《Clockwork powers? Sure! Wait, why am i on a fantasy world?》Chapter 3


Rachel - But they are just level 21, you can't be level 1!

Mitch - Im not!

Rachel - uh?

Mitch - Im level 3 now.

Rachel - That doesn't help. How? Why?

Mitch - Don't tell anyone but i was sent by a God!

She set her hands down and raised her head with a worried expression.

Rachel - I'm very sorry, please forgive me and my group, we had no idea you were God sent.

Mitch - shhh, i don't want anyone to know about it, i just need some answers!

Rachel - what? Why? You should already be all knowing! aren't you supposed to stop the flood?

Mitch - Flood? You mean like in waves of enemies! and i need answers, not more questions.

Rachel - Well, yeah, that's what the god sent heroes do normally, they are brought to fight the oncoming monster waves.

Mitch - we will continue this later, for right now pretend im a normal guy and come visit me later at the guild, i have a room there that we can talk in.

They both headed back onto the rest of the group and continued their search for the rock-wood and basilisks.

They ended up in a platform far from the entrance, there was a tree there that they had seen from far away it looked like an oak but with a brighter color of brown to its log.

Mitch - what do they even use this stuff for?

John - the sap of it turns as hard as ceramic but slightly more elastic stopping a crack from breaking it apart so it's used as a substitute for bottles and other wares.

Mitch - then why are you guys taking the branches?

John - they serve as cheap mana conductors, rings, rods, wires, they can be used for a lot of things

Using some rope they tied all the branches and strapped them onto their backs, with Rachel and Michael taking each a large bundle of them.

Michael - Let's go back, we'll find the rest of the basilisks on our way there.

They found the other 3 basilisks, this ones were together, making it a harder fight.

Mitch - i can hit one but after that you're on your own! how are you gonna do this?

Michael - we’ve got some spells to back us up. John!

John - what?

Michael - give us your speed buff ! And Rachel, you throw a flare and a water whip!

They put themselves in position for the first strike, john placed a blessing upon them and hid as close as possible with michael who casted a buff on himself before taking out a long club and a spike plated glove, mitch sat behind a tree further back and Rachel climbed one to get a better angle.


Michael gave Rachel the signal and she threw a ball of light and fire right onto the 3 basilisks eating away at a corpse.

The sudden flash left them with no idea where to go leaving them defenseless to mitch’s shot and the high pressure water jet.

The one shot died immediately and the one hit by the water whip had a hole torn into its skin.

John and Michael then jumped onto the 2 left with michael taking care of the injured one and john swinging his axes head onto the other.

John - done, now we can head back.

Mitch was gonna volunteer to take the dog sized bodies but he remembered he was still wearing the clothes from his first world.

Black jeans and a red shirt with a thin black jacket over it, he would need to get more clothes from the tailor, not just armor.

Mitch - give me one of the wood bundles, i'll take it of your shoulders.

They headed their way out of there and back into the more normal world, the way back was going smoothly so mitch tried finishing his exame on his status


Flood fighter

Material exchange


Selective growth

Clockwork soldier production

Unfortunately, Rachel couldn't help with this one, and there was no way of knowing it without the help of a scribe or similarly jobbed person.

He would leave that to another day.

Meanwhile he would test something, he opened his stat screen and put a point in each stat

Level 3 (67%)

Unspent points:24

Mana: 50/50







He could feel himself become stronger, faster, etc.

He could feel everything around him change a bit, in retrospective he should have done each one individually to compare the changes but it didn't matter that much.

Now that he had more than the bare minimum to work with he tried using the clockwork soldier again.

He watched as a thin smokey substance left his hands and formed a very, very crude wind up doll made of a crystal material that looked like the most brittle glass ever made, it had cavity in place of the hand crank.

Mitch put his gloved hand forwards touching it.

Basic Clockwork unit settings


Consumption: 1/minute

Armor and support material

Mana conductive material

Battery core material

Mitch assumed he had to change a few things for it to work, and charge it of course, so he chose the first option to see what he could get.


Armor and support material:

Stabilised mana waves: poor resistance to impact, shatterable

Rock-wood resin :medium resistance to impact, harder but still shatterable.

Mitch chose the second and to his double surprise not only did the robot become a white doll due to the material but it didn't consume the branches on his back, he chose the other options and ended with a completely rock-tree robot since its conductors were decent and boosted its consumption to half and served as a temporary battery too, it wasn't that good as it only sent it from 5 to 7 but it was better than nothing.

He placed the wood onto the robots arms and increased his pace to call them.

Mitch - hey guys check it out, look what i made!

They all turned to see a white, faceless, thing, stumbling towards them as it tried to catch up with its master.

Rachel screamed, michael pulled out his mace and john stood there like a dumbass trying to figure it out.

Mitch- dont worry its mine, its just to carry the wood but it might be able to take a little more weight so you can give it the other bundle of wood.

John - oh ok then i’ll (long silence) keep going, i'm not gonna say anything.

Rachel put her fears aside and helped michael give it, his wood ( pun not intended, we do not support minion robot rape). John gave michael 2 of the bodies and they continued their trip back.

After around 2 minutes the robot made a sudden beep and stopped on its tracks still holding the bundles of wood under each arm.

Michael - why did it do that?

Mitch - i assume lack of mana but he should still have a lot.

Has he examined the robots screen he noticed that there was a sudden increase on the consumption from 1 to 3 a minute.

Mitch - it ran out of energy because its carrying a heavy load, each bundle weights around what? 20 kilos each, it was my first creation so it's not great.

Michael - can you fix it or not?!

Rachel - be a little easier in him, he is helping us!

Mitch - its ok, i just need to charge it back up, although having something that can store more energy would be useful.


They continued their walk back but this time mitch was by the robots side and kept charging him once in awhile so he wouldn't stop.

They reached town and were told to stop by the guards, after a quick inspection and checking their adventurer cards they questioned mitch.

Guard - You’re that weird kid from yesterday. And this time you brought that!

The guard pointed to the robot carrying wood.

Guards - can you tell me what that is?

Mitch - a mana powered artifact designed for transportation of materials.

Guard - i feel like you’re still gonna have to pay the weapon fee, that things just doesn't sit right with me!

Mitch - but its just something i made.

Guard - and weaponsmiths make swords, they still have to pay the fee!

Mitch - fine, how much?

Guard - 7 royals

He gave the guard the money and went on to the guild, there they sold the basilisks and went onto another shop to deliver the wood, they went past the clothing store and into the “enchantments store”.

Old guy - what?

Michael - were here to deliver the branches you ordered.

Old guy - lets see, average quality quality, not even young branches, i can give you around 60 royals for the whole thing.

Michael- what? No way they were by the further end of the dungeon they weren't mass harvested, its gotta be at least 250 for them, we were attacked by necrophagous basilisks for crying out loud!

Old guy - The best i can give is 85!

Michael - 200!

Old guy - 100


The old guy gave him a shit eating grin and went behind his counter.

Old guy - here!

He handed him the money and we left his shop.

Michael - fucking ass of a man! Hey mitch, here, have your share.

He handed him 50 royals which might sound like a lot but considering they sold the basilisks for 200 and got 130 right now it's not an equivalent part considering he had killed 2 of them and had helped carry the wood all the way back.

Rachel -give him a fair share!

Michael - why? He isn't part of our group.

Rachel - Just do it!

He ended up giving an extra 20 royals and mitch left.

    people are reading<Clockwork powers? Sure! Wait, why am i on a fantasy world?>
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