《World of Legends: True Magic》Game start


Note: please rate and comment if you like this or not. It is still relatively early in writing so i can always go and make it better or correct flaws in the story.


My name is Seth Myrdread (our last name changes every 5 years for some reason) your average 17 year old teenager. I’m 6 feet tall with short dark brown hair and light blue eyes. I also have a medium build, for those who run by a different scale I would be “Husky” yea completely normal. My family however is anything but average. We are a family of wizards, sorcerers, shamans, and Magi formed since before Christianity was conceived (quite literally). We have about 5,000 years of “recorded” history in our family. At least that's what our founding ghosts say, they apparently won’t leave for the other plain. (by the way I can’t see or hear them so you will have to ask for me) Anyway I’m the only person in the 5,000 years that was born within the main family with no magical potential.

My Mom and Dad where deeply disturbed and thought it was because I was cursed. They tried many different methods to try and awaken my nonexistent talent. They first forced me to swallow various mana elixirs. Next was making me take a meditative state and forcing mana directly into my body. I had such a violent reaction to it that my body almost combusted. It was not a good experience. This was just the start of two years of torture. The only thing that probably saved my life was when my twin siblings awoke to their power at the early age of four. Both possessed power far beyond my parents. So now they looked at me as filth and started focusing solely on my brother and sister.

My only saving grace is that I am relatively smart… I say that but my hobby at home has been to dig into our storage and find old scrolls and tablets. I love to find and translate them. It’s all to try and learn anything new that could show my parents I’m not a complete waste. When I was 12 I found an alchemic scroll that showed how to create a mythical potion of some type of cure. After synthesizing it I found out it was the cure to baldness….. I made quite a bit of money off of that but still…. I figured alchemy isn’t my thing.


I have spent nearly a decade in a lifestyle that not only is not for me, but with a family that doesn’t love me. I don’t blame my siblings for this. This is due to my parents forcing them to keep away from the “disgrace.” But soon my way out of this terrible world is right around the corner. The new Game World of Legends is soon to be released. I can finally experience what I have missed for most of my life. Most people would not care about this, but growing up in a house where im the only one who can’t. I hate it, I want to feel power, to prove I’m not a failure… but I guess it’s too late in the real world. But I can still start again in a different one.


Today is the day! My pod is finally here! I quickly direct the delivery crew as they just arrived into the front of the house, to place the pod into my private room in the back corner. As right now we are living in one of our family friend’s house. That happens to be a Shinto shrine in japan. I move as they place the egg shaped pod into the corner and start the fast installment. One man who appears to be the manager walks over to me and hands me a clip board with a contract, bill, and a shipping form. I quickly signed on the dotted line of all three of the pages, not even bothering to read the print in my haste to try out my new device. Bowing the delivery team thanked me for using their service. As the manager starts to leave he reached into a large bag on his assistants back and hands me a large book as they walked out the door.

As I have a staring contest with the strangely thick book I realize it is a manual. I open it up and begin to browse the information inside. The manual contained information such as starting races, locations, inventory, stats, skills, satiety, stamina, health, mana, and much more…. Soo much more that I took a deep sigh and just closed it, throwing the book onto my bed. I already knew enough about the capsule and game to know how most of it worked. I did quite a bit of research in the month of waiting impatiently.

I touch the hatch on the side and open the door. I sit into the seat formed of the egg’s back with padding.


As I sit down, I expected it to be weird, but it was surprisingly comfortable. I close the hatch and bring down the helmet that was suspended above me by a very thin cable. Putting it on, at first there is nothing…. Then light, light everywhere. I look in amazement as I’m now standing on what appears to be a cloud. As I was peering over the edge of the cloud down to the sprawling land below, I start to hear a computerized female voice from around me.

“Hello, welcome to World of Legends. Due to your retina scan we conclude that you are a new player. Would you like to start customer creation or take the tutorial?”

I looked around and tried to find the source of the voice, but I found nothing else up here. I got over my initial amazement and began to frown. I didn’t need to take the tutorial I just wanted to start playing as soon as possible. I shook my head and started talking in a hurried but respectful tone.

“No the tutorial won’t be necessary. I would like to just get straight to character creation and start playing.”

The disembodied voice began to speak again

“Confirmed, right now we have 8 starting races they are Orc, Elf, Hum…..”

“Human” I quickly interjected. Then quickly followed up with “Male please” the last thing I want to be is a girl in a 90% real universe. The voice continues and confirms my choices. Then a holographic appeared in front of me. It looked exactly like me in every way except for the clothes.

“Human male selected, would you like to make any additional changes to your features?”

At this I pause, I took a minute to look at the character at the “me” that will represent me in this new world. Making up my mind I began to make some modifications to show a proper image of the new me.

“Yea I would love to make some minor changes, first I would like to keep the height, but loose some of the weight… maybe thirty pounds or so?” the image changes in front of my eyes and I could tell this is starting to be good. “Yea that is good for the weight, now can you please change my hair to a black with dark blue hues? Ok good now can you give it a messy spiked look? Perfect!”

Satisfied with the new look I stood there and admired my new look with a smile that was just a little, tiny, small… alright it was basically how a Narcissist would look at themselves. The voice began her confirmations again.

“Human Male physical modifications accepted, please choose a name for your avatar."

"I will call myself Seth Blackwing" this was one of our names several years ago.

"Please be ready to depart. I must now ask you where you would like to start. There are 5 starting locations available for you to start off in. First……”

“Lieflen the city of Elves please”

I knew exactly where I wanted to go there was no need to hear the other places to go.

“Lieflen selected, be ready to transfer. Now any time you log in you will skip this screen, unless under special effects. You will go directly from start screen to your last log out point. Now transfer in 3….2….1”

The cloud suddenly gave way and I was faced with a freefall. I wildly looked around me and found that my avatar was still across from me, and it was falling too! This is madness! I tried to grab ahold of my avatar, but the second I did my body was being forcefully absorbed. It felt like my avatar was sucking my fat body into its smaller one compacting me. Once inside I closed my eyes. As soon as I opened them I was standing in a town square surrounded by trees and building everywhere.

With a look of "are you S***ing me" I watched as other players had the same look on their faces. After a few minutes I calmed down enough.

People were walking all around me, directly behind my back was a statue of a giant Bird of prey and when you look closely enough a box is visible on it that reads “Fall Zone” My first experience in this new world and already I’m hungry for whatever else comes my way. With a small grin I turn around and start marching directly for a giant tower in the distance, It rose far above the tops of the trees. Why here you ask, for it is this place where my dream will finally be fulfilled. I couldn’t help but break out into a little evil laugh


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