《World of Legends: True Magic》Hunting is hard


Hello everyone! Thanks for reading. I will not be uploading any new chapters for a few days after this. I'm changing jobs right now so my schedule sucks. Again be sure to rate or comment about anything that is wrong (especially with the tables)


After my short skip I arrived in the beginner clearing right outside the city gates. I looked around yet there was no one, even stranger there was absolutely nothing in the clearing. I am surprised to say the least, i thought for sure there would be tons of players out and about killing things. They are probably deeper in the forest. I needed to prepare myself for fighting the creatures i find in the forest. I took out the only weapon i have the crappy, wooden sword from my bag and inspected it.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Identificationbeginner10%Gives you information on objects. Higher the level the more information available. some items can not be used until Identified. 20 mana

Identification successful

Wooden Beginner SwordType:SwordDurability:15 / 15Quality:poorA wooden sword given to all players. If you bought this there is something wrong with you 1-4 damage

Wow this really is a beginner weapon. It absolutely sucks. I start to walk around the clearing looking for something to kill. Still there is nothing around. I begin to run around the clearing looking in the ground, still nothing…

After wasting some time doing that I start going into the forest area. Walking in I slowly trying to check my surroundings. Almost instantly I come upon the remains of a large animal, it was some type of deer. I use Identify again

Identification successful

Forest Lords antlersType:IngredientDurability:N/AQuality:HighRare alchemical ingredient used in many high class potions.

I take the skull with the antlers and stuff it into my bag. Creeping around I hear a loud scream further in the forest. Bringing up my sword I move in the direction that it came from. Within seconds I hear a strange noise and dive straight into a nearby bush .

A cute little rabbit comes into my view. It was absolutely adorable, the only thing that was strange was the huge dull tan horn that jetted out if its head. It seemed to be going towards the scram noise from a second ago. Curious i start to follow the rabbit. Still being cautious I was sticking to the shadows and large bushes that gave me plenty of cover. after a few minuted we arived at a clearing. Before i could even take a step out into the clearing a ring goes off in my head and a blue box appears.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:SneakBeginner10%Reduces the sound you make by 40% when active. More effects as level increases. 10 mana / min.


Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Hide presenceBeginner10%Makes you 20% harder to detect. More effects as level increases 10 mana / min.

Activating both of my new skills i fallowed slowly, with my gut on the ground and crawled forward through the high grass. The cool thing about activating both skills at once was that my body started to turn slightly transparent, almost like a ghost. It was only slightly, i wonder if they increase in level i could go totally invisible. finally we arrived into the edge of the tree clearing. I poked my head up from the grass I was petrified with what i saw. What I saw was a nightmare to any newb out there. There where a huge number of elven bodies lying around with giant puncture marks in their heads. I counted at least 15 that i could see. The group of bodies was surrounded by about five little white rabbits, but behind them I saw a crazy Huge 4ft tall black Hare. It was equipped with three long glowing horns jetting out vertically on its head. making this horror story complete a body was still pierced on its horn, and fresh blood dripped from the tip.

I quickly ducked my head down and frantically tried to used my Identification skill. Nothing, i tired it several more times. and still it would not work. Finally after the seventh try it worked, and what it showed made my face loose all color.

Dark Rabbit King: level 10 boss monster, only appears at night when large amounts of rabbits are killed. It moves at ultra high speeds. It also combines both Shadow and Lightning mana for devistating attacks. Special abilities: Shadow leap, Lightning blast.

FUNK! A boss monster. How the Hell did I get stuck in this situation. I guess curiosity really did kill the cat! Oh well I stealthily try and flee, but as I was backing up a twig snapped. Almost immediately all the rabbits In the area perked their ears up and started to move in my direction. I jumped out of the tall grass and ran… i just realized I'm running a lot in this game.

The rabbits were right on my tracks. I backtracked straight to the beginner clearing keeping just ahead of the horned monsters. I ended up gaining +2 agility as I fled with all my might. Thank you improved agility without you I would have died a cute furry, yet really painful death. I almost made it into the city, however there in front of me was the Black Rabbit king. It sat on it's hind legs looking at me with big glowing yellow eyes.

I’m now surrounded. In front of me is the boss class monster behind me is a group of level three rabbits that killed over a dozen other players. There is only one thing to do, Magic! The only spell I had available was my Mana bomb but that would have to do! Holding my hand out in front of me I yelled “mana bomb” I could feel the mana leave my body and collect into the palm of my hand. I forced more and more into it, I could feel as the mana became more and more unstable. I look into the corner of my vision as my mana bar appeared. After putting everything, all 210 points of mana into it I cocked my arm behind me like a baseball player getting ready to throw. Instantly turning around I now faced the group of low level rabbits and threw the bomb directly at them.



I had crouched down in anticipation of the impact. Looking in front of me there was a giant crater almost 6 feet in diameter. The rabbits seemed to have vanished. Only a small pile of what looks like fur and some coins remained scatterd about in the bottom of the hole. I was assaulted by blue boxes again. Swiping them away I would deal with them later right now i don't have the time to celebrate.

Turning around to face the Boss i took one look in its eyes. It told me one thing….RUN! I ran as fast as I could. Running around the crater in the ground, I quickly headed back into the trees. Once I got there I looked over and saw the Boss still in the same spot. I breathed a sigh of relief, when suddenly I was sent flying back and slammed right into a tree and crashed on the ground below.

-86 Health

Crap what the heck happened. The huge rabbit was right where I stood before. Apparently that thing is freakin fast. Realizing I can’t outrun the huge furball I start climbing the tree in front of me. I managed to get to the top. Looking down the rabbit boss was still looking at me from down below. After making eye contact there was a sudden light flashing between its horns. In an instant a huge blast of lightning shot directly at me. I drop to a lower branch, barely missing the blast. Using my new conceal presence and hide skills I tried to vanish. Holding my breath, i waited. Not a movement, not a noise, finally the Boss looked away. The big rabbit started to turn back into the forest. After several minutes, I felt safe enough to drop down. I can't believe that worked!

Shaking my head I could feel my previous tensions disappear. I quickly walked back to the starting field. I carefully lowered myself into the crater and collect my loot, it consisted of seven rabbit furs and horns, 50 silver coins, and one strange ring. I use Identify on the ring

Ring of the Inept MageType:ringDurability:15 / 15Quality:poorRing that fell of a inept mage while walking in the woods grants INT+1 WIS+1.

I chuckle a little at the item discription. Right now that is exactly what i am an Inept mage. I need more skills and spells to use. I will have to learn more later. I would hate to rely on a skill that could end up hurting me too. i guess this is for a diffrent time. I slip the ring onto my finger and it fits perfectly. Oh yea I also need to check out what I missed earlier after i killed all these rabbits i call out “open Notifications.” All the boxes I closed began to pop up in front of me.

You killed several Horned rabbits at once exp x1.5

Level up

Level up

Level up

Using a single spell to its maximum you have raised your familiarity with mana

Intelligence + 2

You killed several Horned rabbits with one skill due to your "Self-Taught" title you gain more experience

skill up

skill up

skill up

skill up

You have 15 unassigned points

I gained 4 levels with my mana bomb!? Wow that's awesome, just 6 more till it goes up to Intermediate. I have 15 points? Right, i forgot you get 5 points to apply to your stats for every level you gain. Hmmmm. I decide to add all my points in intelligence and wisdom, after all I’m trying to be a mage. If I’m going to get my revenge on that black rabbit I’m going to need to get a lot stronger. "Open Status"

Status WindowName:Seth BlackwingAlignment:NeutralLevel:4Class:noneRace:HumanGender:MaleTitlesSelf-TaughtFame:0Infamy:0-Health:102/160Health Regen:1.6 / SecMana:285/350Mana Regen:4.2 / SecStamina:45/160Stamina Regen:1.6 / Sec-Strength:10 (1)Agility:15Vitality:15 (1)Intelligence:19 (16)Wisdom:12 (9)Leadership:N/ALuck:5-

Taking a long sigh, I look into the sky as the sun begins to rise. After a long time its time to leave the virtual world. Walking into the gates of the city I find an alley way plop myself into the corner and log of for the first time. Thinking about what great adventures are still to come.


Edited a few details. thanks for the comments. I will have a extra long chapter ready for you guys on Monday! get ready to read about the real world, but from the view of powerful Magicians.

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