《Twilight over Arcania》Chapter 7: Consequences
Location: Gloria's Temple / Common Hall
Time: Y1501 / 15th day of the Bloom Moon
POV: Liara
I'm well enough to walk. Which means I'm well enough to receive my punishment. I'm ready.
"Come forth, Sister Meridia. Gloria's Judgment awaits you." (High priestess Amigarde)
*whisper* "Be strong, Meridia. I'll accompany you." (Sister Serina)
*whisper* "Thanks, Serina." (Sister Meridia)
I'm not used to my blindness. I'm sure many sisters would love seeing me trip as I walk toward my end. But Serina offered to be my eyes. I don't deserve her.
*walk slowly* (Serina and Meridia)
**murmur** (Sisters)
This place is the Common Hall. In here we eat together, we pray together, and occasionally, we are judged. I might be blind, but I can see this place in my mind as we walk.
I can see the arcs, holding up the elaborate ceiling high above us.
I can see the large windows full of mosaics made of colored glass. They depict Gloria and her miracles.
I can see the long tables, lined up at my sides. And sitting at those tables, the eyes of two hundred Sisters glued on my weak and broken figure.
I can see the head table. Reserved for the High priestess and the members of the Council. It used to be my table. Not anymore.
I walk at a slow place, so it takes a while for me to reach the end of the hall. Thanks to Serina I arrive there without tripping. I can face my end with what little dignity I have left.
*kneel down* (Serina and Meridia)
"Sister Meridia. I, Amigarde, High Priestess of Gloria, call you here today because you have failed Gloria." (Amigarde)
"Sister Meridia, you stand accused of many sins. Endangering the life of the Gifted One. Endangering the life of your Sisters. Damaging the Ritual Chamber. Destroying the temple treasure. Squandering a large amount of Gloria's gold." (Amigarde)
"Sister Meridia, if you have anything to say in your defense, or if anyone wishes to speak on your behalf, this is the moment. Make your voice heard, or be silent. Forever." (Amigarde)
*Inhale* (Serina)
Serina wishes to speak. I cover her mouth with my right hand.
I know you don't approve, Serina, but I can't have you taking the fall for my mistakes.
The one good thing that came out of this situation, is you becoming Liara's nanny. I can preserve that. And I will. You deserve that much, Serina. I'm done for, anyway.
"I have nothing to say, Blessed One. I'll accept whatever punishment the Council sees fit." (Meridia)
"Sister Geneva. Let it be on our records, that the former High Priestess, Sister Meridia, choose silence and admitted to her sins." (Amigarde)
*scribble* (Geneva)
Everyone is holding their breath. Let's see what more can they take from me. I'm not afraid.
"Sister Meridia. Gloria stripped you of your sight and magic. She engraved upon your skin the everlasting proof of your failure. She subjected you to an excruciating ordeal. And yet, despite all of that, Gloria allowed you to retain your life." (Amigarde)
"Our Church exists as an extension of Gloria's will. Gloria punished you personally. The Goddess is satisfied with the extent of your punishment. And so are we." (Amigarde)
"Sister Meridia, you are to spend whatever is left of your life in atonement for your sins. You are to serve Gloria. Every way you can. Until Gloria finally release you of your life." (Amigarde)
... They let me live???
**murmur** (All Sisters)
"Silence!!!" (Vaerminia)
"If anyone here oppose the ruling, let them speak now." (Amigarde)
"Very well. The judgment is complete. As Gloria wills it!" (Amigarde)
""As Gloria wills it!"" (All Sisters)
Location: Gloria's Temple / High Priestess' Chamber
Time: Y1501 - 15th day of the Bloom Moon
POV: Amigarde
*knock* "Sister Meridia is here, Blessed One" (Sister)
"Let her in." (Amigarde)
*enter* (Meridia)
I used to look up to Meridia as the one existence I could never surpass. Look at her now...
"Congratulation on your appointment as High Priestess, Blessed One. You deserve it." (Meridia)
"Enough false flattery, Meridia. You know my powers are nothing like yours were in your prime. Even as shepherd of men, I can't compare to the former you. The Council had to settle for me. And believe me, they are not pleased. I don't like it one bit either. I am High Priestess only because you failed! Your debacle put the Church in a very hard position, you know, Meridia?" (Amigarde)
"I did what I thought was best. And I failed. Words will not change that. Now, how can I serve you, Blessed One?" (Meridia)
"That's what I ask you, Meridia. I find very hard to give you a duty, because of how broken you are. So, tell me, Meridia. What can you possibly do for the temple in that wretched state of yours?" (Amigarde)
Uhm... Meridia is extending her right arm, her palm open and facing up. What's up with her?
Light is surrounding her? But she can't weave magic! Not anymore!
A ball of light flickers into existence within Meridia's palm.
It's feeble and weak. Yet, it's definitely there.
"Your magic is pathetic, Meridia. But the fact that you can weave at all is surprising. How did you manage that? Carminia said your magic channels were all gone." (Amigarde)
"Not all of them. Gloria allowed me to retain a shadow of my former powers. And I do not need my eyes to feel the flow of magic around me." (Meridia)
"..." (Amigarde)
"You are right. My body is broken, and my magic powers are worthless. But my mind is still whole, and my knowledge of magic runs deep." (Meridia)
"... There is, after all, one duty that you can still perform, Meridia. Very well then. We shall see how well this goes." (Amigarde)
First Steps
Location: Gloria's Temple / Serina's Chamber
Time: Y1501 / 39th day of the Bloom Moon
POV: Liara
"Ngaaaaa!" *walk* (Liara)
"Liara! You can walk already! You grow so fast!" (Serina)
You have no idea, Mother. I held back, following the advice of Doctor Me. On earth a baby needs at least nine months to walk. It's been only six since my arrival. It's early, but not to the point that it's unbelievable. I am the Gifted One, after all! He he he.
[I would have liked for you to wait some more, but i guess this will do.] (Doctor Me)
Always cautious. He makes a good counter for my eagerness.
[About talking, wait an year at the earliest. In the meantime we can work on their written language. There are tablets around that seems meant to teach children the basics.] (Bookworm Me)
Aye aye. Mother will take me to the common room, later. I'll walk around and casually pick one up.
[I thought about their civilization. I can't be sure until we see the outside world, but I think this is a per-industrial theocratic society. Reading and writing might be valuable skills that only few learns. Clergy and Royalty were the exceptions in our world.] (Explorer Me)
It makes sense. I'm treated special here. I'm pretty sure I'll receive an education. Maybe being adopted by the temple was good! We will get answers.
[Be careful about their teachings. They will want to indoctrinate you. Feed you THEIR version of this world history and knowledge.] (Explorer Me)
But I have you! I have nothing to worry about. Science Me would never let any of that superstitious garbage pass. And don't worry about me becoming a fanatic. I know is real, but so far I have seen no sign of their . Do you think they made her up?
[We have no data for a meaningful answer. We have to learn more. And even then we might never be able to tell. Science can't disprove the existence of something. would have to contact us to know for sure.] (Science me)
I guess you are right. About their civilization... Maybe I can teach them some science? Like crop rotation and mathematics... It would make their life better and make them less dependent on magic.
[Do you want to be burnt at the stake? Religious institutions in our worlds were notoriously adverse to different ideas. Almost no exceptions are found in our history. Have you any idea just how far science had to go, and how overwhelming evidence had to be, before indoctrinated fanatics started losing ground?] (Science Me)
Depressing. But you are right. As a baby my options are far too limited. Wait and see it is! I will learn about this world. I will master magic. I will go out, and confirm the state of this world with my own two eyes. I will choose my path myself!
[Personally, I can't wait to unlock the unique power gave us!] (Gamer Me)
To see Everything. Everywhere. Regardless of position in space, time or dimension. I will be able to confirm the accuracy of every lesson I'm given by them. If I had this power on Earth, I could have watched the meteor erase the dinosaurs, or confirmed whatever Jesus existed or not! The more I think about it, the more I love . Thanks to all of you, guys! I couldn't have done this without you!
[[You're welcome!]] (All Me)
Location: Gloria's Temple / Nursery
Time: Y1501 / 34th day of the Bloom Moon
POV: Liara
My brothers and sisters in the nursery are all older than me. Only three of us are walking on two legs. The Sisters were surprised, but not to the point where they would shout "witch!!" and burn me at the stake. Hopefully they don't burn heretics here at all.
Still, for a few days, they wouldn't leave me alone. I hate being watched for their entertainment. I faked a few falls to make it seem more natural. Actually, I still fall for real sometimes! This body is really clumsy. I am a six months old baby after all.
Eventually, the novelty of me walking, become routine. The Sisters returned to their usual occupation. To gossip. I'm learning much thanks to them.
"You heard? Meridia is walking again!" (Sister A)
"Have you seen her? She is a wreck. I can't believe just how far she has fallen." (Sister B)
"She tried to take Gloria's gift for herself. How did she escape the accusation of heresy?" (Sister A)
"Shhhh... We are not supposed to talk about this!" (Sister C)
I feel relived that Meridia is recovering. I hated her rituals, but I never wished harm to her. And Mother deeply cares for her. I want her to get better.
Ah-ha! There! A wooden tablet is laying on the floor. There is a shape of a strange animal and symbols under it. There are may similar tablets laying around. They are meant to teach the basics of the language, surely. The sample is far too small to make a vocabulary, but I have to start somewhere.
[Leave it to me, Me! I'll collect every scrap of information I can find. I'll get this language down in no time!] (Bookworm Me)
She is enjoying it! She... We all used to be male, but I'm inside a female body now. Should I refer to others Me as he or she?
[This is strange for us as well. Some of us, like me, had been male for a lifetime.] (Bookworm Me)
[We'll lave it to you how to call us. You are in control. There is no doubt about that. You are the only one of us that can control our body and access all others memories.] (Doctor Me)
I don't deserve them. I shall redouble my efforts! I won't let us down!
I pick up the wooden tablets, and start decoding their language. What symbols are in common amongst the figures? Is the language phonetic or symbolic? Lots of work ahead of me. But I will succeed in record time! This is my second go at life. This time things will go MY way.
"Look! Liara really likes the !" (Sister C)
"Yes, but... Doesn't it look like she is studying them?" (Sister B)
"Don't be silly, Sister. No matter what gifts she received from Gloria. She is still a baby" (Sister A)
Location: Gloria's Temple/Courtyard
Time: Y1501 - 1st day of the Fire Moon
POV: Amigarde
The first day of the fire moon again. Except this time Meridia is not the one holding the ceremony. I am. This ceremony is important for the church. Today, Brothers and Sisters adept in magic will demonstrate their capability as mage. The Council will rank their performance.
Dozens of Sisters from all our satellite temples have come here in Victoria to compete. As High Priestess, it's customary for me to show off my magic. The High Priestess is supposed to be the most skilled mage in the church. But... I'm no Meridia...
*sigh* (Amigarde)
"It's time, High Priestess." (Vaerminia)
Let's get this over with.
"Welcome, Daughters and Sons of Gloria! Today, the first day of summer, your magic will be evaluated by the Council! As it's been for centuries! Let us show Gloria the powers of her servants!" (Amigarde)
I practiced hard, but I can't get to Meridia's former level just because I want to. Our skills are worlds apart.
"As per tradition, High Priestess Amigarde will demonstrate her magic first." (Geneva)
The courtyard is at it's busiest today. The two hundred meter wide square is filled with people. Only a circle thirty meter in size in the center is free. We will weave our magic there.
I take my place in the middle of the stone paved circle, facing the table where the council sits, about twenty meters from here.
I take off my dress, close my eyes, and focus. I ready myself. Failure is not an option.
I have to get this right!
I weave magic and start building the image inside my mind. A figure at a time. First a dancer, than another, and another. Slowly...
... There! Eight figures about one meter tall dancing in circles around me! I even manage to make their color shift and change the patterns of the dance!
It's a far cry from Meridia's but no Sister here should be able to weave anything better than this. Hopefully... To be surpassed by a Sister would be shameful to say the least.
"... That will be enough. Thank you Sister Amigarde." (Vaerminia)
Sister?!? Really, Vaerminia? I know I can't compare to Meridia, but it's not my fault she lost her powers!!! Give me a break!!!
Each of the five members of the Council has ten stones. Sister Geneva walk in front of them with a jar, and the member of the council cast a number of their stones. The total of stones inside the jar is the score. At the end of the day the Sisters will be ranked according to that. It's a big deal. This ranking will decide their position inside the church.
"High Priestess Amigarde scored 22 stones out of 50!" (Geneva)
... Last year I scored 23... And my weaving got better since than... Fine. I'll just dress and walk toward my seat again... I get it. You are upset that I'm not as powerful as Meridia. You old goat.
"Next up is the former High Priestess. Sister Meridia." (Geneva)
Vaerminia really is displeased. She wants to humiliate Meridia. Well, the joke is on you. She is weak, but she can weave magic. I 'forgot' to tell you. *grin*
Meridia looks like a crippled old woman. Fortunately Serina is serving as her eyes again. Good for her. The Council would love for Meridia to make a fool of herself due to her blindness.
Meridia undresses... It's hard to look at her body. Her flowing hairs are mostly gone and have lost color. Her skin is pale, old and deeply scarred. Vaerminia must be enjoying this.
Yes. You thought she was powerless, but she can weave magic. She even improved a little since she showed me. It's weak, but stable this time. She is holding a ball of light in her hand.
A scar on her arm is bleeding... She is forcing herself. She is obviously in pain. It's taking a lot out of her just to weave this small magic. Yet she is holding on the spell. Her body might be broken, but her will is not. Even when powerless Meridia manage to surprise.
"What a sorry display. You can stop, Sister Meridia." (Vaerminia)
*fall on knees* *heavy breathing* (Meridia)
"The former High Priestess, Sister Meridia, scored... ZERO stones out of 50?" (Geneva)
No stones? Really?!? A zero stone score is reserved for Sisters that can't weave magic at all. A punishment for untrained that waste the Council's time with nothing to show for it. Meridia deserved at least three to five stones for her weaving. Vaerminia can be nasty when she wants to.
"Not acting all high and mighty now 'High Priestess'!" (Sister A)
"I weave better magic in my sleep!" (Sister B)
... Pathetic. The sisters who always envied Meridia's talent and aptitude are laughing at her. Like that would make up for their own lack of skills.
*whisper* "Don't listen to them, Meridia. I liked your weaving. And I know all you did was in the name of Gloria. Now, let us return inside." (Serina)
*whisper* "You don't need to worry about me, Serina. I'm alright." (Meridia)
Oh. My. Serina looks angry. It's rare for her to show such face.
Uhm... The Sisters awaiting evaluation look fierce. They are fired up.
My score wasn't that great, and the insurmountable mountain known as Meridia is gone. They see a rare opportunity to rise through the ranks. Was this Vaerminia true propose all along? To spur competition and hope for someone better than me to step up?
That old goat loves her scheming after all. But it's not going to work. Aptitude is not something you suddenly get overnight because a position of power opens up. Aptitude is something you are born with.
You are not getting a better High Priestess than me anytime soon, Vaerminia. Sorry about that. Meridia's talent is something that appears only once every few generations. If there was someone better than me in the church, you would have made her the High Priestess, instead of me.
"Sister Jahmah scored 12 stones out of 50." (Geneva)
As I was saying... This will be a long day.
Location: Gloria's Temple / Council Chamber
Time: Y1501 / 1th day of the Fire Moon
POV: Amigarde
It's night time already. But we are not done. There are many matters that needs my attention before I may rest.
*knock* *enter* "Many blessings, Council. The ranking is complete." *present scroll* (Geneva)
Sister Geneva is the scribe of the temple. Her back is bent due to many long years of reading and writing. She brought along her two apprentices. They look exhausted as well. Days like this are always hard on the scribes.
"Thank you for your hard work. You may leave." (Amigarde)
I read the list. Nothing unexpected. The best one after me, Sister Trissa scored 19 stones. She improved, but not to the point of surpassing me. And my score of 22 stones was unfair. I'm closer to 26 stones in reality. And the Council knows that well.
"May we read the list too, High Priestess Amigarde?" (Vaerminia)
"Be my guest." *hand over scroll* (Amigarde)
"So, did you find a suitable replacement for me?" (Amigarde)
"Do you think you are actually worthy of leading the church? Carriages from two of our satellite temples where attacked on their way here. They were meant to look like bandits, but clearly this is the doing of the Cult of Fertility. This would never have happened under Meridia's watch!" (Vaerminia)
"Then why don't you make Meridia the High Priestess again? Oh, yeah. She lost most of her powers and you just humiliated her in front of everyone." (Amigarde)
"!!!" (Vaerminia)
"Now, now. Infighting is not going to help anyone." (Pernida)
"We choose you to lead the Church of Gloria, Amigarde. We don't expect you to be Meridia. We expect you to make your own decisions." (Cassandra)
"But Vaerminia does make a valid point. My knights are facing growing opposition. Our enemies are taking advantage of Meridia's fall already." (Lord of the Knight Teoren)
"And without a Seer, we can no longer anticipate our enemies' actions." (Kamila)
"Yes. I realize that there are though times ahead of us. But we have a trump card in our hands. The Gifted One, Liara. She'll grow to surpass even Meridia! If we can endure our enemies long enough, she'll tear them apart for us! I have no doubt about it. This must be the reason Gloria delivered her to us in the first place." (Amigarde)
"Is this your great plan, Amigarde? Hoping for the Gifted One to pick up the pieces two decades from now? That's supposed to be your duty! To keep our enemies in check! To spread the influence of the Church of Gloria!" (Vaerminia)
"I will do just that. I'm simply pointing out that we have an ace in the hole. Meridia's powers were the reason our enemies threaded carefully around us. Her enchantments made our troop stronger and our priestesses powerful. Meridia's powers impressed the masses and made their faith in Gloria deeper. With Liara in our ranks, the supremacy of the Church of Gloria is assured." (Amigarde)
"We shall see, Amigarde. We shall see..." (Vaerminia)
Carrier of Omens
Location: Forbidden City / Seer's Prison
Time: Y0000 / 28th day of the Fire Moon
*knock* *knock knock* *knock*
[Ga'Li sure was quick today... I can see nothing wrong through the spyhole. I'll let him through. But it's suspicious. I'll throw a yellow stone inside the just to be on the safe side.] (Mi'Kai'Ra)
"The snake is dead! The snake is dead!" (Ga'Li)
"Are you sure?" (Mi'Kai'Ra)
"Ga'Li is sure! We must bring the to the Council!" (Ga'Li)
Mi'Kai'Ra sprung in action. He picked another colored stone from a pouch on his belt and threw it inside a small hole in the floor. After that, he went to open the first of many metal doors that separates them from the entrance of the prison.
Meanwhile, Ga'Li went under a stream of water that was flowing on one side of the chamber. He had to wash off pockets of hypnotic gas trapped in his fur. Something the Rat-Kin learned from experience.
While moving toward the entrance, Ga'Li paid attention to something he saw every day. Paintings on the walls of the four chambers.
They depicted the prisoner laying waste to the Rat-Kin using great magic. The painting were meant as warning, so that future generations of Rat-Kin would never let their guard down and suffer the same fate at the hand of the snake.
[And we never let our guard down. Our ancestors would be proud!] (Ga'Li)
"Be ready, Ga'Li. The guards will be inspecting us in the first chamber." (Mi'Kai'Ra)
Sure enough, four heavily armed Rat-Kin guards were pointing their spears at Ga'Li and Mi'Kai'Ra. They closed the heavy metal door behind them, and stood still under the watchful eyes of the guards.
"A yellow stone, and a black stone. Explain yourselves." (Rat-Kin Elite Guard)
"The snake is dead! I must bring the to the Rat-Kin Council at once!" (Ga'Li)
One of the guard was holding a bone trinket in his hands. He was communicating with the Council using magic. After a short deliberation the guard spoke.
"The timing couldn't be worse, Warden. One of Them is hunting our kin in the streets. If we venture outside, the might be eaten alongside you." (Rat-Kin Elite Guard)
"Curse our bad luck!" (Mi'Kai'Ra)
"There is a way. A secret tunnel underground connects directly to the Council chamber. It was built in secret and was meant to smuggle people and goods while avoiding Their gaze. We might risk Them discovering it, but the Council sees no other solution. They want to see the as soon as possible. I'll guide you personally. There is an access here in the Seer's Prison." (Rat-Kin Elite Guard)
"Lead the way." (Mi'Kai'Ra)
"They never cared much for the snake's words anyway. Let's hope They don't mind the snake death." (Ga'Li)
Tales of the snake, and the misery he visited upon the Rat-Kin so very long ago, were well known. But the prisoner was not invincible and was eventually subdued and captured by the Rat-Kin, albeit at great cost.
The prisoner was terrifying, but there was something that the Rat-Kin faced every day that was far more threatening. The thought of facing even one of Them and emerging victorious was nothing short of wishful thinking. Nothing in this world can possibly oppose Them. The Rat-Kin can only bow down and endure.
Ga'Li couldn't help but feel that doom itself was contained with the small crystal he was carrying.
The Rat-Kin Council will have some tough decisions to make.
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