《The Unknown Hero》Chapter 10: Through the Looking Glass
“Again, again!” Laughing gleefully the children are completely engrossed with Brent’s magic act.
Shaking my head I can only chuckle at the simplicity of his ‘magic’ known as Inventory.
For the last ten minutes Brent has been causing various items to disappear and reappear for the kids’ entertainment. It had started off generic with the items being retrieved from behind someone’s ear until the kids started making requests. However, the all-time best was when he literally pulled a stick out of someone’s butt. Even the adults, who had been silently watching, could no longer contain it and burst out laughing.
Sighing heavily I shut the book in my hands before standing. “I’m going to read in my room.”
“Let me know how it goes.” Matt states unenthusiastically as his head rests dejectedly on the table top.
Pausing to look at my friend I cannot help but share his disappointment. When he had first bought the skill books there had been high expectations from their titles. However, the details from my analysis contradicted that belief.
Skill BookMeditationRankCommonSkill Description
While in a meditative state, all mental processes are enhanced.
Skill BookCureRankUncommonSkill Description
Removal or destruction of any harmful substance/organism causing detrimental effects upon the host.
{Restricted to certain magician specialist classes}
Skill BookMeteor StrikeRankRareSkill Description
Apply a powerful burst attack to a projectile shot.
{Requires Advanced proficiency of any projectile weapon class}
Of the three skill books bought, currently only one could be learned by any of us. The other two had steep restrictions to their uses. They might prove useful in the future, but currently all we can do is hold onto them in hopes of meeting the requirements one day.
This left us with only the meditation skill available and based off the description it seems vital for upcoming magicians. However, with only one copy we were not sure on whom to let it go to. Luckily, I was able to find one silver lining in our predicament. Or should I say the Index provided us with good news.
That is the details about the books’ rankings.
The first book, meditation, is ranked as Common. As the name implies, anything with this ranking can be found nearly everywhere and there are no requirements on who can learn them. There is also no limit to their usage, which means that the meditation book can be shared indefinitely until everyone has learned the skill. So now, although a minor support skill, we can at least have everyone start practicing with a skill.
Next is Uncommon. The first difference is that anything ranked as uncommon has some type of requirement attached that has to be met before the item can be used. This means that although not scarce, it could still be difficult for someone to meet those requirements. The other major difference is a limit to the times they can be used and once this limit is reached the item will then become obsolete. This means that we will have to plan ahead on when these items can be used or else end up having a vital skill wasted on the wrong class.
Finally the highest ranking, at least for skill books, is Rare. Anything with this ranking is extremely hard to find. The only thing more difficult than finding them is the strict requirements bound to them. However, what is truly scary is that these skill books are a onetime use item.
Besides these three, there are two other rankings in the system, Legendary and Unique. However, due to their complexity there will never be a skill book with such a ranking. Instead, special requirements must be met in order to acquire such a skill.
As the name implies anything ranked Legendary tends to be extremely powerful and the chances of a copy existing are, although possible, highly unlikely. In an interesting contrast, Unique means that it is one of a kind without a single duplicate ever. Yet despite their ‘uniqueness’ there is no guarantee that it is powerful, which is why they are considered to be the wild card within the ranking chart.
Stopping my inner thoughts as I reach the threshold of my new ‘apartment’, I calmly enter. However, my actions seem to have surprised my ‘roommates’ as they quickly separate.
“So, umm… when is it my turn to learn meditation?” Racheal tries desperately to act nonchalant, but her shifty eyes and flushed skin are obvious signs of her embarrassment.
“Hmm, I think the old Williams couple are reading it right now…so tomorrow?”
“Wait, the old people are trying to learn a skill?” John is surprised by this news but before he can say anything else he receives a sharp jab to his ribs. “Ugh, what was that for?”
“They have just as much right to learn a skill as anyone else.” Racheal quickly nags at her boyfriend for his supposedly insensitive comment.
“I didn’t say they didn’t, I was just surprised that they would even be interested…”
“Why wouldn’t they be interested? I’ll have you know that…”
Not wanting to get caught up in this argument, I quickly sneak off to my room and close the door. Sighing heavily after my escape I move over to sit down in a chair to resume reading the cure book. The others had thought it odd that I was spending time reading a skill I could not learn. I admit it is a little annoying, but I figure even if acquiring the skill is not possible I should still be able to learn something.
Error: unable to acquire skill due to class restrictions!
Sure enough, just as I finished reading I received the expected notification. However, I would not say my time was wasted. Besides the technical aspects that are only related to the skill there are still a few points I can draw from the use of mana. I had thought Matt and Brent with their Power Strike skill would have an insight to share but I was wrong. It seems the skill’s inner working is done automatically and all they have to do is activate it. So with no other option I am reading the two extra skill books hoping to gain detailed information about mana.
Error: unable to acquire skill due to not meeting requirements!
Fifteen minutes later I am able to finish the last book. Closing the book I begin pondering about the concept of mana. It seems that Cure applies a finesse approach to mana usage, while Meteor Strike is all about quantity. The two books do give me some ideas on how to move the mana, but first I must figure out how to find it.
Putting away the books I stand up and quickly prepare for bed.
Having taken care of all nightly rituals I calmly crawl on top of my bed and sit with my back against the headboard. The skill book had stated that meditation is more easily achievable in calm and comfortable environments, which is why I chose the bed.
After a few deep breaths I am successful in activating mediation and I immediately feel a surge in my thought processes thanks to the 10% boost to INT and WIS. In my focused mind set I begin reviewing my notes trying to decipher what mana is. Deeper and deeper I fall into my unconscious as I leave all other thoughts aside.
Sharpening my focus I begin sensing a strange feeling and immediately move trying to get closer. Yet every time I feel as though I am within reach it vanishes. Not willing to give up I continue my efforts and double down on my concentration. After an untold amount of time, I am finally able to touch the mysterious sensation sending a wave of a strange yet comforting feeling across my body.
The longer I hold onto this feeling the more I am able to sense its’ presence. Broadening my perspective, I am quickly surprised to find out that it was not a single strand, but an expansive mosaic of gently flowing energy all around me. Before I am able to truly appreciate the beautiful scene, a large surge immediately envelops me. Surprised by this flood of energy my eyes snap open effectively losing my meditative state.
An unbelievable feat has been achieved by learning a class restricted skill without aid from the system. As a reward you have been given the Title of ‘Autodidact’ as well as the newly acquired skill. However, due to belonging to a non-appropriate class there will be a 50% penalty in the skill’s effectiveness.
My feeling of joy and wonder is immediately replaced with bitter confusion. Not sure of what to think, I simply open my status and pull up the new information.
Any skill that is acquired without aid from the system will instantly be raised by one level in proficiency.
Mana Sense (Passive)Beginner Level 2 (0%)
This skill enables a special sensory detection or ‘feeling’ of mana. Effectiveness is dependent on PER and WIS.
{50% penalty applied}
Both a title and a new skill all in one go. Shaking my head I cannot help but feel ecstatic about my achievements. It is a little annoying about there being a penalty attached to my mana sense, but it is still amazing that I was able to find a way to beat the system. This proves that the system is not absolute in its power.
At first I thought the system was some type of omnipotent existence that governs the new game like paradigm. But if there is one way to bypass the restrictions then surely there will be more.
My mind immediately starts wondering how I can work around the other two skill book restrictions… but a nagging thought keeps popping up in my head.
What is the true purpose of the system?
As annoying as the restrictions are they do seem to be helping us. How beneficial would a magic skill be for someone with an all Strength build?
Perhaps the system is not here to constrain us… but rather to guide us on the easiest path?
And if it is guiding us then someone or something has an intended goal for us. Are we merely guinea pigs in some twisted game…or are we being prepared for something much worse?
Edge of the Unknown
For those who throw caution to the wind
And boldly stare into the Abyss.
Have Courage as you descend,
For often Ignorance is Bliss.
Chain Quest: Investigate the college campus.
Reward: ???
A feeling of dread slowly rises as I fretfully read the quest. Closing my eyes I take a few deep breaths before I am able to calm my nerves and whisper into the dark night.
“What have I done…?”
“Dude, you look awful.” Matt states bluntly as he pauses between mouthfuls of scrambled eggs.
“Yeah… I didn’t sleep well.” This is a gross underestimate to the torment I put myself through last night. For several hours after getting my quest I fretted over what it really means. With each devastating scenario that would run through my mind I began to truly start worrying for myself and for my family.
I realized that despite the dangerous situation I had been overly enjoying the game like feeling. And if I really want to survive through whatever danger is coming I was going to have to get serious.
The first thing on my agenda was to decide about sharing the news with the others. Seeing as how currently only Matt, Brent and Karen were in the room I figured I could start with them. “I have some important news to share.”
Hearing me speak the other three pause in their eating to focus on me. Pulling up my quest screen I immediately try to invite Matt and Brent to join the quest.
Warning: There will be penalties for sharing this Quest. Do you wish to continue?
Yes / No
Trembling slightly I had half expected to not be able to share the Quest. But the wording is what is truly troubling. If I simply could not share the Quest, then a simple error message would have sufficed, but instead it is a warning….
Inwardly I sigh and decide to keep it a secret. So instead I move to my Inventory and pull out the two skill books. “The restrictions are true about these skill books. After reading them I had an ‘error’ screen pop up stating I could not learn them.” Finished speaking I lay the two books down in the middle of the table.
“That’s fine, we were already expecting that to be the case.” Brent cheerfully responds as he moves to refill his coffee cup.
“That’s not the only thing I have to share.” Brent pauses in pouring his cup and looks confusedly at me as do the others. I immediately begin giving the condensed version of how I gained the skill mana sense, the restrictions applied to it as well as my new title.
“Wow… Jack, that is really impressive.” Matt is practically speechless after what I have shared and I can already tell he is fretting his lack of progress by his sullen expression.
“But how come you don’t seem happy about this?” Brent calmly asks as his sharp eyes did not fail to notice my lack of enthusiasm.
“Well…” Pausing I am unsure of what to tell them. Ultimately I decide to just be frank. “I am going to split from the group today.”
“What? You’re leaving us?” Matt is immediately alarmed by my statement and stares glaringly at me.
“Not permanently, it’s just… there is something I need to check out.”
“Okay, then I will go with you. It’s no big deal we were going to scout out some more today…” Before he can finish I harshly interrupt him.
“No! I need to do this alone.”
“What do you mean ‘alone’?” I can tell Matt is getting frustrated with me, but I cannot justify bringing him into my mess.
“Matt…” Brent calmly speaks to sooth the tension. “I have only known Jack for just a couple of days, but I have gotten to know him well enough that he wouldn’t do anything without a serious reason.”
“Yes but…”
“But nothing, just look at him he is obviously troubled by something. Yet he is intentionally not sharing?” Pausing briefly Brent casts another worried look my way before continue to talk with Matt. “We have followed his judgement so far and it has helped us through many situations…” He reaches over and gently grabs his wife’s hand before finishing his speech. “I owe him… and I am going to trust his judgement again.”
Breathing deeply I can see Matt is slowly being swayed by Brent’s words. With a last deep sigh his shoulders drop and he looks calmly at me. “Fine… I won’t ask why it is your keeping secretes from me, but I want you to know I am not happy. Eventually I WILL find out.” This last statement could be interpreted as a question, but his stern glare says otherwise.
Nodding my head I finally speak. “Thank you, I plan to go check out the college campus today. Please stay away from the area until I say otherwise. I hope to be back before dark.”
“What should we do today, continue with the search requests?” Matt maturely asks as he focuses back on the group’s needs.
“Sure, but don’t forget to look for supplies especially vendors. Also if you run into any other groups be cautious, desperation can make them dangerous.” Giving my advice, the rest of the breakfast is filled with idle chatter due to the tense atmosphere. Finally finishing my meal I thank Karen for the food and stand up to leave.
“Jack…” Matt calls out as I am moving away. “While you are on campus check out the bookstore, they have those weird machines that sale test cards. I’m not sure what items there would be, but I am willing to bet it is also a vendor.”
Surprised by this hint I smile before thanking him. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.”
“Good luck.” An almost unison response comes from the kitchen as I close the door to the apartment.
With a yank I pull my dagger out of yet another slain zombie. After leaving the apartments, I chose to travel on foot allowing me to train my skills. So far I have only covered five blocks however the frequency of monsters seems to be increasing. Though thanks to this, I was finally able to get to level 11.
StatusNameJackRaceHumanLevel11 (1%)ClassRogueTitlesAutodidact---QuestsInventoryMapSystem Index-Health(186/200)Stamina(111/200)Mana(200/200)-Strength20Endurance20Perception22Agility22Intelligence50Wisdom25Charisma6Luck21Unallocated Points0-Resistances
Analyze (Active) – Beginner Level 3 (24%)
Lock Picking (Passive) – Beginner Level 3 (4%)
Mana Sense (Passive) – Beginner Level 2 (0%)
Meditation (Active) – Beginner Level 2 (89%)
Night Vision (Passive) - Max
Sneak (Active) – Beginner Level 2 (73%)
Half an hour later I finally reach the edge of the campus and cautiously move towards the nearby mathematics building. Crawling through a broken window I vigilantly travel to the top floor. I had chosen this building as it is the tallest and would give me a vantage point in scoping out the campus.
Despite the aid of my sneak skill, my tension is strung to the max as each step across the laminated floor screeches against my ears. With great comfort I discover a carpeted classroom and quietly close the door after entering. Feeling slightly secure I release my breath and move to the windows.
My first look at the campus is very alarming. Where once a campus with pristine landscaping stood, there is now an untamed jungle awaiting me. Waist high grass, wild flowers, overgrown shrubbery… even the trees have expanded with their roots starting to break through the asphalt.
Scanning the area my sensitive eyes soon pick up something slowly moving beneath the grass. Following the movement, it soon passes through a gap and I am able to get a brief view of its form.
A snake
However, unlike any snake from this area this one seems large enough to be an anaconda, but its brown color and diamond patterned scales makes me think rattlesnake. I immediately activate my skill.
SpeciesSnake (Mutated)SexMaleStatus Affects
“Mutated….” Speaking quietly to myself I look over the area with fine detail scanning for any other mutated creatures. Sure enough every creature I find shows signs of increased mass as well as having the label of mutated on their screens.
Pulling away from the window I sigh realizing that I am only at the edge of the campus and that things will likely worsen as I go deeper.
Exiting the building I crouch low and make my way down Rutledge Avenue towards the bookstore. I figure if I am going to be randomly checking the campus, I might as well start with Matt’s suggestion. However, with each step towards my destination I notice that the stench of blood grows stronger.
Soon I am able to spot the source but I must quickly duck into the tall grass to avoid being detected. I listen intently for the sound of anything approaching and luckily do not. Feeling relatively secure, I slowly part the foliage to check on the scene. Just in front of the bookstore are many stone steps and at the bottom of these steps is an intimidating sight.
A huge menacing figure is hunched over eating at the bloody and mangled carcass beneath it. The creature is covered in short brown fur that does little in hiding its massive frame. Raising its head up, it slowly looks around as a piece of entrails is lazily chewed by a pair of powerful jaws. Yet despite the calm expression a pair of pointed ears are constantly twitching and moving around evident of the creature’s wariness. Nestled just beside the two ears is a pair of long curved horns.
I don’t even need the analyze skill to know what this beast is. Pulling up the Index I read up on the creature to get some details. There is a lot of useless information provided, but the one crucial detail I am able to get is that they generally have poor eyesight.
For a moment I continue to study the creature while contemplating whether I should attempt to slay it. From my past experiences I know that this will be the most challenging foe I have faced so far… but given the circumstances I might not have such an advantage again.
Resolved to fight, I start preparing. The first strike is going to be my best chance at dealing massive damage and to improve my odds I decide to use something special for the occasion.
EdibleLunar Essence PowderFreshness100%Affects
Penumbra Cover (A form of pseudo invisibility will be acquired while in low lighting, lasts for 120 seconds).
Pulling out the powder I mix it in with a bottle of water and then sit it aside allowing it to mix. While that is working, I then proceed to start rubbing blades of grass across my clothes. My plan is that the plants will help mask my scent which is going to be my biggest give away. For good measure I also eat a mountain nut for an extra boost to Strength before downing the mixture.
Finished with my preparations, I slowly crawl out of the grass and activate sneak. With each step I focus sharply on the Minotaur’s movements. Halfway there it seems the beast is still oblivious to my approach. At ten feet my palms are starting to sweat profusely and I force my grip to tighten on the dagger ever fearful my aim might be off.
Just as I am about to take another step, the beast’s head snaps in my direction as its two pointy ears stiffly turn in my direction. Time crawls slowly as I stare tensely into the beady eyes of the beast.
The longer the creature listens for danger the more my muscles start to shake and I can only pray they do not give out. However, seemingly content with its search the dumb beast lowers its head back down to take another bite. At this sight I slowly release my breath providing sweet relief from my burning lungs.
Taking a few more steps closer I realize that the penumbra affect was about to run out and that it was now or never. Steadying my arm I lean forward and attack with all my might allowing the blade to slice easily into the soft underside of the jaw. However, before I have time to dodge the beast violently swings its arm and knocks me into the air.
Landing hard on the ground I immediately gasp for air after receiving the impact. With teary eyes I look over and see that the Minotaur is whining in pain and anguish. It reaches up and painfully rips the blade out causing a spray of blood to spill down its furred chest. The dagger clatters on the ground after being dropped and the Minotaur turns with burning eyes upon me.
Knowing what will happen if I lie still I force myself to roll into a crouching position. The both of us stare at the other before the beast lets out an anger roar causing bloody spittle to fly everywhere. Pushing off with its powerful hooves the monster lunges at me with its horns pointed at my chest. Rolling to the side I just barely dodge and quickly pull out my spear and stab at the beast’s backside. True to aim, I am able to pierce into the tender posterior causing another painful screech to escape the beast.
Withdrawing the spear I jump to my feet and begin dancing around the beast all the while continuously stabbing at it. In a matter of moments the beast collapses onto the ground whimpering in pain. Seeing the beast reaching its end I retrieve my dagger and quickly slice its neck open. Breathing heavily I watch as a puddle of blood spreads across the ground.
As the life finally leaves the monster… I calmly stare at my reflection in the crimson mirror. What I see is a face void of remorse…
No... It is a face thirsting for power. Advertisement Previous
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