《The Middle Child of the Fire》Book 2: Chapter 1
After careful consideration and pleading on Katara's part Sokka agreed that having Sikumi journey with them would be beneficial. The group left two weeks later than they intended because of the injured benders recovery and in that time Aang had further mastered waterbending under Master Pakku and Katara's tutelage. But soon even they had to watch the old master leave with those who wanted to help rebuild the Southern Water Tribe.
The city had been devastated after the attack but at the same time they were left in a very advantageous position. It would be a long time until the Fire Nation could fund another campaign of that size, especially with the in-fighting between several factions of the people themselves. The Anti-War citizens would use this as an example of why they should stop fighting. The Royal faction would use Admiral Zhao's demise as a reason why the nobles were out of control and the Noble faction themselves would simply push to try harder, using the age old tactic of attrition to defeat their enemies. The Northern Water Tribe, being used to fending for themselves in their isolated climate, could survival another 100 years of isolation if need be but the weakened Fire Nation navy would allow passage in the Earthen Waters for some time. It would be months before it became too dangerous again.
Everyone, the chief included, was grateful for what Sikumi did. News of her sacrifice to save the Northern Spirits had spread like wildfire, earning her the name the Niton, a word in the old language that meant Spirit Protector. Those that found free time when not rebuilding would see the Niton in order to give their respect but would always leave the healing huts dimmer than when they'd arrive.
Sikumi simply refused to smile. Whenever someone came to see her she would not to greet them, her head barely nodding to signify she was aware of their presence. Often Sokka had tried to come in to cheer her up to no avail, a few bold males offered betrothal necklaces to the Niton but were always chased out by her screams. The only time she has spoken was after Katara explained what had happened, where the Fire Nation went and their plans. Even then, only after the Master Waterbender asked why she wouldn't say anything did Sikumi respond.
"If I can't see the world around me what's the point?"
Katara obviously had no answer to such a question. She could only give the girl a sad smile before telling her she'd come back later. That routine continued until the day they left, in fact the only reason she came was because one night she had pulled Katara aside and pleaded to be taken, stating that staying in one place would kill her.
Aang of course could understand the sentiment.
"Don't worry Sikumi, there's still so much you can experience," Aang said in his usual cheerful tone.
The group were on Appa, travelling further inland into the Earth Kingdom when they spotted General Fong and his welcome party.
"Welcome, Avatar Aang! I am General Fong, and welcome, to all of you great heroes! Appa, Momo, brave Sokka, the mighty Katara….and even the great Niton. We've heard about your great sacrifices and are humbled to accept you."
Katara, who was about to give praise to her mightiness, glanced at Sikumi who seemed bored. Her face gazing off far into the distance, although not with her eyes but her soul. The group remained silent, giving soft smiles to the names they were given but the general undeterred carried on speaking as he lead everyone inside the military base.
"Avatar Aang, we were all amazed at the stories of how you helped deter the Fire Navy fleet at the North Pole. Not only did you singlehandedly take out ships but you convinced even the Fire Nation to turn on themselves!"
"Is that really what people think?" Sokka asked.
"Of course, the whole continent is abuzz with talk about the battle, the moral of troops improving by the day."
"I try not to think about it too much." Aang muttered.
"It wasn't a great time," Katara added.
"Yeah." Sokka said, trying not to eye Sikumi who now sat between him and Katara.
"I understand war is unforgiving." The general said, nodding his head slight before facing Aang, "Avatar, you're ready to face the Fire Lord now."
"What? No I'm not!" Aang retorted.
"Aang still needs to master all four elements." Katara exclaimed in shock.
"Why? With the kind of power he possesses, power enough to destroy entire armies in a matter of minutes, he could defeat the Fire Lord now!"
"But sir, the thing is, Aang can only do those things when he's in the Avatar State." Sokka spoke up, wondering where this conversation would head.
"See, it's this special state where-" Aang tried to explain before the general cut him off.
"I'm well aware! Your eyes and tattoos glow and you're able to summon unbelievable power. Without you, we'd be slaughtered before we even reach their shores. But with you leading the way, as the ultimate weapon, we could cut a swath right through to the heart of the Fire Nation."
The general pointed at a map of the world, noting where the Fire Nation capital was situated.
"Right, but, I don't know how to get in or out of the Avatar State, much less what to do once I'm there." Aang muttered doubtfully.
"So, it's decided then. I'll help you figure out how to get into the Avatar State and then you'll face your destiny." The general stated as if he hadn't heard the earnest pleas of reason from the youngsters in front of him.
"No, nothing's decided. We already have a plan. Aang's pursuing his destiny his way!" Katara shouted angrily as the group stood up, Sokka helping Sikumi to her feet.
"It's a bad idea." The waterbender spoke for the first time, drawing everyone's attention, "You're messing with powers beyond normal."
"Sometimes there is no choice," the general muttered sadly, "While you take your time learning the elements, the War goes on. May I show you something?"
The general lead the group to a small room and drew back the curtain that separated the outside and inside.
"That's the infirmary, and those soldiers are the lucky ones. They came back. Every day, the Fire Nation takes lives. People are dying, Aang! You could end it, now. Think about it."
Aang felt guilty, he saw soldiers limping about. One missing an arm, the other bandaged across his chest and a person so quiet you'd think they were already dead. It wasn't until he saw an Earthbender whose eyes had been severely injured till he pictured many people just like Sikumi getting hurt by fire.
"Maybe you're right." Aang quietly muttered, unaware of the triumphant grin the general was giving him.
"My brother and my uncle have disgraced the Fire Lord, and have brought shame on all of us. You might have mixed feelings about attacking members of the Royal Family. I understand. But I assure you, if you hesitate, I will not hesitate to bring you down. Dismissed."
Azula was always like this. Direct, to the point but still quite malicious. The only female child of the Fire Lord liked things done a certain way. If they didn't happen she would manipulate it to occur, every time. In this particular instance she had been giving out orders to her personal troop of Imperial Firebenders, part of those that protected the royal family.
One of the Lieutenants approached Azula, mentally steeling himself for the confrontation.
"Princess, what should be done if we run into Pri…..Director Tadashi?" he questioned, keeping his head bowed.
Of course Tadashi had indeed broken off from the Military Intelligence but this news was only know to those within the group itself. It was believed both by the Fire Lord and the Nation that Tadashi had decided to hunt the Avatar due to the threat he posed to the Fire Nation.
Azula thought to herself for a moment, considering whether such a meeting would be beneficial to her goals or not. She had often observed in the past Tadashi treating Zuko like a distant cousin though the two had been closer in the days leading to his banishment. Iroh on the other hand had always been treated with disdain which could serve her purposes easily.
"Leave that to me."
The Lieutenant bowed and left, replaced by the Captain who held a hesitant expression behind his mask.
"Princess, I'm afraid the tides will not allow us to bring the ship into port before nightfall."
"I'm sorry, captain, but I do not know much about the tides. Could you explain something to me?" Azula quickly replied, her voice giving away nothing.
"Of course, your Highness." The captain answered, inadvertently gulping.
"Do the tides command this ship?"
"I'm afraid I don't understand." The captain answered, stuttering slightly.
"You said the tides would not allow us to bring the ship in." Azula's tone took a sharp turn "Do the tides command this ship?"
"No, princess." The captain quivered.
"And if I were to have you thrown overboard, would the tides think twice about smashing you against the rocky shore?"
"No, princess."
"Well then, maybe you should worry less about the tides who have already made up their mind about killing you, and worry more about me, who's still mulling it over."
The captain didn't need to be told twice as he himself thought about the implications of her words.
"I'll pull us in at once."
As the guards left Lo and Li exited, the two mentors that had been overseeing Azula's firebending training since Fire Lord Ozai deemed her a necessary asset to the war. Understanding their intentions the royal carriage holders left with the carriage in tow after Azula exited it.
"Time to practice."
"The powerful skill."
Azula took a stance and cleared her mind of all thoughts regarding her family. The only thought she retained was her will to produce better results than Tadashi. The rivalry that he had started would end with her victory, no other outcome was permissible.
In a quick succession of movements Azula stood straight before moving her arms in a circular motion and generating a bolt of lightning that shot out her hands and stuck the skies.
"Almost perfect."
"One hair out of place."
"Almost isn't good enough!" Azula growled as she pushed her hair out of the way.
Azula repeated the actions she did before, generating lighting before shooting in multiple directions. Each succeeding bolt stronger and more ferocious than the last. After the seventh arc of white energy left her hands she stopped, breathing heavily.
"You have mastered."
"Such an ancient art."
Lo and Li could easily see she was struggling with her breath and subtly wanted her to stop.
"No, I need to be better if I want to beat him."
Azula fired off another bolt before dropping to the floor. Her mouth tuning into a crooked smile as she laughed, her obsession with beating Tadashi taking a moments hold over her mind before she came to her senses.
"Fine, I'll retire for now. I'll need my energy when I find my brother and uncle."
General Fong had given the small group a place to rest. Although it was nothing fancy, the walls kept the group warm and their sleeping sacks were enough against the slabs of rock they slept atop of.
"I told the general I'd help him, by going into the Avatar State." Aang sighed, sitting on his bedding.
"Aang, no! This is not the right way!" Katara exclaimed, shaking her head fervently.
Sokka, who had been lightly sleeping before got up and rested his arms behind his head, before addressing the group.
"But this is the Avatar State we're talking about. Remember when we were in the Fire Temple and he transformed into that old guy-" Sokka started saying.
"Roku" Aang Added.
"Yeah, him. He made a whole volcano erupt. That's insane!" he finished saying.
"There's a right way to do this. Practice, study, and discipline!" Katara insisted.
"Or just glow it up and stop that Fire Lord!" Sokka rolled his eyes, trying to imagine what Aang could have done if he went into that state during the Invasion.
"You can't honestly believe that, Sikumi what do you think?" Katara asked the girl who kept to herself.
Sikumi had been sitting in the corner of her bed, her arms wrapped around her legs as she was deep in thought. In fact when Katara called her name she had been surprised though didn't show it when she looked in the general direction Katara was.
"As I said, not a good idea."
Her answer was quick and simple so nobody could say anything, especially since she didn't seem to be in the mood for an argument.
Of course what came to pass was several days of ridiculous and bizarre methods in incite the Avatar State. The first day Aang was given a team to help bolster his chi, though all it did was make him hyperactive. Sokka, as always, was amused and even managed to make a joke of it. Katara was quick to frown in disappointment and Sikumi remained indifferent.
Sokka tried scaring Aang into the Avatar State but that of course didn't work either, only enticing a scream from the 12 year old when Sokka used Momo as a replacement head. Another attempt required Aang wearing clothing symbolising all parts of the world and the elements being thrown before him. Of course it didn't work either.
Sikumi had been absent for the last two attempts although Katara informed her regardless that they failed. That night when everyone fell onto their beds Aang was surprised to see Sikumi walk up to him, her feet moving slowly as she felt the area before her carefully.
"Sikumi, do you need help with something?"
"Yeah, we need to talk."
Sokka was too tired to care but Katara gave the two a concerned look as Aang helped Sikumi out of the room. The duo made their way outside, the air chill and the sun having started setting.
"L…look at me." Sikumi muttered, just loud enough for Aang to hear.
Although the 12 year old boy heard he didn't respond, coughing slightly as he couldn't help but stare at the bandages that covered Sikumi's eyes.
"What do you see?" she asked.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Aang asked hesitantly.
Sikumi sighed, before glancing towards the sun as she felt a few rays hit her face.
"What is sight really?" she started saying before scoffing slightly.
Aang gulped nervously, everything he'd learnt about the girl before suggested she was as outgoing as he was and as passionate about the spirits as Katara could be at times. He waited for her to continue, figuring the question was more rhetorical than literal.
"When I first learned I wouldn't see again I cried…..yet no tears came out. My whole life has been spent worshipping the light yet now I live in darkness…..or so I thought."
"Huh?" Aang muttered, slightly confused.
"Every so often I see lights, from the healers, Chief Arnook, Yue, Katara, Sokka and you, oh it's so beautiful at times. At first I didn't know what they were and couldn't speak of it but when I saw the general I realised that I could see people's spirits."
"Really?" Aang seemed sceptical but the thought amazed him.
"Yea, Katara, Sokka and all the other water tribe people are a soft blue, like water under the moon. Aki, before she left was a strong red, which I think suits her character well." Sikumi actually chuckled, something that made Aang smile too, "Even the Earthbenders are a range of browns and green, though I can't say those colours are too pleasing."
"And how about me?"
Aang blushed, although it felt weird for him to be called beautiful by someone who couldn't see.
"I see-" Aang started saying before Sikumi cut him off.
"There are just so many colours, but yellow and blue are most prominent. You fade and grow bright with white light at times, engulfing me with this light that's terrifying yet amazing…oh, sorry was I rattling on?"
Aang chuckled, pleased that Sikumi wasn't utterly depressed.
"Don't worry, I'm glad you told me."
Sikumi, who had just been smiling earlier, nodded before regarding Aang with the expression she usually wore. Her face flushed slightly when she realised the young boy must have been staring at her intently.
"Don't get me wrong, I don't believe that time can be spent wasted on the past. What happened…..well it happened. It's just that with all these colours and things I…..see, it's hard to concentrate on what isn't there. Does that make sense?"
"I think I understand, it's like you're able to see the spirit world but be with us at the same time…that's amazing!"
"Sure." Sikumi said with a soft smile.
The two went inside, Katara stopping Aang before he went in as she stated she also wanted to speak with him. Sikumi 'rolled' her eyes before making her way back, getting more confident in her ability to feel her way forwards.
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