《The Unknown Hero》Chapter 15: Don't Poke the Bear
“Like hell we will!” After revealing our plan to begin aggressively clearing out the monsters, the crowd quickly morphed into a riotous mass of angry protesters.
Standing on a truck bed, Matt and Brent are taking the full blunt of the crowd’s anger. After a few minutes I can see Matt starting to lose his patience, turning his head he mouths out a quick warning to cover my ears. Following his advice I watch attentively as he takes in a deep breath.
“SHUT UP!” With an overwhelming yell Matt quickly silences the crowd as they are left stunned and dazed.
Smiling happily I uncover my ears and take note of the effectiveness of Matt’s ‘Battle Cry’ skill. Despite the forewarning, I still was left with a slight ringing in my ear from the sheer volume. Of the recent skill books acquired by Matt this is by far the best crowd control skill we have.
A few seconds pass and the crowd slowly starts to recover. Placing his hand on Matt’s shoulder Brent offers to speak to the crowd. “As a police officer it was my sworn duty to serve and protect. Even after all the recent changes I plan to honor this commitment and do my best to protect each of you…” pausing Brent looks the crowd over letting his comforting words to sink in. “However the world has changed. Peace and safety is no longer guaranteed. While we are sitting safely behind these walls, everything else is growing stronger… things that will want to hurt you… kill you… eat you….”
Brent’s words prove to have had an impact on the crowd as they remain eerily quiet. However, not letting the moment go to waste, Matt pulls out a metal pipe from his inventory holding it out for everyone to see.
Taking my cue I calmly hop up and quickly activate my new skill. Instantly the soft glowing blade extends from my fingers drawing the curious gazes of everyone. Ignoring the crowd’s amazement I quickly send out a flurry of precise slashes against the metal pipe. Soon the rattling noise of metal falling leaves the spectators in complete shock.
“To live we must fight. Yet there is an amazing opportunity for us to grow and learn amazing abilities. All it requires is for us to stand and fight.”
Having adequately enticed the crowd the earlier discussion resumes… more peacibly. Much is still left to discuss, but amazingly this group of random people is slowly transitioning into a united force. And although it would be a joke to say we are anywhere near strong… to just have us all collectively on the same goal is a huge achievement in and of itself.
The first task for our united forces is to determine what role everyone will have in our group… Fighters or Providers.
Of our forty seven people seventeen have volunteered into the Fighters group which will be composed of Warriors, Rogues and Mages. Excluding nine children who are too young to interact with the system the remaining twenty one people are lumped into the vague Providers group.
These Providers are those either unable or unwilling to fight and thus will support the group in other ways. However, until we determine what skill is provided by the fourth starter class this group will have a very low priority on experience.
“Shhh. Stay low and don’t make any noise.” With one last warning Matt turns to lead us down the sidewalk before entering an office building. Our feet softly thump across the floor as we make our way upstairs and into a large conference room. Moving towards the back wall we slowly peel the blinds apart and look through the windows onto the scene outside.
“Crap… their numbers increased!” John is evidently upset after witnessing the large horde crowding around the hospital entrance.
“I take it there were not this many yesterday?” Turning to Matt he gives me a simple nod while his brow scrunches in dissatisfaction at the changes.
Ignoring the grumbling complaints from the other fighters I return to looking over the scene. Our first objective and trial run is to clear the hospital. We sold the pitch that the medical supplies and any possible surviving staff would be a necessity for our future. However, the real reason we chose this battle was due to the low intellect and mobility of the zombies. But when you figure in their sheer numbers… the odds change.
Scanning over the horde I notice several charred zombies mingling among the crowd. Smiling haughtily I almost chuckle again recalling Matt’s story of how he tried to burn the horde away. As evident, it seems the weak flames of our impromptu Molotov’s were not strong enough to incinerate the undead horde. Shaking my head I push the thought aside.
Race Victus Mortuus (Zombie) Sex N/A Level 4 Class N/A
Status Affects
Once reanimated these creatures lose all prior intellect and memories, functioning solely on basic instincts. And although the undead condition is not contagious, they are prone to carrying dangerous diseases.
“Matt…” calling my friend’s attention I immediately share my gatherings. “Their average level is around 2-3. It seems they are mostly the same as what we have fought before.”
“That’s good, but their numbers have nearly doubled… I’m not sure just the nine of us can handle this.”
Glancing back I look at the other fighters crouched in the room. Originally we only chose a handful of fighters for this mission to ensure the base would still be properly protected. But looking at the number disadvantage I can see where Matt would be tempted to go back for more people.
“Not necessarily, remember all it takes is a good terrain advantage to swing the odds to our favor. Look over there…” raising my hand I direct Matt’s sight towards a side street running away from the hospital. “The buildings on each side will act as fences causing the horde to be congested and slow. If we follow up with a barricade at the end of the street we can funnel the zombies down to only a few at a time. Also, with the zombies only able to come from one direction if things get dangerous we can simply retreat and try another strategy.”
“Hmm.” Looking out the window Matt quietly contemplates my suggestion. “It might just work… any other suggestions?” Opening the room up for discussion he turns to look at the others.
“Why don’t we just run them over with a car? We’ll stay safe as we kill them.” A thirty something man quickly suggests which garners some approval. Beating me to the point, Matt quickly rebukes the idea.
“If we had a reinforced vehicle maybe… but an average car couldn’t handle the force necessary to kill the zombies. We would only end up hurting ourselves or worse getting trapped in the middle of the horde.”
Hearing the flaw in his idea the man’s enthusiasm wains and everyone else soon reluctantly agrees to my initial plan. Moving back outside we slowly proceed around the buildings and start preparing an adequate funnel from nearby vehicles and dumpsters.
“Okay, remember the formation. As soon as you start getting tired rotate out and drink a stamina potion. If at any point we feel overwhelmed we will call for a retreat.” Making sure everyone understands the plan I turn around and look towards John. “You know you don’t have to do this.”
“No… I can do this. Besides it will be good practice.” John weakly smiles as he tries to be reassuring.
“Alright.” A part of me is not sure he is fully prepared for this, but as one of the few future rogues in our group it is necessary for him to get used to kiting enemies.
Squeezing through the barricade, John and I start jogging down the empty street. Reaching the end we split off and head to opposite sides of the horde. Before we even have to make noise several zombies notice us and start stumbling our way. From there all it takes is a few simple shouts to get the rest of the horde to follow suit.
Carefully watching our steps we begin leading the zombies into the side street.
“This isn’t so bad.” John chuckles slightly as he turns smiling my way.
“Stay focused thi…” my words are cut off as a loud roar comes reverberating from deep inside the horde. Turning to look I soon notice a zombie barreling this way knocking anything in its path aside. Analyzing I discover this zombie to be a staggering level 7. “John run for it!”
Confused momentarily John falters in his steps before turning to flee. However, he is barely able to get a few yards away before the level seven breaks free of the horde. Now unhindered its speed quickly accelerates. With each second the gap is quickly decreasing between John and the undead menace. Activating my mana blade I concentrate and forcefully surge my mana into the weapon. The blade’s shimmering form slowly extends until the length is nearly doubled marking it roughly half a meter long.
Focusing on maintaining the length I lunge between the two. Altering its gaze onto me the zombie rises up its mangled arm reaching towards me. Yet by the time I am within the arm’s reach I have already swung my blade severing the head from the body. Landing softly I smile triumphantly at the feat. However, a feeling of mental exhaustion soon sweeps in forcing me to quickly cancel the blade out. Although happy from the results from last night’s training the expenditure is still too high.
Straightening up I turn and sprint after John who has just squeezed through the barricade. Reaching the other side I see everyone slightly tense yet ready. Seeing everything in order I motion to John for us both to climb into our positions atop the barricades. Once atop I pull out a new sturdy pipe spear fashioned by Hank.
However, my inspection is interrupted as the horde crashes with full force into the barricade. The simple metal wall groans from the pressure but other than a slight jerk it remains intact. Looking over at the gap I see the first zombie squeezing through the gap towards Matt and the others.
Already prepared, Matt immediately brings down a sledgehammer into the head of the leading zombie. Its body collapses to the ground and Matt easily pulls back his new weapon. Although a bit messy, I still must acknowledge the effectiveness.
“Remember… wait until they pass through the gap before you kill them!” Matt yells out a reminder as he quickly repositions for another swing. Content with how things are going I turn to start attacking as well.
With a sharp swash sound the new spear easily punctures through my first target. Gripping tightly I immediately yank it back out. Reminiscent of the last time I ‘speared’ zombies I am happy at the ease this time around. Not wanting to waste any more precious experience I begin a focused assault on the zombies. Aim… twist… stab… pull. The repetition continues in a simple pattern as I slowly start to get a feel for the movements.
Spearmanship (Passive) Beginner Level 2 (0%) With practiced movements the use of the spear becomes more precise and powerful. Effectiveness is affected by PER. (+4% Damage while fighting with a spear)
Pausing I read over the screen. Although not greatly beneficial I am still happy to at least receive my first weapon proficiency skill. Closing the screen a soft twang enters my ear from off to my side. Looking over I see John already notching another arrow onto his compound bow. Just as soon as the tension is maxed the arrow is released sent flying rapidly into the skull of a nearby zombie.
Arching my eyes I am mildly impressed with John’s archery skill. When he had told me earlier that he used to do archery in school I had blown it off as something akin to a casual hobby. Yet, the fluid motions of his arms show dedication and practice on his part. Taking a mental note I plan to ask him later if and when he gets the associated skill.
Turning back to the horde I see that despite our slain numbers there is still a sizeable amount left. Drinking a quick potion I sigh begrudgingly before I resume the hunt.
“Man… that…was exhausting.” Breathing heavily John plops down on the edge of the barricade as he wearily wipes away the sweat from his brow.
“Yes…but definitely worth it… I leveled again.” After mentioning leveling several faces light up and I watch as several hands start tapping away in the air. Chuckling softly I too open my screen and apply my points.
Status Name Jack Race Human Level 14 (37%) Class Rogue Titles Autodidact, Hominum Novum Party Quests Inventory Map System Index - Health (230/230) Stamina (110/230) Mana (187/230) - Strength 20 Endurance 20 Perception 24 Agility 24 Intelligence 50 Wisdom 35 Charisma 20 Luck 23 Unallocated Points 0 - Resistances
Analyze (Active) – Intermediate Level 6 (98%)
Lock Picking (Passive) – Beginner Level 3 (78%)
Mana Blade (Active) – Beginner Level 2 (37%)
Mana Sense (Passive) – Beginner Level 3 (2%)
Meditation (Active) – Beginner Level 6 (8%)
Night Vision (Passive) – Max
Scavenging (Passive) – Beginner Level 2 (0%)
Sneak (Active) – Beginner Level 7 (82%)
Spearmanship (Passive) – Beginner 4 (19%)
Finished I close away the screen and calmly listen as everyone happily shares their progress. It seems that the majority of everyone is between levels 4-6 and the highest non class person is John who is now sitting nicely at level nine. After resting a few more minutes Matt and I are able to rouse the group up to start shifting for any loot as well as assisting with John on retrieving his spent arrows.
However, after a few minutes of searching to only find four stamina potions we decide to just call it quits. After all digging around rotting corpses is not what any of us care to be doing.
“Alright, come on guys let’s keep moving.” Calling out Matt directs the group to start moving back towards the hospital.
Stepping into the broken foyer we soon spot a few stray zombies. However while keeping a tight formation we easily kill them off. Now with no other threats visible it is finally time to decide where to proceed. “Okay Matt, I think we should split up from here.”
“Hmm… that’s not a bad idea...” Matt ponders for a moment as he steps over to the wall looking at the directional guides. “I’ll take John, Luke, Mr. Benny and Thomas to go and check out the cafeteria. Everyone else will follow you… care to check the emergency room?”
“Sounds good, we can plan to meet back in an hour here.” After agreeing on where to lead each of our respective parties we immediately split off.
Proceeding down the hallway my little group of fighters trail hesitantly behind me. Passing by many disheveled rooms we rarely are met by any zombies and those that do are quietly dealt with.
Rounding the last corner we stop warily as a pair of heavy duty doors are left dented and mangled against the emergency room entrance. Just beyond the threshold the familiar sounds of guttural moans slowly echoes out.
Turning to face the others we all silently acknowledge the threat and redouble our attentiveness by tightening our grips. Stepping into the room I stealthily creep along the partitions until I am allowed a chance to scan the room.
A few zombies are prowling around the room and perhaps a few more are hidden in the examination rooms. But against the far back wall is a solitary zombie with an imposing figure. Analyzing the brute quickly explains why its physique is so much larger… level 14.
Gulping heavily I contemplate on what to do. Since my meeting with the stadium guardian I have resolved myself to grow stronger and the best way is to fight those stronger than me. However, that does not mean I will blindly rush in.
My best bet is a sneak attack to deal massive damage early on in the fight. Nonetheless, the roaming lesser zombies will hinder any of my chances of getting close… Perhaps I can bring the brute to me?
Hiding myself once again I quietly look at those with me as simple idea comes to mind. “Anyone want to play bait?” Hearing my question the others pale in apprehension, but before they can say anything I further explain in a hushed manner. “You only have to hand back and attack any normal zombies that come your way. My plan is to sneak closer and wait for the big guy to come charging after you. Once he does I’ll jump him from behind and kill it….”
Hearing my plan they are slightly less worried. Although technically they are still bait, I’ll be the one in the most dangerous situation. After the battle outside a few normal zombies are nothing they cannot handle.
With a general agreement I turn and resume my stealth walk as I dip and duck around obstacles until I finally step into a small nurses station hiding behind the counter. Once in position I give the thumbs up for the plan to begin.
“Hey over hear… fresh meat… dinner time.” The three amigos loudly start yelling out gibberish which quickly notifies all the nearby zombies.
The sound of growls and shuffling feet start moving away, however it is the angry roar and thunderous steps that I stay focused on. I do not have to wait long before the brute knocks against the counter as it rushes by. Jumping out I immediately activate my mana blade and slash along the back of its neck.
However, unlike what I expected the blade only goes half way through the rotting flesh before abruptly halting. Surprised by the failed assassin attempt my concentration falters allowing the blade to sputter out.
Infuriated at being attacked the zombie releases a deafening roar before thrashing its arm backwards. Caught unprepared I am backhanded and sent sliding across the laminated floor. Shaken but otherwise unhurt I stare up as the zombie swivels around revealing its grotesque and angry face.
“Well… looks like I got its attention.”
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Grimoire Knights
A world of magic, where the system seems to no longer be present. Follow along as Cara who has a cursed bloodline and is fed up with having the world, her peers and even her own bloodline get in her way. When attempting to go through the motions to return back to her regular life, she is soon thrown in over her head. The pillars of knowledge that her world operates on are fundamentally flawed.When performing a ritual to summon either an item of power or a familiar, she summons and binds...him...Part familiar, part mentor, a world's underlying system of knowledge is about to be upturned and the source, a small girl in a back water town. Knowledge is dangerous and dangerous people desperately desire dangerous knowledge.Follow Cara, her best friend Jessica and their familiars and some friends on some adventures that will surely get out of hand, and possibly how the underlying fabric of the system will shift for the universe(*) as a whole.----- Please note, I will be jumping between multiple different POVs to initially build the universe before I settle into something more stable. Thank you if you take the time to read my fever dreams of the past decade that I've finally decided to put down for everyone else to maybe enjoy or at least ensure I do not repeat the beginning as much in my dreams. *Cover is a mash up of a few pics, if there is an issue, I'll remove.
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Before the Morning [BEING EDITED]
[This story is free as of February 10, 2021]"Move over A Walk to Remember, and make way for one of the most heartwarming stories this side of Wattpad. It's so cute, I could cry (again)." - Grace @ HQAfter tragedy strikes, Nolan loses all faith and never expects to love, let alone smile again until Nora-perky and persistent-walks into his life. ***** 15-year-old Nolan Haynes has everything. A loving family, a promising future as a filmmaker, and a pretty cool group of friends. That is until tragedy strikes and he's forced to move towns. Nolan vows never to let anyone in ever again-they always leave. But on a summer day two years later, when the super upbeat, Nora walks to his lunch table-Nolan has to try a bit harder to keep a smile off his face. Little does he know that Nora is fighting a battle of her own, one that no one could even imagine. And as the two get closer, they not only find solace in each other but in God. When Nolan is faced with a situation in which he has to break Nora's trust to protect her, can their budding relationship still stand and will God show up in all of this?[[word count: 80,000-90,000 words]]Content and/or Trigger Warning: This story contains scenes of verbal and physical abuse that may be triggering for some readers.NOTICE: Before the Morning is currently undergoing revisions! A sensitivity reader (someone who goes through your manuscript and assesses representations in your work) identified a number of issues surrounding the Filipino representation in BTM. I'm rewriting with the goal of creating a more authentic and respectful story. I'm sorry for the pain I caused by failing to include accurate Filipino culture and in having written from Nora's point of view.
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The Adventures of Rat Damon
12/20/2021: we're back to work! Rat Damon reflects on his life of adventuring, both before and after meeting Jack Jensen of earth. He recounts many of his experiences, both happy and sad. He regales you with the tales of power found and love lost. This is a side-adventure based on our The Other Guys series. Rat Damon makes an appearance in Heroes of Last Resort but is much more than a simple rat. What I will post here is going to be a lot rougher than Heroes as I am writing and posting as I go along, so my apologies go out to you in advance! However, I will revise as needed as we go along. As writing isn't my full-time gig, the posting of new material here will likely be a bit irregular and as far as what length this book will be, it remains to be seen. This was originally envisioned to be a 30-40k word novella but one never knows where the story will take me. Do not fret, book 2 in the series is well on its way, in fact much farther along than this novel(la?). We will see where Rat Damon takes, I guess! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy this as much as I had writing it.
8 78