

Mitch - hey priest! So, what's going to happen now?

Priest - first of all, im not a priest although i do see why you would think so since a never presented myself and second we are going to take you to be presented before the nobles but we have to wait for the others first.

He sat on a chair while listening to the commotion outside as the “guests” entered and started chatting.

Mitch - so, we are going to need financial backup from them! I wonder if they are trustworthy or if they even have good intentions?

Priest - it depends on their beliefs and on yours, each family has different intentions.

Mitch - can you give me some examples?

Priest - some believe in human superiority others think we could all live together, some have different points of view on demihumans and their status, there is also disputes on the ownership of dungeons and of course their management, it's a lot to consider!

Mitch - And what do you think?


Priest - i would like for peace to be had, but i do understand people's distrust of certain races and it doesn't help that some Gods outright hate them as well.

The other heroes started arriving coming each at a time as they had finished their preparations.

They walked up the stairs by the side without being noticed by the party to the side.

King - come stand by my side!

The whispered order pulled them out from the shadows and into view.

King - as you know you have been gathered here to discuss about the future of our country as the flood is soon approaching! And with that in mind we have summoned forth the heroes to help us, and we have been thankfully granted one more hero this time so that we may prosper!

The kings voice resonated within the room as a hundred faces admired the four kids by his side.

They were taken back to the lower part with the king and made to communicate with the crowd, each forming a circle of people to gather around him as they went.

Each hero picked a direction to go in as the crowd couldn't wait to chat with them.

Noble 1 - hello, so you are one of the ones that will fight, uhh, my family has always been one to fight for justice, tell me, would like to visit one day?

Noble 2 - fuck off Mark your family is barely known! Me however, im from a family of barons…

Mitch's mind felt dazed at the conversation going back and forth through these two nobles.

Mitch chose to look around instead and ignore these two, noticing the gaze of a group of women further back.

Mitch - hey, sup girls ( awkward smile).

Grill 1 - well, hello! So you are the hero that has come to save us? Quite a handsome fellow aren't you?

Mitch's smile vanished into a more serious face as he looked at the group before him, neither himself or nobody from his previous world considered him good looking with his messy hair and eyebags so he knew they were up to something, when he was on earth he had read many stories and had learned a lot from his own worlds history, these women didn't give a damn about him all they wanted was political power which they could easily achieve if they got into a hero's good side.

He quickly turned around without uttering a word only to hear the woman's scorn and short swears to him.

He walked back and away from the crowd until something picked his interest by the furthest corner to him he saw three people who stood still not attempting to communicate with anyone else around.

Mitch quietly told those around him to go away and kept walking towards them, as he did so he noticed that the group following him was slowly stopping and backing off.

The three who stood before him were a couple and their daughter, once they saw him approach them the father stood up and came to greet him.

The man whose face had been shaven quickly pulled a smile at his approach, he sported a dark brown coat and pants in the style of a tuxedo and had longish hair pulled up and to the side ( maes hughes style from fullmetal but brown).

Father - well, hello there hero! Are you looking for something?

He looked past him to the family behind.

He could more clearly see the mother who had set herself to the side blocking his view of their daughter, she had an extremely pale face that looked like porcelain and the sclera ( white part of the eye) was pitch black with red iris.

Mitch - i just came to ask why you were so lonely and apart from everybody else. I'm not judging but i assume your wife is some sort of demihuman that isn't taken kindly here, am i right?

His wife frowned at him for a second before turning away slightly and looking down.

Father - you have guessed correctly and wrong as well!

Mitch - why? What did i miss?

Father - She isn't a demihuman she is a necropolitan.

Mitch - A what now?

Mother - i natural “undead” the characteristics of a great undead in humanish form, i never died either.

Mitch - ain't that just dandy! Hey sir uhhh…

Father - Raphael!

Mitch - Sir Raphael, how would you like to make a mutual pact with me?

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