《Clockwork powers? Sure! Wait, why am i on a fantasy world?》Chapter 2


The sun shone through the small musky window over the bed, mitch rose himself from his side setting his feet on the wooden floor, he had slept with all of his clothes on, instinctively he grabbed his phone to check the time.

It was that damn phone given by the God on his pocket instead.

He used the fact that he had calmed down and had slept well to properly examine the phone, it lit up before he even touched anything showing only 3 apps on it, the phone app, an app named clock store and a to-do list app.

Mitch looked around the room until his eyes stayed on the backpack.

He had to get more intel on this world, so he chose to call that dickhead of a god.

God - hello? Who is this?

Mitch - hi, its me, the guy you sent to another world.

God - oh hi, what you want?

Mitch - what i want? I want some answers!

God - did you read the book?

Mitch squeezed the phone with all his strength, he was about to lose his patience

Mitch - yeah i read the book it doesnt tell me shit.

God - dude, you are in a fantasy world, you have unique powers and a God backing you up, rick by the way, that's my name. Rick - Just do what a normal guy would do and explore the damn world and be a hero or whatever and once you get there you just have to praise me and spread my name and existence.

Mitch - alright fine i guess that will do, got any suggestions before i hang up.

Rick - yes, learn how to fire the gun i gave you, become an adventurer and check the mission list while you're at it, i think you already have a few things to collect.

Rick hung up and mitch grabbed his backpack and left his room.

There were around 20 rooms within this building just like his, he locked his door and went onto the desk on the lower floor.

He could smell something from the corner of the establishment as 3 men carried the body of a huge boar with 2 pair of tusks that had been gutted in order to decreased its weight, they appeared to be delivering it for a quest as the employe by the counter checked it for damages.

Employe-I think it will do nicely, minor cuts on its belly,but most of its skin can still be used!

The 3 men sat on the chairs by the corner and waited for their payment.

Receptionist - can i help you?

The one who had spoken was the same receptionist from yesterday, now that he wasn't tired he could give her a proper look.

She looked to be around his age, with short black hair and wearing glasses.

Mitch - im new to this town and i wanted to register as an adventurer.

Receptionist - sure, the one who takes care of the registrations is that employe, you just have to talk to him!

Mitch headed towards the next counter and waited for the other person to finish up with those 3 guys.

He was a burly men with thick arms almost the same size as mitch which was odd as most people here tended to be smaller than him.


Employe - what is it?

Mitch - uhhh, i wanted to register myself as an adventurer please.

The employe gave him a sideways glance as he turned around and pulled a piece of paper and a dipping pen.

Employe - are you sure about this? We don't take responsibility if you end up injured or die!

Mitch - yes i'm certain!

Employe - Name?

Mitch - Mitch Conner!

The employe immediately raised his head and stared him down.

Employe - You're a noble? Why didn't you tell me earlier! You are a paladin of which God?

Mitch was struck silent by those questions, he didn't know what he should answer, it probably wasn't a good idea to reveal himself now as they could be religious fanatics that didn't like heretics.

Mitch - I come from a noble family but i'm not one myself, i was disowned!

Employe - ok, i see, sorry for that. But still we are are gonna need to check your job and level!

Mitch - ok.

The man pulled mitch’s hand and closed his eyes while taking in slow breathes as if he was trying to make absolutely no noise.

Employe - Arch-engineer? Level 1! Are you seriously gonna become an adventurer even with no experience?

Mitch - don't worry about me!

Employe - Ok then, i think that's all, just pay the fee and we’ll have the tags and license in two days!

Mitch handed him over 15 royals and walked away.

After leaving the guild he decided to head out and explore.

He left the city and watched as a group of other adventurers walked past him.

He wanted to check where they were heading, he grabbed his gun just in case and shoved the barrel in between his belt and pants.

One of the members of the group kept glancing back at him every few steps

Adventurer A - who the fuck are you? And why are you following us?!

Mitch just gave him a blank stare and stopped walking pretending that he was shocked and that he didn't know what he was talking about.

Adventurer B - Sorry, he's been a bit jumpy since he got in a fight this morning.

Mitch assured him that it was ok and asked where they were heading.

Adventurer C - the dungeon by the rockcliff, there are monsters of level 23 there though so we intended to just explore the first level. Mitch - oh, me too.

He had no idea how strong level 23 was but he had a bad feeling about it, and he was only gonna explore the entrance with them.

As they went mitch tried looking at the other things he had yet to check on “his” phone.

He started by opening the clock store which worked like the play store except this one sold what appeared to be tomes and artifacts, he tried clicking on one giving him a description.

Regenerative stimulant

Increased body recovery from wounds by 73% 16 hours effect. Light disinfectant effect

He looked for what the cost of the stimulant was.

He ended up finding a smaller description beneath that told him the necessary ingredients.

Hornet berry seeds (0/12)

Red cotton leaves (0/7)

Spoons of flour (0/3)


He would need to search for some of those things later.

Next he examined the to-do list app, there was a whole page of achievements done and only 1 more yet to do.

Entering the city, finding lodging, figuring out the value of money, getting armor,... Almost everything he had done was in here, and he figured out why the god gave him no answers too, he was made so he would have to figure it out himself in order to get its rewards!

Most of them gave him money which would appear on that leather box he had but becoming an adventurer gave him something else.

Clockwork soldier production vol. 1

1 Basic unit Cost:40 mana

It was a thin book with a red cover, when he opened it the pages seemed completely black but when he looked closer he could see some microscopic letter than seemed to be zooming in quickly until he felt like he was skimming through the words at an incredible rate.

Mitch - awesome!

Mitch’s whisper wasn't noticed by the others thankfully.

They had been walking for around 15 minutes when they stopped.

Adventurer B - hold on, there's a corrupted rabbit ahead, rachel, can you take care of it.

Adventurer C/Rachel - sure!

Mitch - hold on, can i take care of it?

They looked at him confuses but ultimately agreed to let him do it.

It was a brown rabbit with long ears and red eyes it seemed to have 2 little humps on its head.

Mitch pulled out his gun and aimed with both hands on it, he fired it but no sound came out, only a slight whistle as the projectile flew through the air hitting its shoulder and killing it instantly as its lungs were crushed.

All Adventures - what the fuck was that???

Mitch - An old artifact that was given to me long ago!(yesterday counts as long ago, right?)

It seemed to stick as they did not ask anymore questions

Adventurer B picked up the rabbit corpse before continuing their trip.

They reached their destination soon after, it had a temple entrance to it, once one passed through its door a portal revealed itself on its back wall.

Adventurer A - wanna come with us?

Mitch - didn't you think i was spying on you or something? But yeah i wanna go!

Adventurer A - What's your job?

Mitch - im a arch-engineer, and you guys?

Rachel - i'm a sniper, michael (A) is a pit fighter and john (B) is an axe wielder.

Michael - isn't that a production job?

Mitch - it's both a fighting job and a production one.

He had remembered what the guards had told him the day before, which he assumed referred to the same thing he has asked.

They crossed into the other side, and the place they had reached looked like a giant dome with its interior filled with platforms covered in vegetation and lights that seemed to emanate from all around as if the air itself released a soft light.

Mitch - So, what exactly did you guys come to do here?

Michael-We're here for 2 things, gathering branches of rock-wood and catching necrophage basilisks.

They jumped from platform to platform with mitch shooting a few things on their way.

He ended up gunning down 2 basilisks although these did not go as easily as the rabbit, he shot the first one on the neck making a large hole through which it bled out but the second one, he hit on the side barely going through it's tough scales and pissing it off, thankfully john brought his hammer down on its head killing it right after.

Mitch asked the group to stop as he wanted to try something, after they slowed down he tried making one of those androids, but just as he tried he felt himself become weaker and weaker, until he collapsed of exhaustion.

He woke up a few minutes later still groggy.

Michael - Finally! are you stupid? did you just try something way out of your limit?

Mitch - uhhh?

Michael - how could you not see you didn't have enough mana, its right on your stats!

Mitch apologised and they kept going, as they went he felt more and more stupid, how could he not have thought of checking for an inventory or even a menu.

Mitch - (whispering) stat screen.

Level 3

points unspent: 30

Mana: 40















Mitch looked at his stats, they were accurate if you took into account how he had been before coming here, he had always been clumsy and had an awful memory especially for birthdays and mathematical formulas but he had been a good thinker.

He wanted to examine everything first before he spent his points.

He started with the titles to see what he had gotten since his arrival.


Disciple of a God

Disciple of innovation

Mad man

Tiny hero

Slayer of Goliath

The first 2 made sense but he had no idea what the rest entailed and what he had done to get them.

Mitch - hey Rachel could i speak with you for a second?

Rachel - sure.

Mitch - this might sound odd, but could you tell me the meanings of some of my titles.

Rachel - I know some of them but its not like i can help you if its a weird one.

He told her all of his titles except for the gods related ones.

She ended up telling him what they meant and did.

Mad man: face an opponent with double your levels.

Causes a resistance to be formed against intimidation and panic of 20% what one may normally resist

Tiny hero: face an opponent with 20 more levels and win.

Gives of an increased sense of trust 12%, resistance to hesitation/increased courage 25%

Slayer of Goliath: kill with one strike an opponent 10 levels above you.

All enemies above your level suffer 3% more damage than normally

Rachel - Do you seriously have those titles?

Mitch - yes!

She gave me a surprised look.

Rachel - you must have had a rough childhood!

Mitch - i just got them now!

Rachel - What???

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