《World of Legends: True Magic》Tower


I forgot to have someone edit this..... Oh well, please remember to rate and comment if you like it or not, I want constructive criticism... or just criticism in general, because that is what helps Authors grow. Now because this is not checked i reserve the right to change this a little. (don't worry the story content will be the same) it will just be better worded later.


The streets of Lieflen where filled to capacity as people everywhere where walking to and fro. I was ecstatic taking in all the sights, smells, and feelings of the virtual world. The starting city of Lieflen was predominately an elven city. All around me there were elves, elves, one human, and elves. Almost all of them had exceptional beauty, even the guys.

Yet many of the elves couldn’t be further from each other. A beautiful elf with white skin and blond hair, walked next to one with a light lavender shade skin and dark blue hair. Their color schemes where amazing. Especially the ones who were working in various store fronts. There was one with reddish pink skin and flaming red-orange hair. (it was as if it was on fire) It is probably the crazy ones were player created avatars. They just didn’t match up with the elves natural grace or color schemes.

But after a while my thoughts shifted to the surrounding buildings. They were tree trunks grown into the shapes of homes and stores. Yet you could clearly see them still alive covered in leaves. As I walked down the road I put my hand on several of them and felt the flow of power in the tree. Whatever power the elves used it was amazing… wait It was probably because of the Leyline.

I read online that Lieflen was located almost dead center in the Shifting Forest in the central part of the Saltur continent. It was built on top of a leyline. A leyline is an area where mana was extremely dense making it easier to cast high level spells and enchantments. This is the only city known to the world right now to have a leyline, due to their dangerous nature. Most are controlled by powerful mythical creatures such as a Dragon or a Grand Lich.

As I walked to the huge Tower, I strolled by a group of people that I believe where NPC’s (non-playable character) selling various wares out on the street. It was still midmorning yet a few had food stalls open and the smell of the food was amazing. I look into my starter bag for the first time only to find a wooden sword, two vials of water, several loafs of hard bread, and about 20 copper coins…. Yea not a lot. Well hopefully I can get some money once I reach the tower. Turning away from the food vender I continued on my way. I was still happy I even started whistling a tune as I walked. Nothing is going to ruin my mood now.


After walking for nearly thirty minutes or something like that. The time in game is really strange I believe it was a 4:1 hour ratio. Meaning four hours in game is equal to only one outside. I finally reached the base of the tower. Its wide base was easily over 150 meters in diameter. And it scaled up higher than 1,000 meters in the air. It was huge and one of the largest buildings I had ever seen. Its sleek black exterior gave it an intimidating look. It looked awfully similar to a certain evil tower with a giant eyeball in a movie.

Walking in through the front door there was a huge line winding around the inside base of the tower. The sheer number of people was staggering. Confused I walked up to the first person I saw at a desk and inquired about the line. The answer was simple. This floor is used for testing magic applicants to the tower. Because of the start of the game most players aspiring to be a mage flocked to the best place to learn. Having to deal with the massive influx of new people the tower was forced to test people to see their potential. Contrary to what most people think Magic in Legends was based on an unforeseen stat. it randomized how people could learn magic. It helped to give the world a better feel of realty. Everyone could learn magic, but some were just not suited for certain types of it.

The test was simple put your hand on a crystal ball and it would glow a certain color. Whatever that color was would signal your strongest element to learn. However you must still pass the second stage which was power. You had to stand in the middle of a circle used to identify your magic tier. To join, you must be a second tier grade or higher. If the crystal failed to change color you were deemed too weak to learn at the tower.

Finally after two hours of standing in line it was my turn. I walk up to the old yet still elegant elf woman with short styled blond hair, light tan skin, with small spectacles resting on her nose. Her long racial ears jetting out, forming into a point past her head. She wore the long elegant robes of the High Mages that rule the tower. Sitting behind her large desk almost exactly like a judge in the court of law. Her face looked tired from the tedious job of administering the test.


As it was my turn the woman looked at me and spoke in a strong voice

“welcome to the Mage Tower I am Archmage Senerity. I will be in charge of your test. Please give your name, level, and Class please.”

Looking into Archmage Senerity’s eyes I spoke respectfully and introduced myself. “I am Seth Blackwing, I am level one and no class. A pleasure to meet you Archmage.”

Finishing it off with a respectful bow

I looked up and I saw no hint of emotions leave Senerity face or eyes. I’m sure she had seen this type of spectacle all day. I then saw her jot down something on a piece of paper in front of her. As she looked up she then nodded to one of her assistants that was carrying a crystal ball in their hands. I don’t know the gender due to a strange hood obscuring their face from view. As they walked up to me Senerity spoke to me with the instructions.

“Please put your dominate hand on the orb. Then I want you to focus as much mana into the orb as possible. Do not stop until I tell you to. Is that Clear?”

I silently nodded to her. Placing my right hand on the orb, I began to focus and press mana into it. I could feel something happening around me. I could feel power leaving my body yet nothing happened to the orb. No color was shown…. In that instant dread filled my heart

After a minute, Senerity ordered me to stop focusing my mana. I stopped and took my hand off the orb my gaze was downcast. Thoughts filled my head. Please dear god don’t take my dream away… please not in this world too!! Pease, please, please, please, please, please NO!

Senerity was trying to say something to me in a strange tone but I just didn’t have the heart to listen. One of the other assistants came up to me and pulled me out of line. They led me back to the entrance as I trudged behind and showed me out. I didn’t have the heart to put up a fight.

I Ran…..

Only to look back and cast my face down in the shadow of the tower, the place that my lifetime dream was supposed to be a reality. Why, why can’t I use magic in this world, a freaking fantasy world!!

As I continued to run it was as if something broke in me. The hope that I had built up was suddenly crushed so splendidly. It was almost pitiful. My face still down I ran back into the city ignoring the fact that the sun had died down, ignoring the several boxes that had obscured my vision. I walked deep into the city found a little alley and buried myself into the back where the garbage belonged. I just sat there emotionally and physically drained.

Little did I know that a pair of dark green eyes was watching me the whole time from a building across from me. Looking at me with pity and amusement. The owner of those eyes clad entirely in black, as if the shadows covered their very form. The shadow dropped soundlessly onto the street, blending in with everyone walking by and completely disappeared. The only clue as to who it was a small card, with the mark of the tower that fell from their pocket that slowly blew away in the breeze.


Starting next chapter he will finally get around to playing the game! Stay tuned!!

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