《The Middle Child of the Fire》Book 2: Chapter 2
For the second time that day Tadashi had been running, not only had negotiations broke down between him and a small group of mercenaries but when one of the tougher looking brutes spoke about Naoko in a debauched manner the young boy couldn't help but threaten him. This of course didn't go down too well with the others and before they knew it they were on the run.
"You did it again!" Aki chastised whilst Naoko was lugging a rather large sack of coins with her.
The three ducked as swords, daggers and the occasional rock were thrown in their direction, the angry cries of mercenaries in the distance as they managed to slip away.
"That was a close one." Naoko managed to say between gasps.
"Well if it wasn't for Prince Tadashi here we wouldn't have needed to run away!" Aki growled as she punched a nearby tree.
The ex-captain would always call those by their titles when she was annoyed and now was no different. Her anger towards Tadashi was the accumulation of the small ways he'd reacted in the past week to those who approached Naoko. She knew it was his way of being protective.
"Aki's right." Naoko said, "You don't need to protect me all the time, I can handle myself.
Tadashi grumbled to himself as he dressed a cut that he had received as a shop stall cut his arm. The wound itself was superficial but it stung worse than he thought it would.
"I still don't understand why it's not working?" Tadashi questioned aloud.
"Because you keep on messing up our dealings before we can get to any agreement." Naoko chastised.
The three had been moving from village to village to find out the stance that the various mercenaries held. Many of them were impartial to the Fire Nation and would easily fight if the pay was enough, though anyone that looked at their eyes could quickly tell they weren't locals.
"That's exactly it," Aki added, "Every single time you find something you don't like, the first person because he 'sniffed' Naoko."
"How was I supposed to know he had a cold?"
"Or the person that supposedly touched her?"
"I couldn't see the fly from where I was standing…." Tadashi mumbled.
"Or even now when….well never mind I'll give you this one because he was being a bit of a Pig Deer."
"I'll take that as a compliment." Tadashi managed to chuckle as he dusted himself off.
The three had quickly sorted themselves out and moved on, taking the rest of the day to arrive at their next location which was based near the sea. By then the sun had already set and the trio were forced to make camp as they had no intention of alarming any of the locals with their presence just yet.
The next day Tadashi had awakened early, changing into more battle worthy attire as he wore what used to be his formal dragon armour but now included an under layer of green cloth with no trace of red at all. He left the two girls as he normally did for his morning walks, taking in the warm air with a faint sea breeze as petals from cherry blossom trees filled the area with tranquillity.
All of a sudden his vision failed as he walked into someone else, the other person falling to the ground as well.
"Ouch! Watch where you're going!"
Two voices spoke to each other at the same time, their words a mirror of the others and their expressions matching, even as they realised who the other person was.
Tadashi picked himself up as he helped Azula to her feet, quickly embracing her with a hug that was more expressive than usual. The Princess was hesitant to return the gesture but she would allow it this time, after all he was a special case and there was nobody nearby to witness it.
"Why…..I mean what are you doing here?" Tadashi asked, breaking off the embrace as he realised just how foolish he must have looked.
Azula, one to always keep a straight face, quivered slightly as she forcefully looked away before Tadashi could notice her blush.
"I…." she coughed, regaining her previous composure as she continued speaking, "To catch some traitors of course. I'm sure you've heard about Zuzu's and Uncle's betrayal in the North, though I heard you were overseeing things from afar so it's no wonder you couldn't do much, though I suppose the arrest of Zhao was certainly interesting when news returned home."
Tadashi remained silent, after all he was the one that had taught Azula to give away nothing with his facial expression and whenever he was around her he'd be able to do it on a whim.
"I see." He responded.
"I've heard that you've been on the search for the Avatar, how's that been?"
"He's currently in an Earth Kingdom Military Base, it'd be foolish to attack it head on, though you know that already."
"Of course, we're not like Zuzu after all." Azula nodded, raising an eyebrow, "but what brings you here then, the closest base is at least a day's travel away?"
Tadashi paused, long enough that even Azula picked up that he was hiding something, but not one to back down from a challenge the young boy simply smirked as he put a hand on his sister's shoulder.
"It seems like you caught me, I was in the process of searching for Zuko myself." Tadashi lied, not daring to look away from his intense sister's eyes, "after all he has more information on the Avatar than anyone else."
Azula looked at Tadashi skeptically. She knew that there was more to his words than he let on but couldn't figure out why he'd hide it from her, after all Tadashi doted on her almost as much as their father would. She took a step back and looked at her surroundings once more, confirming that no one else was nearby, which meant that Tadashi couldn't have been covering for anyone else.
"I see." She mimicked Tadashi's earlier reply which made him smile.
The two faced each other for several moments in silence, a war of thoughts fighting behind their eyes in a bid to send a message across that their pride would never allow. The duo were so focused on each other that when a wild Shirshu approached the two they only noticed a second too late as it's tongue hit Azula and paralysed her.
"What was that?" Azula strained to ask, her face a mask of shock.
"It's a Shirshu." Tadashi stated, falling into a loose firebending stance, his mind racing with worry.
The animal though blind had fearsome senses and whilst he had seen it once before during a brief run in with a bounty hunter he'd never seen a wild version before, it's mouth-watering with a lust for blood.
Without thinking Tadashi started letting out his smoke in a wide ring around Azula, manipulating the temperature of the air to push back the beast. When it tried to approach the fallen Azula the smoke filled its senses and forced it back, nauseating it for several moments. The princess herself tried to move as she was forced to watch her brother defending her by himself.
With his preparations done Tadashi let loose his first flame that day. With his mind fully set on protecting his sister and his thoughts going through hundreds of scenarios where the beast defeated him and started consuming her, he started throwing his abnormal flames. The dark blue wisps of fire quickly caught onto the flammable parts of the smoke and ignited the ring, catching the beast as it made a bold attempt to jump over the gaseous wall and burning its underside.
Tadashi groaned in pain. It wasn't the first time that he felt this sensation but it was only now as he stood in front of his sister protecting her that he realised why his body started hurting him. It happened with those pirates and with Zhao. Whenever he used those blue flames to hurt someone his body cried out in pain, though the young boy with all his will held in any obligation to scream lest he made himself look weak. Even Azula, with her mastery of flames felt cold as the wisps of blue made a wall around her, her mind ablaze with questions of wonder.
The Shirshu ran off.
For moments Tadashi didn't move, his breath heavy and his mind exhausted but only mere minutes had passed and it'd be a while longer before Azula could flex her muscles again. Mustering what strength he had left Tadashi knelt next to his sister and propped her head against his legs, allowing her to stay in a more relaxed position despite her insistent disapproval and flushed face.
Again Azula was forced to undergo another of her brother's whimsical actions. Her mind going back to a time when she was only 6 and was sick. Tadashi had spent a day tending to her despite their mother's insistence that he'd also get sick. Just like back then he had placed her head on his lap as he stoked her hair, fixing any irregularities that were un-Azula.
"I'm not a child anymore," Azula muttered, closing her eyes because she couldn't look away, not because she enjoyed the pampering as she told herself.
"That's true but you're still my little sister." Tadashi chuckled, having finally caught his breath with the pain in his body subsided.
Azula scoffed, reluctant to agree even if he was right. She wanted to ask about his fire but for the first time in years thought that it wasn't the right time to say anything, her mind which had been tailored to getting what it wanted suddenly thwarted by the offhanded actions of her older brother. With a quick roll of her closed eyes Azula chuckled herself, unsure if she was more grateful for Tadashi's nature of thankful that Zuko wasn't like this.
The two stayed in that position as the feeling started coming back to her limbs. He taught her what he knew about the creature that had just attacked, including why he initially used smoke to keep it out of Azula's way.
"That was very decisive of you." Azula admitted, finally getting up.
She dusted herself off, unable to shake off the warmth of Tadashi's body from her own despite the cold she had felt not too long ago. It took several minutes of silence before she regained her composure, becoming the cold hearted Princess of the Fire Nation that she needed to be.
"I suppose I need to thank you." Azula started saying, "Though knowing you I bet you'll say something sappy about us being siblings and invalidate any professionalism that we should be conducting….director."
The last bit made Tadashi freeze up, a reaction which made Azula smirk with satisfaction as she turned to leave.
"Whilst I'd love to stay and chat about our past I really must get going," she said offhandedly, "Ta ta."
The former director could barely respond as Azula disappeared into the distance, her words striking something in him that he couldn't understand. But as always the interactions between the two put a smile on his face, an act that didn't go unnoticed as he returned to camp that day.
"Something good happen?" Naoko asked, boiling a trio of eggs they had bought the previous day.
"Actually I ran into Azula," Tadashi corrected, surprised to see the sudden change in expression of his companions.
"I see," Aki chuckled awkwardly, "It's not that we're disinterested but you must understand that she's always seemed a little..."
"Overbearing," Naoko finished, her thoughts going to a time when Azula would tease her daily.
"I understand," Tadashi replied, a little flustered, "She is a little much, but I haven't seen her in years so what else would I be apart from happy?"
Aki and Naoko gave each other a brief look before chuckling.
"Don't worry we understand," Naoko said, turning to look back her breakfast preparations.
"She says that but I bet she's jealous." Aki suddenly remarked.
Tadashi also was caught by surprise and wondered what exactly she mean, familiar with her line of thinking.
"Well it's written all over your face. You're jealous that you've never made our Prince that happy before."
For several seconds Naoko spluttered a pitiful refutation as Aki simply laughed at her. Tadashi too found the scene hilarious as the former captain quickly found out that her actions had forfeited her rights to an egg that morning, a delicacy that the fire bender loved above all.
"So, what do you have to say for yourself?" Naoko asked a kneeling Aki, who had her head pressed to the ground.
"Sorry, it was wrong of me to insinuate anything, I won't do it again." Aki murmured.
Naoko looked down at Aki with a smirk that would give Azula a run for her money, yet she started giggling like a child, a sound so infectious that the one prostrated on the ground also couldn't help laughing.
The three enjoyed a breakfast of spiced eggs, bread and tea that Naoko had prepared for them, everything seemingly settled until Tadashi felt a burning question too good not to ask.
"So, if everything Aki said wasn't true why get so agitated about it?"
Surprisingly it was Aki who spluttered, having started drinking her tea whilst Tadashi asked his question. The furious expression that Naoko had once worn was replaced by a surprised and red-faced expression that the girl desperately tried to hide away as Aki continued chuckling.
"It seems you still have a lot to learn my young apprentice." Aki managed to say, a semi-serious face hiding the laughter in her eyes.
Aang slumped onto his bed, feeling slightly distraught. Only moments after having a heart-to-heart with Sikumi had Katara came out and admitted that she wouldn't be there the next day as he further tried to control the Avatar State.
His dreams were both vivid and frightening.
One moment he was near Zuko's ship which had been sailing the southern seas as he rose out of the water in the Avatar State, wielding impressive amounts of water. But it wasn't him, or rather it was another him that overpowered the Aang on deck with intense blasts of water.
Zuko was next, then his Uncle and Sokka. All three were quickly dispatched as the person in the Avatar state turned to Sikumi, who tried her best to push passed the water but was overcome by the intense power. Her face a mixture of determination and fear as she was cut down. The last person, perhaps the most frightening of all was Katara who looked shocked and hurt that Aang or rather the Avatar State would attack her. She made no move to defend herself and just when the water, having turned to Ice reached her neck it all vanished.
Aang quickly sat up on his bed and approached Sokka.
"Sokka! Sokka, wake up." He said quickly.
"Huh?" Sokka answered groggily, his dreams mainly consisting of different flavoured seal jerky.
"I don't think we should be trying to bring on the Avatar state." Aang said worriedly.
"You sure?"
"Okay." Sokka replied nonchalantly, wanting to go back to bed.
"Do you think the general will be mad?"
"What can he say? You're the Avatar. Who knows better than you?" Sokka said dismissively, sinking back into a deep sleep.
Aang returned back to his bed, feeling annoyed yet determined that he was doing the right thing. He too found solace in his sleep, although the two males had been unaware that Sikumi had been awake the whole time, her hearing having heightened more than enough in the past weeks to pick up their quietened talk.
The next morning Aang, Sokka and Sikumi were seated in front of General Fong as he started outlining his plans for the day, including a new method to incite the Avatar State that involved firecrackers.
"The thing is, I don't think we'll ever be able to trigger it on purpose." Aang interrupted the general, "So I guess that's it."
"You sure I can't change your mind." The general asked, calmer than Aang thought he'd be.
"I'm sure. I can only reach the Avatar State when I'm in genuine danger." Aang confirmed, trying to look as solemn as possible.
"I see. I was afraid you'd say that." The general admitted.
For several moments it was quiet and the three seated in front of the general didn't know what to think. Aang was hoping that the man would understand and let them go, Sokka was wondering if there was any food he could scavenge before they leave and Sikumi was trying to determine just how the General was feeling. She looked intently at his spirit, the greens that made up his emotional state cascading and fluttering as they dipped into murkier colours before stilling at an unsettling shade of dark green.
"Guys…..I thin-"
Sikumi didn't have enough time to warn the others as General Fong used his earthbending to send the stone desk at Aang, sending him flying across the room.
"Aang!" Sokka shouted, immediately getting up to assist Aang but was quickly grabbed by two soldiers who were waiting to grab him.
Another pair also came to grab Sikumi, although they must not have considered her a threat as they merely stood by her, preventing the girl from getting up.
Fortunately Aang was able to break his fall using airbending despite being sent through the rooms walls from the force of the initial attack.
"Men! Attack the Avatar!"
Immediately several soldiers surrounded Aang and threw mid-sized rocks at the young boy, each shot aimed at where they anticipated him to be, meaning the boy had to move much faster than usual. General Fong also threw his own volleys, much to the young boys' annoyance.
"What are you doing?" Aang wanted to reason with the general, despite knowing it'd be impossible.
"I believe we're about to get results." The general replied with a sly grin.
Sikumi had seen it before but the general had set his mind on this and although he found no pleasure it seemed as if he'd go to no end to ensure his goal was reached.
"I'm not your enemy! I won't fight you!" she heard Aang shouting, as he avoided several rings of rock.
As Sikumi heard this she sprang into action, using the water she had stored in a pouch and the technique Tadashi had taught her to create a snow-screen, blinding the two soldiers as she dashed towards Sokka. The two guards that were holding the water tribe boy were so surprised to see a blind girl running towards them that they lessened their grip on Sokka and he slipped out, quickly stomping on their feet and knocking them out as painlessly as possible.
"Nice trick." Sokka commented as Sikumi walked up to him.
The girl simply nodded as she looked towards the location where Aang and the others were fighting, though the small boy made no move to attack them, simply dodging their attacks. Eventually he was hit and caught within a rink of stone, shaped like the Earth Kingdom symbol. The two moved out, partly due to the other guards that had likely escaped the snow blinding attack and were assisting their comrades.
"You can't run forever!" General Fong taunted.
"You can't fight forever!" Aang rebuked.
As the fighting grew more intense Katara eventually joined them, the sound off stone continually hitting the ground more than enough to alert everyone in the base.
"What's going on?" she asked as she saw Sokka.
"The general's gone crazy! He's trying to force Aang into the Avatar State!" he replied, pulling out his boomerang to throw as Katara ran off.
Although Aang was struggling to keep the General away, Katara was struggling to help Aang and Sokka was simply trying to be relevant, Sikumi was surprisingly at ease. The time she had spent before her parents died were days spent watching others. She had picked up earthbending forms, firebending katas and seen her relatives bend water every day. It was these memories that came to mind as she watched several soldiers attack her. It seemed amidst the chaos these men were still willing to harm her to ensure their general's plan succeeded.
As the nearest soldier threw a rock she held in her gasp as the rock was suddenly injected with life, the energy of the bender itself propelling it forwards. This allowed her to cleanly dodge it. In fact, because the area was full of benders all using their energy, apart from Sokka, she could see more than she expected. To the soldiers who faced her it must have been frightening for them to see a blinded female attack them with precision whilst dodging their attacks.
Unfortunately Katara wasn't faring well. The younger female got caught within a ring of earth and was trapped as she started sinking into the ground.
"I can't move!" she shouted, struggling to get out.
"Don't hurt her!" Aang shouted, his voice full of worry.
The young boy desperately tried to attack the general but all his attempts were thwarted as Katara was sinking further into the ground. Sokka, now atop an Ostrich Horse, was prevented from helping as the general trapped the animal's feet into the ground. Sikumi, the last person, was too far away and between her and Katara were too many Earthbenders.
"Stop this! You have to let her go!" Aang shouted.
"You could save her if you were in the Avatar State!" the General replied coldly.
"I'm trying ... I'm trying!" Aang pleaded, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.
Sikumi grimaced as the soldiers neared her stopped bending, merely staying where they were in a bid to buy the general more time. She looked as Katara cried out again, only her head visible now. It was then that she noticed the first change in Aang. Although there were numerous colours surrounding the boy, he had mainly been using Airbending with its yellow wisps and orange aura. But now there were numerous colours drawing towards the boy. Greens from the ground, blue from the sweat in the air, red from the sun itself and yellow from the sky. His spirit seemed to pool this energy together into a white brilliance that buzzed with energy. It frantically grew and shrank, threatening to burst as Aang continually tried to induce the Avatar State.
The moment that Katara was completely buried the area exploded with energy.
Sikumi figured that for those normally the Avatar State must have been fearsome, but it was only with her lack of true vision that she comprehended just how powerful he was. No more could she see Aang, bending the elements but a thousand voices filled her senses, a million lights rained from the heavens and infinite power radiated from the fearsome form that was the Avatar.
In those moments the waterbender knew what it meant to be fearful. All sound from the encounter beforehand vanished. She didn't hear the triumphant cheers of the general or the please as he realised that the Avatar was about to attack him.
But she couldn't stay this way forever.
One step at a time, she approached Aang, focusing on the form of the Avatar. One moment it was Roku, Kyoshi and then even other forms she couldn't recognise. All of them shared this magnificent power, adding to it with their own experiences and determination. But the most wondrous thing she saw was the form behind all the people, lights and power. The being that bended it all together in a fearsome display of truth and justice.
"What are you?" her words barely a whisper but caught by this efferent force.
It looked away from the cause of Aang's distress, interested in Sikumi for merely a moment before fading away. The next thing Sikumi saw was two forms together, a yellow and blue light that she quickly recognised as Aang and Katara, the white light that must have been the Avatar State calmed down.
Too dazed and out of it to make sense of what was happening, Sikumi didn't hear as Sokka knocked out General Fong, nor did she even notice as Katara guided her away and they left the base. Her mind was fully focused on what had just happened, whether it really did.
- In Serial21 Chapters
Sword of Ending [German]
Disclaimer: German Version (!) - for the english version: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/19997/sword-of-ending-english. This version is also not proofread and of lesser quality. It serves mostly as a template for translation. Release Date will be once a week at least. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ollowyn’s Leben begann nicht wie jedes andere. Geboren mit schlohweißem Haar wurde er gemäß alter Traditionen als Neugeborenes im Wald ausgesetzt. Dem Willen der Götter überlassen wartete das hilflose Kind auf den Tod. Doch die Götter zeigten Erbarmen. Ein Wolfswelpe, kaum älter als einige Tage, stolperte verirrt über Ollowyn. Halb erfroren und tief müde kauerte es sich an seinen warmen Körper. Als es nur Stunden später von seiner Mutter gefunden wurde, roch Ollowyn bereits wie einer der ihren. Adoptiert und umsorgt wuchs Ollowyn unter Wölfen auf. Er lernte nach den Regeln des Rudels zu leben, und kämpfte stets darum zu überleben. Mit den Jahren wurde er stärker als seine Brüder und Schwestern, jagte mit anderen Mitteln. Doch trotz tiefer Liebe für seine Familie, stellte er mehr und mehr fest anders zu sein. Er besaß kein Fell, keine Klauen und so sehr er es auch versuchte, seine Reißzähne würden nie Beute schlagen. Was machte ihn anders? Der Drang nach Antworten wuchs mit jedem Tag, bis er im Alter von sieben Jahren schließlich aufbrach um Antworten zu suchen. Doch nach tagelanger Suche und durchdringenden Hunger brach er schließlich auf einer Straße zusammen...
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