《Twilight over Arcania》Chapter 9: Decisions
Location: Gloria's Temple/Council Chamber
Time: Y1502 / 20th day of the Harvest Moon
POV: Amigarde, High Priestess of Gloria
The latest report made it clear. The status quo cannot be maintained any longer. The impossible job that was given to me turned out to be impossible after all. As I approach the sturdy doors of the council chambers with long steps I make up my mind.
*open doors* (Guards)
The guards quickly open the doors without even announcing my arrival. They know what happened.
*enter* "Many blessings. Time is short, so I'd like to begin the hearing right away." (Amigarde)
*nod* "Very well... Care to explain what happened, Sister?" *glare* (Vaerminia)
"The Fourth Unit answered a call for aid from the temple of Secularia. They entered the Silent Forest to root out the group of bandits responsible. It was a trap." (Amigarde)
"How many?" (Teoren, Lord of the Order of the Knights of Gloria)
Lord Teooren has a worried expression and has been keeping himself busy by fidgeting with his fingers. He fought alongside Steffen during the war and cares deeply for his well being.
"If you want to know how many knight survived, its three. If you mean the enemy, there were fifty of them. Most died, including their chieftain." (Amigarde)
*whisper* “We need our men more than they need theirs!” (Cassandra)
"Is Steffen..." (Teoren)
"The leader of the fourth unit survived, Lord Teoren. Mage Knight Stella and Scout Knight Feldris are alive as well. But it will take time for them to heal and resume their duties." (Amigarde)
An heavy silence befell the room. I give them time to consider my words.
Teoren looks relived. He is just glad his old friend made it.
Pernida and Kamila both seem relived. They knew something big happened, they probably expected things to be even worse. Steffen's death would have been a severe blow. One we cannot take right now.
Cassandra is in deep thought. She is probably already thinking of the long term consequences of this attack. And things look very, very bad for us right now.
Then there is Vaerminia...
The old hag face is red with anger. She is about to explode.
I'm sick and tired of being compared to Meridia! Of being told how inferior to her I am!
*weave* (Amigarde)
"Amigarde! Don't!!!" *stand up* (Pernida)
I close my eyes, and start weaving as many magic threads as I can. I want them to feel the pressure of my magic!
I might have been second to old Meridia. But she lost her powers!
It's time for the Council to take me seriously!
I'm number one now! I am the high Priestess!!!
*exhale* (Amigarde)
Uff... I let the magic threads I gathered dissipate like smoke.
The members of the council are on the edge of their seats. They are as pale as ghosts and have finally shut their mouths. It seems I got my point across.
My heart feels lighter after this little display.
I recompose myself and speak resolutely. I know what is to be done, like it or not.
"I'm not here to argue with you. I'm here to notify you of MY decision." (Amigarde)
*grimace* (Vaerminia)
Vaerminia shocked expression is a nice treat.
"The root of the problem is that we are stretched too thin for the territories we have. It worked when our enemies fared us. When we had a cheap source of powerful disposable artifacts. When we had a seer to warn us of great tragedies. None of those strength are ours anymore." (Amigarde)
An uncomfortable truth. Several members of the council look down. It's time to press my advantage.
"I will begin negotiation with the Cult of Fertility. And our other enemies. We will leave our fringe temples. We will pull back our forces and fortify the territories we CAN hold. Mostly the plains around Victoria." (Amigarde)
"But... Those territories have been ours for..." (Kamila)
"Silence, I'm not finished. And as High Priestess the decision is MINE. You have the power to remove me. But unless you plan to do so, you will listen." (Amigarde)
I wait a few seconds. None of them argue. It feels good to remind them of their place! They pushed on me the impossible task of being a replacement for Meridia and fixing her mistakes long enough.
"As I was saying~ If we try to hold everything, we will lose everything. By fortifying our core temples, our enemies will no longer be able to harm us with cheap assaults like they do now. And they can't hide a large scale mobilization from us or the public. The danger will quickly subside. As price, we will lose a great deal of influence and prestige. The alternative is the total collapse of the Church of Gloria in a few years." (Amigarde)
The members of the council look each others in the eyes. They are in agreement. This went better than expected.
"Very well. If that's the High Priestess' decision we can only abide to it." (Pernida)
Pernida took the fall and was the one who acknoweldged me. I would have liked for Vaerminia to humble herself, but I guess that was too much to ask for.
"What will be done with the fourth unit?" (Teoren)
"There will be no Fourth Unit anymore. The survivors need time to heal. After that Steffen and Stella will raise the next generation of Knights and Feldris will become a lone scout. We need to replenish our losses. I will make sure than when the day comes, the Gifted One will have all the tools she needs to restore our lost domains and crush our enemies. Once and for all." (Amigarde)
*whisper* "So your grand plan IS to leave the pieces for that little girl to pick up..." (Vaerminia)
Leaving Vaerminia sterile comment aside, Pernida glances at the other councilmen, getting a slight nod from each of them.
*inhale* *stand up* "With an heavy heart, the council hear and approve of your decision, High Priestess. This will be all. You may leave." (Pernida)
"Very well. If you excuse me, there is much to be done." *leave* (Amigarde)
I understand this is hard for Vaerminia. It'll be hard for everyone.
I'm admitting the defeat of the church here. But we can't bluff when our enemies all know we are weak.
What our enemies do not know is that we have an ace in the hole. Liara. The Gifted One. By the time they realize just how strong she is, it will be too late for them.
No one in this world will be able to stand against Liara once she fully realizes her potential. Meridia was the strongest enchantress in the continent and the strongest mage in the Church, and even her aptitude pale in comparison with Liara's.
Who knows... Liara might be on par with the High Elves from the myths. Not that there are any around anymore to find out. Fortunately for us.
This is a tribulation we must endure.
The Church of Gloria is destined to prevail.
And Liara will be the instrument of our victory!
As Gloria wills it.
First day of school
Location: Gloria's Temple / School
Time: Y1502 / 2nd day of the Ice Moon
POV: Liara
There are many sections of this complex I never visited before. Today I'm heading for a new wing to start a new chapter in my life here.
Today is my first day in school!
I never went to school during my crappy life in the old world. Of course others Me even went to university and medical schools and I can see their experiences, but I'm exited nevertheless!
[It's going to do you good to interact with people your age.] (Doctor Me)
[Who knows... Maybe you'll finally learn how a children is supposed to behave...] (Science Me)
Shut up! I think I'm doing pretty well for myself!
*pffttt* (Others Me)
... Moving on...
*kneel* “Here we are Liara. Be a good child and listen to the teacher, ok?” *kiss on forehead* (Serina)
“I will!” *smile* (Liara)
*leave* *look back* *smile* *weave hand* (Serina)
Mother worries too much. This is going to be easy! With Science Me by my side I'll ace all the tests they throw at me!
Mwhahah! I'm an evil genius!
[Won't this be completely different from schools in our world?] (Bookworm Me)
[Shhhh... I won't to enjoy the moment she realizes!] (Gamer Me)
Uhm? What was that all about?!?
[Nothing! Carry on, Liara!] *smirk* (Gamer Me)
“Liara, don't be afraid. Come in.” (Ramia, Teacher)
Ha~ I was spacing out at the doorstep.
The room is unremarkable.
There is a chair and a painting of Gloria in front and several rows of benches. There are no tables and it doesn't seem like students are meant to either read or write here.
It looks more like a small church than a classroom...
"Brother and Sisters, today a new Acolyte will join our class. Her name is Liara. Treat her well." *point* (Ramia)
Wow. Am I really going to take the same class as them? There are about thirty children of varying ages. The youngest is probably four years old, bot the oldest look ten years old!
I myself am only two years old and barely one meter tall. How does this make any sense???
[This is a religious institution. What were you expecting? Computers?] (Explorer Me)
The kids are looking at me funny. This look absurd even to them.
As I walk toward a bench with an empty sear, a kid extend his leg. He wants to trip me. He is a Dark Skin boy, and probably is the oldest kid here. He is much taller than the others, and big to the point of being fat.
[He must be the bully. I have been bullied before and you don't want that to happen to you. You have to act now! Bullies only target those who won't fight back. It took forever for me to learn this simple lesson. KICK HIS LEG!] (Gamer me)
I can see memories of Gamer Me. Awful. Not as awful as being abandoned in an alley to die to be sure, but this is my second go at life. I will not let others trample all over me!
*kick* (Liara)
I'm a two years old girl not even one meter tall. The big kid probably didn't even feel my puny kick, and yet he look astonished!
*gaping* (Big Kid)
*glare* (Liara)
I just stand there, right by his side.
I GLARE at him.
Needless to say, he didn't expect me to fight back.
"WHAT!?!" *screech* *stand up* (Big Kid)
After realizing he is being challenged by a little baby girl, he becomes red in face and rise from the bench in a snap making a loud noise. The others that sit there almost lose balance. They look pale in face. The big boy is at least half a meter taller than me, and weigh three times as much. Maybe more.
I don't advert my sight. I'm not afraid. After all I have been through, both in the old world and the new, a mere bully is a walk in the park for me!
You picked the wrong target, brat!
"Liara! Thomen! Stop!!" *sweat* (Ramia)
The calm and uninspired voice of the teacher from before is gone. I can feel panic from her words just now?
[Yes! Teachers are lazy. They don't care about you. But they don't want trouble either. They only act if not acting means even more problems for them. Well done Liara!] (Gamer Me)
Neither of us are backing down. He come very close to me. He wears a dirty one piece rag. His belly is almost touching my face. Disgusting, but I look up into his eyes. I'm not afraid of you, brat.
“Enough!!” *forcefully separates Liara and Thomen* (Ramia)
[Success! The bully was unable to scare you, and all his classmates saw that! Plus the teacher was forced to intervene. That's the best outcome you could have hoped for!] (Gamer me)
I look at the big kid him like he is beneath me. Because he is. Physical size is not as important as the social status. We might be both kids, but I'm the Gifted One! He he he.
I walk toward a bench with an empty spot.
The kids make room for me!
I look around. The children are watching me in awe. They are secretly smiling. He must bully many of them daily. Some of them look at me with pity, and advert their sight when I look at them.
[Don't look at Thomen now. Show him that this was no big deal to you. He must be boiling inside!] (Gamer Me)
Thomen. Should I consider him my first enemy in this world? Not that he'll make for much of one...
The High Priestess became crippled studying me and nothing was done to me in retaliation. There is no way this brat is more valuable than the High Priestess.
Uhm... If we fight, and I get hurt, I wonder what will happen to Thomen. I saw Serina cast healing magic, so I will be alright eventually. And I'm used to pain.
Him on the other hand... What is the price for harming the Gifted One I wonder? He he he.
[You are scaring me!] (Bookworm Me)
[You know what Liara went through in his previous life. We are strangers in this world. It's only natural to use whatever means at our disposal to succeed. Results are all that matters!] (Science Me)
[Come on. We are talking about a school bully here. Let's not exaggerate things...] (Explorer Me)
Shhhh! Enough chatter! Let's hear our first lesson.
[Sure... Lesson... Lets hear about their goddess or whatever...] (Science Me)
"Many blessings, Children of Gloria. Let's begin today's lesson.” (Ramia)
“Many blessings, sister Ramia!” (Children)
“Many blessings, sister Ramia!” (Liara)
“For those that do not know, I'll present myself. I'm Ramia. I'm an apprentice scribe. It means that I know the Words. I'm training under Sister Geneva, the Head Scribe. One of my duties is to teach you the ways of Gloria." (Ramia)
[Pfffft! The ways of Gloria! This is going to be useless!] (Science Me)
[This is a precious chance to learn the commonly accepted truth in this world. We need to blend in or we will just make it harder for ourselves.] (Explorer Me)
Shhhhhh! Argue later!
"Today let's start from the very beginning. Before Arcania, there were two goddesses. Gloria and the Great Other. Together they decided to create the world.” (Ramia)
This probably isn't the first time the children hear this story, but they are listening with attention anyway.
[Ramia is a good storyteller at the very least.] (Bookworm Me)
“To be complete a world needs warmth and cool in equal measure, like day and night. Gloria blessed the world with all that's good and fair. The Great Other made all the rest. We humans are Gloria's favourite creation!" (Ramia)
[What a shock. Their goddess made them the most important creatures in her creation! Never heard of that one before!] (Science Me)
"The Great Other made the evil Dragons!!!" (Hetia, Acolyte)
An adorable little girl about eight years old intervene. Uhm... So there were dragons in this world?
[Of course there were dragons! Didn't you hear the Truth?!? Also our world was chocke full of Ice Giants, Titans, Unicorns! And Dragons too!!! And it was flat and laying on a tortoise back!] *scoffs* (Science Me)
[Enough of that, you are not helping. And don't forget magic is real in this world. Let's not dismiss their tales outright, ok?] (Explorer Me)
"Yes, Hetia. The Great Other made the Dragons! Jealous of the special place Humans were given in this world, the Great Other created a foil to us. The Dragons were pure evil and visited great suffering upon us." (Ramia)
*gasp* (Children)
The kids are really liking this story. I'm actually enjoying it too. It doesn't feel like a lesson, and it's not like there are other forms of entertainment in the temple complex...
"But not all was lost! Gloria couldn't bear our suffering anymore. Our Goddess descended in this world and took human form clad in light and pure white!” (Ramia)
[The teacher is a good storyteller if nothing else. She knows how to read and lead her audience.] (Gamer Me)
“Gloria wanted us free from the yoke of the evil Dragons. But the Great Other wouldn't allow it. They took the form of a giant fearsome Dragon, breathing black flames." (Ramia)
Several kids are on the edges of their seats! They are really into it.
"Gloria and the Great Other fought! They fought twenty nine days and twenty nine nights. Their battle could be heard in every corner of the world! It shook the Earth! It painted the sky red. The stars themselves fell from the celestial vault with each of their clash!" (Ramia)
Uhm... More than a lesson this feels like a play... Ramia is really into the story herself. This might be the closest thing to a movie they have here? I'm a bit disappointed, but then again Gamer Me saw virtual reality movies. It's an unfair comparison.
[This could actually be a pretty effective way to keep a kid attention and indoctrinate them. Of course is not good for teaching, but I wonder if they actually know anything of worth about the laws of this world... I'd rather talk with Meridia about magic.] (Science Me)
"The battle was so intense that even the Sun itself got scared and hid behind black clouds, never to be seen again for many lifetimes! The water froze and trees withered! All seemed lost! Had the Great Other prevailed?" (Ramia)
[Uhm... Stars falling, black clouds and ice? This sounds like a nuclear winter...] (Science Me)
[Even legends in our world had pieces of truth in their foundations. There might be some truth behind this story as well. Maybe a volcanic eruption or a meteor strike. This might be the recount of the survivors, exaggerated by oral tradition.] (Explorer Me)
"No! After the night, came the dawn. The withered trees flowered. The frozen water thawed. The sky opened. Gloria had won! And the Dragons were no more!" (Ramia)
**stand up** **cheers** (Children)
*giggle* Those kids are adorable! Truth or not they really enjoyed this story..
"Now, let us thank Gloria for saving us." (Ramia)
Of course they have prayers... Something tells me I'm not going to enjoy this part.
""Gloria, who..."" (Ramia and children)
They put both their hands on their chest, lower their head, close their eyes and start praying.
I do my best to follow their lead. I don't want to make things harder for myself for no reasons.
Now that I think about it, even if Gloria were real, I doubt she would care about worship.
At very least wouldn't care.
I wonder if is watching me right now...
Dragon Plaza
Location: Forbidden City
Time: Y0000 / 28th day of the Fire Moon
The sun was high in the sky, but the streets of the Forbidden City were barren. Just hours before a Dragon had been prying upon the Rat Kin for sport and everyone retired inside their stone houses.
The Forbidden City was a unique place. The plain at the root of the Black Mountain was scarred with deep canyons that radiated from the mountain out like a web. The Rat Kin built their homes by digging into the vertical walls of those canyons. The reason is simple. Rocks won't burn.
The biggest canyons were hundreds of meters deep, and almost as wide. There were stony stairs and passageways. The city was vertical rather than horizontal, and no other city or settlement in this world resembled the Forbidden City.
From the deepest levels of the canyon, a procession started to climb. A dozen Rat Kin were carrying wooden logs, a jar and torches. One of them wore gaudy clothes.
After a while the procession reached the surface.
Over centuries the Rat Kin built impressive monuments there. Pyramids. Mausoleums. Statues. Truly a sight to behold. A place that wouldn't lose to Giza on Earth.
The largest structure was a gargantuan stony plaza. It was made of solid stone block. It was tens of meters thick. It was a square one kilometre in size. Nearby hills were flattened to get the materials needed. An impressive feat that took the Rat Kin one century and countless sacrifices to build.
The Dragon Plaza.
The procession climbed the side of the plaza, then headed for a structure in the middle.
All over the plaza there were creatures slumbering. They were of many colors and different sizes, but they all were in the shape of snakes. They were coiled, slumbering and basking in the sun.
Eventually the procession reached a structure in the middle of the plaza. An altar, about twenty meters tall. The Rat Kin filled the bracer on top of the stony altar with the wood they brought, they poured the content of the jar, and lit it with the torch. After priming the bracer, all but one Rat Kin hurried and left the Dragon Plaza.
A thick grey smoke started raising in the sky.
The Rat Kin with Gaudy clothes was a Dragon Priest. His duty was to act as messenger between the Rat Kin and the Dragons. He knelt in front of the bracer and waited.
The Dragon Priest was asking for an audience with The Apex.
Location: Forbidden City / Dragon plaza
Time: Y0000 / 29th day of the Fire Moon
The sun was still high in the sky when the Rat Kin lit the bracer in the middle of the Dragon Plaza.
The sun set and the night came. The Dragon Priest was still kneeling in front of the bracer.
The night subsided and the sun rose again. The Dragon Priest was still kneeling in front of the bracer. Only embers were left.
The Dragons are ageless and unchallenged. Their sense of time differed from the short lived and weak Rat Kins. Furthermore it was the weak that was calling for the strong to come. The answer would only arrive when a Dragon wished for it.
The Dragon Priest could do nothing but wait.
[The heat is unbearable. How much longer will I have to wait? If this goes on I might die before They even arrive.] *sweat* (Dragon Priest)
As in answer to the Rat Kin thought, the still air became agitated in the centre of the Dragon Plaza.
The Dragon Priest looked up. A snake like creature was coming from the sky. The creature had no wings, but was flying anyway in defiance of common sense. It looked as if it was swimming in the air, rather than flying in it. It's movement were gracious, like a dance.
As the Dragon descended, it became bigger and bigger, until it filled the sight of the Rat Kin. That Dragon was gigantic even when compared to other dragons slumbering on the plaza. A gargantuan beast about three hundred meters in length.
Gigantic beyond belief.
The creature touched down with a grace one wouldn't expect from such a massive body, making no noise at all. The Dragon coiled down, with it's head resting on the stony floor of the plaza.
The altar was twenty meters tall. Just enough for the Dragon priest to be at the same level of two eyes on the head of the gigantic Dragon. Two, because the Dragon had a third vertical eye on the top of it's forehead. It was closed.
"Mighty One! We bring an Oracle from the Elven Seer. Your faithful servant believe the content to be worthy of your attention!" *extend hands* (Dragon Priest)
*shatter* (Crystal Record)
In a moment, the delicate crystal held by the small furry hands broke in small pieces.
*collapse* (Dragon Priest)
The Dragon uttered no word nor did anything else at all. After the Rat Kin was done speaking, the simply shattered and the Dragon Priest died, falling lifeless on the ground.
*fly away* (Dragon)
The Dragon seemed to ponder for a few seconds, then lifted off and left with the same grace with which it had arrived.
The Dragon Priest succeeded in his heavy responsability.
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