《The Unknown Hero》Chapter 8: Withdrawal
Shocked I stare blankly until the message fades away. Sure enough, just as written my attribute points were doubled giving me a total of ‘20’ free points.
With little thought I immediately raise Strength to peak and gleefully cry out over seeing the option for Inventory appear. Quelling my joy, I hold off on testing it out as I put the remaining points into achieving peak Endurance.
“Dude, why are you so happy?” Matt pauses from picking up a core as he looks questioningly at me.
Chuckling with a goofy smile on my face I inform Matt. “Spending my points and about to choose a class.”
“Wait…what!?” Matt is shocked by this news and rushes over to hear the details.
“Calm down. It turns out class selection is unlocked at level 10.” While talking with Matt I nonchalantly reach out and tap on ‘Class’.
Through your efforts the following starting class options are available.
“Hmm, looks like I can choose between Warrior, Rogue, or Magician.”
“Kind of generic huh?” Matt reaches up and scratches his beard as he thinks over the options I just listed.
“Maybe not… The message states that I have to choose a starting class. The key word here is ‘starting’ and the fact that classes become available at level 10, then we should be able to progress at level 20.”
“You think there is a class advancement option?” Matt calmly infers my meaning and starts pondering over the theory.
“It fits with the trend of 10s and 20s being significant numbers in the system.” With a shrug of my shoulders I finish speaking and move to select my starting class.
Selecting this class will restrict future specialization paths.
Confirm ‘Rogue’ as your class?
Yes / No
“Okay, that confirms it. When I picked the Rogue class it gave me a warning that this would limit my future options.”
“Hurry it up! They are starting to thaw out.” Brent angrily calls out to get us back to work.
“Sorry.” Matt and I meekly apologize and decide to discuss the changes later once we are back with the group.
“Okay, let’s get this meeting started.” Leaning forward in my chair I begin speaking to the small group of people.
After coming back from the pool the first thing we did was gather Martha, Rachael, and John to come join the ‘leaders’ huddle. Sitting around a table we had a lot to talk about. But the biggest issue many of us were struggling with was the status of our families.
However, how could we decide who to help or if any were still alive. After some heavy debating we decided that long distance travel was not within our capabilities. So if a family member was not within the city limits we would just have to bite our lips and wish for their best.
Eventually though a list of people and destinations was created for us to start checking on. Non-surprisingly, the ones on the top of the list were Brent’s wife and Martha’s husband. So for today the plan was to go look for these two individuals.
“The first stop is the bank and then the law firm after that. It will be Brent, John and I leaving and we plan to be back within four hours.” Looking at the others I can see their agreement to the plan. “Rachael do you remember the signals?”
“Yes, if you leave the party but John remains then everything is fine you are just delayed…” pausing to still her worries she continues. “And if all three disappear from the parties then don’t come looking.”
“Good.” I can tell she is not comfortable with discussing such a dismal topic, but with no phones we need a way to communicate. “Okay, let’s rest an hour and then we will depart.”
Ten minutes later I am finally refreshed after getting to take my first shower since this has all began. It’s amazing how a shower can easily wash away all fatigue. Drying off I plop down into a nearby chair and look over my status.
StatusNameJackRaceHumanLevel10ClassRogueTitles---Party---InventoryMapSystem Index-Health(181/190)Stamina(199/190)Mana(190/190)-Strength20Endurance20Perception21Agility20Intelligence50Wisdom21Charisma3Luck21Unallocated Points0-Resistances
Night Vision (Passive)
Sneak (Active)
Night Vision (Passive)Max
Your vision is enhanced by mana enabling for greater visibility in dark lighting.
Sneak (Active)Beginner Level 1 (2%)
Erase your presence by blending into the environment. Effectiveness is dependent on AGL and enemies PER.
Got to say I am proud of my current stats. Peak performance in all attributes minus Charisma and my Intelligence is at a whopping 50 point value. It seems my gamble of redistribution really paid off.
Not to mention I also gained a new skill to my arsenal. It turns out that the skill is nothing magical like invisibility but actually improved motor control while ‘sneaking’. My footsteps are quiet, my breathing stays steady and my body just moves like a ninja.
Even though my skills are not flashy I still understand that they add more options to my combat. If I can gain some high damage attacks like backstab or even a sniping ability then I could become an amazing assassin.
I lie down to attempt sleeping, but it is ever allusive. After several minutes of tossing around in frustration I decide to just spend the time reading the Index. Before I know it there is a knock on the door and I see Brent poking his head in.
“You ready?” I can tell that the man is anxious to find his wife and it is likely that he did not sleep either.
Giving him a silent nod I stand to follow him out to the vehicle. It’s an awkward moment as the three of us say our good byes to the group. We haven’t been together for long, but a real sense of cohesiveness has developed.
The drive there is slow but steady with only a few zombies getting in our way. After thirty minutes we finally pull up to the bank where Brent’s wife was working.
The place looks like a riot has come through, which most likely did. However, amongst the strewn papers and broken furniture there is still enough blood spilled to indicate the gruesome reality.
“Karen….” Brent quietly speaks out a name as he fearfully looks over the room.
A bumping noise is heard from somewhere in the back and Brent dashes off searching out the source.
“Wait!” I try to call out to Brent but he ignores me. “Come on John.” Moving quickly we follow after the officer down the hallway.
Entering a large room we find Brent angrily attacking several zombies. Jumping into the fray John and I easily assist in killing them off. As the last corpse falls down so does Brent. Walking over to the man I see he is clutching a blood stained purse tightly in his hands.
“She bought this purse last week…. I was against getting it because it was so expensive, but she was so stubborn about having it that I finally gave in. She was always so damn stubborn….” Brent quietly pulls the purse to his chest as he silently morns.
Stepping back I try to give Brent some space. With nothing else to do I start pushing corpses around looking for any drops. As I am moving the bodies around I start noticing the blood smears against the vault door. Looking over the room I quickly verify that the zombies had only been clawing at this one door and not at any of the other walls.
I thought pops into my head and I cautiously move to start opening the vault. With the last twist of the lock a click is heard and the heavy door slowly swings open. Looking into the room I immediately spot three bodies lying on the floor.
“Brent there’s people in here!” Rushing in I reach the first person who is collapsed in their own vomit.
“KAREN!” Brent practically falls on top of the woman who I now know to be his wife.
Looking the woman over I notice all her physical conditions. Shallow breathing, clammy and grey colored skin, I recognize these signs easily.
“It’s carbon monoxide poisoning, we need to get them out of here.” Shaking Brent’s shoulder he quickly nods and scoops his wife up.
Thanks to our peak strength it only takes us a matter of seconds to move the three people out and into a nearby office room.
“Is she going to be okay?” Brent looks to me pleadingly.
“I don’t know, maybe… but it depends on how long she has been without oxygen.” Ignoring the worrying husband, I continue examining and checking her vitals.
“Would a health potion work?” John timidly suggests from the doorway as he looks over the three unconscious people.
“No, the health potion would only restore their health points. But their condition is due to being deprived of oxygen.”
I quietly mull over how we could help them get more oxygen. If we had an oxygen tank then we could forcefully increase the concentration of oxygen being delivered into their blood. However the nearest tank would likely be at the hospital which would be a very dangerous trip.
I am starting to regret my class. What if the skill associated with magician had been a heal spell or some type of restor….
“Wait… not a health potion, but maybe….” Quickly I pull out a vial of green liquid and contemplate the possibilities.
“Brent, I want to try something. Tilt her head up.” With a gentle motion her head is tilted and I carefully start to pour the stamina potion into her mouth. I go slowly making sure she does not aspirate. With each swallow of the liquid her color slowly gains a pink hue and her breathing strengthens.
“Ha ha, it worked.” Gleefully I share the news to Brent who is ecstatic at the news. “All right, next….”
For successfully combining scientific knowledge with magical knowledge and having a keen observational skill you have created a ‘Unique’ skill.
Analyze (Active)Beginner Level 1 (0%)
With careful observations you are able to gather complex details. Effectiveness is dependent on WIS.
We can create skills?
I had a speculation we might be able to do something like this. But to have it happen so soon and for such a skill to be created is amazing.
Turning to look I concentrate on Karen.
RaceHumanSexFemaleDeterimental Effects
Exhaustion (-20% Stamina Regeneration)
Simple, but the information confirms that Karen will be fine. I then turn and analyze the other two.
RaceHumanSexFemaleDeterimental Effects
Asphyxiation (-.5 HP per second)
Hypoxemia (-90% Health & Stamina Regeneration)
RaceHumanSexMaleDeterimental Effects
Asphyxiation (-.5 HP per second)
Hypoxemia (-90% Health & Stamina Regeneration)
Alarmed by the details I jump over to immediately start treating them. After a few minutes I check their vitals again and confirm that they have improved. With the tense atmosphere gone I slump against a wall and relax.
“They okay?” Brent asks as he gently lowers his wife’s head down.
“Yeah, I somehow got a skill that allows me to diagnose health issues. They just need some rest, but it might be awhile before they wake up though.”
“Hey guys, I found something!” John comes running into the room with a goofy smile on his face.
Brent and I share a look of confusion before I motion for him to stay as I go see what the fuss is about. Reaching the end of the hallway I am led into a breakroom.
“It’s a new vendor!” With an exaggerated motion he is pointing out a snack machine on the back wall.
Excited by this news, I rush up to the vendor to see the wares.
Rye Bread – 3 Bronze Game Tokens
Mana Berry – 10 Bronze Game Token
Mountain Nut – 20 Bronze Game Tokens
Lunar Essence Powder – 1 Silver Game Token
Scarlet Life Mushroom – 1 Silver Game Token
“What do you think they do?” John quietly asks as he stands beside me.
“Not sure, hold on I’m going to buy a few….” Pulling out some bronze tokens I quickly make a purchase for some rye bread. Holding it out in front of me I carefully look it over while activating my new skill.
EdibleRye BreadFreshness100%Affects
Fills Satiety (+1 SP per second for 30 seconds)
“Looks like the food is magical, this bread can restore your stamina.” Satisfied with the description I store it away in my inventory and then spend the last of our bronze tokens on another purchase.
EdibleMountain NutFreshness100%Affects
Strength Boost (+20% STR for 3 minutes)
“Strength boost.” Giving a simple explanation I toss the nut over to John to let him look it over as well.
Hmm, if a drink machine gives out potions and a snack machine gives out edibles… then are there vendors that give out magical items or spells?
I’m going to have to start considering looking for different types of vending machines, but what are the requirements for something to be a ‘vendor’?
With no more money to spend, I begrudgingly turn to leave. Walking back into the office I quietly inform Brent of the new findings. He silently nods his head while listening, but after a while I give up my theories as I can tell he is more focused on nursing his wife.
With nothing else to do I talk with John, who unlike Brent, is very eager to talk about game details. After letting it slip that I have an Index he has me start reading out details nonstop. In a blink of an eye a full hour has passed and the first person, Karen, starts to regain consciousness.
After the joyful reunion between husband and wife the other two start to come around as well. There is a lot of confusion and hysteria from the others but Brent’s presence really helps to ease the situation. We decide to rest another thirty minutes to give them time to fully wake up before leaving for our next destination.
Walking to the front lobby I scout out the entrance to make sure nothing has changed outside.
“It’s kind of ironic huh?” John casually asks as we are scouting the front entrance.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, we are in the middle of a bank with money all around us, yet we can’t buy anything else from the vendor.”
“Ha, yeah it is.” Chuckling I shake my head at the irony.
“For real, I would even settle for the magic vendor taking my debit card.”
“Yeah or if there….” I stop talking as I start thinking over the requirements for the ‘vendors’. What if my mindset had been too narrow?
“Jack, where are you going?” John nervously asks as he sees me moving further outside the building.
Standing in the open parking lot I turn to look the bank over until I spot what I am looking for… an ATM machine.
“Hold on, I’m checking something.” Jogging over to the machine I stop right in front just as a new screen pops up. “It is!”
“What? Is something wrong?” John comes running over after hearing my exclamation.
“Ha ha, we can forget about our money problems it’s a magical bank!” I rigorously shake John’s shoulders before turning to look the screen over one more time.
Welcome to the System Bank what services are required?
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