《Twilight over Arcania》Chapter 5: High Priestess
Location: Gloria's Temple / High Priestess' chamber
Time: Y1500 / 20th day of the Harvest Moon / Morning
POV: Meridia
*Ouch* (Meridia)
My back still aches... The ritual of the other day really did a number on me, and my studying of the crystal sure isn't helping my situation.
And for all my research, I only have more questions...
*knock* *knock* "Sister Serina wishes to see you, Blessed One." (Sister)
"Let her in." (High Priestess Meridia)
*bow* "Good morning, Blessed One. Have you recovered?" (Sister Serina)
She is genuinely worried about me. Her empathy is her best quality. She is perfectly suited to tend to Liara. Uhm... Liara.
"I'm back to full strength. Thanks for your concerns. Now, tell me, how is Liara doing? Did the ritual leave any lasting mark on her?" (Meridia)
"None that I could tell, Blessed One. She is a good child. She rarely cry and she eats whole-heartily. ... Blessed One, have you decided what will become of the child?" *frown* *fidget* (Serina)
Sister Serina is like an open book. So easy to read.
"You have taken a liking to Liara. Haven't you, Serina?" *grin* (Meridia)
"Ah! I... It is as you say, Blessed One. Still, knows that I wish you to know that I will follow your will. Whatever that will may be." *close eyes* (Serina)
There is no reason to keep her on thorns. I'll just give her what she wants. It's for the best.
"Serina. I have decided that the Church of Gloria will raise that child. The child shall be known from today forward as Liara. She will be trained in the way of both magic and sword. Liara will be taught the greatness of Gloria, and serve as one of us for the rest of her life." (Meridia)
*exhale* *relax* (Serina)
"Sister Serina. Knows that if Liara ever strays from the path Gloria meant for her, than, and only then, she shall atone for her sins." (Meridia)
"By your will, Meridia!!!" *bow* *leave* (Serina)
As expected Serina isn't worried about such disaster... In her experience, defying the will of Gloria is nothing short of madness.
But I know better. It's one of the reason we have an inquisition.
If the child proves to be more trouble than gain, then she will be dealt with accordingly.
Location: Gloria's Temple / High Priestess chambers
Time: Y1500 / 40th day of the Harvest Moon
POV: Meridia
*put down crystal* "Nothing..." (Meridia)
Fate brought me a girl with unthinkable potential as mage. She might grow to be a peerless existence that none shall dare oppose.
With her in our thrall, all of our ambitions may finally come true!
Still, that girl's potential is rivaled only by the danger she poses. And that only serves to steel my resolve. The fact that our Seer guided us to Liara with her dying vision is the proof that Gloria wants us to rise her. To refuse a divine gift would be nothing short of heresy.
I simply cannot fail.
To understand Liara better, I performed the ceremony of Gifts. in secret, with the help of sister Serina. An unorthodox procedure to be sure, but the end justifies the means.
I spent weeks researching the map of Liara's magic channels.
I was careful and through.
And yet, for all my efforts I have yet to make any meaningful progress!
The only knowledge I gleaned is just how insignificant an existence I am before the one who engraved Liara's enhancements.
I am praised as the greatest living enchantress in Cullania, and yet I am a mere trainee compared to Liara's engraver. Humbling to say the least.
I though hard on what should be done with the child.
If Liara's circuits can be replicated, albeit in a lesser form, our soldiers would become unmatched. This would also provide the church with means to control Liara in the future.
When I was connected with Liara I could see more. But the crystal I used couldn't hold the information and the details blurred together. The fine ramifications disappeared.
If I wish to understand Liara's magic circuits, I must perform the ritual again. Only this time I shall use whatever tool and help I can obtain as the High Priestess of Gloria to ensure my success.
This will be a monumental undertaking.
But I, Meridia of Victoria, can succeed!
I will solve the riddle known as Liara.
I swear upon my faith in Gloria!
*unroll parchment* (Meridia)
Master Arteficer
Location: Gloria's Temple / High Priestess' chamber
Time: Y1500 / 42nd day of the Harvest Moon
*knock* *knock* "Blessed One. Faber, the Master Arteficer is here." (Sister)
"Let him in, Sister. We have much to discuss." (High Priestess Meridia)
The man who entered Meridia's chamber was an old Fair Skin man, short in stature, his back bent by old age and his skin old and full of wrinkles. His last hair fell long ago, leaving him bald.
The man was in his seventy, or maybe even older, and yet, he had muscular arms, and gave the impression of one that retained his wits and energy even with in his late years.
He was Faber, the Master Arteficer. And he just received a shocking request from the High Priestess of Gloria.
"... In all my years I was never commissioned artifacts of this level. I'll have to personally manufacture them. No one else in the guild has the skills. Even then, they might not live to your extreme requirements... Without starting the work, I can't even say for sure if I they can be made. And this is not something I say lightly, Meridia." (Faber)
"I have the utmost faith in your skills, Faber." (Meridia)
"What do you need such artifacts for anyway, Meridia? If they were for collimating magic threads leaving the caster's body, I would understand. But to collimate incoming threads... I can think of no reason for that. Is it for medical use? Or torture?" (Faber)
"You don't need a reason. What will it be, Faber?" (Meridia)
The serious attitude of Faber left place to a joyful smile.
"Oh Oh Oh! But of course I'll accept the job! To think that so late in my life I would be presented with a request that would push my skills to their utmost limits! My pride as craftsman would never allow me to refuse!" *grin* (Faber)
"As expected of you. I was counting on your pride making the decision for you. Take your time in making them. Get them right." (Meridia)
"Worry not, Meridia. This will be my life's final work! My masterpiece! Now, if you excuse me, the ingot that will form your artifacts is awaiting to chosen and refined!" *rub hands* *leave* (Faber)
[I can only trust Faber's skills for the artifacts. Now, back to work. is not nearly powerful enough for the task at hand. It is up to me to create an even greater spell!] (Meridia)
The High Priestess unfolded a sheet as large as her table, filled with patterns and symbols and returned back to work.
A New Spell
Location: Gloria's Temple / High Priestess' Chamber
Time: Y1500 / 31st day of the Wither Moon
POV: Serina
Lately Meridia has been holed in her chambers working on a spell. I'm glad she called me, I can finally check on her! I'm so worried about her. She takes her duties so seriously, and her body must bear the burden.
*knock* "You wanted to see me, Blessed One?" *enter* (Serina)
"Of course! Come in, Serina!" (High priestess Meridia)
It's a mess!!!
Scrolls are scattered all around the place! Her desk is sitting on a corner! The floor is tangled in a jungle of symbols!
*chirp* (Bird)
Uhu? there is a wooden cage with a bird in the center of her magic circle.
"This is a miniature version of a new I have been working on. This should improve upon the resolution. I want you to bear witness to this activation test." (Meridia)
"By your will." (Serina)
So this is what Meridia has been woring on. A way to peer at the enchantments laid upon my little Liara. I have to make sure she won't get hurt by this.
"Stay sharp, I'll activate it now!" (Meridia)
Wow... Meridia is truly peerless. I'm a bit of a mage myself, but seeing this spectacle... Humbling. Still, she needs to sustain the spell for a long time.
*pant* "Well, Sister Serina? What do you think of this spell? I want your true opinion, no flattery." (Meridia)
Such power... It was undoubtably a success. Meridia sustained the spell for half an hour and she isn't nearly as taxes as last time... But if anything goes wrong... No. I have to believe in her. Gloria's hands will steady her will!
"The spell is incredible! As expected of you, Blessed One!" (Serina)
"I said no flattery. I can see doubt in your eyes. Speak." (Meridia)
I really am an open book to her.
"... I'm sorry. I think this spell is dangerous. It's big and intricate. If anything goes wrong. Liara would~ *tears up* (Serina)
"Yes, it's a legitimate doubt. But worry not. One circle is meant to protect Liara if anything goes wrong. Plus, I'm confident in my skills." (Meridia)
"Protecting Liara means that if the spells breaks, your body will have to shoulder even her burden! You might die! I beg you to reconsider!" (Serina)
I could not bear losing Meridia. And this child bear no sins, she deserves to live as well!
"I hear your concerns, Serina. They are well founded. But my life belongs to Gloria. To use it to further Gloria's design is the best I can hope for." (Meridia)
"... You won't change your mind, won't you, Meridia? Very well. I will do everything I can to help you. We all will." (Serina)
Location: Gloria's Temple / High priestess' Chamber
Time: Y1500 / 47th day of the Wither Moon
POV: Meridia
This is it. Faber completed his assigned duties.
"Let Faber in." (Meridia)
*enter* "It is done, Meridia! No greater artifact will ever leave my workshop. Jewels made from excavated by Moles of the . I used up every nugget I had to forge them. I personally engraved the magic circuits. They can collimate even the wildest of magic thread!" *grin* (Faber)
My old friend is grinning ear to ear while decanting the prowess of his work. I don't doubt the artifacts are clearly the real deal, but how did he achieve them? Is this too good to be true?
"There is a catch. As compensation for their sharpness, they will expire and crumble into dust after a single use. It was the only way." (Faber)
That's fine. They only needs to work once.
"Enough words. I'll personally evaluate the enhancements." (Meridia)
"Oh Oh Oh. Checking on my work, are you? You are a tough customer, Meridia. But I have full confidence that my artifacts will live up to your expectation. Test them to your heart's content. Just be careful not to activate the enchantments. No reimbursement." *smirk* (Faber)
I take my time examining Faber's artifacts. Thin magic threads leave my fingers and peek at the shapes of the engraved enchantments. I take great care not to activate them.
An image construct in my mind, until the role of the engraved spell is clear to me.
"I'm impressed, Faber. At this level one could mistake them for elven relics. You are a man of your word. Take the gold. You deserve every piece of it. Thank you for your services." (Meridia)
"It is I who must give you my thanks, Meridia. Forging those artifacts made my old craftsman heart flutter with joy. Whatever your endeavors might be, I wishes for them to succeed. Farewell." *grin* *leave* (Faber)
You can't hide your smile, Faber. Well, I understand the joy of having your masterpiece validated by me, personally.
Before me stands two bracelets, two anklets and a tiara. They costed a moon worth of the temple's income. On top of that, they are single use.
Many would deem this an exorbitant and extravagant waste. And yet, that sole use, shall rise the church of Gloria to never seen before heights!
Now, I need a suitable crystal. One big and pure enough to hold a meaningful fraction of Liara's map. I am lucky. The temple already possesses it. The seer's crystal. Our treasure.
It's unluckily that we will find another seer in this generation anyway, and no grater use for it will ever come. Generations of magi that will follow after me will study Liara's map and learn much from it, ensuring our lasting dominance.
I only need an opportunity. No, an excuse. And I have that as well. The first day of the Ice Moon is upon us.
The Seer, Liara, the artifacts... For everything to fall in place so perfectly is the final proof that this IS the will of Gloria!
After witnessing the unbound power of Liara's gift, no living person would ever even consider worshiping other deities!
The final victory of the Church of Gloria is at hand. And it shall be I, Meridia of Victoria that brings about a new era of faith and righteousness!
Winter Checkup
Location: Gloria's Temple / Nursery
Time: Y1500 / 1st day of the Ice Moon
POV: Meridia
The yearly checkup of the children presents me with the perfect opportunity to reveal Liara's incredible potential to the Sister. No one will doubt the need of a proper Ceremony of Gifts for her.
*knock* *knock* "Blessed One, your attendants have completed the preparations." (Sister)
"I'm ready as well, Sister. Let's go and make sure our children are healthy." (High Priestess Meridia)
I enter the nursery.
I ensured Liara would be in the last bed. The sisters already know she is treated preferentially, even they suspects she has potential. They just don't know how much. As High Priestess it's natural that I would perform a more through examination on her.
There are twenty four children, laying in four rows of six cradles.
I begin the long work.
I undress with the help of my attendants. Fabric interfere with the flow of magic, and I'll be weaving a lot, today.
Strange... Liara is staring at me like...
No. She is probably just hoping for a meal from my bosom. I will not make a fool of myself like those Sisters. No matter how special Liara is. A newborn care not for nakedness.
Merce hands me the , an Y shaped golden tool. It's enchantment performs part of the spell for me, lessening the toll on my mind. Even so, performing it twenty three times will prove tiresome even for me.
This spell detect the rough flow of magic power in a living creature. Many health issues can be detected by feeling turbulence and obstructions in the flow. All the children here are at least one moon old, I can safely cast this weak spell on them.
Whenever I detect an obstruction, one of my attendants pass me the right magic tool, and I use it to heal the obstruction. The idea behind the magic is simple. I have to weave magic through the tool and imagine the flow inside the body getting better. The body part I target change to match my image, thus healing.
This is the theory of course. One need a strong mind, capable of forming an image without waning. All while focusing on refining, collimating and weaving magic threads. There are other sister who can cast this spell in the temple, but I can do it faster and get better results.
Plus, it's the perfect stage to show them how far apart our skills are.
The ceremony is going well. The children are mostly healthy, many requiring only minor adjustments to their flow. It's easy to fix it if I find it this early. One of the children, a male Dark Skin has so little aptitude for magic that I can't even use on him.
It's Liara's time. The Sister who were bored seemingly wake up. They'll be in for a treat! I will not perform a on her.
Liara can see magic, I confirmed that during the first ritual. Using a will achieve better results. It's a spell I used to practice magic control. It manifest colored shapes in the air that can be seen by those with enough aptitude. My purpose here is not confirming her potential. I already know that. I am to show Liara's potential to the Sisters, and this is the most direct way to achieve my objective.
I focus to my limit, and manifest dozens of shapes that change in size and color. People, animals, scenery... Truly a sight to behold, if I'm allowed to boast. The next best weaver amongst us, Amigarde, can handle six shapes at most.
At first the sisters are in a mix of awe and stupor. I can almost hear them saying: "Why is the High Priestess waving ? A child can't see..."
Then, one by one, their sight shift from the dancing shapes of my to a playful child, trying to catch those shapes with her stubby hands.
Well done, Liara. You just proved that you can not only see magic as blurry lights, but you can see the threads clearly enough to recognize the shape of things you want!
"GNhahn!!!" (Liara)
I rescind my magic. Liara's reaction is immediate. She didn't like me stopping one bit. Children are so pure. It makes it easy to predict their reaction, unlike crafty adults.
The Sisters are bewildered by this turn of events.
First I'll spend a few words on the other children. I must show them that I fully expected this outcome.
"The children are healthy, you have done well. Good work, my Sisters." (Meridia)
Now, it's time to make the main announcement.
"About Liara... Her aptitude is exceptional, as I suspected. She is ready for the Ceremony of Gifts. It will be held in the Ritual Chambers seven days from now. That would be all." (Meridia)
My attendants help me wear my dress, then I leave the nursery as the Sisters rush to see Liara.
I'm sure Serina can deal with them. I have much to do.
Second Ceremony Of Gifts
Location: Gloria's Temple / Ritual Chamber
Time: Y1500 / 8th day of the Ice Moon
POV: Meridia
The time has come.
Faber's artifacts lay in wait.
The magic circles I painstakingly weaved stands ready.
Twelve sisters are in position near the walls of the chamber, they'll collimate magic threads for me. And eight more will join them soon.
The Seer's Crystal is in place. Awaiting to be inscribed with the most important magic map ever to appear in this world.
I'm inside the Ritual Chamber, the end result of centuries of experimentation in creating the best place to weave magic in. there is no better place in the whole continent.
I'm in perfect shape. I took a full day to cleanse my mind and purify my body.
And the final ingredient. Gloria's will. Which steady my hands and sharpens my mind.
As I am now, I feel like no task is beyond me.
Tonight I, Meridia of Victoria, High Priestess of Gloria, will weave a spell of my own design. A spell that will unmask the secret known as Liara. Deciphering her magic channel map them will usher a new era for the church of Gloria!
Serina and Liara enters the Ritual Chamber, accompanied by the final eight sisters. As planned, they take their place near the walls as well. Now twenty sisters stands ready around me.
Merce and Cassien take Liara from Serina's hands. They cleanse her body and make her wear Faber's artifacts. Finally, they place her atop of the Altar.
"Preparations are complete, Blessed One." (Merce)
"You may leave the chambers." (Meridia)
The attendants obey. They will stand by outside the door. Their lack of magical aptitude would make them an hindrance during the ritual. They will of course rush in to help the Me in the unluckily case that something goes awry.
"Blessed One. My sisters and I are ready as well. We awaits only your command." (Serina)
"I will now commence the ceremony. Serina, stay close to me. You'll be my aid if the spell breaks. Everyone else, focus, and refine magic threads to lessen my burden." (Meridia)
A few minute passes in absolute silence. I empty my mind and focus. Liara is calm now. Good.
I take my time. Nothing good will come out of rushing things now. I start activating the magic circles. Each has it's own exquisitely complex function.
I start injecting magic in the outer circles, they are meant to untangle, collimate and line up incoming magic threads. Once activated, they form several concentric translucent domes with circles dancing on it.
Next, I activate the middle circles. They are much more complex in function. They are meant to physically support the Crystal, and inscribe Liara's map in it. As I activate the last one of the set, the Seer's crystal breaks free of it's binding chains, and descend. Taking it's final position over the Altar and Liara.
Now that they are active, a trained eye can see a translucent sphere enclosing the crystal, with countless symbols and shape slowly moving over it. And jungle of magic threads links those shapes with the circles dancing upon the translucent concentric domes.
Next, I start activating the set of inner circles. They are circles just in name since they are irregular and intersect with each others. It was extremely hard to weave them. i had to make a trial run to see if they worked properly.
The supporting circles are at last active. A series of complex lines that form no discernible pattern are now inside the dome, roaming in an apparent chaotic way.
The final circle is weaved on the altar itself, it will link Faber's artifacts with the core element of my spell. It acts as bridge between the spell and Liara. And now it's active as well. This one is not impressive to look at, just a series of unimpressive circles around the altar.
Finally it's time to activate Faber's artifacts. The actual mapping of Liara's magic circuits is done by them. Truly Faber's masterpiece.
It is done. The artifacts are active. There is no coming back since they are single use. They will crumble into dust as soon as the magic power within them depletes. The artifacts glow golden, countless magic threads link them with the core elements of my spell that are still dancing around. Symbols of unthinkable complexity slowly roam on their surface.
One more components await activation. A set of enchantment I weaved upon my own body. I carefully direct the flow of magic within me, and the enchantment activate. Patterns over my skin appears into existence and my body glows in an ever changing rainbow light.
This spell is the end result of all of my studies in magic. I took upon the monumental task of improving upon them after the first failed ceremony. They have to be activated not only in the correct sequence, but also with the correct timing. And I have to manually link the core elements of the spell with the magic elements of the middle and outer circle. It's safe to say that I'm the only human able to weave this spell.
The preparation is complete. I take a moment to admire my work. Truly a work of art.
Had my mentor told me that I would one day weave a spell like this, I wouldn't have believed him.
I launch a quick glance at my sisters in front of me. They are mesmerised by my spell. This can hardly be said to be the work of a human, after all. Once more, I proved my abilities. Now, I just have to get results.
I take my time. It's taking it's toll to sustain such complex spell, but I need to get a feel for it. I experiment with the engraving circuits. I will inscribe my name inside the crystal, for all posterity to witness.
I have written my name with gorgeous details and elaborates embellishments. I can't believe just how small the details I can write upon the crystals are. There is no comparison to the I cast before. Seeing is easier than making. No matter how skilled Liara's engraver is, Liara's channels cannot possibly be smaller than what my current sight can see!
Time to start. I inject an extremely small and thin thread inside Liara's body, and feel the reaction.
(High Priestess)
I can't believe it.
This is impossible!
I refuse to accept it!!!
is not enough!!!
I touched a channel inside Liara, I can feel the power flowing inside it, than branching into smaller channels, then branching again, and again, and again. Spreading over her body until it apparently disappears from existence. Of course magic power can't disappear. It's just that those channels are to small for even a spell of this level to see them.
I'm astonished.
It's like climbing a mountain for weeks, and when you finally reach what you think is the summit, you look up, and see that the mountain top is nowhere to be seen. Instead the mountain reaches above over the clouds in mockery of your efforts. Piercing the heavens themselves to the great beyond.
I suddenly feel so small...
A saying comes to my mind. The tale of the Monkey and the Moon. Every night the monkey jumps, trying to touch the Moon. But fails. For it doesn't matter how close the monkey think he is. The moon is forever outside the Monkeys reach.
Pull it together! I have invested too many resources in this. I simply MUST get something back!
I sharpen my senses to their limits and begin mapping Liara's channels to the best of my abilities.
Location: Gloria's Temple / Ritual Chamber
Time: Y1500 / 8th day of the Ice Moon
POV: Meridia
How long has it been. Seconds? Hours? Years?
No. Don't think. Just do!
*sweat* (Meridia)
My mind is taxed.
I don't know how much more of this I can take.
I gave up on making a full map a while ago.
I'm just trying to make an accurate map of a small portions of a single circuit within Liara. Even that is filling the crystal quickly.
The more I glean of Liara's Circuit, the more the depth of the skills of the engraver shocks me. No one but Gloria herself could possibly have weaved such circuits.
Ah! To think I once prided myself as being the greatest living enchantress!
I feel like laughing at my older self!
No! don't let your mind wander, Meridia. Focus! For Gloria!
*heavy breath* (Meridia)
My body is close to it's limit. It's hard to even focus my sight.
The crystal is almost filled. It's far from a satisfying result, but is better than nothing. At least I have definite proof that Liara's enchantments are the works of Gloria.
[<%$(%"(/$))!=£(**] (???)
What is this? Foreign magic is spreading within my spell.
I trace it.
The source is a single thread coming from Liara. It's from one of tracing threads of the innermost scanning circle. It's connected to one of her enhancement circle.
Uhm... There seems to be excess magic circling inside that circuit...
Liara's circuit is Active!
I must have activated it by mistake! Cut the thread!
The thread is cut, but the circuit is still active!
The interference is now flowing from nearby threads as well, and it's spreading!!! Other circuits within Liara must be activating! Their feedback is interfering with my spell!
This spell is far too big and complex. I simply can't handle it if this kind of interference is injected directly inside the circles!
I. Can't. Suppress. All. Interferences.
*creak* (Seer's Crystal)
The engraving circuits are being affected now! It's overwriting everything I painstakingly written! The load is even cracking the crystal itself! It will shatter in a matter of seconds at this rate! The feedback might even kill me!
This is it then. So be it...
There is nothing to be done.
I can no longer safely rescind the magic.
I have to forcefully break it.
I have embedded a failsafe in each of the dozens of magic circles. Injecting power into the failsafe will forcefully snap the structural magic threads upon which all the spell is build upon.
The feedback on my body will be great, but I have no choice. The alternative is certain death. For me and Liara. And such outcome must not come to pass.
"Serina! Shatter!" (Meridia)
I look at Serina while I pronounce the safe word. It quickly inform my ancilla that the spell is about to catastrophically breaks. Her eyes go wide. I entrust my body to you, Serina.
May Gloria forgive me for my failure.
Darkness descends upon my world.
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