《World of Legends: True Magic》I can do it!



Hello and thank you for reading I just want to go on record saying that making charts is a pain in the BUTT.... This will be the first true chapter with charts so please enjoy and tell me if I need to add, subtract, divide, or multiply anything. Oh and i know you know that i know you know that i want you to rate and comment! Criticism is appreciated just keep it reasonable


It’s been three hours since I shoved myself into this back alley. I need to go into the real world soon. I don’t want to. I’m still depressed about what happened at the tower. Why is fate so screwy with me, why can’t I learn magic!?

Wait a minute… the orb didn’t say that I couldn’t “learn” magic it just meant that I was not naturally proficient in an element! Yea, that’s right! I CAN learn magic, I just have to find a way to learn it myself. Since the tower rejected me I need to figure out the basics. Well first I need to check my stats… I knew I should have done that at the beginning, but I was an idiot.

“Open status”

In front of me appeared several boxes, one contained my information and others contained status updates or change notifications.

Status WindowName:Seth BlackwingAlignment:NeutralLevel:1Class:noneRace:HumanGender:MaleTitlesNoneFame:0Infamy:0-Health:150/150Health Regen:1.5 / SecMana:100/100Mana Regen:1.0 / SecStamina:130/130Stamina Regen:1.3 / Sec-Strength:10Agility:13Vitality:15Intelligence:10Wisdom:5Leadership:N/ALuck:5-

Due to constant running without rest Agility +1 Vitality +1

Due to constant running without rest Agility +1 Vitality +1

Satiety low either rest or consume food

Ignoring the pain of running on empty Vitality +3 Agility +1

After looking at that I gained quite a bit in agility and vitality…. I need to eat some bread before I die apparently. Now that my sorrow has been eased somewhat I start to feel a hunger I didn’t realize was there. After consuming I received a new notification.

Gained title "Hunger is for the Weak" when equipped you need less food to fill satiety

Vitality +1 Strength +1

Really?!… I just got a title because I’m I freaking idiot. Oh well a title is a title. Pulling myself out of the garbage I look around the alley, and find a clear spot. I walk over and sat down. I may be stupid, but in real life my family used meditation to increase energy by absorbing it from the surroundings. It may be a game but I want to see if it could work here.


I sit cross legged in the classic Zen pose. I breathe in and out, trying to relax. Ok breathe in, out, in, out….. I felt something. I felt a warmth envelope me. I felt something!!!! Instantly my posture was broken due to my excitement. But I felt something! I couldn’t help myself. I have tried it many times in the real world but here I actually felt something! Trying to quickly quell my excitement I tried it again.

Breathing in, out, in, out…. I again felt the warmth surround me. I let it run its natural course. I could feel my body absorb it, slowly ever so slowly, it began to penetrate my skin. I slowly bring my hands to my chest, put one over the other with the palms facing each other and cup them into a ball. I then focus all the energy in between my hands. I feel it flowing throughout my body and around me and focus in my hands. I focus, focus, focus, and relax…..

After nearly 30 minutes of maintaining this meditative state, I’m startled to hear a multitude of chimes go off in my head. Opening my eyes several notification boxes appeared in front of me. But what was even more incredible than that was the glowing orb that was firmly between my hands. It had a strange look almost like glass. It was completely clear. Not a single color was present, however it distorted and swirled, giving it an incredible appearance.

Ignoring the boxes for now I took my first magic and placed it against the wall.


I was sent flying out of the alley across the street and crashing onto one of the empty stalls. My health dropped to 5 and guards came flying (quite literally) towards the alley. When they got here I was apprehended and questioned by several Elves in full armor. I told them I was just walking by and the explosion hit. I tell them I’m a traveler and just arrived that day. The only thing that saved my butt was no one around, because it was 4 in the morning in game. Most people would be doing other things than wander the street.

In the end, they let me go… but they put me under suspicion because I’m a human. I quickly get out of there and head to the forest area. I now bring up the windows that I had closed at the time.


Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Zen MeditationBeginner10%A hidden skill used by only the highest class of Mages. Brings mana from the surroundings to replenish and increase the Mages natural healing abilities, Mana pool, and vitality. when active it increases ALL regeneration rates by 5.0 / sec. rates increase as level increases

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Mana ManipulationBeginner10%Grants you control of the mana within your body as well as that surrounding you. the higher the level the greater the amount you control

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Mana Bombbeginner210%Forming a dense ball of mana from your surroundings it causes explosions proportionate to the amount put in. Can be infused with different types of spells to change its properties

Due to your discovery of new mana abilities you earn the title "Self-Taught" when equipped all skills you learn by yourself gain 25% more experience Intelligence + 15 Wisdom +8

HOLY CRAP this is awesome! Skills, title, and stats!? Wooohooo! Wait, wait, wait, wait…. I’m forgetting something more important. That was my first magic! I used magic! With a laugh I began to skip out of the town out into the beginner section of the woods.

As I was rejoicing in my strange way I was unaware that across town in the opposite direction in the Tower. A meeting was being held by the council. 10 of the highest mages in the continent where sitting around discussing events. As one man was talking a loud gruff voice rang out in disbelief

“Are you absolutely sure Archmage Markel? You know that there is no way we missed something like that during our admission to the tower!”

The man named Markel looked over at his colleague who spoke out. Nodding his head he replied.

“I know what I saw Lawson completely clear, not a trace of color. Someone with no color to their mana is something that I have never seen with my eyes before. I followed him out of the tower this morning and watched as he ran like an idiot with a disappointed look on his face. Although I did laugh a little when he ran into an alley and threw himself on a pile of trash.”

Suddenly a woman interjected

“Markel it wouldn’t have happened to be a human boy with short black hair would it? Because if it is I checked the boy and he appeared to not have enough mana to activate the crystal”

Markel looked a little surprised and turned his head to the speaker Senerity. Looking right at her he sighed and started speaking again.

“Senerity let me tell you something, I have special eyes. They allow me to see every individual with an aura around their body. I have found that it works very similar to how the crystal orb works, however you don’t need to actually put in mana. Now when I saw the boy his aura was twice the average. Not only that, it looked like space was distorted around him. A phenomenon I have never witnessed before. We must get him and train the boy.”

As Markel finished speaking the others in the council sat in silence. Each pondering what type of properties this mana could hold. Finally Archmage Lawson brought his hand down on the table in a loud bang. drawing everyone's attention to him.

"It pains me to say this in the face of the unknown but for now we will wait. If he truly wants to learn magic he will come to the tower. If that is all I would like Markel to act as overseer of this project. Follow him around and see just what this new mana can do"

At that all members nodded, then in the blink of an eye everyone but Lawson and Markel had vanished. Lawson then continued to Markel

"If this is an unpredictable factor, you know what to do."

With a solemn nod Markel waved his hands and vanished. Lawson then sat back on his chair and smiled. The fact that there was something so strange and unknown so close to him made him giddy. He couldn't wait to have a new toy to play with. After a few minutes he to waved his hand and vanished from the room.


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