《World of Legends: True Magic》RL


I'm sorry everyone my original chapter was over four thousand words long... then i fell asleep at my keyboard last night and my

power went out.. [th_107_.gif]. for the first time in two months. I only saved the first three pages of the unedited version.

I will work hard and compensate you guys on a later chapter. This chapter is still double the size of my other chapters as promised. hopefully it fills you in on a little bit about how our MC faces the real world. Thanks for reading! be sure to rate and comment. Yes this is an unedited version! there will be some errors.


After logging out, I sat in the egg shaped pod for a few more second. I pressed a small button on the right side of the exit and a holographic screen appeared displaying the time in big bold numbers. 1:09 a.m….. I have been in game for over six hours?! Thinking about the time difference being 4:1 I’m glad I haven’t faded any problems. The only thing that is affecting me right now was mentally exhausted.

Almost as if on cue my stomach started to make some noises indicating that my satiety is low! But because the kitchen is all the way on the other side of the mansion not only is this house big it’s also old and the floor makes some loud noises when someone walks. I decide to dig into some food I had stashed in my room in advance. I walked over to a large desk in the corner of my room and opened a special compartment that had a huge pile of junk food and soda in it.

After stuffing myself with a whole bag of chips I lay down and within 10 min. I had drifted off to sleep. That night I had a strange dream. I dreamed I was back in game; I was surrounded by an army of white rabbits. I laughed at them and their pathetic attempt to try and attack the great and powerful me! I started to chant some strange incantation, and the air suddenly turned cold. I look up and Giant lances of pure ice rained down on the horde of adorable abominations. After my assault the entire field was destroyed and shards of ice stuck out from the ground.

Then out of the corner of my vision a large shadow appeared. It was the Dark rabbit boss! I smiled as I looked at him. He stood on his hind legs looking at me… we both didn’t move at all for at least a minute. Finally I raised my hands into the air and yelled the incantation again, but nothing happened. I tried to use it again, yet still nothing happened. I look over at the Boss, to me he had a smug impression on his face.

I slowly backed away, but as I did a blast of lightning flew from the horns on the Bosses head. The huge blast missed my face by a hairs width. I could feel burns form on my face were the strike missed. I continued to back away, no at this point I turned and ran, ran for my life. I tried again and again, to activate my mana, yet I failed. For some reason no matter what I tried it wouldn’t work. Then before me was the Boss, taking one look into my eyes, it suddenly vanished. Before I realized it a large horn was sticking out of my chest were my heart was I fell to the ground motionless…. Everything turned black…


Waking up with a terrible jerk, I sat up so quickly I lost my balance and fell off the small western style bed. I was found myself on the ground panting and sweating. For some reason what I had just dreamed about was already forgotten. Shaking my head I slowly stood back up, looking on the desk where the old radio clock could be seen. It was already 7:30 in the morning. I still felt unrested but it was time to start the day.

I walked to a large dresser and pulled out some fresh clothes. I proceeded out of my room and down the long narrow hall to the washroom. When I walked in I couldn’t help but look in amazement at the full Japanese style bath and showers. I wasn’t interested in a full bath, so I just washed myself in one of the sitting shower areas.

After fifteen minutes I was done and dressed. Walking back to my room I opened my pod, but instead of logging in, I checked online for any news about World of Legends. According to the forum a lot of people are finding dungeons, but lack the power to complete them. There is word that the first Guild had already been formed. This has lead to a mad rush of players trying to make or join guilds to keep up.

The first person to obtain a hidden class has finally decided to reveal it to the public. It was called the Mythic Warrior class and it allowed the Fighter to wield any weapon, as long as you meet the player level requirement. What that means is that class and stat restrictions don’t mean anything! The down side is that you can’t wear any heavy armor, but the speed of the class is insane. There were other miscellaneous news, but the news about the hidden class made me think I need to get a class.

In most RPGs a common method of improving the capabilities of different game characters is to assign each one to a character class. A character class aggregates several abilities and aptitudes, and may also sometimes detail aspects of background and social standing or impose behavior restrictions. The best example would be a paladin must always act according to the doctrine of their Church with no deviation whatsoever. If they do deviate it could negatively affect their powers granted to them through the church. (Plus Paladins are a$$ holes)

If I could get a basic magician class it would increase both the amount of mana I have, and the power of my spells automatically. It would also require less mana for most spells. The problem is that I had to get into the tower to lean the class…

Well let’s think about that later. I get out of the capsule, leave my room, and head down the hall in the opposite direction. This place is so big it’s easy to get lost in, but my direction is pinpointed by the savory smell of bacon being cooked. As I turned one of the corners I faced a large double door. I could hear the sound of conversation going on. Taking a long deep sigh, I mentally prepare myself and slides open the large door. Inside was this mansion’s dining hall. It was a very traditional Japanese room with tatami mats and it even had a huge low table that could sit over fifteen guests. It was surrounded by large comfortable cushions placed on the ground for guests to sit on.

Sitting at the head on one side of the rectangular table was the master of the house Hojiro Akumatokkō, surrounded by three sons and one daughter. While on the other side my family sat with my father, Ryan sitting at the head. Next to him was my mother Nalia with my brother Allan across form her and my sister Drella next to her. The second I walked in everyone looked at me for a few second. Then Momohime or Momo, the daughter of Hojiro got up and greeted me. She walked me over to my spot on the table next to Allen.


I silently follow her and take a seat, afterword’s she departed into the kitchen. After I was seated everyone went back to their conversation and ignored me. If you ask me this was just perfect. I didn’t have anything to say to my family and nothing they would even care about. I looked across the table at the Akumatokkō’s if I remember right the oldest was 20 yrs old and his name was Genjiro, the second oldest was Momohime who was 16 yrs old. Tobi was third at 12, and the youngest was Hiru who was 8. Their mother died during Hiru’s child birth. Since then Momo has kind of taken over as head Matriarch of the household.

Oh and speak of the devil, here comes Momo with a large plate of food for me. I see eggs, slices of a steak, and toast! Thanking Momo I take the plate and start to eat. As I gorge myself I pay a little more attention to the conversation going on between my Father and Hojiro. They seem to be talking about the Overworld Underworld seal.

Those of you who don’t know what that is. It is a special seal placed in several locations through the world that keeps the large amounts of supernatural beings from ripping through their dimension and into ours. Every hundred years or so these divine level seals starts to wear out. In order to fix it must be recharged through mana. That is the reason for our family to be here in japan. The Akumatokkō clan is large, but their power is no match for the four members of my family. What would take 10 years by themselves, with us we can get it done in only 1.

Well after finishing my breakfast I dismissed myself. Learning anything more would be pointless to me. My monster of a family can just take care of it anyway. As I was almost out the door Tobi the 12 year old left with me. I turned and looked at him for a second

“do you need something Tobi”?

With a little bit of broken English he started talking

“Big broder Seth, come pleey wit me! I Knon yun has a fun game fer us to pleey!”

(Big brother Seth, come play with me. I know that you have a fun game for us to play.)

I shook my head a little but soon gave him a short smile. I needed access to some of the magic techniques from the books that this clan has. Coming up with a plan, I looked down at Tobi and said

“ok I will play with you, but before that could you show me some really cool things you have stored away?”

He looked at me confused for a second his eyebrows turning into a little frown as he tried to think. The his eyes light up and started running off in. I slowly fallowed him. I tire to keep my eyes on him the whole way. Finally he took me outside of the main house to one of the side buildings. Tobi lead me to one of the largest buildings then pointed inside.

Inside of the large store building of the Akumatokkōs they keep large old pieces of furniture. I also spot some artifacts that have lost their power, but what were also there was large quantities of books. An entire wall of old books was before me, some detailing the general history of the world and others had basic runes, and spells. What I looked for was the "Laws of Mana" book. I took it, as well as a strange book titled "Magus of Mana". The last and strangest book I took was the "Runes of power" book.

I was always fascinated by runes, for they showed how much power writing had over our world. After writing a Rune on an object and imbuing it with power, you can change the very property of that object. The best example I can come up with is a boulder that weighs a Ton (2,000 lbs) if you wright the rune for weightless and imbue it with power its weight changes to (150 lbs) the very nature of the rock has been changed.

Taking the three books all the way back to his room he set them down on the desk. Tobi was quiet this whole time and let me get what I needed. I decided to reward him a little bit by going outside and playing with him a little till lunch.

Finally after lunch rolled around I headed to the kitchen in the manor. To get a sandwich. As I walk in Momo was cooking some type of stew with her little helper Hiru. I waved to them both. But momo set the large lid on the pot and came over to talk with me. She had asked what me and Tobi did that morning. I told her in a summarized form about visiting the storage and borrowing some books. we went outside to and kicked a ball around. Momo looked at me and said said with a soft voice:

“Seth if you would like to borrow some more books you could just go up to the second floor library. The ones in the storage are all books that have lost their relativity to the preforming magic. I can have Hiru lead you there tomorrow.”

Momohime looked over at Hiru who gave a little nod at his big sisters rewquest, and went back to stirring a large pot of rice. With a little smile on her face Momo made me a quick simple egg and salami sandwich. After thanking her properly I happily ate it.

The second i had polished off my sandwich a chill ran down my spine as my family entered the dining area, ready to eat lunch. They were having an enjoyable chat, I knew they wouldn't like me being in tier way so I decided to sneak out the back kitchen door and bypass them completely. Before I left I told Momo that I would most likely miss dinner again. She smiled at me and said that she would bring me some rice balls to my room later. She really is a sweet girl. I thanked her and left through the back.

Making my way around the outside of the manner I finally reached the side door and walked in. two doors down the hall was my room. I quickly got in and locked the door. Finally, I have a chance to look at the books I got. Now let’s see what I can find. Opening the “Laws of Mana” book I began reading the strange text. After only five minutes it put it away. All the book talked about was why we call mana, mana….. I even skipped through the book I couldn’t help but feel that it was a waste.

Next let’s see if the “Mana Magus” has anything different. As I was reading the book it talked about several pure mana skills that many magi have used through history. One Magus used his mana to form infinite weapons and used his strength to destroy evil spirits and demons. Another used mana to form bolts in the air and have them rain down on the opponent. The one that made me laugh was that there was a Magus several hundred years ago that used his mana and caused entire armies and cities to be blown into oblivion.

I’m guessing that must be similar to the mana bomb skill. That means I should be able to make some of these into skills! After reading through most of the book, I decided to change and glance at the “Runes of Power” book. This is a wild card but I might as well try it. I memorized the runes for “Power” “Speed” and “Explosion” explosion was a tier 4 rune but I might as well go big or go home right?

Putting all the books away on the desk I look at the time 2:15 p.m. alright it’s time to play Word Of Legends!


Also look forward to the Introduction of some new characters!

Do you guys like me to make some POVs from other players standpoints, or leave it as only Seth's POV? Post your answer down below. depending on how you like it i may or may not make a special chapter!

Those of you who don't know what a POV is it is (point of view) many many many other authors use them, i generally don't but i want to know what you guys think.

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