《Twilight over Arcania》Chapter 8: The Silent Forest
First Words
Location: Gloria's Temple / Serina's Chamber
Time: Y1502 / 31st day of the Fire Moon
POV: Liara
Today Mother and I are practicing speech. We are sitting on her bed, face to face. Imitating is one thing, but having an actual teacher that can point out to our mistakes and help us fix them is really useful!
"Mother" (Serina)
"Mower!" (Liara)
I'm getting the hang of this. It's hard to pronounce words in this new language. Mother is a good and patient teacher. We are making days worth of progress in hours!
"Mother" (Serina)
"Mowder!" (Liara)
"You really grow fast, Liara, you are starting to talk, already!" *smile* (Serina)
*hug* "Ghe ghe!! Laiara!" *smile* *hug* (Liara.)
I feel all fluffy when Mother is happy!
"Liara! That's your name! You are really smart, you know?" *pat head* (Serina)
*smile* (Liara)
I'm about one year and four months old by Earth standard. I'm almost two years old in this world since one year on Arcania is 250 days. It's a bit early, but I decided to start speaking. I would have eventually slipped one day if I didn't. And it was boring to hold back.
[It's early, but not to the point of being unbelievable. On Earth, children starts speaking from two to four years of age.] (Doctor me)
Thanks for the info, Doc.
Things are going well. Here is peaceful. I can grow and relax. Just like a young girl should. Then why do I have this bad feeling? The feeling that this will not last.
POV: Serina
Liara. I thank Gloria every day for giving me this child.
It's been barely two years, and she can already speak.
At the rate she is growing, it won't be long before she doesn't need me anymore. The day will come when the council will send her to another temple.
*grasp clothes near heart* (Serina)
I know that it's natural for children to grow up and face the world, but I don't want Liara to be taken from me. I tended to many children, but she hold a special place in my heart.
"Laiaara!" *smile* (Liara)
*hug tightly* (Serina)
"Mower?" (Liara)
I don't care.
I will enjoy whatever time I can spend with my sweet Liara.
I'll make sure she becomes a good Sister and treasure our time together, until destiny part us away.
*sniff* (Serina)
Location: Gloria's Temple / Courtyard
Time: Y1503 / 20th day of the Harvest Moon
POV: Narrator
*walk* (Serina)
*walk unsteadily* (Liara)
Today mother took me out for a stroll in the courtyard. I have been kept within the boundaries of the temple for all my short life. This easily is my favourite place since I can at least see the skies and the two moons.
*walk unsteadily* (Liara)
I try to walk by myself as much as possible to train this young body of mine. But my stamina is poor. Mother will carry me on the way back~ oooo~
*stumble* (Liara)
*catch* “It's ok, my sweet Liara” *smile* (Serina)
*recover* *walk* (Liara)
It's harder than it looks to walk with those shabby legs of mine...
"Many Blessings, Gifted One." *smile* (Sister)
“Bleff!” *wave* (Liara)
*smile* (Serina)
The Sisters begun calling me Gifted One right after the baptism thing. I got used to it. Shying away from them would mean fewer occasions to learn about this world.
Right now my life is blissful, but I'm always afraid this could end any moment. As weak as I am I'm basically at their mercy. I mustn't sit on my laurels.
*breeze* (Wind)
Well, for today I can just relax, can I?
The trees are neatly lined at the sides of the courtyard. It's probably not a species we could find on Earth, but to me it looks just like any other tree. We had so many species of them. I get close to it and touch it's sturdy and rough trunk with my tiny hand.
Uhm... Now that I think about it, I wonder how can there be humans in another world...
*kneel down* "You are curious about this, Liara? It's a tree!" (Serina)
"Twee!" (Liara)
"Yes. They grow, and nourish Gloria's creations." (Serina)
"Twee awe nais!" (Liara)
*giggle* "Yes, Liara. Trees are nice. They are one of the many gifts Gloria gave us." (Serina)
"Sister Serina, I see you are taking Liara out for a walk. How are things going?" (Amigarde)
A middle aged Fair Skin woman with black hairs reaching to her shoulder comes near us. She has brown eyes and her nose is slightly bent to the right. Other than that she looks really good for her age.
This is Amigarde, the woman who replaced Meridia as High Priestess.
I can't shake the impression that she is trying too hard to look and act like her predecessor...
"Blessed One! Greetings. And respectfully, you can ask that question to Liara herself." (Serina)
"... Liara? How are you?" (Amigarde)
"Aim happi! Moder is nais!" (Liara)
"You can speak! You are full of surprises, Liara. You are truly overflowing with gifts from Gloria." (Amigarde)
*smile* (Liara)
“Is there anything you wish of me, Blessed One?” (Serina)
"I just came out to get some fresh air, but it's a good moment to share my decision with you. We are making preparations for Liara to attend the classes along with the older children. In a few moon, when she speaks better." (Amigarde)
"Schooling? Already? Isn't it premature, Blessed One?" (Serina)
"Liara's gifts are to be nurtured, Serina. Gloria gave her a quick mind. It's a gift that mustn't be squandered." (Amigarde)
"As you will, Blessed One." *bow* (Serina)
Uhm...Someone is running toward us at a fast pace. Her face looks disconcerted. Did something bad happen?
*pant* "Blessed One! We received a communication from the Fourth Unit. They have been ambushed!" (Sister)
An attack... It seems my fears were founded. My peaceful days might be counted.
"... Carry on, Sister Serina. I must take my leave." *walk away* (Amigarde)
"Of course. May Gloria's blessing be upon you." (Serina)
*wave hand* (Liara)
[Damn it! Our enemies grow bolder every day! This time they attacked directly one of our units!!! They are fully exploiting Meridia's fall. If only we had another powerful enchantress in our ranks to deter them!] (Amigarde)
I don't care much for the church, they clearly only want to indoctrinate me and make use of my gift, but Serina is different. She cares about me.
She is my Mother. The only real Mother I ever had.
*look up* (Liara)
*meet gaze* “Don't worry, my sweet Liara. Everything will be alright.” *hug* *smile* (Serina)
If anything bad happens, I'll be there to protect you, Mother.
But I'll need magic for that.
The Silent Forest
Location: Silent Forest
Time: Y1503 / 17th day of the Harvest Moon
POV: Stella, Mage Knight of the Fourth Unit of the Knights of Gloria
The Silent Forest. A dangerous place to hide in due to the beasts that hunts here. Only outlaws would ever make camp in such a place.
The path we are walking on is part of the Royal Road, but it's such in name only. Paved stones are sparse and we mostly walk on naked dirt, surrounded on both side by strong tall trees that completely block the sunlight leaving us in twilight even though it's supposedly day.
"The bandits that raided Secularia's temple must be around here. Keep your eyes open!" (Steffen, Leader of the Fourth Unit)
""Yes, Leader!"" (Knights of Gloria)
Our unit is twelve man strong, including our leader, Steffen. Unlike peasants from the Army, the Order of the Knight make sure we are well equipped, and each and everyone of us has a steed to ride.
Because of state of the road, we travel in a thin trailing formation. As the only Mage Knight of my unit, I occupy in the middle of the formation. In case of an attack I would be the only one able to support my comrade with magic.
It's an heavy duty. My comrades rely on me. I'll do my best not to fail them!
"Feldris! Send out your scouting falcon!" (Steffen)
“Leader, Garlic won't be able to see much in this ticket...” (Feldris, Scout of the Fourth Unit)
"What if the enemy lit a fire? We would be fools not to check. Do it!” (Steffen)
“Yes, Leader!” (Feldris)
At the head of our formation has an even heavier duty. In a such a terrain, where we are exposed and our enemies has the cover of the forest, the skills of our scout will make the difference between life and death.
Feldris is the youngest amongst us, a Fair Skin like me. He has short dark hairs, black eyes, and a thin appearance. he is quick and nimble and wear a light leather armor. He can handle himself in a sword fight, but his main duty is scouting.
*rise hand* “Go, Garlic! See if you can find anyone out there!” (Feldris)
*caw* *caw* *fly away* (Garlic)
Feldris is accompanied by his pet, Garlic, the falcon he trained, is really helpful, but the canopy of the forest is too thick.
We ride slowly.
That, and the Royal Road is in shambles here. We keep our eyes open, searching for clues about the bandit's hideout. Broken twigs, footprint, horse manure, anything.
Another three hours passed. nothing happened. No signs of the bandits. No beasts.
The enemy might ambush us at any moment. It is extremely tiring since we have to be weary at all time, and the uncertainty is wearing.
"Leader, the post stone!" (Feldris)
We are halfway through the forest. The sun is still high in the sky, we have a few more hours of search. Our leader has to decide whatever to camp or turn around.
*in deep thought* “We keep going! Steel your resolve! The bandits will pay for what they did in Secularia!” (Steffen)
““Yes, leader!”! (Knights)
We keep marching.
*turn around nervously* *whisper* “Something feels wrong~ (Feldris)
*turn around* *wave sign* (Steffen)
*stop* (Knights)
*nod* (Stella)
We learned to trust Feldris' gut feelings. At the behest of our leader we all stop in our tracks. My comrades put their hand on the handle on their weapons, ready to unsheathe them. I have another duty.
*focus* (Stella)
Magic is the result of thoughts. Even an untrained leave traces that can be sensed by a mage. By focusing I can feel faint traces of the will of nearby people, like a spider would be able to sense a fly caught in its web.
Because of my aptitude, I can sense intent only at a short range, I can't do it while moving, and I can't do it for long. Without a warning from Feldris my ability would be useless.
The air feels heavy.
I can feel the nervousness of my comrades, their senses sharpened to the utmost.
I can feel something else...
*whisper* "Leader Steffen! I can sense evil intents! They enemy is close!" (Stella)
*rustle* *rustle* (Vegetation)
*unsheathe weapons* (Knights)
They are just ahead of us!
They were waiting in ambush. Had we just noticed a minute later they would have gotten the drop on us!
“Leader! They are repositioning on us! Soon we'll be surrounded!” (Feldris)
"Knights! Defensive formation! Mage Knight, make preparation for !" (Steffen)
We are in a bad spot. We are fully exposed. The Royal Road is only about three meters wide here, leaving us almost no room to manoeuvre. Tall trees and thick vegetation all around us hide the bandits and give them cover.
*climb down* *form up* (Knights)
The knights climb down from their horses and make a circle around me. If I fall, my comrades won't last long. I mustn't fail them!
I pull out a small wooden sphere from my pouch. It's an artifact about 5 cm in diameter. The High Pri~ Sister Meridia made it for me, when she was still High Priestess as reward.
Engraved on it, it's enchantment that will make up for our strategic disadvantage.
I close my eyes and focus. I carefully refine magic threads from the aether around me and prepare to activate the artifact.
Gloria, please let me make it in time!
POV: Steffen, Leader of the Fourth Unit of the Knights of Gloria
We are in the open, our enemies hide behind trees and thick vegetation. Our horses are useless in this situation. We are surrounded.
We are at a severe tactical disadvantage.
It wasn't supposed to go this way! They were supposed to be the mice, not the other way around!
According to my intel the bandits were trying to cross the Silent Forest heading away from Secularia with the loot they collected. We were meant to catch them off guard at their weakest.
No... It's not time to think about this. We must survive, then we can investigate the causes.
"Knights! Defensive formation! Mage Knight, make preparation for !" (Steffen)
First, to level the field. I'll assume the bandits have no mage. Because if they do, we are doomed anyway.
We lack cover, so we'll use our horses as meat shield.
This is just a delaying action. I need something to turn the tables and allow us to regain tempo. This is where Stella comes in.
Time... Since we fell into the trap the enemy leader might be willing to talk, even if just to gloat and taunt us. Every second matter.
"I am Steffen! Leader of the Fourth Unit of the Knights of Gloria! We know you are there, bandits! Come out!" (Steffen)
A man comes out of the trees, about fifty meters ahead.
*whisper* "Do not shot him until I give the order." (Steffen)
*nod* (Knights)
My charges readied their crossbows at the sight of the enemy. This is indeed a golden opportunity to cut the snake's head, but we must wait. They are no doubt aiming at us from the flanks with arrows.
*glance at Stella* (Steffen)
I need that spell!
Hurry it up, Stella!
"If it isn't the fearsome Steffen. Gloria's protection must be waning for you to be caught in such a simple trap. Im Burton, Leader of this warband." (Burton)
The enemy leader is a large Fair Skin man, at least two meters tall. His body is bear like, with bulging muscles, thick body hairs and a long red beard. He is wearing a sleeveless fur coat and is equipped with a crude warhammer he is holding with just one hand.
"What businness do you have with us?" (Steffen)
"I was paid a great deal of gold to take you out." (Burton)
Interesting. Someone was behind this after all.
"Who is the dead man that dares oppose Gloria?!?" (Steffen)
"And my Warband is fifty man strong. Your goddess cannot save you!" *grin* (Burton)
This is going better than expected, this simpleton sure is talkative. I now know the size of the enemy force, and each second I gain will make more effective.
"Wishful thinking! If you were so sure you would have attacked already!" (Steffen)
"Oh, that? It' because I have an offer for you. You have a reputation, Steffen. Join my warband!" (Burton)
What a delusional little man. Like I would ever betray my faith in Gloria! I wish to cut him down right now, but Stella needs more time. Even if I have to entertain such ludicrous demands.
"And my men?" (Steffen)
"No can do. Your exploit are well known, Steffen. I want the most powerful knight of Gloria! I have no interest in more fodder." (Burton)
*grind teeth* *take aim* (Knight)
*whisper* “Not yet.” (Burton)
Few long seconds pass.
Some of my men look uneasy.
Some are itching to retaliate.
Good. I need Burton to think he has a chance to win me over. His greed means he is squandering much of the overwhelming advantage he had. My men had all the time to identify the position of the bandits in the bushes and over the tree branches.
"Time's up! Join me or die! What will it be?!?" *open arms* (Burton)
"I served Gloria all of my life. I would never betray my faith." (Steffen)
"Fool!!! If you join me, I'll let you rampage to your heart content. You'll have as much gold and as many women as you like!" (Burton)
"I care not for women or gold. And your ways are against Gloria's teachings. I refuse." (Steffen)
"Wake up, Steffen! The Church of Gloria is finished! Do you really think your knights are any better than my warband?" (Burton)
"All I did, I did in the name of Gloria. It was justice! You are nothing but a murderer, Burton." (Steffen)
"What a waste." *wave hand* (Burton)
This is it. I hope that was enough time, Stella.
"Now, Stella!!!" *ready* (Steffen)
I brace for the enemy's opening salvo, hiding my body behind my horse. My men do the same and ready their shields to cover our flanks from arrows.
I'm surprised the bandits held of for as long as they did waiting for Burton's command. Given their equipment and look I'm sure it's not training nor conviction. The enemy leader rules through strength and fear.
Good. If his strength is challenged, his men would no longer fight as a unit.
POV: Stella, Mage Knight of the Fourth Unit of the Knights of Gloria
*sweat* (Stella)
I am painstakingly refining aether, weaving it into threads. Because of my limited aptitude, it takes time.
Steffen is negotiating with the enemy leader. Empty words. He is buying time for me.
The enemy might have realized that, but he is so confident in his superiority that he is giving us the time we need. He'll regret that!
I weave as quickly as I can.
If I do it too quickly, and the magic threads are not properly refined, the magic will fail to activate or be too weak.
If I take too long, and gather too little, the magic will be weak anyway.
Striking that delicate balance is hard but necessary. It is my sole concern as a Mage Knight. it is what I was trained to do, and won't let my comrades down!
As I stand perfectly still, magic threads gather one after another around me. I have to focus on each of them, lest they unravel and disappear back in the othingness they came from.
Just a few more seconds! I'm reaching the limit posed by my meagre aptitude. My magic won't get any stronger after tha~
"Now!!!" (Steffen)
It's now or never!
At my behest, the magic threads I gathered move like ribbons fluttering in the wind. Like worms they infiltrate the small wooden sphere I'm holding in my hands.
*ngggg* (Stella)
My body screams as I move all the magic threads at once.
I feel the magic channel below my skin flexing like muscles under strain.
I fight through the pain and keep forcefully charging the artifact.
Almost there!
The artifact activates!
Magic is finally circulating inside the enchantment weaved upon the artifact. The spell imprinted on it comes to life, manifesting its effect.
The weaving wasn't perfect and it's not at full power. It will have to do.
The magic channels in my body must bear the load of the spell trying to forcefully activate, steering and rectifying the imperfections in the flow according to the image I have in my mind.
It hurts.
But I can take it!
*loose* (Bandits)
The magic expands quickly until an area about twenty meters wide becomes mine.
I can feel my comrades, bracing for battle.
I can feel our horses, laying down acting as living walls.
I can feel the trees that surrounds us on both sides.
I can feel the enemies, scattered around, their killing intent aimed at our lives.
*swish* (Arrows)
Arrows, flying toward us at great speed, death riding on them.
*groan* (Stella)
*swerve* *hit ground* (Arrow)
As the arrows travel through the air, the air fight back at my behest.
The air shifts and change. It pushes and pull. It hardens and soften.
The arrows aimed at our lives now follow an unnatural trajectory, embedding themselves in the ground. Passing right beside my comrades. Hitting our horses.
They won't find their marks!
is active!
*smirk* *sweat* (Stella)
This is the power of the artifact was bestowed upon me by Meridia herself.
There is more to it then just moving arrows. Everyone I see as enemy is encumbered, while all I see as friendly is aided in their movements.
This spell is far above what my own abilities and aptitude would allow for. It's only thanks to the effort of the former High Priestess that I can wield such might. It's like Gloria herself sit by my side.
*pant* (Stella)
*swish* (Bolts)
"Aarrgghhh!!!" *fall* (Burton)
“Leader?” (Bandit)
Yes! The enemy leader was hit by two bolts! Two of my comrades aimed at him with their crossbows, and Gloria's Domain effect added to their power.
Burton was outside the radious of my magic, so I don't know if it was a lethal blow, but I just have to believe in Gloria! I do hope he won't raise again.
""Kill them all!!!"" *war cry* (Bandits)
Seeing that arrows were of no use, bandits rushes out of cover screaming. There are about thirty of them.
*heavy breath* (Stella)
So many bodies. And is trying to slow down all of them!
The burden on my body is great.
The artifact is getting hot.
Deflecting all those arrows used up lots of magic. And this is just the beginning of the battle.
I focus and slowly gather more magic threads while holding on the spell.
My head's hurt.
My heart is pounding inside my chest.
But I must hold the spell! For my comrades!
"For Gloria!!!" (Stella)
POV: Bandit Ergon
Burton got himself shot.
I was sick and tired of his ways, with him gone
Now is my chance to take over the warband! Nobody liked him anyway, he ruled with fear and strength.
"Kill them all!!!" (Bandit)
I rush out of the forest, from behind the tree that was covering me. In front of me I see the enemy. They made a circle using their horses and are hiding behind them. I can see a girl kneeling in prayer in the center of the formation. Maybe I'll take her for myself after this. He he he.
*tumble down* "What???" (Bandit Ergon)
I don't understand! It's like I'm running in water! I even fell because of that, and I'm not the only one! Other raiders are kissing the ground!
"That girl is a mage!" (Bandit Ergon)
"Archers, take her out!!!" (Outlaw)
I try to get up, but it's hard! It's like the air itself wants to keep me down! I'm only ten meters away from them, but I can't reach them! In the meantime their crossbowman are shooting at...
*bolt hit* *collapse* (Bandit Ergon)
Our raiders are falling like flies, and our arrows aren't reaching them!
They are taking free shots at us! At least ten raiders are down.
*swish* *swish* (Bolts)
*groan* (Bandit)
*fall* (Bandit)
But our raiders are getting used to the enemy spell. They are closing in. And that girl look in like she is in pain. She can't keep this spell up forever.
I take aim with my bow, charge the string, and shot another arrow.
*swish* *swerve* *hit ground* (Arrow)
Again. I shot another arrow.
*swish* *swerve* *hit horse* (Arrow)
I will take you out woman! Mark my words!
POV: Telron, Knight of the Fourth Unit of the Knights of Gloria
My comrades covering our sides have it harder because of the trees that give cover to the bandits. In front of me the uneven royal road unfolds with no obstacles in sight, and the higher ranking brutes that were at the sides of the enemy leader keep advancing mindlessly.
The enemes keep charging at us like madmen, but as soon as they enter the area of effect of our Mage Knight their movements are slowed down to a crowl. Many lose their bearing and stutter and fall.
I put my crossbow down, hold it with my feet and pull the lever, priming it. I load a bolt from my quickly depleting quiver and aim. As soon as I see an enemy stutter in front of me i fire!
*swish* (Bolt)
*groan* *collapse* (Bandit)
Another one for me! Like fish in a barrel!
*grin* (Telron)
*in pain* "Leader Steffen! I'm close to my limit!" (Stella)
"Four of you, into the forest! Try to take out the out the archers! The rest unsheathe your swords and cut them down!" (Steffen)
This is bad news. Well, it was only a matter of time, and we trained endlessly for this.
I estimate there are no more than fifteen raiders are still standing, but if we let them inside our formation, we will lose. A cramped formation is great while holding, but becomes a death trap if broken.
Our leader accounted for all of that, of course. I follow Steffen's lead, drop my crossbow and quiver and unsheathe my blade. I jump over my horse, and rush toward a group of enemies.
I'm fast! It's like the air itself is aiding my every move! The bandits are taken aback by my speed and their own movements are sluggish.
I'm two arms length away from the closest enemy. I swing my sword from the side in a large breadth without losing speed. The nameless bandit arch back and tries desperately to put up his sword to block my swing.
*slash* (Telron)
*gush blood* *gurgle* (Bandit)
The enemy tries to defend, but he doesn't make it in time. My blade pass over the tip of his sword and open a large wound on his neck.
*swish* (Arrow)
*sweat* (Telron)
An arrow buzzes around my ear. Stella's protection is growing weaker and I have no time to spare. I have to trust my comrades will take out the archers hiding in the forest. My duty is to take care of enemies in front of me!
“Ahhhhhh” *thrust* *tackle* (Telron)
I charge the second raider with everything I have. this man saw what happened just seconds ago, and is prepared to parry a slash. Instead I thrust my sword forward, tackling him. My sword pierces his belly and the leading edge of his own blade that was facing sideways scars him because of the impact with my body.
"Is that all you have got?!?" (Telron)
I pump the dead weight impaled by my blade to the ground as I search for my next victim.
“Found you!!!” (Telron)
I set my sight on a third bandit. He is terrified of me! The lowlife tries to run away, offering his back to me.
With the blessing of Gloria I shall cut all of you down!!!
*slash down * (Telron)
I run toward my opponent, I raise my blade above my head and at the right moment push down with both my hands, cleaving his back. Sprinkles of hot red blood shower my face and armor.
Another one is down! There might only a few of us engaging fifteen of them, but one of us is worth dozens of them! Inside Gloria's Domain we can't lose!
“Who is next?!?” (Telron)
*hit* (Arrow)
*collapse* (Telron)
POV: Stella, Mage Knight of the Fourth Unit of the Knights of Gloria
*heavy breath* (Stella)
One of our knight fell.
It was my duty to protect them, and I failed.
My spell is losing power.
*thin smoke* (Artifact)
Is that smoke coming from my hands?
The artifact is burning. I can't feel my hands.
I don't know how much longer I can hold this spell.
"Stella, move!!!" (Feldris)
A part of me hears the voice of my comrade. I turn my eyes, only to catch a glimpse of a wounded raider charging at me with bloodshot eyes.
*slash* (Bandit)
"Feldris! No!" (Stella)
My comrade intercepted the enemy with his own body as the bandit was jumping over an horse. He is bleeding!
*fall* (Bandit)
"Stella, Focus! I'm ok, that was nothing!" *pained expression* (Feldris)
My spell!
*close eyes* *focus* (Stella)
I almost lost it, but I managed to get it back before it could unravel. Feldris managed to take out the bandit as he intercepted his blow he lies dead in front of me. The only raider that managed to break our formation. So far at least.
"It's not deep, don't worry, Stella. Your spell weakened his blow." *bleed* (Feldris)
*smile* (Stella)
"Just, hold it together. We are almost done! This is clean up!” *grin* (Feldris)
He might be wounded and exhausted, but he is still brimming with confidence. How can I give up when Feldris still~
*swish* *hit* (Arrow)
"Aaaahhh!" (Stella)
"Stella! You got hit!" (Feldris)
*in pain* "It's just my shoulder. Don't worry. My spell is still active. It was just a slip." (Stella)
"Damn it! We need to take out those archers!" (Feldris)
I'm in great pain.
Thanks to my training I managed to hold on the artifact and the spell still, but my body is reaching its limit. My hands are a mess, and my magic channels are over burdened.
I won't last much longer.
"Stella's spell is waning! Into the woods! Feldris, you protect Stella with!!!" *rush* (Steffen)
I take a glance at our leader. His armor is red of blood and he looks exhausted. I wonder how many bandit' lives he took.
*swish* *hit ground* (Arrow)
At least they have no more raiders. And we got their leader early. The problem is that they have plenty of rouges and archers in the forest. It's going to be hard to root them out...
"Come on, Stella! Let go of that spell as soon as we enter the woods. Let's go!" (Feldris)
The line of sight will be obstructed by the trees, no more free shots for them. It's going to be close and personal from now on.
POV: Steffen, Leader of the Fourth Unit of the Knights of Gloria
A bandit slowly walks toward me as I have my back turned, advancing carefully and checking my surroundings.
I'm an easy target.
*emerge from bush* *stab* "This should be the last of them." (Feldris)
My trusted scout ambushed the silent assassin as he had his eyes on his own prey. A simple if effective tactics. I shall be the bait as often as needed if that's what Gloria demands of me.
"I counted seven more, but I would have fled in their shoes.” (Steffen)
*nod* *clean up knife* (Feldris)
Not even one witty remark, he? Feldris must be running on fumes as well.
*look around* *sigh* (Steffen)
Our losses were grave. Only four of us are left.
Telron won't pass the night without healing. Stella was shot by an arrow and her hands are burned. She is resting now, but she won't be weaving magic anytime soon. Feldris is wounded too, but it's not deep. I'm the only one still unharmed. We are exhausted.
It's almost night time. We have two horses left, but we can't ride on the royal road during the night. Not in the middle of the Silent Forest.
The bandits who escaped might warn others and bring reinforcements. They might even be hiding and planning to ambush us with the cover of darkness.
Our options are limited.
*frown* (Steffen)
*exhale* "Leader, what do we do now?" (Feldris)
There is no other way.
"We take our two horses, and go deeper into the woods. We must find a safe spot and wait the night out." (Steffen)
*nod* (Feldris)
We'll have to load Stella and Telron on the horses and lead them by foot.
This is going to be a long night.
Location: Forbidden City/Underground Council Chamber
Time: Y0000 - 28th day of the Fire Moon
The Underground Council Chamber was built deep inside the rocks. It was the place where the real Council of the Rat-Kin ruled. The room was semicircular in shape and had a four meter wide wall in the back. The floor was only about two meters high. More than enough for the short Rat-Kin to move comfortably. In front of the flat wall, there was an altar like stone table used by the Council members. On the floor, there was a wheel like device. The entrance was a circular tunnel about one meter in diameter.
*sigh* (High Chancellor Mal'Jar)
Mal'Jar was staring at painting on the flat wall. It was drawn long ago, when the Rat-Kin tribe had a name. Back then it was known as Ku'Alki tribe.
Before then the the Rat-Kin were divided in warring tribes. Always fighting each others. Than a great enemy, one strong enough to threat the very survival of the Rat-Kin race, emerged. The legendary hero of the Rat-Kin rose and united the tribes. To fight.
This very chamber was dug back then. It is said that the Hero himself helped digging.
[Perhaps The Hero always knew that the Ku'Alki stood no chance. Perhaps he built this chamber so that our history would survive Their rule.] (Mal'Jar)
Mal'Jar was the head of the Shadow Council of the Rat-Kin. And he was eagerly awaiting for someone to arrive.
"Chancellor, the Warden has arrived" (Rat-Kin Shadow Guard)
"They made it! Good! Yes, that's good. Open the secret passageway at once!" (Mal'Jar)
At the order of the Chancellor, several guards pushed the wheel like device on the floor. A large slab of stone slowly slided away, revealing an opening on the wall. From that opening, came two small creatures. One was Mi'Kai'Ra, the warden of the Seer's prison. The other was Ze'Gart, one of the greatest warriors amongst the Rat-Kin.
"Members of the Shadow Council! I, Ze'Gart, bring here the Warden of the Seer's prison. As you requested." (Elite Rat-Kin Guard Ze'Gart)
"You did well, Ze'Gart. You can leave and return to your duties." (Mal'Jar)
The heavly armoured Rat-Kin saluted the Shadow Council, and left the chamber.
"Warden Mi'Kai'Ra, hand over the . The shaman will examine it immediately. I want you to stay here and bear witness." (Mal'Jar)
An old female Rat-Kin slowly approached Mi'Kai'Ra. She was about fifty years of age. Considering that the average lifespan of a Rat-Kin was thirty years, it was remarkable. She had a name, but forsake it long ago and was only known as The Shaman. Because of her old age, she was always accompanied by a young female Rat-Kin that helped in her everyday duties.
The Shaman was one of the few Rat-Kin born with the ability to weave magic and was invaluable to the Rat-Kin tribe.
"Here, Shaman. The ." (Mi'Kai'Ra)
"Thank you, Warden." (Shaman)
The Shaman slowly walked to a small pillar in the centre of the chamber. She put the in a fitting slot on top of the pillar, opened her arms and started weaving. The chamber was deep enough underground, and the magic was small enough that They would not feel it. Or pherhaps They simply are not interested in the puny weaving a Rat-Kin can do. Either way the Rat-Kin will get their way.
After a few minutes, the Shaman was done weaving, and the magic activated.
Inside the mind of the people present, the fearsome form of the Prisoner could be seen and his cryptic words could be heard. The prisoner spoke a strange language, but the spell took care of that as well. It wasn't translation. The very thought of the Prisoner were mirrored inside the minds of the people affected by the spell.
[/%"/$**(!"Y=**] (Prisoner)
Many thought were garbled and incomprehensible.
The seer was always kept drugged by a volcanic gas. Had he ever gained full consciousness, he would have easily broken free from his chains. But in that state his thought were that of madness.
After almost half an hour spent listening garbled thoughts, finally the Council heard something that made sense.
[** **** Gifted ******] (Prisoner)
[*** One **** Destiny ***] (Prisoner)
[!!!!!!!!!!!!!CATACLYSM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] (Prisoner)
**screams of pain** (All presents)
*heavy breath* "What was that?" (Mal'Jar)
*weak voice* "Death." (Shaman)
*pant* "Such a clear vision." (Mi'Kai'Ra)
"We all saw it, warden. No wonder the backlash killed the snake." (Councilman A)
"Tomorrow... Tomorrow the Forbidden City will be no more." (Councilman B)
"Tomorrow we die. This whole region will be engulfed in flames. It will disappear from this world forever." (Councilman C)
"Members of the Shadow Council. Shaman. Warden. Take your seats. You all saw what will happen. We must decide." (Mal'Jar)
"Do we keep silent?" (Mal'Jar)
"Or do we... Tell the Dragons?" (Mal'Jar)
- In Serial36 Chapters
My Girlfriend, the Necromancer
The power of the Orb cleaves the skies and shatters the earth. It heralds the advent of a new era, one where humanity is no longer at the top of the food chain and we must rise to the challenge when faced with our own extinction as a species. I could hardly care less. All I ever wanted was to love my Allie, to grow old and wrinkly by her side as I held her hand before taking my last breath on this green earth. To have our love echo through the ages, an ode to the last great love story on the planet, one that would endure the end of humanity, the breaking of the world, and even defy the dread summons of Death itself. It’s said that when the gods unleash their fury upon mortal kind, they grant their wishes. Well, crap. This is a gritty end of the world survival story with modern fantasy/romance/game-like elements in it. The main focus will be character development while stats and menus are there as a fun vehicle to empower the imagination. This is a work in progress and I deeply appreciate any helpful suggestions, so please don't be shy with input! Currently posting at least one chapter per week.
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Goddess of Computation
Doing a coding assignment last minute, Ada Newth, a computer science student, fell asleep and woke up in a different world where she was informed by the System that she was randomly selected from an infinite number of universes to be a Goddess of Computation.The trouble is that she's barely passing her first class and now she's meant to be a Goddess? Worse, she can't understand why she's needed in this world where the technology level is about equivalent to that of Earth's Middle Ages. Clearly, most people can barely read or count and even the other gods are of no help. In fact, most of them are rather dangerous idiots. If she can't convince them to help her change the status quo, she'll just have to gather her allies and followers and make some major changes to the system. 21 NOV 2020:I may update all the systemshelper interface to match better with a programming language already out there. I'm thinking either C++ or Python. 20 SEP 2020: I update at least once a week - typically on the weekend. When I have more time, I'll update more. Also, note that I added a few more Tags that I thought was relevant.
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Apis is a young man fascinated by honey bees. After starting his own apiary in his backyard, it soon grew to an incredible size after a few years. By some strange phenomenon, Apis is killed in his sleep and reincarnated as a drone bee in another world. Except, unlike regular drones, Apis—in his new bee body—is the sole drone that mates with the queen. Furthermore, the young queen can talk and there’s qi in the honey! Follow Apis along as he struggles to control his new body and builds his bee empire.
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