《Clockwork powers? Sure! Wait, why am i on a fantasy world?》Chapter 6


The group packed everything back while Mitch filled the robot with more mana, surprisingly it had been holding on quite well, he had filled it with some mana on the 3rd level but he wanted it to go to its maximum on the next floor as the monsters in the 4rth and 6th tended to roam in groups which would stop him from one shoting them and moving on.

John - that thing has been going pretty well so far, except for that slight hiccup on the third level it hasn't stopped.

Mitch - Thanks, i've made some improvements to it. I don't know if it has enough strength to fight monsters yet though!

Mitch would have taken enough sap out of the trees around him when he returned to fill the quota for the bike, he had asked Rick (god) how he absorbed materials for the clock store before, apparently all he had to do was place his phone over the materials he wanted.

He would absorb the sap, without them noticing and tell them that it had disappeared either from someone taking them or a monster destroying it.

They soon found themselves a group of monsters from the 4rth level, a group of 7, level 24 logger ants, their acidic spit and powerfull jaws could cut a tree in just a few seconds that they would carry to make their nest, or so Michael said.

Mitch shot one, opening a hole in its head and sending the others in a frenzy, the group had already buffed themselves and took care of three others before he had time to fire another round killing the 5th ant.

Mitch - fall back, i wanna try something!

As the group jumped back and ran from the remaining two the robot ran past them as fast as it could before flinging itself onto one of them.

It rammed its articulated hands with as much force as its “engine” could produce against the ants body, it was able to crack its shell on the second try, too bad it got clamped by the ant right after.

Its powerful jaws dug into its exterior shattering the milky plates of dried rocktree resin and bending part of its steel frame but it was still working as it continued to pummel it with both arms over the ants head until pieces of its brain splashed around.

The robot fell to the ground unable to use its legs as the last ant grabbed its head and applied pressure causing it to seize moving.

It got shot right after by mitch.

He had succeeded on his first try it was able to make a fighting machine and as his menu showed he had been given the exp from its kill

Level 7(45%)

Unspent points:10

Mana: 400/400 plus 40 per minute







He placed 2 points in intelligence and 18 in wisdom as to round things out so he would get 1/10 of his mana back every minute and so he could summon robots with more energy.

They hid the bodies to retrieve them later when they returned and kept going.

They reached the end of the fourth level in another 20 minutes.

As they entered the 5th level things started to change a little, the more normal forrest had started to disappear, in its place a more fantasy one rose, with incredibly tall trees that reached till the ceiling and glowing plants covering their path.


Mitch - were running out of time so lets ignore the monsters on this floor!

Michael - funny, normally we just hope we aren't seen, but this time we were fighting on purpose.

They ran through a poorly made path, the plants in their way had been cut by the noble’s group on the first few days and widened by the people after, still, it was a rough terrain for one to run through.

They ran through the trees as fast as they could but they were still spotted by this levels monsters.

A few apes lined themselves in the nearest tree’s branches and threw what they could find at them, their 4 goat like eyes focused on them.

Mitch - are they gonna come after us?

Rachel - they will stop once we leave their territory since they are at a really high disadvantage if they aren't on top of a tree.

As they ran mitch shot back, missing the group of monkeys but still scaring them with the streak of light that remained after the bullets path.

They left the denser forest and kept going leaving the remaining monsters behind.

Mitch - c'mon we still have a long way to go till the 10th level!

They ran as fast as they could reaching the end of the fifth level after only 15 minutes of running like chickens.

The sixth level Still had the fantasy style to it, only this time it was a slightly more tropical forest, with denser foliage and humid air.

From the tree branches a lot of openings shone at regular intervals, lighting the path and allowing to look a little further.

Strangely this place was never truly dark as the air emitted an extremely faint glow within the dungeon.

This was the level that housed the boar he had seen a group of adventurers carrying.

He couldn't hear any monsters around as they ran so he just hoped none came after them at the moment.

They had gone through almost the whole level when they finally were stopped by a monster, a brown panther with an even more elongated mouth and a “fatter” head with large muscles pulling its jaw shut.

Mitch shoved Rachel to the side pulling his revolver at the large cat’s head

His shot missed its mark, hitting it in the ribs near the right shoulder, snapping 3 ribs and hitting part of its lungs.

It was already dead, the panther however still had some fight in it before going down for the count, it ran in a straight line towards the group of adventurers.

As it did so, it was hit by a solid body.

Mitch had made another robot, right after missing its shot, he made it fully covered in steel and sent it tackling the panther as soon as it could.

It didn't do any damage to the panther but it slowed it down just enough to be hit by the swinging axe of John to its left shoulder, knocking it to the ground, unable to support its body, leaving it open to the combined strike of Rachel's arrow and Michael’s spear to its neck.

They stepped back and waited as the panther gave its last breaths before finally stopping.

Mitch opened its screen and only stepped forward when he saw his level rise to 8

Mitch - Cool, we did it,and the skin is still good for us to complete a quest.

They stripped it of its skin and rolled it before tying it to john’s back.


HIs phone rang leaving him staring at its screen as it vibrated, it didn't expect “rick the prick” to be calling him at a time like this, it wasn't close to the days end nor did he reach the end of the dungeon yet.

Mitch - (whispering) what?

God/Rick - dude get the panthers skull!

Mitch - what?

God/Rick - just trust me absorb it with your phone!

He questioned if God was trying to fuck with him or if he was truly serious.

He opened the clock store and did as told.

Decorative piece added.

Mitch - Really?!

God - what? It looks cool!

Mitch - is that all?

God - yup!

Mitch almost threw his phone but decided to act a little more maturely, after all, it did look cool with a panther skull on the front.

They entered the 7th floor still running, these final three floor were going to be the most troublesome as they were never easy tasks for small groups, much more for one with a level 8 person as one of its members.

They slowed down and tried to go as quietly as possible through these last levels as not to call too many monsters.

Rachel - 7th floor! There are a lot more of those kitties here.

Mitch - well let's hope we don't meet another one!

Mitch left behind his robot for this level since it made too much noise and its completely steel exterior gave it too much weight.

They took a lot longer to traverse this level, having taken them almost 45 minutes since they didn't want to be spotted.

As they entered the 8th floor things started to change drastically, this level was filled with small ruins and pieces of what appeared to be temples, altars, shops, kitchens and occasionally workstations that had been stripped of their tools.

Mitch - Rachel, what is this place?

Rachel - the ruins.

Mitch - of what?

Rachel - just ruins.

Mitch - this looks like an entire city though? Don't you ask yourself where all this came from?

Rachel - It has no reason to be, its just how it has always been!

They continued their walk through the ruins from which the forest still grew covering the stone walls completely in many places.

He used his “free time” to give a better look what the adventurers equipment.

Rachel wore pants and a short sleeved shirt under her leather “protections” which consisted of a tight jacket made with braided leather strips, with double layers on the elbows and shoulders and 2 small cuts that left her armpits and underarms exposed to the air.

John wore a padded vest and metal plates that covered his forearms and legs.

And finally Michael the brown haired asshole that acted like he was a great man, he wore the most armor of them all with a padded vest covered in armor pieces, his wrists and forearms were covered by a complex set of thick interlocking sheets of bronze, a metal plate covering his chest and back and a belt with a variety of weapons attached to it.

Mitch - what does this floor have? Cobras, Rats,(chefs,) Bats! What are we dealing with here?

John - the ninth floor has anacondas, this one has eagles.

Whenever they spotted one they stopped and bid in the ruins.

He could see them flying over the group, there were just a few of them but their bodies were quite intimidating being the size of a wolf.

They walked under the ruins for a good half hour before something else happened.

He saw an eagle perched on a collapsed roof, standing still.

He had wanted to test his improved body for a while and what better chance than aiming at a far away target.

There were around 40 meters between him and the eagle at that point.

Mitch - Guys, i'm gonna try to kill one of the eagles! If i fail this shot we just book it!

Adventurers - what?!

Mitch raised his gun to eye level centering its aim upon the eagles chest.

He had never felt the guns trigger be so heavy before, as he slowly pulled it back.

He fired but nothing seemed to happen, the eagle stood on the roof, as mitch started, luckily it didn't even look like the eagle had noticed someone had shot at it so mitch turned to the group.

Mitch - let's just go.

Rachel - that was a great shot.

Michael - if i had that artifact i could do better.

Mitch - uhh?

He turned around and noticed the blood that dripped down the roof tiles and the eagles fallen body.

His shot had hit it from the side piercing its lungs and exploding its heart the eagle which had been instantly killed was almost perfectly balanced taking it several seconds for the body to fall. It took them several seconds to get back on track as mitch kept celebrating his shot a little too much.

They soon reached the 9th level.

A labyrinth of square/ rectangular boulders raised in front of them, some were stacked, others made stairs, some acted as walls and some had been dug rectangular tunnels through giving some the look of houses or tunnels.

This was one of the most illuminated levels, they climbed as high as they could since the monsters in this level kept themselves on its most bottom part they ran through the stone blocks and reached this levels end in only 10 minutes.

Mitch - well this was fast.

Michael - this level is considered one of the easiest on the dungeon unless you try to face its monsters, but its not like they are difficult for a good fighter.

Michael had said that last part mostly to show off.

They entered level 10.

It was a true labyrinth with twisting corridors and stairways heading up and down.

Mitch - what's up with the stairs?

Rachel - It's a three story labyrinth.

Mitch - and how are we gonna reach its center?

John - there’s an artifact called the fighters compass that could work, but since none of us wants to throw away money we don't have it. Just follow the left wall and we will reach it eventually.

They spent an hour and a half going up and own stair before they reached their goal.

An empty stone room made of granite, there was only blood splatters across its floor and a rune covered back wall with a giant crack going down it, which looked to be caused by the marble stuck halfway through it.

Mitch slowly walked towards it, it seemed to resonate back and forth like a beating heart.

The suspense was broken as he placed his hand upon it.

Dungeon conqueror

Way point created

Call of a hero

Material absorbed

He smiled at his 3 new gifts

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