《Twilight over Arcania》Chapter 6: Fall From Grace
Location: Gloria's Temple / Ritual Chamber
Time: Y1500 / 8th day of the Ice Moon
Just outside the ritual chamber Sister Carminia was waiting alongside several sister. Usually this is just a formality, a precaution against spells going wild. Not this time.
"Sister Carminia! The High Priestess is wounded!" (Serina)
"She might live if we act fast! Quickly, to the seer's tower!" (Carminia)
Many Sisters got wounded by the collapsing but the High Priestess caught the worst of it and was in critical conditions.
Carminia wrapped up the largest wounds in bandages to contain the bleeding, and Merce carried her on his back, hurrying toward the Seer's Tower.
[Please, Gloria. Save Meridia. I beg of you!] (Serina)
The Seer's tower was on the opposite side of the building. Many flight of stairs were in the way. But the physical prowess of a Dark Skin was nothing to sneer at. Despite his precious load, Serina and Carminia struggled to follow behind Merce. Still it took more than a minute to get there.
Merce could feel Meridia's blood dripping down on his back.
He did the only thing he could do. Run and Pray.
Location: Gloria's Temple / Seer's Tower
Time: Y1500 / 8th day of the Ice Moon
"Put her down in the . Clean her outer wounds and stop the bleeding!" (Carminia)
"Yes!" (Serina)
When the magic power went wild inside the High Priestess' body, many of her magic channels couldn't handle the surge, and exploded. Literally. Meridia's skin was covered in deep cuts, narrow and wide, that formed complex patterns on her skin. And that was the damage on the outside.
Serina main duty is rearing children, but since she has aptitude in magic, she is also training as an healer under Carminia's guidance. Her skills in healing are just at beginner level, but she can perform some emergency treatment.
does just what the name suggests. It stop the bleeding and clean a wound. Serina's version of the spell is imperfect. The tissue will not heal properly, and will leave behind a visible scar, but it's not like they had the luxury of choice. Meridia was bleeding out.
The around Meridia turned red because of the blood, her skin was as white as a ghost and her heartbeat was weak. But she was still alive! Serina was trying her best to close all the wounds.
[Don't give up, Meridia!] (Serina)
"I'm ready! Make room." (Carminia)
Carminia left emergency treatment to Serina in order to prepare a great spell. It took several minutes for her to finish the weaving. Finally, Carminia held a golden tool in the form of a spiral with an eye in it over Meridia's body and released the spell.
What an apt name for the spell. A miracle was the only thing that could save Meridia. The largest wounds have closed, leaving behind scars. Smaller wounds were still bleeding. Carminia could sense grave internal damage as well. And worse, she lost too much blood. She wouldn't make it.
"Serina! Meridia needs Life Force! Will you share yours?" (Carminia)
Sharing blood is a dangerous procedure, the outcome is uncertain. The receiver might reject the donor's blood and die. The accepted truth is that a deep bond must exist between donor and receiver for the blood to be accepted. Siblings, parents, lovers or, rarely, friends. But sometime even if the bond is deep, the blood can still be rejected.
"If it saves Meridia, you can even take my life." *cut wrist* (Serina)
Serina didn't think twice. She channeled her magic to cut her wrist.
[Meridia is lucky to have such a faithful ancilla. The transfer of Life Force may yet succeed.] (Carminia)
Serina's held her arm forward toward, blood dripping from her wrist.
Carminia didn't lose any time and weaved a second spell on top of . Magic threads bent the blood that was dripping from Serina's wrist. The blood flowed against gravity toward Meridia's body, like it was constrained by invisible pipes, forcefully entering Meridia's wounds like a snake.
[It's working! Meridia is accepting Serina's Life Force!] (Carminia)
Meridia's skin started gaining color again. was doing it's part, closing the remaining wounds and mending her insides, little by little.
"Meridia is stabilizing, but she is still in critical condition. This will be a long procedure. Bear with it, Serina." (Carminia)
Serina laid down in the water beside Meridia. She was losing strength as blood left her.
Ten hours since the beginning of the procedure, Meridia is still alive, and Carminia is still weaving.
Wake Up
Location: Gloria's Temple/Meridia's Chamber
Time: Y1500 - 45th day of the Ice Moon
*ngggg* (High Priestess Meridia)
My head... What happened?
"Meridia! You are awake!!! Thanks Gloria!!!" (Serina)
I can feel someone tightly embracing me. I remember her. It's Sister Serina. It's all coming back to me. Liara... The ritual... I failed.
*weak voice* "Serina... What... Happened..." (Meridia)
*sniff* "Meridia, don't speak. Conserve your strength. I will explain everything." (Serina)
Serina is pure as always. I'm calm enough to think and consider my situation. I'm cold, and my body is stiffened by pain and fatigue. I can't see. I can fell rags tightly wrapped around several parts of my body. It hurts.
"I just weaved a spell to numb your pain. Are you feeling any better now?" (Carminia)
I do. only hide the pain. It's a trick, it doesn't heal. But I welcome some respite.
*nod* (Meridia)
"Do you remember of Liara and the Ceremony of Gifts?" (Serina)
My memory is somewhat hazy, but I do remember.
*nod* (Meridia)
"That's good. I'm sure you want to know what happened after that. Let me explain." (Serina)
Location: Gloria's Temple / Meridia's Chamber
Time: Y1500 / 45th day of the Ice Moon
I am Meridia of Victoria, High Priestess of Gloria. Or at least I used to be.
That's because I failed.
I tried to unravel the mystery known as Liara. I gave my everything. Used every resource I could muster. All the help my connections could get. But it still wasn't enough.
One of Liara's circuits activated and started interfering with my . I developed it from , pushing it to the utmost limit, but I didn't account for the possibility of Liara generating an interference herself.
I might have been able to hold together but I had no hope of sustaining under the circumstances. I pushed myself to hard, and I had no safety margin. No room for errors.
My arrogance... I knew seconds after the start of the ritual that Liara's circuits are beyond human understanding. Yet, foolishly, I tried anyway. Maybe it was to get something for my efforts. Maybe it was out of hubris. I am not sure myself.
It's now clear to me. Liara's circuits were never meant to be understood and replicated in a lesser form. I sinned. And Gloria punished me. Had I realized that sooner, I wouldn't be in this pitiful state.
Liara is a gift from Gloria herself. As subjects of Gloria, our duty is to rear and guide Liara, so that she might fulfill her destiny. Only Gloria know what that destiny is.
I must atone for my sins. My punishment will be up to my Sisters to decide. Surely I will have to step down from my position of High Priestess at very least. Not that I can be the High Priestess anyway anymore. My body is broken. I will never fully heal from my wounds. I might never weave magic again. I'm unable to even circulate magic power inside myself. I can't even feel magic at all right now.
I was cast down. From the greatest living mage in the continent to my current powerless self.
This is Gloria's punishment for the sin of trying to make Liara's secrets my own.
Forgive me, Gloria.
Forgive me, Sisters.
Gloria's Council
Location: Gloria's Temple/Council Room
Time: Y1500 - 45th day of the Ice Moon
The temple of Gloria has two ruling authorities. One is the High Priestess. She is the central figure of the temple, the public face, a figure of power, both political and magical. The other is the Gloria's Council.
The council is staffed with the wisest and often oldest Sisters of the temple. It exists to advise the High Priestess, to decide on the High Priestess's successor, and, in rare cases, to depose the current High Priestess. It operates from the Council Room.
The Council Room is located at the base of the Seer's Tower. It's a dome shaped room, about six meters in diameter and four meters in height. It has no window and is served by single large reinforced wooden door two meters wide. It's lighted by a medium sized crystal floating near the ceiling and the walls are decorated by elaborate drawings depicting Gloria's feats. In the middle of the room, there is a large semi circular table that faces the entrance. Behind the table stands five tall wooden chairs that looks like thrones. It gives the feeling of a court room standing in judgment of those who dare enter.
*knock* *knock*
"What is it? The council is in reunion!" (Vaerminia)
*enter* "You wished to be informed immediately on news about the High Priestess. Meridia is awake!" *smile* (Serina)
"And what are Meridia's conditions?" (Vaerminia)
Vaerminia seats in the central seat of the table. She is the head of the council. She is a Fair Skin woman in her sixties, with white hair and wrinkly skin. Her voice is rough and authoritarian.
*enter* "Allow me to answer that question. Meridia will live. But she is blind, scarred for life and will never weave magic again." (Carminia)
Carminia is a woman in her forties, she is a Fair Skin with short black hair and brown eyes, she is chubby and short in stature.
Carminia is the Master Healer of the temple. She is the most skilled Sister when it comes to healing magic, her duties in the temple are to tend to the wounded, and to train other Sisters in the way of healing. Serina is one of her many trainees.
"Carminia! There is no need to be so blunt toward Meridia! She meant for the best!" (Serina)
"ORDER!" (Vaerminia)
Serina looked down in shame at the powerful voice of the head of the council.
"Serina, while we are delighted to hear that Meridia will live, it's obvious she can no longer be the High Priestess. It took her a moon merely to wake up. The world will not wait for her." (Council Woman Kamila)
"Meridia is High Priestess in name only at this point. We of the council are handling day to day operation of the temple." (Council Woman Cassandra)
"The loss of the Seer, the loss of the Seer's Crystal and the magic explosion in the Ritual Chamber. Meridia's position as High Priestess would be in question even if she retained her powers." (Council Woman Pernida)
"Before your interruption, The Council was deciding on Meridia's punishment, Serina." (Vaerminia)
*sniff* "I... I am a faithful Daughter of Gloria. I will abide to whatever the Council decides." (Serina)
"Your faith is not in doubt, Sister Serina. As a matter of fact, we finished reviewing the matter of the Gifted One. Do you wish to hear our decision?" (Council Woman Cassandra)
*tremble* "Yes." (Serina)
"Our prized heritage, the Seer's Crystal was shattered. The Ceremony of Gifts performed on Liara was pointless. And Reckless." (Council Woman Kamila)
"But we examined Meridia's notes and the crystal she engraved in secret with your help. We also performed a of our own to confirm Meridia's finding. In short Meridia was right. This child is gifted beyond human understanding. Only Gloria, or another deity could possibly have weaved Liara's circuits. And since our Seer guided us to her. It is obvious Liara is a Daughter of Gloria. Literally." (Council Woman Pernida)
"Therefore, our final decision in the matter is the following: We find both Serina and Liara blameless. All fault lies with Meridia and her misguided decisions. She will be punished accordingly. You, Serina, are given once more the duty of raising Liara as Daughter of Gloria. Dismissed." (Vaerminia)
*smile* "By your will! Thank you!!!" *leave* (Serina)
"That... was surprisingly nice of you, Vaerminia. I was sure you would separate those two..." (Carminia)
"As direct as usual, Carminia. But I'm not as cruel as you think. Meridia made a monumental mistake this time, but she became High priestess for a reason. She took Serina under her wings for a reason. Serina is the purest of us. Thanks to that, Liara will learn the better side of the Church of Gloria." (Vaerminia)
"And that will make it easier to control Liara in the future... Well, I'll leave you to your scheming. I have duties to attend to. Many Blessing, Council." *leave* (Carminia)
"Carminia was out of line there. Shouldn't she be punished?" (Council Man Teoren)
"To what end? She has always been like this, and yet she never spread any rumors. She knows how to keep council matters a secrets. Plus, her honesty makes her easy to read." (Vaerminia)
"We still need to find someone to hold the ceremonies for the Final Day. The High Priestess was supposed to hold it. But she is..." (Council Woman Cassandra)
[Meridia. You really blew it this time...] (Vaerminia)
Location: Gloria's Temple/Meridia's Chamber
Time: Y1500 - 46th day of the Ice Moon
I am no longer the High Priestess. I have been moved to a small chamber to recover. One just like Serina's. I'm now a liability to the temple. My body is too weak to do anything. I need constant assistance from Serina, and continuous medical treatment from Carminia or one of the healers.
I wonder if it's even possible to fall even lower than this.
"And that is all. If there is anything else you need, we are at your service." (Serina)
*weak voice* "Need. Sleep." (Meridia)
"Yes, rest well. I'm just glad you are awake Blesse... Sorry. Sister Meridia. We all are." *sniff* (Serina)
I was asleep a whole moon. The new year is near, and I can never hold the ceremonies required. Gloria took my eyesight. She engraved on my skin the proof of my failure. My magic channels are gone. Most of them at least. I have lower affinity for magic than an untrained child. I will never come even close to recovering my former powers.
Why am I still alive, Gloria?
"Meridia. Your situation is grave indeed, but you are still alive. I have seen hopeless case come back with sheer force of will before. Remember. What is past, is past and cannot be changed. As long as you have life within you, you have a duty toward Gloria, our Temple and all the Sisters. Especially Serina. She shared her own Life Force with you so that you may live, you know?" (Carminia)
*weak voice* "Serina? ... You.... Speak... Truth..." (Meridia)
"As long as you understand. Now rest. Recovering from your current pitiful state is your only duty right now. Atoning for your sins comes after that. You are of no use to anyone like this." (Carminia)
Carminia hit the nail on the head. I might be a broken failure, but as long as there is still life within me, I have to serve Gloria. However I can. However small my contribution might be from now on.
I close my eyes and rest.
Old Friend
Location: Gloria's Temple/Meridia's Chamber
Time: Y1501 - 6th day of the Bloom Moon
*knock* *knock*
*weak voice* "Come. In. Serina." (Meridia)
*enter* "I'm not your ancilla. Just an old friend." (Faber)
*weak voice* "Faber? I did not expect to see you again." (Meridia)
"There were rumors that the High Priestess of Gloria fell ill. Then when you weren't there, at the Year's End ceremony, I knew something was wrong. And here I am. You look like a wreck, Meridia." (Faber)
*weak voice* "... Why are you here? We have known each others for a long time, but we were never close." (Meridia)
"Call it craftsman's pride. You asked for my masterpiece. Than two moons later, you are like this. I must know. Are my artifacts the reason for your current pitiful state?" (Faber)
*weak voice* "... I can't tell you the reason, Faber. But I can tell you this much. Your artifacts did exactly what they were supposed to do. ... I. I brought this on myself." (Meridia)
"It's painful seeing you like this, Meridia. I kind of expected for your to suffer from a magic backlash. So i brought this. A medallion. Powered by a small crystal. Over time it will mend some of your magic channels so that you may one day weave magic again." (Faber)
*hold artifact* *weak voice* "This coldness... Is this made from black gold? I can no longer pay for such expensive items, Faber." (Meridia)
"Meridia, you have been my best client for a long time. Consider this a parting gift for a good customer." *grin* (Faber)
*hold medallion tightly* (Meridia)
"That's my cue to leave. Get well soon, Meridia. Farewell." (Faber)
*weak voice* "Thank. You." (Meridia)
Beginning Of The End
Location: Forbidden City / Seer's Prison
Time: Y0000 - 28th day of the Fire moon
"Hey, Mi'Kai'Ra. I'm here with the slob. It's time to feed the snake." (Ga'Li)
"Alright. You know the drill. Take off your rags and all your earrings and decorations before entering the snake den." (Mi'Kai'Ra)
The two figures were small creatures about one meter tall. They were humanoid rats. Rat-Kin.
Ga'Li wore a rag that covered his privates. He had his long pointy rat ears pierced by several bone earring, and wore a long necklace made of animal tendons, bones, and polished stones. He wore an animal skull as helmet and was carrying a large jar on his back.
After Ga'Li undressed, Mi'Kai'Ra used his gatekeeper key to open a small door made of solid metal, then closing it behind them. All under the watchful eyes of half a dozen Rat-Kin guards wearing metal armor and armed with spears.
The two started walking down the stone corridor which was pitch black. Mi'Kai'Ra carried a torch to light the path.
The corridor ended in a small metal door similar to the first one after a few tens of meter. That door lead to a small chamber with another door on the opposite side. That door lead to another corridor, and so on. This architecture was repeated over and over. It's obvious that whatever was down there, the Rat-Kin wanted to keep it there.
*clang* "Finally. The fourth chamber. I swear it takes forever to reach here." (Mi'Kai'Ra)
"Well, we can't have the snake slithering around, can we?" (Ga'Li)
"Remember the procedure. Wear the mask. Feed the snake. Collect the stool, Replace the crystal. Get out. If something goes wrong, this door stays closed and I throw my keys in the pit, sounding the alarm. And then we die." (Mi'Kai'Ra)
"I've done this an hundred times. I know what to do." (Ga'Li)
"It's the procedure. As you said, we can't have the snake slithering around." (Mi'Kai'Ra)
Mi'Kai'Ra opened the door to the final corridor, Ga'Li entered, wearing a glass bubble on his head and Mi'Kai'Ra closed the door behind him.
The door at the end of the corridor was not locked by a key, but had a time lock. It would open once a day for about half an hour, than close. When the time come, Ga'Li passed through the final door, and entered the Seer's Prison.
This prison was an unusual place. It was stone cylinder, about ten meters in height and three meter in diameter. It had no windows nor light sources. Only two small openings in the ceiling for the air to flow. The torch Ga'Li carried was the only source of light. The air was filled with a gas that induced an hypnotic state, therefore Ga'Li wore a bubble to allow him to breathe for a short time.
The most remarkable thing about the prison was the prisoner itself. It was an humanoid creature about four meter tall. It had no hair, three eyes. and no nose. Only two snake like openings in it's place. The creature was thin, with equally thin but long arm and legs. The skin was scale like, it was gray/green and glittered silver under the light of the torch. It was an hybrid between two creatures, an Elf and something else. The guards referred to it simply as 'snake'.
The creature was constrained by an impressive amount of chains. So much that the creature couldn't possibly move. Ga'Li had to force fed it every day.
But something was wrong today. As Ga'Li walked on the platform that led to the creature's mouth he realized. The creature was dead.
[The snake is dead!!! No. Remember the procedure. This might be a snake's trick.] (Ga'Li)
Repeating the same action every day can make one careless. But Ga'Li remembered his heavy duty.
He collected a small crystal on a pedestal near the creature's mouth and left without feeding nor cleaning it.
Ga'Li was merely the Seer's Conduit. It was not his place to speculate on what happened. The crystal hold the answers, and has to be carried to the Rat-Kin Council as soon as possible.
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