《The Unknown Hero》Chapter 16: Open Door Policy
Sitting up I quickly look around realizing my earlier stunt had drawn the attention of three more zombies as they shuffle my way.
Sighing wistfully I pull out a dagger as the first zombie lunges forward. Rolling out of the way I barely have time to stand up before the heavy thudded steps of the brute charges forward. Ducking beneath its’ flailed arm I quickly thrust my blade into its torn neck. Immediately the brute’s movements cease and the mass of rotting flesh slumps to the ground.
I am momentarily confused by the ease of this kill… yet the encroaching zombies force me to focus elsewhere. Side stepping around strewn obstacles I easily and efficiently kill the remaining zombies. Without numbers to overwhelm, these predators are now easy prey for me.
In just a few minutes the last of the zombies are slain and the three amigos cheerfully rejoin me. “Okay, I think we got them all… stay cautious, but we can start scavenging.”
With a simple nod the three wander off to start picking anything of seeming importance. However, now having the time I decide to investigate why my mana blade had failed.
Crouching beside the large corpse I begin inspecting for anything… ‘unique’. After a minute of digging I discover a series of metal rods and screws encasing the corpse’s neck. Slowly cutting away the flesh I finally have a clear picture… spinal implants.
Miscellaneous Alloy (Titanium) Durability 88% Rank Rare Quality High (Refined) - Description: Known for its' high strength to density ratio, this metal alloy also possesses high resistances including towards corrosion and mana. Due to this trait titanium is ideal for mana defensive armaments.
“Mana resistance….” Quietly whispering I easily infer the reason behind my failed assassination. But now my mind is swarming with the implications this metal has.
“Hey Jack! We got a new vendor over here!”
“Okay… be right there.” Standing up I do my best to clean my hands off as I walk down towards this new vendor. Turning through an open doorway I see the others crowded around what appears to be some type of medicine cabinet used by nurses. Pushing my way to the front the usual purchase screen appears.
Sooth-All Potion - 2 Silver Game Tokens Anti-Paralysis Potion - 8 Silver Game Tokens Cure Disease Potion - 1 Silver Game Token Medium Health Potion - 1 Gold Game Token Health Regeneration Potion - 5 Gold Game Tokens
Purchasing one of each I do a quick analysis to find out what they do. The medium health potion heals 60-100 HP depending on quality. The Anti-Paralysis and Cure Disease do just as they are named. The ‘sooth-all’ potion is interesting in that it is a sort of fix all medicine… helps to relieve itching, burns, stomach aches, and headaches… basically any minor ailment is treated by this potion. Yet, the most staggering of the purchases is the regeneration potion which boosts health regeneration by 300% for ten minutes!
“Man, this is some crazy healing properties!” Excitedly one of the guys exclaims as he stares at the regeneration potion between my fingers.
“True, but sadly the vendor only sales two of them.” I am greatly disappointed about this scarcity… we will definitely have to be protective of these. “Okay, looks like we took all stock of this machine… let’s keep looking around we still have about forty minutes till we have to meet up.” With a simple nudge our little group splits off to resume scavenging.
Time goes quickly and soon we are marching our way back towards the main entrance, where we find Matt’s group resting. Their appearance is sullen and heavily coated in gore. My first instinct is that something dire happened, but with no one missing and no major injuries noticeable I am left perplexed. “What happened to you guys?”
“Well, we had to clear out a small crowd of zombies from the cafeteria….” Matt begrudgingly starts explaining.
“Were they high leveled?”
“No. They were pretty normal. It was a rather easy slaughter.” At my question Matt quickly brushes it off as nonsensical. Yet seeing my confusion still plastered on my face he continues after a heavy sigh. “Thomas unlocked the Warrior class and decided to test out the power strike skill.”
Hearing the name I turn to look at Thomas who is drenched in gore and looking rather sheepish. Inspecting further I see the heavy maul resting beside his feet and soon the image of the old arcade whack-a-mole game comes floating into my mind. “Oh…” Biting my lower lip I try my best to remain stoic, but soon I cannot help but bust out laughing which soon spreads to even the most stern faced.
“Okay… you’ve had your laugh at the poor man. Do you have any news?” Not quit as humored, Matt is quick to change the topic.
Nodding my head I quickly share the details about the potions. The group is excited and I hand over one of the regeneration potions to Matt. After our side is done, the other group shares. Other than zombies they were able to find large stores of food. The perishables were taken immediately, but all the dry goods and such that will last a long time were locked away into a large storage room.
Matt’s thought was that we won’t have room for everything at the base and having a second stash in case of emergencies would be wise… which I deeply agreed to. Finished with sharing news the group continues with clearing the hospital out.
“Eat slowly and don’t be afraid to ask for more!” Yelling out Matt calmly walks among the survivors as we pass out food and drinks for them.
Having only been five days since they were trapped here their bodies were in no way near starvation… but the ravenous faces scarfing down food seems to contradict.
Eating a quick bite I then turn and head towards the intensive care unit. Walking steadily down the hallway, the steady beep of a monitor echoes in what would be an otherwise quiet space. Stopping outside the room I look in at the mangled body lying atop the stretcher. Numerous plastic lines snake and weave their way across the comatose body as the rhythmic pumping of air causes the heavily bandaged and bloody chest to slowly rise and fall.
“Have you thought about the offer?” Speaking respectfully I turn to look at the exhausted doctor standing quietly beside the bed.
“I still find it hard to believe that such a thing as magic exists… but I am hard pressed to ignore what I have seen.” Sighing regretfully the doctor is slow to accept the new reality, but the display I had given earlier seemed to have slightly compelled the educated man.
“Mrs. Jenkins…” calling out her name, a middle aged woman raises her weary head showing a face etched by streaks of dried tears. “Your husband is not showing any signs of improvement… and although these ‘potions’ seem to defy all medical logic. I cannot find any other alternative form of care… especially given the current situations.”
“So you basically want my permission to try one of these mystery potions?” Despite her frail appearance, a fierce gaze is directed at the doctor who awkwardly fidgets. “And you…” not forgetting my part in this plan the woman switches targets. “Can you guarantee that it will fix my husband?”
“Yes.” A stern and short answer is all I give. When we first discovered the critical patient I had done an analysis and discovered many fractures, hemorrhages and numerous other medical issues… all of which can be fixed with a health potion or two. Yet, acceptance of the unknown has hindered the wife and doctor from immediately taking my offer.
“Just do it.” Hearing my confidence the woman reluctantly gives permission for the doctor to proceed.
Carefully handing a lesser health potion to the doctor, he stares momentarily at the object before turning to retrieve a syringe. By swift ease the crimson liquid slowly starts oozing its’ way into the patients arm. With abated breaths we all patiently watch for any changes. However, while the doctor and wife stare intensely at the man, I pull up an Analyze screen and stare momentarily at the details.
“It’s working!” Delighted at seeing a few of his ailments mitigating I was quick to notify the others.
“How can you…”
“Look at his skin!” Interrupting the doctor’s question, the wife shockingly points at the small strips of skin showing between the bandages where the dark bruises are slowly receding. If that was not proof enough in a matter of seconds the man starts making odd chocking noises.
Snapping to attention the doctor quickly retracts the slimy tube from the man’s wind pipe allowing him to once more breathe on his own. Briefly reviewing the patient’s vitals the doctor is amazed at the changes. “It really does work… it’s amazing.” With slack jaw, the doctor gawks at the man that just shortly ago had a very grim prognosis.
Patting the doctor on his shoulder I get his attention. “I think one more should completely heal him.” Just for a moment the doctor stares at the next potion before excitedly taking it from my hand and administering. In a couple of minutes there is a joyous occasion as the husband regains conscious and hoarsely utters out his first words in days.
Having resolved the issue of the critical patient our plans are now able to progress. In a flurry of confused yet eager faces the process of packing up supplies to transport back begins. Yet the biggest hurdle will be trying to figure out transportation for everyone plus the vast medical supplies obtained.
Luckily though the hospital staff rescued proved helpful in determining what would be most beneficial. Even better was the paramedics with their ambulances which provided amazing logistics for transportation.
Having finally finished all preparations Matt gives the call for us to depart. And despite our best efforts to calm people’s anxiety there is nothing we can do once they step outside. Although in their mind they had known that things were bad… seeing the bloody remains and devastated property sends a chilly reminder of the gruesome reality. And surprisingly, despite our large size, the group kept solemnly quiet while traveling.
With no resistance along the way the group is able to joyously return to our base. Seeing semblances of control and security the new survivors start to slowly relax after the tense drive. Pulling through the gate we are immediately met by several people eager to help transition the group.
“Can I get everyone’s attention! Please proceed into the business office where we will begin screening everyone and collecting information. Thank you!” The first to greet us is Martha who has immediately taken charge. Just as we had done this morning, documenting everyone’s information and skill sets are first done before deciding where they will stay.
“I know we had talked about there being survivors at the hospital… but this is more than what I had expected.” Striding confidently up beside us Brent calmly assesses the people who are being marched into the front building.
“Two doctors, seven nurses, four custodians, three paramedics and eight non staff people…” Hearing my summary Martha jots down the information adding it to her on file. “I know we took a bit longer than planned… did anything happen?”
“Just what was planned… continued reinforcing the apartments, fully catalogued the supplies, reassigned sleeping arrangements…” pausing Martha scowls while looking back at the new group before mumbling under her breath about having to redo that task again. “And figured out jobs for everyone more or less.”
“Impressive.” Smiling I really am impressed with Martha’s productivity. When she had volunteered with managing the logistics of our base I was hesitant not fully knowing her capabilities… but she has proved wholly competent.
“And what about the guard posts?” Turning to Brent, Matt chimes in inquiring about the other major task.
“So-so, most have at least used firearms before… but discipline and experience are greatly lacking. I think unless they are on guard duty we should keep weapons locked up.” Brent coldly answers. While the group was away he was tasked with supervising the guard posts and determining our security threats.
“Hmm, that might be for the best… but what about swords, knives and other cold weapons? Do we let them keep those as well?” With uncertainty Matt looks to the officer for advice.
“No… I think it would be really difficult to try and take up every weapon. Besides, after what some of these people have seen letting them keep a weapon nearby is reassuring in their minds.”
Once again Brent proves his wisdom by pointing out an issue I had totally missed.
“Ahem…” clearing her throat Martha politely gets our attention. “If you don’t mind I would like to go in and help with the screening… do we plan to have another meeting tonight after supper?”
“Oh… yes that would be good please spread the word.” Showing gratitude for the reminder Matt thanks Martha. Shortly after the woman leaves the rest of us start to disperse.
However before everyone walks off I quickly stop John. “Hey wait up.”
“Hey… got something to ask?” Stopping in his tracks John turns to wait for me to step closer.
“Yeah. I was wanting to know if you ever got an archery skill?” Hearing my question his face flashes a momentary shock before transitioning into a confident smirk.
“How did you know?”
Shrugging my shoulders I quickly explain. “Not surprising really. I received a ‘spearmanship’ skill while kilingl off the horde outside the hospital… and noticing your proficiency I felt you would have gotten a skill as well.”
“Ha ha, yep. It was actually close to the beginning of that battle that the skill popped up.”
“And the proficiency level?”
“Oh, well I don’t remember what it started at…” pausing I can see him fiddling with his status screen while looking up the information. “But it says it is at Intermediate level 4 now.”
Whistling out loud I am greatly shocked at his progress. “John… that is amazing.”
“Yeah… and not to mention I also got the ‘sneak’ skill from getting the Rogue class.” Slightly proud of himself he smugly straitens up. “Oh! I forgot now that I have an archery skill I can learn the ‘penetrating shot’ skill!” Excited John does not even wait for my response before turning to rush off to retrieve the book.
“Well… congrats.” Watching the man run off I shake my head before turning to walk back towards the front gate. “I’m stepping out for a bit.”
“By yourself?” Looking around and not seeing anyone following me the guard is confused.
“It’s okay. I’m not going far… just to train my skills a bit.” I quickly brush off the man’s concern as I squeeze through the gate and walk off to a semi secluded area.
Before supper I plan on training ‘mana blade’ and ‘meditation’ in hopes of reaching Intermediate proficiency in both. Activating the blade I focus on extending the blade before slashing out against a nearby tree. A crisp splintering sound comes out as the blade slides through the bark.
Canceling the blade I look at the experience level and smile. It seems that attacking ‘living’ things adds more experience than just random items. Now confirming my expectations I have a sure fire strategy for this evening. One that is grossly simple.
Activate. Attack till mana is drained. And then Meditate till recovered.
After several tedious hours of effort I finally reach my goal sooner than planned.
StatusNameJackRaceHumanLevel14 (37%)ClassRogueTitlesAutodidact, Hominum NovumPartyQuestsInventoryMapSystem Index-Health(230/230)Stamina(110/230)Mana(187/230)-Strength20Endurance20Perception24Agility24Intelligence50Wisdom35Charisma20Luck23Unallocated Points0-Resistances
Analyze (Active) – Intermediate Level 5 (66%)
Lock Picking (Passive) – Beginner Level 3 (78%)
Mana Blade (Active) – Intermediate Level 1 (1%)
Mana Sense (Passive) – Beginner Level 4 (30%)
Meditation (Active) – Intermediate Level 2 (18%)
Night Vision (Passive) – Max
Scavenging (Passive) – Beginner Level 3 (21%)
Sneak (Active) – Beginner Level 9 (89%)
Spearmanship (Passive) – Beginner 4 (19%)
Looking over my skill progression I am proud of the changes. Even more so I am happy to have found that reaching Intermediate in ‘mana blade’ caused a big drop in consumption of mana.
Closing the screen I decide to return to base. Although with my night vision I can still see quite comfortably even in the dusk lighting, I would rather take a shower and eat before going to the meeting.
Walking back to the base I step around a corner but halt in my tracks stunned at the sight. The wooden platform serving as our guard station is left unattended and the large metal gates have been swung open leaving the entrance available for any and all.
- In Serial434 Chapters
Realm of Monsters
In a land ruled by vile monsters, where death is common and life is cruel, one outcast endeavors to have it all. When misfortune drags the odd goblin Stryg from his forest home and into the ruthless city of Hollow Shade, he must try and adapt to a world that only sees him as a dimwit savage. Stryg finds himself embroiled in a school of magic, where an aristocrat's smile is filled with deceit and the simplest of remarks may lead to death threats. Yet nothing will stop him from aspiring to his beliefs of glory: power, honor, and food with salt. As Stryg navigates through the muddled grey waters of the Ebon Realm, he will learn that some monsters lurk everywhere. I also post on Scribblehub and Taps Join us on discord! https://discord.gg/uYqw7R6SKz
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The Laptop Hero (Portal/Isekai LitRPG)
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] - April 2022 Silas got summoned to another world—by a group of kids attending magic school who seemed rather unhappy with the results of their ritual. After a brief glimpse of his summoners Silas woke in the town dump. Unable to speak the local language, a misunderstanding escalated and before long Silas wound up in a jail cell, the locals having confiscated all his worldly possessions aside from his laptop, which had formed some strange bond with him. Now he can summon his laptop at will, and he can view his Status, level up, and gain powerful skills and magic as if he were some character in a video game, which is great and everything, but all Silas really wants to do is sit in a dark room and play games on his laptop. Only, life isn't a game, and Silas needs to get his act together because everyone else is playing for keeps. Or does he? Maybe for Silas life is just one big game now, with everyone else stuck playing by his rules. Assorted Disclaimers, in no particular order: I am only posting this on RoyalRoad.com, so if you find my story elsewhere it was not posted by me. Please do let me know! While I do consider this a progression fantasy, and have tagged it as such, Silas's Status improvements will not necessarily proceed in a linear fashion. His RPG stats will have ups and downs, exploits and nerfs, periods of growth and stagnation. Such is the life of a gamer, to be held under the thumb of the all powerful devs, or in this case a certain goddess devoted to the idea of Balance. SIlas himself should learn and grow, improving and progressing in areas where he struggles, or rather, to show such is my goal. The story is told from multiple points of view. While other PoVs will come and go, Silas shall remain the only lead character. The world Silas finds himself on is not a nice place. Expect him to encounter gore and traumatizing content and bad people who do bad things for selfish (or possibly noble) reasons from time to time. Some characters will use profanity, however due to cultural differences the curse words used will differ from those used in our corner of reality, so I'm not including the profanity content warning. Silas himself isn't one for foul language. No explicit sexual content here. This novel is intended for mature readers, however, and will include mature topics, including, but not limited to, sex, violence, death, and taxes. No harem. Might be an eventual romantic interest, possibly even some competitive jealousy, yet as his story begins Silas is too overwhelmed with other concerns to consider long term plans. Musophobics might want to steer clear of this story. Same goes for turophobics. You have been warned. Keep in mind, however, if my other disclaimers didn't make this clear, I only have the faintest of outlines at the moment. This story will take me where it will. My goal with this story is to write it to the end, something of a long-term writing exercise, with the hope others might take an interest in my work and encourage me to keep at it. I've started a number of works before, even finished a few, but this is the first time I've shared any work in a public forum. My temporary cover was made by me, in GIMP using public domain images. If you can do better I'll happily accept your submission and give credit for your work here!
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Abominable King
(Rebooted version Synopsis) I was just a man like any other, until I got sucked into a world that wants me dead. I can’t think of a reason why they want me dead, aside from the fact that I command a massive army of the unliving and have the reputation of being the embodiment of evil. Between a character I had created in my youth who wants nothing less than to conquer the world in my name, a force made up of unholy monstrosities and the Forces of Light constantly trying to kill me, how am I to live peacefully or find a way back home and will I even want to by the end of my journey? I will do what is needed and fight for survival, even if it means becoming what the slanderous rumors about me proclaim as truth. The reign of darkness has come again on this fantasy world, and all who try to fight me will face the wrath of the Abominable King. (I did not make the art.) (WARNING! THIS NOVEL CONTAINS CONTENT THAT IS NOT SUITABLE FOR YOUNG READERS! IF YOU ARE UNDER 16-21 OR HAVE ISSUES WITH INTENSE DEPICTIONS OF CRUELTY AND/ OR OTHER NSFW CONTENT, THEN KNOW THAT YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!) (There are acts and opinions in this novel that I do not condone. Read at your own peril and watch out for depictions of violence, cruelty, evil in the extreme and more.) (Updates every Saturday at 8:00AM when not on Haitus.)
8 230