《The Unknown Hero》Chapter 9: Learning the Trade
“Alright Martha, here are the pictures.” I immediately hand over my phone to the worried woman.
When we had finally returned back to the apartments there was no joyous reunion for Martha. The law firm that we went to ended up being congested with zombies. After killing them and checking all the offices… there was not a living soul to be found.
The only option we had was to take photos of the bloody heads in an attempt for Martha to try identifying her husband.
“No….” Shaking her head Martha hands my phone back to me while displaying a bitter smile.
“It’s okay Martha… we’ll keep looking for him.” Matt tries to comfort her, but the truth is not that optimistic. The chances of him still being alive are slim now. My only wish is that the poor woman won’t have to face her dead husband in the future.
“If you would excuse me, I’m going to go see my kids for a bit.” With sullen footsteps Martha walks out of the room leaving myself and Matt alone.
“Poor lady, at least we were able to find Brent’s wife.” The man was obviously happy after finding his spouse as the scene of him caring his wife off into the apartments is still fresh in my mind. Originally I was going to suggest another large group meeting, but with such a vast range of emotions it is probably best to wait a while.
“So what else happened?” With just the two of us left Matt turns and sits in a nearby chair waiting for my recount of events.
The story starts off simple but Matt is soon intrigued by how I was able to create a skill. However, his prior interest is soon dwarfed when I mention the magical bank. And when I share how much game currency we now have, well, needless to say we will not be having any money problems for a while.
On a side note it was interesting to learn what the exchange rate is. A bronze token is equal to $1, one silver is $100 and a gold token is $1,000.
Immediately after the ‘withdrawal’ our first plan was to stock up on magical items. Besides the food vendor we also ransacked two potion vendors during our trip. At first it seemed like we would have a vast stockpile of magical supplies, but it turns out there are limitations within the system.
Each vendor is stocked with a limited amount of supplies. For example, in the food vendor I was able to purchase 40 pieces of rye bread before it changed to ‘Out of Stock’. So in the end our total purchases from the trip consisted of:
40 pieces of rye bread
25 mana berries
30 mountain nuts
10 lunar essence powders
5 scarlet life mushrooms
60 lesser stamina potions
60 lesser health potions
30 lesser mana potions
“It’s disappointing about there being stock limits, do you think they will replenish after a certain amount of time?” Matt casually asks as he slowly deposits a portion of the supplies away into his inventory.
Shaking my head I explain. “I checked the Index and it stated that once stocks are gone only tradesmen can restock a vendor.”
“Tradesmen?” Matt curiously asks after hearing this title.
“I tried searching and all I could find is that it’s a class option. I think there is a chance of it being the fourth starter class option for peak Charisma and Luck.
“Hmm…” Matt thinks over this for a moment before speaking. “Makes sense that there would be a fourth with how the attributes pair up to the other classes, but how would Charisma and Luck play a role in being a ‘tradesman’?”
“Well, I would say Luck can determine the quality of the product produced and Charisma will aid in having the goods sold.” Shrugging my shoulders I give a simplified theory. “Of course this is speculation, we won’t know for sure until we have someone unlock the fourth starter class.”
“Would this class really be beneficial… this class doesn’t seem like it would be good at fighting?” Matt’s question is valid as currently everyone is concerned with just staying alive. The thought of trying to get everyone to start crafting might seem too leisurely.
“Well, in the short run… no it wouldn’t. Having more warriors or mages would definitely play a bigger role in our combat potential. But you have to consider the future. As sudden as these changes were, I don’t see the world returning to how it was before. We might be losing a few fighters, but think of what we could gain… alchemists, blacksmiths, enchanters and who knows what else!”
“Okay, okay I get your point. You can calm down with your propaganda.” Matt sarcastically says as he throws his arms up in defeat.
Huffing in exasperation I speak once more. “Trust me it will be vital for our success because it’s only a matter of time till the potions run out.”
With this last statement Matt finally agrees and the conversation then proceeds to the groups’ advancement. From the recent events, ignoring myself, it seems there have been several people that leveled up. Matt is at the threshold of getting his class. Brent has made it to level 8. John was raised to level 4. And lastly, both Martha and Racheal reached level 3.
“It seems we are steadily improving our overall levels, but we are still limited in the number of players. We can’t just have seven people doing all the fighting. I think we should start power leveling more people.” Matt calmly states as he sits back mentally counting the number of people available.
“Eventually, but first we should get you and Brent to class up.”
“Well, I won’t deny that I like this option but shouldn’t we increase our number of fighters instead then we could fight more monsters?”
Shaking my head I explain the reasoning. “We have proven that we can handle large numbers of weak monsters even when we were at low levels. So the others can do the same, but what happens when we fight a really strong monster?”
“We would just over whelm with our superior numbers.” Matt seems adamant about having everyone leveling.
Sighing heavily I decide to approach from a new angle by pulling out a deep red mushroom and holding it up for Matt to see. “Matt, do you remember what this is?”
“Yeah, it’s the Scarlet Life Mushroom.” Matt is obviously confused with why I am holding the item.
“And what did I say it can do?”
Pursing his lips Matt annoyingly answers. “You said that it can boost health regeneration by 50% for 3 minutes.” Finished speaking his face has a look of ridicule.
“That’s right, but what I didn’t tell you is where they come from. These mushrooms are found in caves and they get their scarlet color from absorbing the blood of trolls…” Pausing I allow this to sink in before continuing. “Trolls have one of the highest regenerative properties… so let’s say we had to fight one. Would you rather fight with twenty level 2’s or five level 10’s?”
Matt tightly presses his lips as he stews over my words. I can tell that he agrees with my logic, but for some reason he is internally fighting over accepting it.
“He’s right Matt.” Brent confidently speaks out surprising us as he moves to sit down.
“I thought you would still want to be with your wife?” I ask while looking at the man.
“She’s still tired so I am letting her get some rest.”
“Tired huh… I guess your reunion was too rigorous?” Smiling coyly I pick at the man who has been happy to see his wife.
With a serious look Brent speaks back. “Jack, there are more pressing matters now is not the time for that.”
Shocked by this sudden stern voice I immediately regret my choice of words.
“Which is why I am letting her rest right and the real reunion will be tonight.” Brent smiles mischievously while looking at me and I cannot help but chuckle. “Anyways…” Finished joking around Brent turns his attention back to our original discussion. “Matt your idea is not bad, but right now we need more experienced fighters to lead the others or else it will just cause more problems down the road. It’s the same reason why rookie cops are paired with someone who has been on the force for a while.”
“You’re right… Sorry.” Sighing dejectedly Matt speaks in a soft manner. “I was just a little annoyed that even after reaching peak Intelligence you’re still making the calls.”
“Matt, don’t apologize I’m actually glad you don’t just follow me like a lost puppy. We might have increased our Intelligence, but that does not mean we know everything. I might not always make the right call so it will take all of us…” Turning to nod my head at Brent to include him in my speech, “…working together to keep these people alive.”
“Please don’t say we have to put our hands in together for some cheesy ‘unity triumphs all’ moment.” Matt sarcastically says as he mockingly sneers at me.
“You douche bag… you just had to go and ruin the moment.” I dramatically throw my arms down in mock anger all the while Brent is laughing his head off.
ToolScrew Driver (Flathead)Durability93%Affects
Putting down the tool I move down the line as I train my ‘Analyze’ skill. While Brent and Matt are gone I have been actively working on my proficiency rating.
At first I thought that just activating it would work, but it turns out that I do not gain any experience for analyzing the same item repeatedly. So after a few minutes I ran out of nearby items to scan and decided to move over to Hank’s workshop.
Moving around the shop I systematically move from container to container continuously analyzing everything. Opening the next drawer I start pulling out odd trinkets and tools until a unique item catches my eye.
ToolTorsion WrenchDurability73%Affects
Reading the name I pause trying to remember where I have read this word before. After finally remembering my eyes grow wide and I immediately begin looking for the complete set. In a matter of minutes I am able to find my prize and run off to find Hank.
“Hank, are these what I think they are?” Holding out my hand I reveal a cluster of small thin like metal prongs.
The man in question turns to look at what I am holding and pauses for a moment until it all clicks into place. “Oh yeah, that is my lock picking set.”
“You know how to lock pick!?” My enthusiasm is rising as I continue inquiring.
“Yeah… actually besides just maintenance I am also a certified lock smith.” Hank says this last sentence with a bit of pride as he sits a little straighter in his chair.
Hearing this news I can’t help but start to smile. “Could you teach me?”
Twenty minutes later Hank is hovering behind me as I am working on my first lock. As a youth I had been enthralled with the idea of being able to lock pick. After saving up my allowance I had ordered my own set. The enthusiasm had lasted for about two days before I broke my tools and gave up altogether pursuing the skill.
However, having an experienced guide coaching me through the process allows me to better understand the techniques. Aided by an enhanced Intelligence and Perception my confidence is soaring as I am slowly clicking each tumbler into place. With a last nudge, I have successfully set all the pins and proudly turn the plug until the door clicks open.
For successfully learning and implementing new knowledge, the skill ‘lock picking’ has been created.
A jubilant feeling takes over as I have already achieved my intended goal. “Hank I did it!”
“Wow, uh… that’s impressive… I’ve never seen anyone succeed on their first try.” Hank is immediately shocked by my quick success and is uncertain on how to respond.
Ignoring the man I quickly open my status to check on the changes.
StatusNameJackRaceHumanLevel10ClassRogueTitles---Party---InventoryMapSystem Index-Health(190/190)Stamina(178/190)Mana(190/190)-Strength20Endurance20Perception21Agility20Intelligence50Wisdom21Charisma3Luck21Unallocated Points0-Resistances
Analyze (Active)
Lock Picking (Passive)
Night Vision (Passive)
Sneak (Active)
Analyze (Active)Beginner Level 2 (17%)
With careful observations you are able to gather complex details. Effectiveness is dependent on WIS.
Lock Picking (Active)Beginner Level 1(0%)
Tactile sensation and dexterity are increased by 1% while lock picking. Effectiveness is dependent upon PER.
Night Vision (Passive)Max
Your vision is enhanced by mana enabling for greater visibility in dark lighting.
Sneak (Active)Beginner Level 1 (89%)
Erase your presence by blending into the environment. Effectiveness is dependent on AGL and enemies PER.
“This is awesome, I got another skill.” Shaking my head I cannot help but smile after seeing the new changes.
“Skill… what do you mean?” Hank is confused by the word and stares blankly at me.
“The system recognized me unlocking the door and gave me the lock picking skill… wait….” Thinking for a moment I start realizing that Hank never mentioned this happening to him. “Did you not get a notification for lock picking the door earlier?”
“Um… not that I know. How do I check?”
Walking him through the steps he quickly confirms my suspicion that he has yet to learn a skill. This is a very perplexing issue…the man clearly has demonstrated that he has the knowledge and expertise to warrant having the skill. Yet the system has not recognized it. Could it be due to the level difference?
No, that is not likely. Then the obvious reason would be a difference in our attribute values. So which one or ones could be determining if a skill is learned?
Well, the first four can easily be ignored seeing as they are solely physically based. This leaves only Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma and Luck. I don’t see Charisma playing a role in learning something, but… it might be useful in teaching a skill. Hmm, I’ll have to remember to investigate that more.
Next is Intelligence which could help with the learning process. This might be why I could learn so quickly, but it wouldn’t explain Hank’s situation. Already understanding and knowing a skill would mean Intelligence could not be the issue. On the same principle then we can exclude Wisdom as well since it is just better memory. Then this only leaves Luck.
Could it be that ‘critical chance’ is not just hit ratio and item drops… but also skill creation?
“Hank, what is your luck value at?” With my new theory I immediately try to probe for answers.
Hank has to pause to check his screen once more. “Umm… it’s eleven.”
Hmm, well I guess there is only one way to test this theory out. Smiling innocently I ask. “Hank, do you mind doing a little experiment for me?”
“Ugh… finally, I got it.” Slouching on the ground I can tell that Hank is exhausted. It took him 34 times before he finally received the notification.
“Do you mind reading what it says?”
“Umm… it says ‘Lock Picking (Active), Advanced Level 1’. Is that right?”
“That’s all it says?” Nodding his head after rechecking Hank then sits quietly as he is too tired to do anything else.
Interesting, it seems that I have learned a lot of important details.
So system skills can be generated by showing expertise in an action. However, it seems Luck determines the chance at which you succeed in being recognized by the sytem. And, even though it took a longer time for him to receive his notification the system still recognized his experience level and gave him a higher proficiency rating.
Also, it is very likely that Intelligence does speed up the learning process. While waiting on Hank, I continued practicing and was able to raise my own skill proficiency to Beginner Level 3 earning an additional 2% boost.
Before I can think any further the loud pounding of feet is heard from the stairwell.
“They’re back, they’re back!” Running excitedly Bobby turns the last corner and makes his way towards the exit.
“Bobby! Wait right there.” In a harsh and nagging tone Sam comes trailing behind her younger brother.
Bobby impatiently stands by the door waiting for his sister to catch up. As the girl passes by I catch a strong amount of resentment directed my way.
Honestly, I don’t blame her for being mad at me. Not only have I made her brother fight to level up, but when her chance to gain some experience had finally come I ruined it for her. Just before Matt left, I convinced him to redo his party so that only he and Brent were in it so they could level faster. Obviously I did not make many friends over this suggestion.
I can do nothing but shake my head before moving to join the welcoming party.
Stepping outside I am surprised to see a patrol car has been added to our caravan. “You went and retrieved your cruiser?”
“Yeah, they are really sturdy not to mention the other utility features… figured it could be useful later.” Brent responds nonchalantly as he walks around inspecting for any damage to the car.
“How did you get it? I thought it was blocked by all the wreckage?”
“Ha!” Matt comically laughs as he moves closer to the group while tauntingly flexing a bicep. “You think two warriors couldn’t push a few little cars out of the way?”
Given our prior discussions there had been no surprise to what class they were going to take. However, what is really interesting me is to find out their new skill. “Care to tell me what your skill is?”
At the mention of skill, a sinister grin spreads on Matt’s face. “How about I show you instead?”
With an imposing stride Matt walks confidently towards a nearby tree. While walking a faint glow starts to appear on his fist. Planting his foot down heavily, Matt turns his hips throwing out a powerful blow to the trunk. Upon impact a loud bang is heard and shards of bark are thrown into the air. Pulling his hand away I am surprised at the scarring left behind on the tree.
“The skill is called ‘power strike’, it increases the damage dealt on the next attack and can be used with weapons also.” Matt proudly states as the other people surround him in awe and wonder.
“Wow…” I am a little shocked and peeved at his starting skill compared to mine. Shaking my head to push my emotions away I move to get more details. “What is the cost to use it?”
The glow that had been on Matt’s face is immediately replaced by sullen disappointment. “It takes 50 points of stamina….”
Hearing this cost I can’t help but take in a quick breath. Although my sneak skill is not as flashy it is also not as draining. Instead of a flat amount it takes one point of stamina per second to run the skill.
“Well, I have to say that is not very energy efficient… but it can still be used as a trump card in a tight situation.” Matt calmly nods his head as he looks over the damage again. “Besides, while you were gone I learned that increasing the skill proficiency also changes its’ effectiveness. So if you keep training the stamina cost might decrease.”
“Really? That’s good to hear, so what skills did you increase?”
“Well I worked a little on all of them, but only Analyze and Lock picking increased in their levels.”
“That’s nice…” It takes a moment for to realize what I had said, but when he does he looks dubiously at me. “Did you say lock picking?” Seeing my nodding head he immediately yells out. “When did you have time to learn another skill?”
“Ha ha, I’ll explain everything later in detail. In the meantime we should start preparing before it gets dark....” Looking at my phone I notice we have roughly two hours before sunset.
“Alright, but first we should unload the supplies.”
“You picked up some more supplies?” I am pleasantly surprised by this news.
“Yeah, we put the perishables inside our inventory, but the rest we threw into the cars.” Walking over Matt opens the back door to show a huge hodge podge of assorted goods varying from snack food to medication and first aid supplies.
Seeing my surprised look Matt responds. “We emptied out a corner drug store.”
“You’re not going to tell him about the other thing?” Brent raises his head up looking quizzically at Matt.
Annoyed at being uninformed I stare belligerently between the two.
“I was waiting for the right moment to surprise him…” Sighing heavily Matt mumbles under his breath before turning to look at me. “We found a vendor outside the store.”
“Oh that’s awesome, what kind and were there any new items?”
“Well it was a new type of vendor due to it being a movie rental box…” Matt toys with my emotions as he dramatically draws out the conversation. “Oh, it is nothing much…” With a simple flick of his wrist three leather bound books materialize into his hands. “Just a few skill books is all.”
“WHAT!” Shocked I stare openly at the precious books in his hands.
“Ha! Now that is the expression I have been wanting, I finally surprised your smart ass!” Gloating to himself, Matt continues to laugh while tossing the books my way.
Carefully holding them in my hands I look down over their withered edges and silently invoke my analyze skill. What I read immediately shocks me…. Advertisement Previous
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