《Clockwork powers? Sure! Wait, why am i on a fantasy world?》Chapter 5


As he made a list in his head of what he would need he remembered that Rachel was gonna visit him today, so he wnt down stairs yet again.

Receptionist - uhmmm, im nit supposed to interfere but, do you need something?

Mitch - did a girl come trough here yet?

Receptionist - i dont think so.

Since she might take a while he decided to take a look around the quest board

It was a tall wooden board with holes at regular intervals from which the “notes” hung from in nails.

“Guard duty, protecting a group of miners on the 7th level, day 25.”

“Lumberjacks needed, 1st to 3rd, day 23.”

“ looking for a brown panthers hide, 500 royals, must be in good state”

Every note had completely different contents, they posted all kinds of jobs here.

Then it came to mitch, he didn't have to look for each of the materials himself he just needed to post some quests for them, the oil and tree resins didn't have to be collected by him and also those last ingredients that he couldn't get his hand on at the moment, such as a mana stone and some good conductors, which were not specified in the store as it could work with any kind but there would be problems with efficiency.

Rachel touched his shoulder jolting him back on track

Mitch - Rachel, finally, come with me.

They headed into his room and sat on the straw bed.

Mitch - thanks alot for this, i'm really grateful you decided to help me.

Rachel - thats ok, its the minimum i could do. So what is it that you want?

Mitch though for a second, he didn't know exactly what to ask, he only knew he had a lot of things yet to learn.

Mitch - i guess we’ll start with the thing i'm supposed to fight. Tell me about the flood!

Rachel - its when a dungeon breaks out releasing all of its monsters continuously, and it's not just a month's worth at once either.

Mitch - it continuously expels monster individually or in waves?

Rachel - it continuously resets, spewing out monsters.

Mitch - and those are?

Rachel - what?

Mitch- (facepalm) the resets.

Rachel - its when the dungeon refills at the beginning of the month, filling it back up with monsters and treasures, only royalty or nobles can go there in the first 5 days but after that it's fair game.

Mitch - why?

Rachel - because the drops are more frequent at the beginning.


They ended their conversation there as mitch wanted to ask for other things.

Mitch - tell me, how much would a quest for 4 liters of tangler sap pay and a liter of rock- tree resin too

Rachel - i don't know around 70 for the rock wood and 350 for a liter of the tangler. But why don't you go get it?

Mitch - well i could, but i don't know what they look like or how to get them.

Rachel - i know.

Mitch - that's helpful, but i need to do a few things today first.

*Brrrrrr* *brrrrrr*

Mitch - hold on Rachel, it's that fucking God.

God - sup, look i needed you to take care of something right now.

Mitch - im busy!

Rachel - what are you doing?

Mitch - this little thing allows me to talk to god.

Rachel - really? That's incredible!

God - *cough* as i was saying, you’ve got shit to do, unless you wanna see the world blow up.

Mitch - like you did to mine?!

God - your world was already doomed, get over it, i gave everyone there a quick and painless death that they didn't even realise happened, unlike what would happen if i left it untouched.

Mitch - fine, what is it you had to say.

God - the other Gods have been nagging me about you not being good enough and that you won't be prepared, i need you to reach dungeon’s bedrock, its final level by the end of the day.

Mitch - ok? Why! What's in it for me?

God - listen, i know its hard but i need you to do this, if you succeed i can get you a few more things. And you will eventually need to get in touch with royalty if you wanna win this thing, i can help you with that too since we both know there will be power struggles and other shenanigans if the wrong people find out about you.

Mitch - ok, i'll do it!

God - thats the spirit, also you're gonna need more ammunition if you wanna fight the 10th level so i'll give you this right now but you can't fuck up or the other Gods will find out i have been giving you things that weren't allowed.

Mana focused handcannon:

15 mana per shot

5 seconds recharge

Six shooter: more ammo, longer recharge of 30 seconds

Higher caliber: plus 5 mana per shot, 33% more power in each shot

God - pick what you want.


Mitch - more bullets.

God - you sure?

Mitch - yes!

God - wrong choice!

Higher caliber modification in progress 14%

Mitch - did i even have a choice?

God - yes, but this one gives you a better chance at the moment.


Mitch - at least he is becoming less of an asshole. Rachel could you do me a favor?

Rachel - What is it?

Mitch - help me reach the last floor of the dungeon! Please!

during that line he had raised himself of bed and had placed his hand on her shoulder.

Rachel - Are you crazy? That's suicide even for a hero of your level!

Mitch - ill gain some levels on my way there and i'll pay you!

Rachel - wha… how much?

Mitch - So you're coming?

Rachel - i cant stop you from going and it would be awful if we lost a hero, the waves would destroy us. How much?

Mitch - 500 royals

Rachel - I guess i can convince them to come if it's for 500 between us since it's the end if the month and most monsters have been hunted, ≈160 royals per person is a good price. Ok its final!

Mitch meant 500 per person but this was better so he kept quiet.

After their gathering, 4 in the afternoon.

John - So you want us to go to the last level! WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG!

Mitch - I just need you to escort me to the last level.

Michael - If this is some sort of trap, i'll make sure to cut you to pieces before you makes us a scratch.

They headed back through the city gates with the guards watching them from behind.

Guard 1 - Bunch’a crazy kids, i tell ya!

Guard 2 - i wonder what the hell they are doing, going back and forth.

Mitch and his team reached the portal to the dungeons first floor.

Mitch - Hold it, i wanna see if i can make a stronger robot to fight for us.

A ethereal husk then rose from the smoke like mana leaving his body, he started changing it almost immediately.

He kept the rocktree resing armor as it was light but changed its frame to something more solid, stronger, opting for steel that he had gotten from a screw found in his pocket from the old world, the conductors were the gold/cardill league and finally a battery made of the high level mana core.

Basic android unit


37 mana per hour (mph)

He filled it with 60 mana since he would need some to use his gun and he didn't expect the robot he made to last an hour within this place, even with a steel frame.

As they headed deeper into the level mitch told them he wanted to kill any monster they found, in around 20 minutes they were by the end of the first level, surprisingly the robot hadnt slowed them down,since it had shown to work faster and more smoothly than the first one he made, it was only slower than him while running.

They entered the second level, but not a lot had changed, it was still looking like a regular forest, except some color differences in the vegetation and the platforms, but those already existed in the first level, he had made a mistake while looking at them the first time, as he thought they floated, however he later discovered that there were large pillars holding them, the levels were more like a dug out terrain with plants growing in its sometimes caved tunnels.

This level gave them a slightly harder time as they progressed, having to face a few enemies that were eliminated with a swift shot from his “hand cannon” he ended up killing 5 of them and raising 2 levels which he spent 8 points in wisdom, 15 on intelligence and the rest to strengthen his weak body

Level 5 (84%)

Unspent points:0

Mana: 140/220 plus 38 per minute







He felt more nimble and that his body responded better, he could feel there had been some large changes.

That god had told him to spend all his points in intelligence and wisdom but he wanted to strengthen himself so he wasn't slowed down in any aspect, he would however limit himself to raising every other stat to 10.

They entered the 3rd floor and proceeded as usual with the robot on their trail

They reached its end after around 30 minutes and 4 monsters putting mitch at level 6.

The 4rth level took them longer as it was on this floor that the tangler tree grew, making them stop to catch their breath and drink some water while they waited for the sap to fill the pots they had placed in several trees around them.

Michael - so you wanna tell us why you have to reach the bottom of the dungeon so soon?

Mitch - don't worry, you’ll see!

    people are reading<Clockwork powers? Sure! Wait, why am i on a fantasy world?>
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