《The Unknown Hero》Chapter 14: The Best Defense
Crouching low I stare apprehensively as the looming terror steadily rises. The higher it stands the more of its lithe figure is revealed. Glistening dark green scales shimmer in my eyes as I scan its body down towards a slender swishing tail. Looking back towards the head I watch as a forked tongue sneaks its way out of the large maw flicking in the air. Seemingly having noticed my presence its crimson eyes quiver momentarily before the dark pupils’ slant inwards focusing on a target… me.
The monster’s large nostrils flare open releasing a blast of hot breath that wafts down bringing a rancid smell with it. Raising one of its large forelimbs up a soft tapping noise chimes as one of the long black talons gently settles against the hard crystal surface. Terrified I raise my eyes back up to the sight of numerous fangs now revealed in what I can agonizingly assume to be the predator’s gleeful smile.
(Dungeon Guardian) Race Wyvern (Poison Sub-Type) Sex Female Level 37 Class N/A
Status Affects
Mana Addiction (+10% Intelligence while infused, -40% Intelligence once withdrawn)
Wyverns are a dragon subspecies that vary drastically depending on what species is bred by the paternal dragon. Although classified as a ‘lesser’ species Wyverns are still highly resilient and known for devastating breath attacks.
What little courage I had quickly vanishes as my eyes focus on one important detail… Level 37. Closing the screen I breathe deeply preparing for the most logical option.
Turning around I flee.
Almost instantly the guardian releases an overbearing roar that sends a chill down my spine and the air to escape my lungs in a pitiful gasp. Ducking through the trees and vegetation I soon realize I am in danger as a sizzling noise rapidly grows louder.
Lunging forward I just barely find cover before a putrid green substance coats the nearby vegetation. Instantly a stream of smoke rises into the air as all matter dissolves into a black tar like substance. Terrified I pick myself up with renewed vigor dashing towards the stadium exit.
I just barely enter into the tunnel before the guardian crashes heavily against the concrete. Turning around I happily witness the beast trying furiously to squeeze into the tunnel yet its massive frame prevents it. However, this joy quickly vanishes as I watch the monster switch tactics to opening a pathway. In a steady stream of flying rubble the tunnel widens with each swipe of the wyvern’s arm. Not waiting any more I turn and continue my escape.
Exiting the stadium I pass numerous other creatures scurrying away as the angry wails of the guardian reverberate the air. Feverishly I do not stop until the sound of the predator is no more. Slowing down I duck into a nearby building to rest and catch my breath.
Shaking heavily I quietly thank my luck in successfully escaping.
Pulling out a stamina potion I quickly drink the cool liquid only to not feel the usual sensation of recovery. Perplexed I analyze myself to see what is wrong.
Jack (Autodidact) Race Human Sex Male Level 13 Class Rogue
Status Affects
Guardian’s Intimidation (-20% All Attributes – Duration 9 Minutes; 40% Chance of inflicting Fear)
Fear Stricken (-20% Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma and Luck – Duration 5 minutes)
Humans are considered a mid-grade species with proficient skills in many branches of study. Although physically average, they excel in adapting to new environments.
Reading off my inflictions I quickly realize what the heavy pressure from earlier was. Sighing heavily I close my eyes and attempt to meditate to calm my nerves. With each breath cycle I slowly start to feel the pressure lessening.
As soon as the burden is gone, I reanalyze and happily see the fear debuff is removed. Looking the screen over, I am reminded once more of my unspent points. However, instead of immediately placing them I pause to consider what is best for my survival. Although I am likely to achieve something for ‘peaking’ all attributes… Charisma is not likely to help much with fighting the guardian. If anything I should invest in Agility or Endurance for a better chance at survival.
Yet, can I even beat the Wyvern all by myself?
The prior interaction leaves a lot of doubt about my ability to solo raid. However, the real question is how much time I have left….
Edge of the Unknown
For those who throw caution to the wind
And boldly stare into the Abyss.
Have Courage as you descend,
For often Ignorance is Bliss.
Chain Quest One: Investigate the college campus.
Chain Quest Two: Defeat the Guardian of the Dungeon before a Break occurs.
Reward: ???
The description is rather vague. How am I supposed to know when a Break will occur?
Wait. Is it possible that….
Quest Edge of the Unknown (Chain Two) Time Limit 7 Days 12 Hours 31 Minutes Rank Legendary ??? ???
Quests are contractual agreements between two parties with a wide range of requirements and rewards associated. Due to the high social nature of Quests, more options become available with increased Charisma points.
Smiling gleefully I once more am impressed with my Analyze skill. Carefully reading the details over I notice some interesting points to review later. However, for now I must focus on the most crucial information, the time limit. Thankfully, it seems that I have a few days to come up with some type of strategy.
Satisfied I make up my mind to follow my gut feeling.
You have reached ‘Peak’ in all eight Attributes and will be rewarded with a skill based on your attribute preferences. Also, for being the first in achieving such a feat you have earned a new title.
Title Hominum Novum
Once a day you may activate a special +10% boost to All Attributes. Duration is 30 minutes.
Mana Blade (Active) Beginner Level 1 (0%) This skill allows for a condensed mana blade to be created for combat. Mana expenditure varies depending on size, shape and duration of blade. Effectiveness is dependent on PER, INT, and LCK.
I am immediately rewarded for following my instinct and I pause for a moment to bask in the euphoria. After a few minutes I happily hold out my hand and immediately test my new skill. With a simple thought a tingling rush travels through my arm and a thin short knife appears between my fingers. The soft glow of the blade is a dazzlingly reminder of how terrifying and amazing these new changes are.
Canceling the skill I decide to experiment more at a later time. Ready to start heading back I start closing all the screens but pause looking one last time at my awesome attributes. Eyes transfixed on the blue panel a new thought soon pops in my mind.
What would happen if I Analyze the Status Screen?
Skill Status Screen(Passive) Proficiency Master Rank Legendary ??? ???
User Interface {Active}
Genetic Manipulation {Altering - 111/196 of Attribute Points)
Attribute Boost Magic {Attempting to match undeveloped potential}
Quest Management {System Granted Quest Invoked}
Perimeter Mapping {Standby}
System Index {Standby}
System Link {Standby}
Proficiency Archive {Recalculating Variables….}
Interspatial Magic {96% Capacity}
Advanced Buff Recovery Magic {Standby}
??? {Locked}
Status Screen is a complex blend of skills to aid humans in adapting to the new changes.
Slack jawed I remain quiet for several minutes before regaining my focus. Carefully I read line by line etching each detail into my mind. With these last bits of information my mind finally starts to infer the truth.
“Oh… this is going to blow their minds!” Laughing delightedly I stand up ready to finally return.
“I can’t believe it… there is such a huge difference.” Susan is shocked at the clear gap between the campus jungle and the rest of the town as she stares openly.
“Yeah, well I’m happy to finally have left that wretched campus… Speed it up.” Amal angrily speaks as he forcefully shoves Cindy forward.
There were some heated arguments on what to do with Cindy, but ultimately none of us had the courage to kill her… and leaving her behind would have been no different. So we found ourselves with an unwilling prisoner. “Okay, it’s easy walking from here… time for the blindfold.”
Cindy angrily protests, but luckily the gag we had placed earlier does wonders in muffling the noise. Once the prisoner is blind folded, gagged and tightly bound we resume our march.
Walking slowly I constantly scan out for any threats, but surprisingly nothing ever shows up. Rounding the final corner we soon witness the front entrance. Where once we simply just had cars pushed forward to barricade the entrance now sturdy walls and a platform guard the front.
“Halt!” Atop the platform is a middle aged man tightly holding a rifle. After seeing our group approaching he slowly raises the weapon our way attempting to intimidate us.
Seeing the man I motion for the others to halt as I slowly step forward. “Who are you?” Curiously I stare at the man confused as to who he is. But then I start getting a bad feeling about the situation. “Where’s Matt? What happened here?” Tensing for battle I quickly crouch preparing to dodge the likely shot.
“I said halt! If you continue forward I will shoot you.” True to his words the man directs the gun my way as he tilts an eye over focusing down the sights of the barrel.
“Tell me what hap…”
“Stop! He’s a friend!” Running towards the front gate a young woman frantically waves her arms to stop the guard.
“But Rachael…” The man hesitates to lower the weapon despite the pleas of the young woman.
“Shut up and put the gun away, I told you he is not an enemy so let them in already!” Shocked by her outburst the man begrudgingly lowers the weapon before climbing down the platform and moving to unlock the gate.
Stepping through the sturdy gate I pause for a moment as me and the guard size each other up. He seems to have been a rather well built man in the past, but the greying hair and slightly protruding belly hints at a more recent decline.
“Jack, it’s so nice to see you again!” Stepping forward Rachael gives me a quick hug before stepping back to look at the others. “So who are yo…” Her happy tone quickly resides as confusion spreads over her face after her eyes settle on the restrained woman.
“It’s complicated, but for now the girl stays tied up… It’s safer that way.” Racheal is still curious, but calmly accepts my statement as she turns to walk me back in.
“Impressed with what we have done?” Rachael catches me staring around inspecting the reinforced entrance. “It didn’t take long for us to find most of the other surviving family members…” there is a slight pause as she obviously thinks about her distant family. “But after that Brent pulled in some friends of his, made a few stops at some supply stores… and presto!”
“Definitely an improvement…” finished looking at the entrance I scan around and notice more unfamiliar faces around the place. “How many people do we have?”
“Well, before you came back we were up to forty three people.”
Whistling at this statement I am both impressed and apprehensive about the numbers. “Have there been any… problems?” Rachael hesitates to speak and I can see her start to chew on her lip trying to decide on what to say. “Never mind, I’ll just ask Matt lat…”
“Don’t you have your own problems to deal with?” With harsh words Matt steps out of a nearby doorway before slowly walking forward. Stopping just in front of me there is a moment of silent tension as we both look at the other. However, his façade soon fades as we happily greet one another. “Glad to have you back.”
Pleasantries are exchanged and soon the conversation changes to introducing my followers. Despite the odd situation Matt flourishes in easing the transition and soon they are directed towards Martha to be interviewed and assigned sleeping quarters. The only exception is Cindy who will be temporary locked inside a storage room until we decide what to do with her.
“I got to say I am kind of shocked that you would bring that girl here.” Matt turns to look quizzically at me.
“How about us having over forty people… do you think we can handle those numbers?”
A moment of silence passes as we both stare judgmentally at the other. Sighing heavily Matt weakly shakes his head breaking the ruse. “Let’s go inside, supper is just about ready… I don’t feel like arguing over an empty stomach.”
“Supper sounds great… who all will be eating with us?
“Why?” Curious to my question Matt turns to look at me.
“It’s just that… what I have to share could cause… trouble. So it’s best if not many people were present.” Despite my vague response there is no need for another explanation as Matt is quick to pick up the implication.
The next hour is spent enjoying a hot meal prepared by Mrs. Malone and Martha while the others catch me up on their actions. It loosely followed Rachael’s recap but there was also a few interesting details she failed to mention.
First is the decreasing number of stray monsters roaming the streets. However, this does not mean there are no threats. On the contrary, it seems that there is at least two large monster hordes stationed in the city. One is a group of large green men who we believe to be ogres and are fortified inside the police station. The other is a horde of undead nestled near the hospital.
Second is the location of another survivor group who have barricaded inside the town’s largest super store. Currently the group had made plans to visit them tomorrow to investigate what kind of people they are.
Once their side was finished recapping, it finally became my turn to share.
“So let me see if I have this right…” leaning forward, Matt pushes the empty plate aside as he processes the information I just shared. “You had a secret quest that vaguely told you to explore the campus, which turned out to be a growing dungeon… and now you are supposed to defeat a dragon?”
“Actually it is a…”
“It’s basically a dragon!” Matt angrily yells at my rebuttal snapping his head up and looking my way. “And you want us to help kill it!?”
Sighing dejectedly, I am having a hard time disputing since reflecting back I too can see the naivety of my actions. Despite the pleasantry of the earlier dinner it seems it has completely vanished as our emotions start to be revealed.
“Matt, calm down he made it back and let’s try to focus on our current problems and not the past.” With prompt timing Brent chimes in to pacify the situation. “Now Jack, you also mentioned you had some important information about the system?”
“Yeah I do…” Looking over it seems that although he is still upset, Matt at least seems to be paying attention as he quietly glances over waiting for me to speak. “So if you remember, the Cor is releasing mana in concentrated doses which has caused the organic life to rapidly grow… this also includes us. However, instead of it being a natural adaption the status screen acts as a blueprint on how to alter our DNA. Every time we add points to an attribute we are collectively rewriting our genetic code.”
“Unbelievable….” Not just Brent but everyone is shocked at this revelation.
“But it takes time and mana to finish the changes, so if we were in high mana density areas like near the Cor then the changes will occur quicker.”
“But if that is the case then why do we feel stronger immediately after?” Looking doubtful of my claims John asks a reasonable question.
“Ah, see that’s the beauty of the system. Whoever designed it must have realized that people would want to see immediate results… so a pseudo change is imitated through buff magic.”
“Buff mag…”
“Magic that gives a temporary boost to certain stats… think of it as an adrenaline rush.” Seeing the confused expression on Brent’s face Matt was quick to explain.
“However it is not just that, all the extra features of the status screen are individual skills all rolled into one. The system is nothing but an advanced user software operating different programs!” Excitedly I reveal this detail to the others who remain shocked by the surge of information.
“Ah! The ringing on the first day!” Luckily it seems at least one other person seems to be making the connection as Rachael blurts out.
“Yes! I think the ringing on the first day was the system being downloaded into our heads!”
Collective gasps echoes in the room as they are stunned by this theory.
“Ahem.” Coughing loudly Brent interrupts the silence drawing attention on him. “That is really interesting and nice to know…” Pausing he turns and our eyes lock before he continues speaking. “But how does that help us to beat the Wyvern?”
Smiling mischievously I look around the room before giving my ultimatum. “We form a raid group and attack the dungeon.”
“Hmm. That could work… so basically we will take advantage of the dungeon’s extra mana to speed up our evolution as well as gaining some levels.” Matt ponders over the notion which is quickly gaining his acceptance evident by his growing smile.
“Why do we even need to fight… couldn’t we just stay away from the dungeon?” After quietly listening for so long, Martha is quick to interject as she has yet to have to face an enemy. But it is not just her as Racheal and John also agree. “Actually, I think it is better that the monsters are collecting in areas this means that the rest of the city will be safe to move around.”
“Seven days.” My two words confuse everyone, but they still patiently wait for me to explain. “I don’t blame you for not wanting to fight… but in seven days if we don’t beat the guardian then a Break will occur… and the streets will once again be teaming with monsters.” Pausing I allow this thought to sink in. “Only, these monsters will be much stronger than what any of us have seen.”
It seems my point has been made as no one is willing to speak up. Yet after several minutes I decide to push towards my goal. “The world has changed… and we won’t be able to hide behind our little walls forever. It’s time to fight, before the fight comes to us.”
“I’m in.” With a resolute response Brent is the first to agree which soon spurs the others to follow suit.
Smiling contently at everyone jumping on board I cannot help but feel relieved knowing I have help. “Okay… here is what we need to do."
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